Trump Will be Impeached


May 23, 2014
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
In order to smear him for history...
In order to smear him for history remove a threat and embarrassment to The People and their Republic and their Constitution.


...Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump!...
It's a rotten job, but somebody's gotta do it... at-law.

...Glad they have their priorities straight...
First, you eliminate (at-law) the danger, then you worry about the rest of it.

...Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE...

...Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals...
I'm sure they'll screw it up, too ; they always do ; but at least there'll be some semblance of Checks-and-Balances in government again.

...Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
Unless the Saudi Issues ( War in Yemen, Princely Murder ) or Mueller's Findings force the hand of Senate Republicans.

Hell, the GOP is already (finally!) beginning to revolt, over the Saudi Issues.
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In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.

I doubt if the Senate starts a trial, they gotta vote on even that first, right? It won't happen, even if the House does impeach him.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.

I doubt if the Senate starts a trial, they gotta vote on even that first, right? It won't happen, even if the House does impeach him.
Yes. According to the Constitution the House acts as a grand jury and hears evidence, then issues an indictment. An “impeachment.” The Senate acts as a jury during the trial and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
His name and republican scum will go down in infamy
Republican Senators saw what happened to Republican members of the House and some Republican Senators might realize that their jobs might also that also be up for grabs in the next election and vote accordingly on impeachment.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan. Unless the Democrats have more than gossip and a bj, a crime! Here's another secret for you super duper, they are for good government. Government helping people
Democrats (Leftists) seem to have a real problem with the process for criminal prosecution.

First, there has to be a "crime" (...high crimes and misdemeanors...), THEN you can start to think about prosecuting it.

It's not that complicated.
So what is a high crime? It is something from England. Impeachment is not a criminal trial but a political process.
From the Senate Impeachment Rules:

I. Whensoever the Senate shall receive notice from the House of Representatives that managers are appointed on their part to conduct an impeachment against any person, and are directed to carry articles of impeachment to the Senate, the Secretary of the Senate shall immediately inform the House of Representatives that the Senate is ready to receive the managers for the purpose of exhibiting such articles of impeachment agreeably to said notice.

II. When the managers of an impeachment shall be introduced at the bar of the Senate, and shall signify that they are ready to exhibit articles of impeachment against any person, the presiding officer of the Senate shall direct the Sergeant-at-arms to make proclamation, who shall, after making proclamation, repeat the following words, viz: "All persons are commanded to keep silence, on pain of imprisonment, while the House of Representatives is exhibiting to the Senate of the United States articles of impeachment against ;" after which the articles shall be exhibited, and then the presiding officer of the Senate shall inform the managers that the Senate will take proper order on the subject of the impeachment, of which due notice shall be given to the House of Representatives.

III. Upon such articles being presented to the Senate, the Senate shall, at 1 o'clock afternoon of the day (Sunday excepted) following such presentation, or sooner if so ordered by the Senate, proceed to the consideration of such articles, and shall continue in session from day to day, (Sundays excepted) after the trial shall commence, (unless otherwise ordered by the Senate,) until final judgment shall be rendered, and so much longer as may, in its judgment, be needful. Before proceeding to the consideration of the articles of impeachment, the presiding officer shall administer the oath hereafter provided to the members of the Senate then present, and to the other members of the Senate as they shall appear, whose duty it shall be to take the same.

Once the motion is made in the Senate, the Chief Justice is automatically called upon and sworn in as the presiding officer of the impeachment trial. During the trial of Andrew Johnson articles were passed on February 29th in the House, introduced on March 4th in the Senate and the Chief Justice was sworn in March 5th. To give you an idea of the power wielded by the Chief Justice in such cases, Chief Justice Rehnquist was famously strict during President Clinton's impeachment trial, not even allowing Senators to leave the floor for the entire length of the trial once it began (to the frustration of many Senators).

As we speak there is no case that can be made against Trump that rises to the level of treason or high crimes and misdemeanors. If the Mueller investigation comes up with something bad then that's another story, but it's hard to believe at this point that such a transgression could have been kept a secret for so long. Which doesn't mean the Dems won't impeach Trump anyway, whether they actually have grounds to do so or not. One would hope that if they did so without just cause that they would pay a heavy price in the 2020 elections, same as the Repubs should if sufficient grounds did exist for removal from office but they wouldn't vote for that. Removing a President is serious shit though, it's never been done.
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In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
Trump will be impeached for his actions

In the next 2yrs the ploitical landscape will change greatly. After those 57000 incitement are unsealed and the prosecution begin, the hillary end of the party will all be worried about prison time. Trump will win reelection in a landslide.
Trust the plan.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
Trump will be impeached for his actions

someone said this last year.....and they said period too....
In the next 2yrs the ploitical landscape will change greatly. After those 57000 incitement are unsealed and the prosecution begin, the hillary end of the party will all be worried about prison time. Trump will win reelection in a landslide.
Trust the plan.
Get yourself a trumpy doll
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
Not so fast...

Mueller-referred probe into Obama White House Counsel Greg Craig, Clinton-linked Tony Podesta heats up: report
Democrats (Leftists) seem to have a real problem with the process for criminal prosecution.

First, there has to be a "crime" (...high crimes and misdemeanors...), THEN you can start to think about prosecuting it.

It's not that complicated.

You do not have to prove a crime has been committed in order to impeach a President.

All you need is the political will to do so.

As for breaking laws, the best Mueller will be able to do is try to catch Trump in a lie of some sort.

Proving Russian collusion was never the goal.

As for the GOP in the Senate, I would not put it past them to go along with the House.
In order to smear him for history. Democrats have the House. Priority number one...get Trump! Glad they have their priorities straight. Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall and ICE. Enjoy your two years in charge of House liberals.
What will happen if Democrats retake the House?
Senate holds the trial after House indictment. Trump is safe.
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan. Unless the Democrats have more than gossip and a bj, a crime! Here's another secret for you super duper, they are for good government. Government helping people
Only Republicans are that Petty and hyper partisan
its a good thing you never lived in California franco......
I hope he is not impeached. However, if Mueller's report exposes enough crimes, there will be no choice but to impeach him. No president should ever be impeached unless there is no other choice.
Budget process will come to a halt when they try to defund the Wall
The Dems will introduce a bill to fund 100% of the Wall with all of the money pathological liar Donnie Dirtbag has collected so far and will collect in the future from Mexico.

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