Trump Won't Commit To Support Of Peaceful Election(?)! (Not Down-Ticket Supportive!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So Real Lindsay Graham, Susan Collins, McCally, Gardner, anyone in Florida or North Carolina: Even on a November Ballot in their states--Have not support from the Trump Campaign.

The White House won't accept any peaceful outcome--probably some postal workers are colored, or something(?)n.

Republicans on the ballot don't win--following the Trumped-Up Dementia problem, with basis in years of pathological lies. No sense of self-esteem remains.

Even the debate topics appear to have changed(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republicans even pray for this, for example: Matt 25: 14-30--any may even make it an article of faith(?)!)
So Real Lindsay Graham, Susan Collins, McCally, Gardner, anyone in Florida or North Carolina: Even on a November Ballot in their states--Have not support from the Trump Campaign.

The White House won't accept any peaceful outcome--probably some postal workers are colored, or something(?)n.

Republicans on the ballot don't win--following the Trumped-Up Dementia problem, with basis in years of pathological lies. No sense of self-esteem remains.

Even the debate topics appear to have changed(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republicans even pray for this, for example: Matt 25: 14-30--any may even make it an article of faith(?)!)

The debates will show what a pathetic bumbling vegetable Joe is.
Your inference is hogwash, just like the rest of the media. If there are questions you expect him to go faintly into the night? You didn’t expect Al Gore to. And he was not speaking of violence. At least USAToday included what he was inferring in this paragraph of their article-
In the past, including during the 2016 and 2020 elections, Trump has declined to say whether he would accept voters’ results, suggesting he wants to leave his options open to contest those results.

As he should. Trays up ballots being found in fields, etc., already.
If the dems cheat we will all know it and see how they did it and then all bets are off....
This national election is not a midterm race between two bumkins...this is for the if there are large scale issues with ballots we must take our time and go through every vote if we have to....
Remember Bush the end we got it right and will this time just may take a while.....
So Real Lindsay Graham, Susan Collins, McCally, Gardner, anyone in Florida or North Carolina: Even on a November Ballot in their states--Have not support from the Trump Campaign.

The White House won't accept any peaceful outcome--probably some postal workers are colored, or something(?)n.

Republicans on the ballot don't win--following the Trumped-Up Dementia problem, with basis in years of pathological lies. No sense of self-esteem remains.

Even the debate topics appear to have changed(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republicans even pray for this, for example: Matt 25: 14-30--any may even make it an article of faith(?)!)
Why the fuck would he, when Dems have made it clear they will cheat.
With the rampant voter fraud that democrats are banging on to steal the election - is this thread a joke?

Meanwhile, Clinton has told Biden to not concede the election under any cicumstances.

President Trump should also call the election on the election day. That is what the law says, if your mail is late, too bad. There will be riots, but that's what the 2A is for.
So Real Lindsay Graham, Susan Collins, McCally, Gardner, anyone in Florida or North Carolina: Even on a November Ballot in their states--Have not support from the Trump Campaign.

The White House won't accept any peaceful outcome--probably some postal workers are colored, or something(?)n.

Republicans on the ballot don't win--following the Trumped-Up Dementia problem, with basis in years of pathological lies. No sense of self-esteem remains.

Even the debate topics appear to have changed(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republicans even pray for this, for example: Matt 25: 14-30--any may even make it an article of faith(?)!)

How can it be a "peaceful" election, when there is mob violence and the threat of mob violence, if the mob does not get it's way?

THe threat of force being present in the election, makes any BIdne victory, not the result of a Free and Fair election.
Every Trump supporter and even the people that know how bad Joe will be must go and vote....make sure your vote was tallied on line on your counties web page or your state...its easy to do just keep your ballot number and a quick check is quick and easy....
Trump will go, quietly or screaming, but if he loses he will go,

The US Marshals will escort him out of the WH.
So Real Lindsay Graham, Susan Collins, McCally, Gardner, anyone in Florida or North Carolina: Even on a November Ballot in their states--Have not support from the Trump Campaign.

The White House won't accept any peaceful outcome--probably some postal workers are colored, or something(?)n.

Republicans on the ballot don't win--following the Trumped-Up Dementia problem, with basis in years of pathological lies. No sense of self-esteem remains.

Even the debate topics appear to have changed(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republicans even pray for this, for example: Matt 25: 14-30--any may even make it an article of faith(?)!)
The left has already made it clear that they are not peaceful and will continue to be so, unless of course, per their own statements, they win and Trump leaves. To them, if the public elects him again, violence is the only answer. The left is Marxist and violence is their go-to response to things unwanted.
To the right, if the public elects Biden, violence is the only answer.
If Trump wins, the left's answer is that "violence is the only answer."
If Biden wins, the right's answer is that "violence is the only answer."
So either way, the only way out, per either side, is through "violence."
Sure sounds like a Civil War to me. I like to think that in the end, cooler heads will prevail, although to look back at all of mankind's history, with only a couple of hundred years of peace in its entirety, I doubt that the cooler heads will prevail. We as a species, seem to have this uncanny underlying desire to kill each other for all sorts of reasons. I can at least respect animals. They kill for food, to protect the young and mating season. That's it. Mankind....well, he/she invents reasons to kill.
Well, in any case, do you have your check list?
1. Firearms.
2. Ammunition.
3. Portable Medical Supplies.
4. MRE's or Equivalent.
5. Water.
6. Supply line.
7. Allies (if you are on the right and live in a blue state or city, you might want to find sympathizers or move and the same goes for those on the right. If you live in a red state or city, you might want to find some allies, or move).
After a career in the military, I can assure you, it ain't gonna be pretty, it will go on for years and non-combatants, will become victims.
So, if there is any way to back off from the precipice we're coming up on that time.
Only the right is talking seriously about armed violence.

The few lefties who want to will be turned in by their own immediately,
So Real Lindsay Graham, Susan Collins, McCally, Gardner, anyone in Florida or North Carolina: Even on a November Ballot in their states--Have not support from the Trump Campaign.

The White House won't accept any peaceful outcome--probably some postal workers are colored, or something(?)n.

Republicans on the ballot don't win--following the Trumped-Up Dementia problem, with basis in years of pathological lies. No sense of self-esteem remains.

Even the debate topics appear to have changed(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republicans even pray for this, for example: Matt 25: 14-30--any may even make it an article of faith(?)!)

1. Please show where he said that. Mascale posting bullshit again.
2. Mascal poster is not aware of swinging polls that are revealing a nice result for the red.
3. No trumped up dementia problem. Even media acknowledges he's a fucking shell of his former moronic corrupt self.
4. Total confidence.
5. Left wing platorm could not support pregnant cockroach (which means Kamala Harris should not go near it).
So Real Lindsay Graham, Susan Collins, McCally, Gardner, anyone in Florida or North Carolina: Even on a November Ballot in their states--Have not support from the Trump Campaign.

The White House won't accept any peaceful outcome--probably some postal workers are colored, or something(?)n.

Republicans on the ballot don't win--following the Trumped-Up Dementia problem, with basis in years of pathological lies. No sense of self-esteem remains.

Even the debate topics appear to have changed(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republicans even pray for this, for example: Matt 25: 14-30--any may even make it an article of faith(?)!)
The democrats have already threatened violence, go fuck yourself.....
Your inference is hogwash, just like the rest of the media. If there are questions you expect him to go faintly into the night? You didn’t expect Al Gore to. And he was not speaking of violence. At least USAToday included what he was inferring in this paragraph of their article-
In the past, including during the 2016 and 2020 elections, Trump has declined to say whether he would accept voters’ results, suggesting he wants to leave his options open to contest those results.

As he should. Trays up ballots being found in fields, etc., already.

Yeah, like the Dems conceded the win in 2016. They still don't concede that Trump won and Hitlery lost.

How much shit have the Dems put Trump and his people through??

Russia, Kavenaugh, the Ukraine and they sure aren't done after 3
and a half years.

Anyone who votes by mail if they don't have to is dumber than a box or rocks. Go to the polls. Get off your lazy ass and make sure your vote gets into the machine to be counted.
How much shit have the Dems put Trump and his people through??

Not 1/100th of what will happen this time around.

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