Trump’s comment about “leaving the country” represents the hypocrisy of republicans


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Trump and his supporters clearly only care about their own 1st amendment rights. First it was footballers kneeling and now it is telling women born in America to leave because of some fantasy perception of them not liking this country.
Oh thank gawd you posted this Beely!

Now I can ignore the other 147 threads on the subject.
Trump and his supporters clearly only care about their own 1st amendment rights. First it was footballers kneeling and now it is telling women born in America to leave because of some fantasy perception of them not liking this country.
There are no exit visas required from America. That was a democratic socialist thing. They can should go back to their shitholes.
Trump and his supporters clearly only care about their own 1st amendment rights. First it was footballers kneeling and now it is telling women born in America to leave because of some fantasy perception of them not liking this country.

I'm not really clear on that one -- Did he tell them to "Leave The Country" or did he just tell them to go back where they came from and fix that shit-hole?

Pretty sure they all represent shit-holes INSIDE the USA.
Trump and his supporters clearly only care about their own 1st amendment rights. First it was footballers kneeling and now it is telling women born in America to leave because of some fantasy perception of them not liking this country.
Move the fuck to China.

Oh shit, am I a racist now?
No, you’re still just an idiot.
Obviously you haven't heard any of their anti-American statements. .. :cuckoo:
It doesn’t matter if one perceives them as un American. Telling them to leave is what is retarded.

How about the dusty skulled goofs that tell us in screechy voices that they'll LEAVE this country if so and so is elected.

Is that retarded?

Of course... they're damn liars, they never planned to leave the best country on the planet even for a minute.
Trump and his supporters clearly only care about their own 1st amendment rights. First it was footballers kneeling and now it is telling women born in America to leave because of some fantasy perception of them not liking this country.

"Some fantasy perception about them not liking this country"???! Have you read what they've said?
It doesn’t matter if one perceives them as un American. Telling them to leave is what is retarded.

Nahhhh...being Un-American is what is retarded.
Apparently, you folks want to keep this rhetoric going since you folks don't have anything else to talk about.
Trump and his supporters clearly only care about their own 1st amendment rights. First it was footballers kneeling and now it is telling women born in America to leave because of some fantasy perception of them not liking this country.
Move the fuck to China.

Oh shit, am I a racist now?
Sure China, or Mexico, or Europe, or Antarctica any damn place you want. Just like Americans have been saying to anti-Americans for a century, "IF you don't love this country, you can go live anywhere you want".
Obviously you haven't heard any of their anti-American statements. .. :cuckoo:
It doesn’t matter if one perceives them as un American. Telling them to leave is what is retarded.
How many idiots on this same forum have told others to leave? I think you have said that more then once.
In case you missed his comment it was go back to where they were from. So of course leftists need to lie and add on to it and make it about leavings he U.S.
Trump and his supporters clearly only care about their own 1st amendment rights. First it was footballers kneeling and now it is telling women born in America to leave because of some fantasy perception of them not liking this country.
Hey Billy, you easily-offended, emotionally-manipulated, indoctrinated snowflake, Trump's comments - which reflect the opinion of the majority of Americans - is an example if Americans exercising their Constitutional Right of Free Speech.

The reason Omar can publicly attack the country she is in and the leader of the country is because she fled her home country and was allowed to come here.

One of the main reasons she does not dare go back is because she knows if she pulled that shit there she would not survive a week.

Omar is following Islamic Extremist protocol - go to another country, work your way into positions of power, and use that nation's laws / rules / freedoms against them to advance their (her) agenda...
Trump and his supporters clearly only care about their own 1st amendment rights. First it was footballers kneeling and now it is telling women born in America to leave because of some fantasy perception of them not liking this country.
Inviting someone to get the fuck out (which is not what Trump said) is not violating their 1st Amendment rights. You need to go back to law school and polish up on your Con Law.


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