Republican Party Getting Identified As Insurrectionist/Extremist: Propelled In Recent Senate Procedural Motion(?)! "Way To Go Rand Paul! Let's Go!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The January 6, Republican National Convention in Washington, D. C. made no sense to millions. Trumped-Up Speak, however, made sense to current defendants being charged, regarding the event. Lawyers comment that Trumped-Up Speak was well-understood at the Trumped-Up Address.

What else has gone wrong is that the widely-viewed event is prompting defections, even from countryside locals: Even from patronage of shopkeepers publically viewed at the widely viewed event--billions seeing The New Lindsay Graham kind of GOP--The Senator Rand Paul GOP. The only push-back those new Mainstream Republicans can offer: Is a motion regarding whether or not the Lawfully Timely voted. Article of Impeachment, can go forward per the Constitutional provision.

The Mainstream Republican, Showcased Voted Advocacy--of the January 6 Insurrection event: Is on the Public Record! Others in other localities are making the connection! Nearly 5000 requests for a change of Party Affiliation have been received already, just in Colorado--as of days ago.

Probably the advocacy goes as follows: "Way To Go! Rand Paul! Let's Go!" Way To Go Lindsay Graham! Let's Go!"

The legislative chamber of the House Of Representative is only a few yards away, in GOP-Speak: After All(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30 is about that, anyone notices!)
The January 6, Republican National Convention in Washington, D. C. made no sense to millions. Trumped-Up Speak, however, made sense to current defendants being charged, regarding the event. Lawyers comment that Trumped-Up Speak was well-understood at the Trumped-Up Address.

What else has gone wrong is that the widely-viewed event is prompting defections, even from countryside locals: Even from patronage of shopkeepers publically viewed at the widely viewed event--billions seeing The New Lindsay Graham kind of GOP--The Senator Rand Paul GOP. The only push-back those new Mainstream Republicans can offer: Is a motion regarding whether or not the Lawfully Timely voted. Article of Impeachment, can go forward per the Constitutional provision.

The Mainstream Republican, Showcased Voted Advocacy--of the January 6 Insurrection event: Is on the Public Record! Others in other localities are making the connection! Nearly 5000 requests for a change of Party Affiliation have been received already, just in Colorado--as of days ago.

Probably the advocacy goes as follows: "Way To Go! Rand Paul! Let's Go!" Way To Go Lindsay Graham! Let's Go!"

The legislative chamber of the House Of Representative is only a few yards away, in GOP-Speak: After All(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30 is about that, anyone notices!)

Good idea. Get out of the Rep party and go Independent. I did that decades ago. When the Patriot party rolls around those 75 million Trump supporters will have a new party to belong to. Or they can stay independent as I am and vote for Trump. Works for me.
Why do democrats keep pointing to stupid shit instead of what Biden is doing?
Anything but what Biden is doing.
If "anything" makes them happy, fine.
It won't change the fact that in 2022 and 2024 the GOP will sweep them out of office.

mascale still won't say what shithole country he's from...
Per Claudette poster even: What Republican Party?

What Senator Paul has helped to clarify is that Republicans have more to gain--voting to disqualify: The particular legally impeached private citizen. The disqualification is directly inclusive of the prejudicial right of Presidential Qualification. The Senate Trial is about removal from office and disqualification, FOR CAUSE!

Likely the House Managers will not allow a procedural deflection from the Matter being tried: "For Cause." The "Cause" is High Crime committed while holding legal and official office. Even a criminal charge of "Treason" may be brought: Separately in various courts.

The Republican Party is less likely to prevail as the Party of Treason, Secession, and really bad vibes--if it stays its current public course.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30 is about that, anyone notices!)
The January 6, Republican National Convention in Washington, D. C. made no sense to millions. Trumped-Up Speak, however, made sense to current defendants being charged, regarding the event. Lawyers comment that Trumped-Up Speak was well-understood at the Trumped-Up Address.

What else has gone wrong is that the widely-viewed event is prompting defections, even from countryside locals: Even from patronage of shopkeepers publically viewed at the widely viewed event--billions seeing The New Lindsay Graham kind of GOP--The Senator Rand Paul GOP. The only push-back those new Mainstream Republicans can offer: Is a motion regarding whether or not the Lawfully Timely voted. Article of Impeachment, can go forward per the Constitutional provision.

The Mainstream Republican, Showcased Voted Advocacy--of the January 6 Insurrection event: Is on the Public Record! Others in other localities are making the connection! Nearly 5000 requests for a change of Party Affiliation have been received already, just in Colorado--as of days ago.

Probably the advocacy goes as follows: "Way To Go! Rand Paul! Let's Go!" Way To Go Lindsay Graham! Let's Go!"

The legislative chamber of the House Of Representative is only a few yards away, in GOP-Speak: After All(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30 is about that, anyone notices!)

Enjoying your own personal echo chamber much? Don't believe the hype. Around here all one can see for miles up and down country roads and even in town are TRUMP/PENCE 2020 signs still proudly displayed in countless front yards. Trump was never a republican. Millions of his voters weren't either, at least not after voting for him the first time. Why don't you come on over here and go door to door asking the Trump sign in yard people if they've converted to woke-ness and Biden. I'm sure they'll invite your right in for a cup of Joe . . .
We'll have to wait and see how the neo-fascist wing of Trumpybears party does in 2022.

Trump never ruled out a violent transition of power. For him the ends justify the means.
If Night_son here poster means Indiana or other Red States: Then the Trumped-Up / Indiana Pence brand is already known in those Red State country-sides--Baby Abandonment Supportive. The concept is Imperial, ancient Roman of recorded origins.

In their Christian message is not supported any aid and comfort--payments even: To the parents of the newborn. That is Trumped Up / Indiana Mike Pence brand--in statute, even! Did the Greedy Christians accept any Stimulus Relief--chasing after pennies thrown down the aisles of churches?

So now do they support the $15.00 Minimum Wage, at all?

"Let's Go! Rand Paul! Way to Go!" "Let's Go Lindsay Graham! Way to go!"

The House of Representatives is still only a few yards away from the U.S. Senate Chamber!

Anyone sees notices how they actually do regard their Constitutional office perogatives.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30 is about that, anyone notices!)
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The January 6, Republican National Convention in Washington, D. C. made no sense to millions. Trumped-Up Speak, however, made sense to current defendants being charged, regarding the event. Lawyers comment that Trumped-Up Speak was well-understood at the Trumped-Up Address.

What else has gone wrong is that the widely-viewed event is prompting defections, even from countryside locals: Even from patronage of shopkeepers publically viewed at the widely viewed event--billions seeing The New Lindsay Graham kind of GOP--The Senator Rand Paul GOP. The only push-back those new Mainstream Republicans can offer: Is a motion regarding whether or not the Lawfully Timely voted. Article of Impeachment, can go forward per the Constitutional provision.

The Mainstream Republican, Showcased Voted Advocacy--of the January 6 Insurrection event: Is on the Public Record! Others in other localities are making the connection! Nearly 5000 requests for a change of Party Affiliation have been received already, just in Colorado--as of days ago.

Probably the advocacy goes as follows: "Way To Go! Rand Paul! Let's Go!" Way To Go Lindsay Graham! Let's Go!"

The legislative chamber of the House Of Representative is only a few yards away, in GOP-Speak: After All(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30 is about that, anyone notices!)

Good idea. Get out of the Rep party and go Independent. I did that decades ago. When the Patriot party rolls around those 75 million Trump supporters will have a new party to belong to. Or they can stay independent as I am and vote for Trump. Works for me.

I'm in NY and I think I'm going to register as a democrat
Why do democrats keep pointing to stupid shit instead of what Biden is doing?
Anything but what Biden is doing.
If "anything" makes them happy, fine.
It won't change the fact that in 2022 and 2024 the GOP will sweep them out of office.

mascale still won't say what shithole country he's from...

In Biden's 47 years in government can anyone point to 3 complete sentences?
Why do democrats keep pointing to stupid shit instead of what Biden is doing?
Anything but what Biden is doing.
If "anything" makes them happy, fine.
It won't change the fact that in 2022 and 2024 the GOP will sweep them out of office.

mascale still won't say what shithole country he's from...

Because its hell to defend him. They know we are right and they are wrong. Kinda tough when you thought your boy was going to save America. Instead he kicked every tax paying American in the teeth.

Trump was 10 times the POTUS Biden will ever be.
Allowing no support of the parents of the newborn--when in need--and offering no support for income security for the parents of the newborn--especially when in need: The Republican National Convention of Jan 6, 2021: Is still to be regarded zero supportive of the New Democratic Changes now getting reviewed, and Executive Orders being put in place.

The back-drop history of the Times of the Fable-Maker--Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called, "Oh, Christ!" (Mainly in English)--is rarely itself recalled or mentioned in prayer. Taxes and Profit returns for the Roman Imperial Aristocracy remain exemplary in the "Oh, Christ!" model. Notice where the Holy Father lives, and in what(?)! Such a remaining lung it has had all those years.

Romans threw babies away instead of offering income support

Money-Grubbing Filthy Christians did accept the Stimulus Payments--Universal with all respective fables and versions. The Koran Mythology is about as Exemplary as Communist Manifesto itself. The latter proposed Central Credit Market usury. The former rejects all wealth from usury.

None of the fables support the parents of the newborn!

Mostly they were running down all the aisles, grabbing every penny they could see!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30 is about that, anyone notices!)
Why do democrats keep pointing to stupid shit instead of what Biden is doing?
Anything but what Biden is doing.
If "anything" makes them happy, fine.
It won't change the fact that in 2022 and 2024 the GOP will sweep them out of office.

mascale still won't say what shithole country he's from...

In Biden's 47 years in government can anyone point to 3 complete sentences?
Gates nailed it when he said in 47 years Biden hasn't been right about anything, and he's the best the democrats have?! Well he might be better than the moron who said that the island of Guam was going to capsize.
Allowing no support of the parents of the newborn--when in need--and offering no support for income security for the parents of the newborn--especially when in need: The Republican National Convention of Jan 6, 2021: Is still to be regarded zero supportive of the New Democratic Changes now getting reviewed, and Executive Orders being put in place.

The back-drop history of the Times of the Fable-Maker--Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called, "Oh, Christ!" (Mainly in English)--is rarely itself recalled or mentioned in prayer. Taxes and Profit returns for the Roman Imperial Aristocracy remain exemplary in the "Oh, Christ!" model. Notice where the Holy Father lives, and in what(?)! Such a remaining lung it has had all those years.

Romans threw babies away instead of offering income support

Money-Grubbing Filthy Christians did accept the Stimulus Payments--Universal with all respective fables and versions. The Koran Mythology is about as Exemplary as Communist Manifesto itself. The latter proposed Central Credit Market usury. The former rejects all wealth from usury.

None of the fables support the parents of the newborn!

Mostly they were running down all the aisles, grabbing every penny they could see!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30 is about that, anyone notices!)

^ This is why you never ever never ever post after dropping acid
GDP roared back subsequent Stimulus. Stock prices soared. Now no Stimulus or $15.00 Minimum wage--No support of new board parents. Called a "Foundling Wheel," what is in the link is not a confessional breath-analyzer(?):

It is not clear, even: If Imperial Roman, rural drop-off areas: Were free of predatory animals. "There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth" is easily about the crying abandoned baby getting consumed. It is not even clear if Emperor Caligula know what he had in mind(?). . .(Even 24/7)!

Lots of common threads in the then and now! The Trumped-Up brand is described of a pathological liar since childhood--likely self-concept defensive. As age advances--any distinction between the real and the lie gets less likely separated to the older adult--easily then regarded in a kind of senility.

You do have to refer to Jan 6 as the date of the New Republican Convention, and what it stands for! "Way to Go Rand Paul! Let's Go!" is likely even meaningful to Don Jr., and household--even rushing in to pray(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30 is about that, anyone notices!)
We'll have to wait and see how the neo-fascist wing of Trumpybears party does in 2022.

Trump never ruled out a violent transition of power. For him the ends justify the means.
Ohhh by 2022, the communists will be demanding that all whites be expelled from the halls of the capitol for being insurrectionists. Divisions like this only get deeper and wider.
"He walks with them and he talks with them, and he tells them they are his owned!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And still: Deut 23: 19-20, is not about foreign aid!

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