Trump's Economic Pinnochio: Erroneous Economic KettleDrum (EEK!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Anyone will say that Donald Trump is about as high energy in economics as his Bush Family counterparts. George Bush I inherited the failure of the Reagan Administration to address lower and middle incomes. George Bush II intended an economic stimulus with tax cuts. 50% of tax filers already had zero income tax liability.

Now there is Low Energy Trump, making like a Kettledrum, but actually with no noise to offer. In Detroit, below are remarks below.
I am proposing an across-the-board income tax reduction, especially for middle-income Americans. This will lead to millions of new and really good-paying jobs. The rich will pay their fair share, but no one will pay so much that it destroys jobs, or undermines our ability as a nation to compete.

As part of this reform, we will eliminate the Carried Interest Deduction, a well-known deduction, and other special interest loopholes that have been so good for Wall Street investors, and people like me, but unfair to American workers. Tax simplification will be a major feature of the plan. Our current tax code is so burdensome and complex that we waste 9 billion hours a year in tax code compliance. My plan will reduce the current number of brackets from 7 to 3, and dramatically streamline the process.

We will work with House Republicans on this plan, using the same brackets they have proposed: 12, 25 and 33 percent.

For many American workers, their tax rate will be zero. While we will develop our own set of assumptions and policies, agreeing in some areas but not in all or in others, we will be focused on the same shared goals and guided by the same shared principles: jobs, growth and opportunity. These reforms will offer the biggest tax revolution since the Reagan Tax Reform, which unleashed years of continued economic growth and job creation. We will Make America Grow Again.

The last paragraph alone is an outrageous falsehood, starting with sentence one: "For many American workers, their tax rate will be zero." Mostly, for many American workers, their tax rates already are zero. The reforms had started with the raised and indexed standard deduction and personal exemption, equal amounts, in the 1986 tax reform. Bill Clinton's administration created an equal amount per child tax credit. The effect of the "Revolution" was to eliminate all further income tax bills for half the people filing.

Bush II didn't spot that. KettleDrum Don doesn't spot that.

"These reforms will offer the biggest tax revolution since the Reagan Tax Reform, which unleashed years of economic growth and job creation." See George Bush I, Only One Term. Bill Clinton became President of the United States with unemployment level, ready to exceed 8% on its way up fast! The era of the $300.0 tril. federal deficits was about to arrive.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes ready to shoot arrow into air. Many White Eyes then ready to bury heads in sand! Many White Eyes Then. . . . . .(Oh. . .My. . .Aching. . . .(?!?!). Transgender not big concern, anymore!)
Stupid post, Reagan was awesome. He helped everyone, Obama has done shit. Free free free is not an economic policy
buckeye45_73 just called the already prosperous, defense contractors of the Reagan era, "Everyone." Bush I, Only One Term, inherited the Reagan economy. The Bill Clinton Election was the outcome.

Then when it comes to the Pinocchio-level use of data: buckeye45_73 is in the sand. The first bail-out that actually worked in Bush II, Term One, was the collapse of the World Trade Towers, created by the 19 dead no-accounts. Osama bin laden fled to Pakistan. Bush-Cheney invaded Iraq! Trillion dollar level war spending was on the way, and mostly not even for body armor for any troops.

The new plan is for tax cuts again for the rich. The outcome has the noted historical legacy. Unemployment tends to rise. Nothing every trickles on down.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes had faith restored in Hippie McGovernites, with "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit!" Faith was in Equal Amount Payments, like in Matthew 25:1-16, critique of original Moses Atrocity, Deut. 23:19-20, outcome shown in Matthew 25 25:14-30!)
Reagan helped everyone? That is when the redistribution toward the top began, under Reagan.
Is this your excuse for being at the bottom and haven't been successful?

Reagan doubled the number of people receiving food stamps in his first two years, in spite of tightening eligibility requirements. Unemployment in the middle of his second term was over 6%. Democrats had to force him to cancel the Star Wars program research, which was a horrific expense and had yielded nothing, and to raise taxes, because revenues had fallen so steeply. Reagan's answer to the unemployment problem was to hire 1 million government workers, because they eat, drive and pay mortgages too.
Reagan helped everyone? That is when the redistribution toward the top began, under Reagan.
Is this your excuse for being at the bottom and haven't been successful?

Reagan doubled the number of people receiving food stamps in his first two years, in spite of tightening eligibility requirements. Unemployment in the middle of his second term was over 6%. Democrats had to force him to cancel the Star Wars program research, which was a horrific expense and had yielded nothing, and to raise taxes, because revenues had fallen so steeply. Reagan's answer to the unemployment problem was to hire 1 million government workers, because they eat, drive and pay mortgages too.
You failed to back any of that up. Reagan started with 70% marginal tax rate and ended with 28%. He had it down lower but did bump it up a bit.

You're in Canada but I remember Carter's Misery Index, gas lines and double digit inflation. Why prove how ignorant you are, I don't get it.
Reagan helped everyone? That is when the redistribution toward the top began, under Reagan.
Is this your excuse for being at the bottom and haven't been successful?

Reagan doubled the number of people receiving food stamps in his first two years, in spite of tightening eligibility requirements. Unemployment in the middle of his second term was over 6%. Democrats had to force him to cancel the Star Wars program research, which was a horrific expense and had yielded nothing, and to raise taxes, because revenues had fallen so steeply. Reagan's answer to the unemployment problem was to hire 1 million government workers, because they eat, drive and pay mortgages too.
You failed to back any of that up. Reagan started with 70% marginal tax rate and ended with 28%. He had it down lower but did bump it up a bit.

You're in Canada but I remember Carter's Misery Index, gas lines and double digit inflation. Why prove how ignorant you are, I don't get it.

She backed her's up a whole lot better than you did.
So again, this no way to appeal to a Sanders voter.
"For many American workers, their tax rate will be zero. While we will develop our own set of assumptions and policies, agreeing in some areas but not in all or in others, we will be focused on the same shared goals and guided by the same shared principles: jobs, growth and opportunity. These reforms will offer the biggest tax revolution since the Reagan Tax Reform, which unleashed years of continued economic growth and job creation. We will Make America Grow Again."
What made Ronald Reagan a Republican was the high income tax brackets of the early 1950's: 60% to 90% after all the deductions, which is where they came from. Likely an older Socialist concept was to direct spending into desirable economic growth sectors. Eisenhower, for example, created the federal highway program, having noted the success of the transport economy, of the Nazis. The Nazis and Fascists were also socialists. . .Eisenhower at least was a winner(?). Mussolini had even made the Italian trains run on time.

Probably the travel industry was on-board with those types of post-war reforms. Europe was famously, suddenly "Free Again(?),". . . of some. . . .Well(?)! "The Rich were ready to travel to Europe. . . .Again(?)!" The United Nations would create the nation-state of Israel(?). Probably the Trump Family Zingers are aware of at least that part. No longer in Europe would some people be! Relocation of entire peoples is where you find it. Fascist, and then the fascists.

The older Socialists were of a brand, creating in Europe even major health plans. Socialist Sweden is on board with a single-payer plan even now. Sanders wanted, finally, to create a federally funded aristocracy of college faculty. The apparent idea was get high school students to apply for the grants, maybe, which they would use to pay for qualified schools. Socialists do that. The children need to learn the various applications processes. In one version, the Soviet Elite got the old Czarist Daschas for state-controlled housing. The people got housing, even sub-standard by Olympic Village standards. It's all in the application process, now aka, "The apps>"

Mostly, even economists seem not to be aware of any of that! See the kettledrum, making fascist noise, below
"While we will develop our own set of assumptions and policies, agreeing in some areas but not in all or in others, we will be focused on the same shared goals and guided by the same shared principles: jobs, growth and opportunity."

See Trump Family Zingers kind of socialism--Fascist--announced right there in Detroit!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Yet addressing the Final Solution To the Presbyterian Question! "Just where is all this money going to come from!")
You say there are many lies, yet fail to point out ANY.

Fail... you should watch some more Clinton, her lies are easy to spot.
"For Many American Workers, their tax rate will be zero," is a lot of lies. The millions already have zero liability for federal income taxes, and so any new rates or cuts are never going to apply. So Maybe tens of millions of lies happen, in just one low-energy sentence.

Jeb Bush could have mumbled this. His brother, George, knew nothing about it: Just like Trump. Florida would go on to reinvent the dimpled chad, The collapse of the World Trade Towers by the 19 dead no-accounts. Osama bin laden fled to Pakistan. Bush-Cheney invaded Iraq instead. Hundreds of billions were sent to the already prosperous defense contractors instead. Low and middle income homeowners found themselves unable to keep up--no trickle down. Upper Income investors would go on to be unable to even find where the worthless mortgage papers went!

That's a lot of lies--Trump and the Republican brand, just generally.

The Concept of Secretary Clinton sending and receiving Zero emails with headings marked "Classified" is easy to follow, by comparison!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!

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