Trump Won't Commit To Support Of Peaceful Election(?)! (Not Down-Ticket Supportive!)

You don't understand the 12th is the problem.

Practice "President Pelosi."
I am right on the 12th, your political perversion is not, and if there is not a certifying of a President, then Pelosi be the babe.
So Real Lindsay Graham, Susan Collins, McCally, Gardner, anyone in Florida or North Carolina: Even on a November Ballot in their states--Have not support from the Trump Campaign.

The White House won't accept any peaceful outcome--probably some postal workers are colored, or something(?)n.

Republicans on the ballot don't win--following the Trumped-Up Dementia problem, with basis in years of pathological lies. No sense of self-esteem remains.

Even the debate topics appear to have changed(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republicans even pray for this, for example: Matt 25: 14-30--any may even make it an article of faith(?)!)

Are you willing to die for an Alzheimer's ridden old elitist white man globalist?

I don't think so, pussy!
I am right on the 12th, your political perversion is not, and if there is not a certifying of a President, then Pelosi be the babe.

I agree with your last post.
IF there is no certifying of a new president by March 4th, 2021, then the House and Senate vote for them.
If they don't elect a president or VP, and the democrats win the House, then Pelosi is it. Zero probability of that happening.

Stay safe.
I am right on the 12th, your political perversion is not, and if there is not a certifying of a President, then Pelosi be the babe.

I agree with your last post.
IF there is no certifying of a new president by March 4th, 2021, then the House and Senate vote for them.
If they don't elect a president or VP, and the democrats win the House, then Pelosi is it. Zero probability of that happening.

Stay safe.

If there is no certifying of a President by March 4th, Civil War 2.0 already began 3 months earlier!!!
I am right on the 12th, your political perversion is not, and if there is not a certifying of a President, then Pelosi be the babe.

I agree with your last post.
IF there is no certifying of a new president by March 4th, 2021, then the House and Senate vote for them.
If they don't elect a president or VP, and the democrats win the House, then Pelosi is it. Zero probability of that happening.

Stay safe.

Do you actually believe that Americans are going to wait until March 2021 to certify a President? :smoke:
I am right on the 12th, your political perversion is not, and if there is not a certifying of a President, then Pelosi be the babe.

I agree with your last post.
IF there is no certifying of a new president by March 4th, 2021, then the House and Senate vote for them.
If they don't elect a president or VP, and the democrats win the House, then Pelosi is it. Zero probability of that happening.

Stay safe.

Do you actually believe that Americans are going to wait until March 2021 to certify a President? :smoke:
I explained what happens if there is a 269-269 EC vote tie.
The 12th Amendment kicks-in and the House and Senate vote for the president and VP, each state getting only one vote.
I am right on the 12th, your political perversion is not, and if there is not a certifying of a President, then Pelosi be the babe.

I agree with your last post.
IF there is no certifying of a new president by March 4th, 2021, then the House and Senate vote for them.
If they don't elect a president or VP, and the democrats win the House, then Pelosi is it. Zero probability of that happening.

Stay safe.

Do you actually believe that Americans are going to wait until March 2021 to certify a President? :smoke:
I explained what happens if there is a 269-269 EC vote tie.
The 12th Amendment kicks-in and the House and Senate vote for the president and VP, each state getting only one vote.

Fuck all that!
If we have to wait until March, 2021 to certify a President, then all has already been lost way before this in duly electing one!
Wake up, man!!
I am right on the 12th, your political perversion is not, and if there is not a certifying of a President, then Pelosi be the babe.

I agree with your last post.
IF there is no certifying of a new president by March 4th, 2021, then the House and Senate vote for them.
If they don't elect a president or VP, and the democrats win the House, then Pelosi is it. Zero probability of that happening.

Stay safe.

Do you actually believe that Americans are going to wait until March 2021 to certify a President? :smoke:
I explained what happens if there is a 269-269 EC vote tie.
The 12th Amendment kicks-in and the House and Senate vote for the president and VP, each state getting only one vote.

Fuck all that!
If we have to wait until March, 2021 to certify a President, then all has already been lost way before this in duly electing one!
Wake up, man!!
Relax, the Constitution has it under control.
The states all certify their votes on time.
The senate counts the EC votes and declares the winner.
Between 11/4 and when the states deadlines happen, the fur will fly in the courts.
After the legal battles the states will certify their votes and that's that.
The democrats are grasping at straws, and there are none, really.
There are no straws, and the Republicans have no edge on this

If Trump cannot be recertified as the elected President on January 20, then it will be the SoH.
relatively speaking, Trump is a weak authoritarian.

there are three steps for authoritarians: 1. Autocratic attempt. 2. Autocratic breakthrough. 3. Autocratic consolidation

Trump is still in the attempt phase

the continued vitality of our institution's built-in restraints on presidents have...restrained Trump's dictatorial impulses. he cannot simply bend the constitution to his will. he can bend something else to his will, folks!
Your inference is hogwash, just like the rest of the media. If there are questions you expect him to go faintly into the night? You didn’t expect Al Gore to. And he was not speaking of violence. At least USAToday included what he was inferring in this paragraph of their article-
In the past, including during the 2016 and 2020 elections, Trump has declined to say whether he would accept voters’ results, suggesting he wants to leave his options open to contest those results.

As he should. Trays up ballots being found in fields, etc., already.

Yeah, like the Dems conceded the win in 2016. They still don't concede that Trump won and Hitlery lost.

How much shit have the Dems put Trump and his people through??

Russia, Kavenaugh, the Ukraine and they sure aren't done after 3
and a half years.

Anyone who votes by mail if they don't have to is dumber than a box or rocks. Go to the polls. Get off your lazy ass and make sure your vote gets into the machine to be counted.

Hillary conceded on election night. Cut it with the lies please.
As for your "oh poor Donald - Everyone was MEAN to him" whine list is laughable.
You put Obama through the mill for eight long years.
COUNT THE VOTES - If he loses, he LEAVES
Stop propping up a wannabe dick-tater!

No. She conceded the next day. The night of her defeat she threw a fit and was throwing things all over the place. Hell she wouldn't even go out and thank those gathered for her supposed acceptance speech. She sent Podesta out there.

Oh the Oh poor Donald is your take on it. Mine is the Dems never accepted Hitlery's defeat. Hell they tried everything to get rid of him.

Dems 0

He's still there and will be for another four years. So get ready to moan, groan and complain while the rest of us LOAO at your stupidity.

Ohhh - the next morning - My Bad!! :laugh:
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So Real Lindsay Graham, Susan Collins, McCally, Gardner, anyone in Florida or North Carolina: Even on a November Ballot in their states--Have not support from the Trump Campaign.

The White House won't accept any peaceful outcome--probably some postal workers are colored, or something(?)n.

Republicans on the ballot don't win--following the Trumped-Up Dementia problem, with basis in years of pathological lies. No sense of self-esteem remains.

Even the debate topics appear to have changed(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republicans even pray for this, for example: Matt 25: 14-30--any may even make it an article of faith(?)!)
Get your vagina hat ready. You gonna need it.

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