Trumps 2020 "Killing Americans" Tour ( Ford plant)

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Donald Trump defied requests from company executives and was called a “petulant child” by a state attorney general when he refused to wear a face mask during a visit to Michigan, a battleground state where he has repeatedly clashed with the Democratic governor, and on Thursday used a speech to urge American churches to reopen amid the pandemic.

Trump toured a plant belonging to the Ford car company, in Ypsilanti, Michigan, which has been recast to produce ventilators and personal protective equipment to use in the coronavirus crisis.

Surrounded by Ford executives who were wearing masks, Trump told reporters he had put one on earlier, out of the view of cameras.

“I had one on before. I wore one in the back area. I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it,” Trump said.

The half wit used the visit to call for Churches to reopen. It beggars belief that there are 90k + deaths in the US because of this virus and the President is so deficient that he cant put on a mask on a visit to a factory making PPE gear.
What sort of example is he setting the country ? People will die because of his idiocy, 90000 have already.
Being the world leader in Covid deaths is a point of pride for his cult.

Donald Trump defied requests from company executives and was called a “petulant child” by a state attorney general when he refused to wear a face mask during a visit to Michigan, a battleground state where he has repeatedly clashed with the Democratic governor, and on Thursday used a speech to urge American churches to reopen amid the pandemic.

Trump toured a plant belonging to the Ford car company, in Ypsilanti, Michigan, which has been recast to produce ventilators and personal protective equipment to use in the coronavirus crisis.

Surrounded by Ford executives who were wearing masks, Trump told reporters he had put one on earlier, out of the view of cameras.

“I had one on before. I wore one in the back area. I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it,” Trump said.

The half wit used the visit to call for Churches to reopen. It beggars belief that there are 90k + deaths in the US because of this virus and the President is so deficient that he cant put on a mask on a visit to a factory making PPE gear.
What sort of example is he setting the country ? People will die because of his idiocy, 90000 have already.

Yet I doubt if he wore one, he is full of lies.

Donald Trump defied requests from company executives and was called a “petulant child” by a state attorney general when he refused to wear a face mask during a visit to Michigan, a battleground state where he has repeatedly clashed with the Democratic governor, and on Thursday used a speech to urge American churches to reopen amid the pandemic.

Trump toured a plant belonging to the Ford car company, in Ypsilanti, Michigan, which has been recast to produce ventilators and personal protective equipment to use in the coronavirus crisis.

Surrounded by Ford executives who were wearing masks, Trump told reporters he had put one on earlier, out of the view of cameras.

“I had one on before. I wore one in the back area. I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it,” Trump said.

The half wit used the visit to call for Churches to reopen. It beggars belief that there are 90k + deaths in the US because of this virus and the President is so deficient that he cant put on a mask on a visit to a factory making PPE gear.
What sort of example is he setting the country ? People will die because of his idiocy, 90000 have already.
Lol. Democrats are a joke at this point . TDS thread # what ? Hoax of the century , lockdown, wear a mask .. lol... what a joke.

Donald Trump defied requests from company executives and was called a “petulant child” by a state attorney general when he refused to wear a face mask during a visit to Michigan, a battleground state where he has repeatedly clashed with the Democratic governor, and on Thursday used a speech to urge American churches to reopen amid the pandemic.

Trump toured a plant belonging to the Ford car company, in Ypsilanti, Michigan, which has been recast to produce ventilators and personal protective equipment to use in the coronavirus crisis.

Surrounded by Ford executives who were wearing masks, Trump told reporters he had put one on earlier, out of the view of cameras.

“I had one on before. I wore one in the back area. I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it,” Trump said.

The half wit used the visit to call for Churches to reopen. It beggars belief that there are 90k + deaths in the US because of this virus and the President is so deficient that he cant put on a mask on a visit to a factory making PPE gear.
What sort of example is he setting the country ? People will die because of his idiocy, 90000 have already.
He’s our leader and we are proud of him
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Donald Trump defied requests from company executives and was called a “petulant child” by a state attorney general when he refused to wear a face mask during a visit to Michigan, a battleground state where he has repeatedly clashed with the Democratic governor, and on Thursday used a speech to urge American churches to reopen amid the pandemic.

Trump toured a plant belonging to the Ford car company, in Ypsilanti, Michigan, which has been recast to produce ventilators and personal protective equipment to use in the coronavirus crisis.

Surrounded by Ford executives who were wearing masks, Trump told reporters he had put one on earlier, out of the view of cameras.

“I had one on before. I wore one in the back area. I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it,” Trump said.

The half wit used the visit to call for Churches to reopen. It beggars belief that there are 90k + deaths in the US because of this virus and the President is so deficient that he cant put on a mask on a visit to a factory making PPE gear.
What sort of example is he setting the country ? People will die because of his idiocy, 90000 have already.
Trump doesn't have the virus because he takes why should he wear a mask?
Well....clearly the media lied.
Trump wore a mask until the cameras came on.....then took it off so people could understand what he said.
On the other hand members of the media like to attend outdoor White House briefings with masks on but pull off their masks as soon as the cameras are all turned off. One of them removed her mask so she could accuse the president of being a bigot toward Asians.

But in fact at one time the surgeon general recommended not wearing a mask. Masks have become a badge of honor for liberals, and if you're not wearing one in public you're a murderer.....according to the left.

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Donald Trump defied requests from company executives and was called a “petulant child” by a state attorney general when he refused to wear a face mask during a visit to Michigan, a battleground state where he has repeatedly clashed with the Democratic governor, and on Thursday used a speech to urge American churches to reopen amid the pandemic.

Trump toured a plant belonging to the Ford car company, in Ypsilanti, Michigan, which has been recast to produce ventilators and personal protective equipment to use in the coronavirus crisis.

Surrounded by Ford executives who were wearing masks, Trump told reporters he had put one on earlier, out of the view of cameras.

“I had one on before. I wore one in the back area. I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it,” Trump said.

The half wit used the visit to call for Churches to reopen. It beggars belief that there are 90k + deaths in the US because of this virus and the President is so deficient that he cant put on a mask on a visit to a factory making PPE gear.
What sort of example is he setting the country ? People will die because of his idiocy, 90000 have already.
I take it you don't care that much for Mr Trump?

Donald Trump defied requests from company executives and was called a “petulant child” by a state attorney general when he refused to wear a face mask during a visit to Michigan, a battleground state where he has repeatedly clashed with the Democratic governor, and on Thursday used a speech to urge American churches to reopen amid the pandemic.

Trump toured a plant belonging to the Ford car company, in Ypsilanti, Michigan, which has been recast to produce ventilators and personal protective equipment to use in the coronavirus crisis.

Surrounded by Ford executives who were wearing masks, Trump told reporters he had put one on earlier, out of the view of cameras.

“I had one on before. I wore one in the back area. I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it,” Trump said.

The half wit used the visit to call for Churches to reopen. It beggars belief that there are 90k + deaths in the US because of this virus and the President is so deficient that he cant put on a mask on a visit to a factory making PPE gear.
What sort of example is he setting the country ? People will die because of his idiocy, 90000 have already.

Liberal tears remain the most effective Covid treatment
The most tested man in the country for the virus and somehow he would spread the virus..........


We are having to wear masks where I work.....problem is they can't find the dang things.......So they bought stinking neck chaff that you pull over your mouth..............Problem is ......we work outside in the FREAKING SUN.......The mask gets it's like BEING WATER BOARDED WITH YOUR DANG SWEAT...........IDOICY...........

Rules come from corporate in Cali..............bunch of dang idiots.......most only put the stupid things on when we think the MASK NAZI'S might be around................Yes........we call them MASK NAZI'S.........

I managed to find a better CLOTH MASK......from the Army Navy gets sweaty too appease the dick heads........

Those in charge across this country need to put the dang pipe down and stop smoking so much of their product.

Donald Trump defied requests from company executives and was called a “petulant child” by a state attorney general when he refused to wear a face mask during a visit to Michigan, a battleground state where he has repeatedly clashed with the Democratic governor, and on Thursday used a speech to urge American churches to reopen amid the pandemic.

Trump toured a plant belonging to the Ford car company, in Ypsilanti, Michigan, which has been recast to produce ventilators and personal protective equipment to use in the coronavirus crisis.

Surrounded by Ford executives who were wearing masks, Trump told reporters he had put one on earlier, out of the view of cameras.

“I had one on before. I wore one in the back area. I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it,” Trump said.

The half wit used the visit to call for Churches to reopen. It beggars belief that there are 90k + deaths in the US because of this virus and the President is so deficient that he cant put on a mask on a visit to a factory making PPE gear.
What sort of example is he setting the country ? People will die because of his idiocy, 90000 have already.
Trump doesn't have the virus because he takes why should he wear a mask?
Well....clearly the media lied.
Trump wore a mask until the cameras came on.....then took it off so people could understand what he said.
On the other hand members of the media like to attend outdoor White House briefings with masks on but pull off their masks as soon as the cameras are all turned off. One of them removed her mask so she could accuse the president of being a bigot toward Asians.

But in fact at one time the surgeon general recommended not wearing a mask. Masks have become a badge of honor for liberals, and if you're not wearing one in public you're a murderer.....according to the left.

I doubt he wore a mask at all. He lies so often that everything he says is open to doubt. He is leading you all to the morgue.
As time goes on, there's going to be a lot more of us disliking the lockdown ,and applauding Trump's efforts to have it done with ~S~
It's already a MASS the loss of jobs and businesses going under.........To a point that this crap was done on purpose..........Way INFLATED DEATH RATES................manipulated by hospitals getting more money from the FED to call it Covid............and idiot Governors putting infected patients back into nursing homes and assisted care facilities....They were the Lion's share in these places who died from the virus...........

Stupidity in motion or a PURGE of elderly to save a buck is possible here.

Donald Trump defied requests from company executives and was called a “petulant child” by a state attorney general when he refused to wear a face mask during a visit to Michigan, a battleground state where he has repeatedly clashed with the Democratic governor, and on Thursday used a speech to urge American churches to reopen amid the pandemic.

Trump toured a plant belonging to the Ford car company, in Ypsilanti, Michigan, which has been recast to produce ventilators and personal protective equipment to use in the coronavirus crisis.

Surrounded by Ford executives who were wearing masks, Trump told reporters he had put one on earlier, out of the view of cameras.

“I had one on before. I wore one in the back area. I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it,” Trump said.

The half wit used the visit to call for Churches to reopen. It beggars belief that there are 90k + deaths in the US because of this virus and the President is so deficient that he cant put on a mask on a visit to a factory making PPE gear.
What sort of example is he setting the country ? People will die because of his idiocy, 90000 have already.
Trump doesn't have the virus because he takes why should he wear a mask?
Well....clearly the media lied.
Trump wore a mask until the cameras came on.....then took it off so people could understand what he said.
On the other hand members of the media like to attend outdoor White House briefings with masks on but pull off their masks as soon as the cameras are all turned off. One of them removed her mask so she could accuse the president of being a bigot toward Asians.

But in fact at one time the surgeon general recommended not wearing a mask. Masks have become a badge of honor for liberals, and if you're not wearing one in public you're a murderer.....according to the left.

I doubt he wore a mask at all. He lies so often that everything he says is open to doubt. He is leading you all to the morgue.

OMFG.........the idiot returns,............

Being the world leader in Covid deaths is a point of pride for his cult.
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It really is. And these are the types who will swig bleach and not take modest precautions because Dumbo says itts ok.
How many people have to die before he takes it seriously ?
Sorry, but wearing a mask isn't what you think it is.
Now it has become a symbol of oppression.
It has also become a form of virtue-signalling for liberals jagoffs.
Wearing a mask at one time was frowned upon for various reasons....but now you libs feel you can get away with shaming people over masks.

My suggestion is that you don't try telling anyone to wear one in public...because they're liable to kick the shit out of you.


Donald Trump defied requests from company executives and was called a “petulant child” by a state attorney general when he refused to wear a face mask during a visit to Michigan, a battleground state where he has repeatedly clashed with the Democratic governor, and on Thursday used a speech to urge American churches to reopen amid the pandemic.

Trump toured a plant belonging to the Ford car company, in Ypsilanti, Michigan, which has been recast to produce ventilators and personal protective equipment to use in the coronavirus crisis.

Surrounded by Ford executives who were wearing masks, Trump told reporters he had put one on earlier, out of the view of cameras.

“I had one on before. I wore one in the back area. I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it,” Trump said.

The half wit used the visit to call for Churches to reopen. It beggars belief that there are 90k + deaths in the US because of this virus and the President is so deficient that he cant put on a mask on a visit to a factory making PPE gear.
What sort of example is he setting the country ? People will die because of his idiocy, 90000 have already.
Trump doesn't have the virus because he takes why should he wear a mask?
Well....clearly the media lied.
Trump wore a mask until the cameras came on.....then took it off so people could understand what he said.
On the other hand members of the media like to attend outdoor White House briefings with masks on but pull off their masks as soon as the cameras are all turned off. One of them removed her mask so she could accuse the president of being a bigot toward Asians.

But in fact at one time the surgeon general recommended not wearing a mask. Masks have become a badge of honor for liberals, and if you're not wearing one in public you're a murderer.....according to the left.

I doubt he wore a mask at all. He lies so often that everything he says is open to doubt. He is leading you all to the morgue.

hahahhahahahhhahah I've said, you libs/etc are always good for laughs--and nothing else

Donald Trump defied requests from company executives and was called a “petulant child” by a state attorney general when he refused to wear a face mask during a visit to Michigan, a battleground state where he has repeatedly clashed with the Democratic governor, and on Thursday used a speech to urge American churches to reopen amid the pandemic.

Trump toured a plant belonging to the Ford car company, in Ypsilanti, Michigan, which has been recast to produce ventilators and personal protective equipment to use in the coronavirus crisis.

Surrounded by Ford executives who were wearing masks, Trump told reporters he had put one on earlier, out of the view of cameras.

“I had one on before. I wore one in the back area. I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it,” Trump said.

The half wit used the visit to call for Churches to reopen. It beggars belief that there are 90k + deaths in the US because of this virus and the President is so deficient that he cant put on a mask on a visit to a factory making PPE gear.
What sort of example is he setting the country ? People will die because of his idiocy, 90000 have already.
Trump doesn't have the virus because he takes why should he wear a mask?
Well....clearly the media lied.
Trump wore a mask until the cameras came on.....then took it off so people could understand what he said.
On the other hand members of the media like to attend outdoor White House briefings with masks on but pull off their masks as soon as the cameras are all turned off. One of them removed her mask so she could accuse the president of being a bigot toward Asians.

But in fact at one time the surgeon general recommended not wearing a mask. Masks have become a badge of honor for liberals, and if you're not wearing one in public you're a murderer.....according to the left.

I doubt he wore a mask at all. He lies so often that everything he says is open to doubt. He is leading you all to the morgue.

Why do you give a shit whether President Trump wears a mask or not?

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