Trump won't throw the first pitch at Nationals' game because he would get booed

maybe the people we elect as president should do their fucking job rather than all this other horse shit

When is he gonna start that?

You've been watching CNN again I see, you gotta stop watching the lying media if you want to know what is really going on with Trump.
Us Trumpets know he is doing what he promised because liberals are still kicking and screaming, we love it. Get on the Trump train or get out of the way.

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Yea, quit watching that evil CNN, if you want to be true trumptard you need to sit and watch Fox news all day and read breitbart. You guys better get in line we'll all be trumptards one day lying dead in the street from the polution or suicides from the isps that sell our personal info and it comes back to bite us. Yep make america great again, damn it.
Obama is responsible for the deaths of untold numbers of cops here at home and troops overseas, helped create wars in Syria and Libya which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, which caused millions of Arabs to flee from their home countries, yet you worry about the remote possibility of asphyxia from air pollution because Trump relaxed a couple of government regulations??

Obviously yer nuts.
A person who tells these lies might be perceived as a nut case.

Might? Hell, he's a well known nut case
It's typical of dems and libs to choose playing games over accomplishing anything good for Americans.
President Snowflake will not throw out the first pitch because his delicate feelings would be hurt

Same reason he won't attend the correspondents dinner....he is afraid he would be humiliated like he was with Obama
American presidents have thrown inaugural first pitches since Taft, yet now the (already) unpopular President Trump claims he has a "scheduling conflict"t hat keeps him from doing this.

The second-best popular vote getter in 2016 should be honest and admit he knows he will be relentlessly booed if he shows up on that mound.
Donald Trump Reportedly Won't Throw 1st Pitch for Nationals Due to Scheduling

That's fake news. The Donald was told by his personal doctor that to do so could injure his tiny hand, as everyone knows who played the game, small hands require all four fingers to be placed on the ball to throw it accurately and effectively. That can usually only be done by children over the age of 8. Trump, concerned his tiny hand might be injured, and thus making legislating by Executive Orders even less sensible, has begged off, making a last minute appointment to break a glass bottle of oil on the bow of the SS Trump, a leaky canoe (our new symbol of the ship of state) moored on the shore near the Kennedy Center (now rechristened Trump Center, by EO).
President Snowflake will not throw out the first pitch because his delicate feelings would be hurt

Same reason he won't attend the correspondents dinner....he is afraid he would be humiliated like he was with Obama

Oh, he will be humiliated. He just won't be there to see it.
maybe the people we elect as president should do their fucking job rather than all this other horse shit
yeah. He's awfully busy.

Democrats have lost contact with all reality. The country is so divided that the stands would erupt into violence should anyone cheer the President.

Trump was a baseball player as a young man and I, who don't watch sports at all, would have liked to see if he still had it. I won't see that. I won't see it because we are in a civil war and the enemy poses a danger.
Democrats have lost contact with all reality. The country is so divided that the stands would erupt into violence should anyone cheer the President.

Trump was a baseball player as a young man and I, who don't watch sports at all, would have liked to see if he still had it. I won't see that. I won't see it because we are in a civil war and the enemy poses a danger.
Did you study at Dower State university?
Democrats have lost contact with all reality. The country is so divided that the stands would erupt into violence should anyone cheer the President.

Trump was a baseball player as a young man and I, who don't watch sports at all, would have liked to see if he still had it. I won't see that. I won't see it because we are in a civil war and the enemy poses a danger.
Did you study at Dower State university?
What do you think would happen to those who would cheer the appearance of the President. Considering that suspected Trump supporters have been dragged from cars and beaten, since Senator Schumer encouraged violence by personally castigating a patron at a restaurant. This country is at war. A civil war. The two sides have a personal and visceral hatred for one another. The sensible thing is not give the animals a chance to act out.
Democrats have lost contact with all reality. The country is so divided that the stands would erupt into violence should anyone cheer the President.

Trump was a baseball player as a young man and I, who don't watch sports at all, would have liked to see if he still had it. I won't see that. I won't see it because we are in a civil war and the enemy poses a danger.
100 mph fastball according to Trumpty.
Unlike obama, Trump was good at sports.

In recent weeks, Business Insider reached out to several of Trump's former classmates at the school. They paint a picture of Trump as a star athlete who rose to become one of the highest-ranked members of his class. They also hinted at regular hazing and fighting that went on at the academy.

According to his yearbook, Trump, who grew up in Queens, arrived at the school in upstate Cornwall, New York, in 1959. He graduated in 1964.

The yearbook shows that Trump, the son of millionaire real-estate developer Fred Trump, was a member of the varsity soccer, baseball, and football teams. He also won numerous awards including some for his athletic performance and a "neatness and order medal" in 1960.

One former classmate, George Beuttell, played football with Trump and described him as a "good man."

"He was one of the highest-ranked cadets there and he was motivated to excel back then, as he is now," Beuttell told Business Insider. "Nobody ever spoke badly about him then, and he was liked."

Beuttell said Trump "had direction back then that a lot of us other kids didn't."

"A lot of us were fooling around, played around, and he was more business than a lot of us," Beuttell said. "You had to admire that."

Trump's yearbook shows he rose to the rank of supply captain. According to Beuttell, this position was "probably the third-highest-ranked cadet in the whole school."

Another former Trump classmate, Jack Serafin, recalled taking orders from Trump.

"He made me memorize my serial number of my M1 [rifle] and I still remember it this way," Serafin told Business Insider. "Operationally, he was very well organized."

Arthur Schoenewaldt also spent some time as Trump's roommate. He said living with Trump was "great."

"It was obvious that he came from a better-than-average family, but he was a great guy," Schoenewaldt said.

Schoenewaldt also recalled Trump's athletic prowess.

"He was intelligent, he presented himself well, he was athletic," Schoenewaldt said. "I even heard from some of the coaches and stuff he could have played professional baseball."


Donald Trump's classmates share their memories about his 'Lord of the Flies' days in military school

Fake News
Democrats have lost contact with all reality. The country is so divided that the stands would erupt into violence should anyone cheer the President.

Trump was a baseball player as a young man and I, who don't watch sports at all, would have liked to see if he still had it. I won't see that. I won't see it because we are in a civil war and the enemy poses a danger.
Did you study at Dower State university?
What do you think would happen to those who would cheer the appearance of the President. Considering that suspected Trump supporters have been dragged from cars and beaten, since Senator Schumer encouraged violence by personally castigating a patron at a restaurant. This country is at war. A civil war. The two sides have a personal and visceral hatred for one another. The sensible thing is not give the animals a chance to act out.

We should be more concerned with the base alloy of the hatred.
Perhaps concerned that his pitching style might not be as quaint as that of American's (former) Kenyan President?


That puzzled smirk.

That limp wrist.

Yeah, too tough an act to follow.​

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