Trump Wins On Content

What you think about the results is irrelevant. America had to accept the travesty of George W. Bush in 2000 and endure his vanity war and financial crash of 2008, so gird your loins to accept Hillary in 2016.
Hillary voted for it too so you need to pop your head out of your loins.

Voting to give the president the deciding power does not mean she or anyone else in Congress made the decision to invade and occupy Iraq. That decision was made by President Bushes.
Dumb spin. They were voting on the invasion.

H.J.Res. 114 (107th): Authorization for Use of Military Force Against ... -- Senate Vote #237 -- Oct 11, 2002


(a) Authorization.--The President is authorized to use the Armed
Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and
appropriate in order to--
(1) defend the national security of the United States
against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council
resolutions regarding Iraq.

(b) Presidential Determination.--In connection with the exercise of
the authority granted in subsection (a) to use force the President
shall, prior to such exercise or as soon thereafter as may be feasible,
but no later than 48 hours after exercising such authority, make
available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the
President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that--
(1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or
other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately
protect the national security of the United States against the
continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to
enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council
resolutions regarding Iraq; and
(2) acting pursuant to this joint resolution is consistent
with the United States and other countries continuing to take
the necessary actions against international terrorist and
terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations,
or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the
terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.

He was given the power to decide. That he didn't meet the 2factors laid out in the AUMF. Namely Iraq posed no serious threat to the worlds remaining super power. We agreed to SCR 1441 but renegged on our commitment. Iraq was not involved in the 9-11 attacks
So you think they held a vote to give him powers he already had. LOL, dumbfuck.

"Even though the resolution before the Senate is not as strong as I would like in requiring the diplomatic route first and placing highest priority on a simple, clear requirement for unlimited inspections, I will take the President at his word that he will try hard to pass a UN resolution and will seek to avoid war, if at all possible.

Because bipartisan support for this resolution makes success in the United Nations more likely, and therefore, war less likely, and because a good faith effort by the United States, even if it fails, will bring more allies and legitimacy to our cause, I have concluded, after careful and serious consideration, that a vote for the resolution best serves the security of our nation. If we were to defeat this resolution or pass it with only a few Democrats, I am concerned that those who want to pretend this problem will go way with delay will oppose any UN resolution calling for unrestricted inspections.


A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed.

A golden oldie: Hillary's floor speech to invade Iraq

Had SCR 1441 been allowed to proceed to it's conclusion there would have been no invasion. Thousands of US soldiers and their families would have been spared the horrors of war. Not to mention the countless Iraqis and their families. Not that they don't matter, it's that we didn't count them.
Chris Wallace did a good job.

I wouldn't let the skanky lying bitch on my property.

Do you not listen to the debates? Trump is going to put us more deeply in debt than Hillary. Bush tried the tax cuts and we went into recession and he ruined the balanced budget. His plan is moronic.

His tariffs plans are just another tax on us. Tariffs do not work. They will kill our exports and put us in recession.
Increased business = more taxes. You left that part out.

You left out bush just tried that and it failed miserably. Your memory that short? We went into recession. The balanced budget was lost. Repubs can't be this stupid.
You like to rewrite history to suit yourself. The rebate was about $300 on average, I remember that's what mine was. The Dims created the housing crisis by leaning on banks to make shaky loans. Lots of people capitalized on the low interest or variable interest loans to flip homes. Giving people some of their money back didn't cause the recession. Dumbfucks like you think it's all the government's money anyway.

That is the rebate, rates were also cut. And we got a recession and a lost balanced budget. Trump wants to do the same thing. You are expecting a different result? You are trying to put the square peg in the round hole. Didn't work then and won't work now.
Had SCR 1441 been allowed to proceed to it's conclusion there would have been no invasion. Thousands of US soldiers and their families would have been spared the horrors of war. Not to mention the countless Iraqis and their families. Not that they don't matter, it's that we didn't count them.
That isn't how it works in this reality. You don't vote for a war then give the enemy the chance to prepare.
Chris Wallace did a good job.

I wouldn't let the skanky lying bitch on my property.

Do you not listen to the debates? Trump is going to put us more deeply in debt than Hillary. Bush tried the tax cuts and we went into recession and he ruined the balanced budget. His plan is moronic.

His tariffs plans are just another tax on us. Tariffs do not work. They will kill our exports and put us in recession.
Increased business = more taxes. You left that part out.

You left out bush just tried that and it failed miserably. Your memory that short? We went into recession. The balanced budget was lost. Repubs can't be this stupid.
You like to rewrite history to suit yourself. The rebate was about $300 on average, I remember that's what mine was. The Dims created the housing crisis by leaning on banks to make shaky loans. Lots of people capitalized on the low interest or variable interest loans to flip homes. Giving people some of their money back didn't cause the recession. Dumbfucks like you think it's all the government's money anyway.

That is the rebate, rates were also cut. And we got a recession and a lost balanced budget. Trump wants to do the same thing. You are expecting a different result? You are trying to put the square peg in the round hole. Didn't work then and won't work now.
We still have the Bush tax rates except for the top tier. The square peg is between your ears.
Do you not listen to the debates? Trump is going to put us more deeply in debt than Hillary. Bush tried the tax cuts and we went into recession and he ruined the balanced budget. His plan is moronic.

His tariffs plans are just another tax on us. Tariffs do not work. They will kill our exports and put us in recession.
Increased business = more taxes. You left that part out.

You left out bush just tried that and it failed miserably. Your memory that short? We went into recession. The balanced budget was lost. Repubs can't be this stupid.
You like to rewrite history to suit yourself. The rebate was about $300 on average, I remember that's what mine was. The Dims created the housing crisis by leaning on banks to make shaky loans. Lots of people capitalized on the low interest or variable interest loans to flip homes. Giving people some of their money back didn't cause the recession. Dumbfucks like you think it's all the government's money anyway.

That is the rebate, rates were also cut. And we got a recession and a lost balanced budget. Trump wants to do the same thing. You are expecting a different result? You are trying to put the square peg in the round hole. Didn't work then and won't work now.
We still have the Bush tax rates except for the top tier. The square peg is between your ears.

Yes we do, and we still have lots of debt. We needed the stimululus to pull us out of recession. We have tried the tax breaks, they didn't work as you claim. Trump will just add to the debt and probably put us in recession. No thanks.
Increased business = more taxes. You left that part out.

You left out bush just tried that and it failed miserably. Your memory that short? We went into recession. The balanced budget was lost. Repubs can't be this stupid.
You like to rewrite history to suit yourself. The rebate was about $300 on average, I remember that's what mine was. The Dims created the housing crisis by leaning on banks to make shaky loans. Lots of people capitalized on the low interest or variable interest loans to flip homes. Giving people some of their money back didn't cause the recession. Dumbfucks like you think it's all the government's money anyway.

That is the rebate, rates were also cut. And we got a recession and a lost balanced budget. Trump wants to do the same thing. You are expecting a different result? You are trying to put the square peg in the round hole. Didn't work then and won't work now.
We still have the Bush tax rates except for the top tier. The square peg is between your ears.

Yes we do, and we still have lots of debt. We needed the stimululus to pull us out of recession. We have tried the tax breaks, they didn't work as you claim. Trump will just add to the debt and probably put us in recession. No thanks.
obama has added 10 trillion to the debt. You, like ALL liberals think we can spend our way into prosperity. Tax and spend is all the left knows how to do.
Had SCR 1441 been allowed to proceed to it's conclusion there would have been no invasion. Thousands of US soldiers and their families would have been spared the horrors of war. Not to mention the countless Iraqis and their families. Not that they don't matter, it's that we didn't count them.
That isn't how it works in this reality. You don't vote for a war then give the enemy the chance to prepare.

The vote was mid Oct. 2002. Iraq could have prepared for a year or more and our military would have still won in a matter of weeks. SCR 1441 was pass a few weeks later in Nov. The invasion didn't start until March of 2003. Iraq/Saddam was fully prepared to cooperate and be disarmed of all WMD programs.
Trump lost when he said he might not accept the results of the election.

Nothing else matters.
You mean like Gore Did in 2000, how long before he quit crying and accepted the fact that Bush Beat him?
You left out bush just tried that and it failed miserably. Your memory that short? We went into recession. The balanced budget was lost. Repubs can't be this stupid.
You like to rewrite history to suit yourself. The rebate was about $300 on average, I remember that's what mine was. The Dims created the housing crisis by leaning on banks to make shaky loans. Lots of people capitalized on the low interest or variable interest loans to flip homes. Giving people some of their money back didn't cause the recession. Dumbfucks like you think it's all the government's money anyway.

That is the rebate, rates were also cut. And we got a recession and a lost balanced budget. Trump wants to do the same thing. You are expecting a different result? You are trying to put the square peg in the round hole. Didn't work then and won't work now.
We still have the Bush tax rates except for the top tier. The square peg is between your ears.

Yes we do, and we still have lots of debt. We needed the stimululus to pull us out of recession. We have tried the tax breaks, they didn't work as you claim. Trump will just add to the debt and probably put us in recession. No thanks.
obama has added 10 trillion to the debt. You, like ALL liberals think we can spend our way into prosperity. Tax and spend is all the left knows how to do.

Clinton balanced the budget. Bush ruined it. And now trump wants to do the same as bush and you support that. The policies you support are a proven failure.
Trump lost the debate because his performance won't move the polls enough to overtake Clinton's 7 point lead,

or her 120 electoral vote lead.
Republicans despondent that Trump threw away final debate
Source: Politico

Donald Trump’s rocky performance on the final debate stage did little to allay his party’s concerns that the GOP is headed for an electoral catastrophe up and down the ticket.

In interviews with over a dozen senior Republican strategists, not one said Trump did anything to change the trajectory of a contest that is growing further out of reach. And many said they were deeply distressed by Trump’s refusal to accept the results of the Nov. 8 election, an eyebrow-raising moment already dominating headlines.

With Trump’s prospects for securing 270 electoral votes growing dimmer by the day, many Republicans have turned their focus to the gritty, unpleasant task of protecting the party’s congressional majorities. Trump, they said, did little to buttress the GOP ticket — and may have worsened its position by repeating his claim that the election is rigged, something congressional Republicans are sure to be pressed on in the days to come.

Immediately after Trump’s remark, several party higher-ups, including South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, took to Twitter to distance themselves from it.

Read more: Republicans despondent that Trump threw away final debate

One cannot accept the results of something that has not yet occurred.

I find it interesting the Democrats get so giddy over what Graham or Flake or McCain may say, when so many Republican voters have written them off as nothing more than placeholders.

Pence said the same thing as Graham etc.

The particulars please.

Why? Are you that uninformed?
Trump lost when he said he might not accept the results of the election.

Nothing else matters.
You mean like Gore Did in 2000, how long before he quit crying and accepted the fact that Bush Beat him?
Do you not listen to the debates? Trump is going to put us more deeply in debt than Hillary. Bush tried the tax cuts and we went into recession and he ruined the balanced budget. His plan is moronic.

His tariffs plans are just another tax on us. Tariffs do not work. They will kill our exports and put us in recession.
Increased business = more taxes. You left that part out.

You left out bush just tried that and it failed miserably. Your memory that short? We went into recession. The balanced budget was lost. Repubs can't be this stupid.
You like to rewrite history to suit yourself. The rebate was about $300 on average, I remember that's what mine was. The Dims created the housing crisis by leaning on banks to make shaky loans. Lots of people capitalized on the low interest or variable interest loans to flip homes. Giving people some of their money back didn't cause the recession. Dumbfucks like you think it's all the government's money anyway.

That is the rebate, rates were also cut. And we got a recession and a lost balanced budget. Trump wants to do the same thing. You are expecting a different result? You are trying to put the square peg in the round hole. Didn't work then and won't work now.
We still have the Bush tax rates except for the top tier. The square peg is between your ears.

So the 'Obama' deficits are really Bush's? loll
Had SCR 1441 been allowed to proceed to it's conclusion there would have been no invasion. Thousands of US soldiers and their families would have been spared the horrors of war. Not to mention the countless Iraqis and their families. Not that they don't matter, it's that we didn't count them.
That isn't how it works in this reality. You don't vote for a war then give the enemy the chance to prepare.

The vote was mid Oct. 2002. Iraq could have prepared for a year or more and our military would have still won in a matter of weeks. SCR 1441 was pass a few weeks later in Nov. The invasion didn't start until March of 2003. Iraq/Saddam was fully prepared to cooperate and be disarmed of all WMD programs.
You aren't a military expert and you can't spin the fact that they, including Hillary, voted to go to war.
You like to rewrite history to suit yourself. The rebate was about $300 on average, I remember that's what mine was. The Dims created the housing crisis by leaning on banks to make shaky loans. Lots of people capitalized on the low interest or variable interest loans to flip homes. Giving people some of their money back didn't cause the recession. Dumbfucks like you think it's all the government's money anyway.

That is the rebate, rates were also cut. And we got a recession and a lost balanced budget. Trump wants to do the same thing. You are expecting a different result? You are trying to put the square peg in the round hole. Didn't work then and won't work now.
We still have the Bush tax rates except for the top tier. The square peg is between your ears.

Yes we do, and we still have lots of debt. We needed the stimululus to pull us out of recession. We have tried the tax breaks, they didn't work as you claim. Trump will just add to the debt and probably put us in recession. No thanks.
obama has added 10 trillion to the debt. You, like ALL liberals think we can spend our way into prosperity. Tax and spend is all the left knows how to do.

Clinton balanced the budget. Bush ruined it. And now trump wants to do the same as bush and you support that. The policies you support are a proven failure.
The Republicans balanced the budget. Go look up "the contract with America" that got them the majority. Repeating bullshit doesn't make it true.
That is the rebate, rates were also cut. And we got a recession and a lost balanced budget. Trump wants to do the same thing. You are expecting a different result? You are trying to put the square peg in the round hole. Didn't work then and won't work now.
We still have the Bush tax rates except for the top tier. The square peg is between your ears.

Yes we do, and we still have lots of debt. We needed the stimululus to pull us out of recession. We have tried the tax breaks, they didn't work as you claim. Trump will just add to the debt and probably put us in recession. No thanks.
obama has added 10 trillion to the debt. You, like ALL liberals think we can spend our way into prosperity. Tax and spend is all the left knows how to do.

Clinton balanced the budget. Bush ruined it. And now trump wants to do the same as bush and you support that. The policies you support are a proven failure.
The Republicans balanced the budget. Go look up "the contract with America" that got them the majority. Repeating bullshit doesn't make it true.

Sure they did. And republican congress now is working real hard on that.

We have tried the tax breaks and it didn't work. Why are you still pushing the square peg in the round hole?

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