Why would conservatives vote for DeSantis?


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
Serious question. DeSantis has done more than any other candidate or recent president to increase the power of the state over individual rights and no one seems to care. Is conservative ideology changed in terms of using the state to enforce it’s desired social outcome?
Pushing for decency and parental rights and against decadence is a good thing.

I think we're missing the point here.

He is using the power of the government, to regulate whatever social outcome is desired.

On one hand, Florida is pretty much all red, so the constituents must support it.

However, it does set a dangerous precedent in my opinion, for say, future democrats to do what they want, to achieve whatever social outcome is desired.
He's been successfully fighting for law enforcement raises for years now and shows no signs of stopping. If one candidate is trying to get me raises while the other hangs out with people that want to defund the police, well, my choice is obvious.
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He has defeated asshole Dems at every turn that's why. First destroy those punks in the Dem party, then we'll worry about conservative values.
"As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy."

Do you know what it means?
I think we're missing the point here.

He is using the power of the government, to regulate whatever social outcome is desired.

On one hand, Florida is pretty much all red, so the constituents must support it.

However, it does set a dangerous precedent in my opinion, for say, future democrats to do what they want, to achieve whatever social outcome is desired.
Future? Really? Look around at California, Oregon and Washington state. To me, they appear to be using the laws, legislation and tax structure to create the social outcome that they want, also. Does it suck, on both sides? Yes. Is it really new? No. Both Florida legislative leadership and that of all the west coast states, are extreme.
Future? Really? Look around at California, Oregon and Washington state. To me, they appear to be using the laws, legislation and tax structure to create the social outcome that they want, also. Does it suck, on both sides? Yes. Is it really new? No. Both Florida legislative leadership and that of all the west coast states, are extreme.

The Fed Govt has been doing it for a century or more. Tax breaks/credits for things they want us to do and higher taxes on things they do not. It is called social engineering.
The liberals use the government to force feed society a bunch of destructive crap, and when government is used to push back, the crocodile tears about state power and individual rights start flowing.
The OP's position is fair. Many conservatives are willing to abandon core elements of their values in the fight against liberalism. Liberals do this too of course, but still.
Apparently I ignored your post. Dems can fight dirty while Reps must play by a different set of rules blah blah. You people need to get some new content.
"Compassion is a weakness your enemies will not share." - Ra's al Ghul

"That's why it's so important. It separates  us from them." - Batman
I think we're missing the point here.
He is using the power of the government, to regulate whatever social outcome is desired.
On one hand, Florida is pretty much all red, so the constituents must support it.
However, it does set a dangerous precedent in my opinion, for say, future democrats to do what they want, to achieve whatever social outcome is desired.
Democrats do what they want to achieve their social outcome now.
In blue states do you think anyone censors the gay books in school libraries, or their pushing sex changes for kids?

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