Trump: "We are in the process of developing a strategy"


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
In the process of developing a strategy - RUFKM Donald? You're about 6 months too late dude. Should have started that when you were warned in January.

In fact, Joe Biden warned us in a late January op-ed that we were ill-prepared, that it was time to do that THEN, and that you were "THE worst possible leader to deal with a pandemic".

So here we are America .. pushing 150,000 (likely a 20% undercount) dead Americans later and maybe it's time to develop a strategy?
Jesus, what a mess. :icon_rolleyes:


In the process of developing a strategy - RUFKM Donald? You're about 6 months too late dude. Should have started that when you were warned in January.

In fact, Joe Biden warned us in a late January op-ed that we were ill-prepared, that it was time to do that THEN, and that you were "THE worst possible leader to deal with a pandemic".

So here we are America .. pushing 150,000 (likely a 20% underestimate) dead Americans later and maybe it's time to develop a strategy?
Jesus, what a mess. :icon_rolleyes:

Joe biden said he would have shut down flights from China haha millions would have died haah
In the process of developing a strategy - RUFKM Donald? You're about 6 months too late dude. Should have started that when you were warned in January.

In fact, Joe Biden warned us in a late January op-ed that we were ill-prepared, that it was time to do that THEN, and that you were "THE worst possible leader to deal with a pandemic".

So here we are America .. pushing 150,000 (likely a 20% undercount) dead Americans later and maybe it's time to develop a strategy?
Jesus, what a mess. :icon_rolleyes:

Yet Biden can’t articulate what his plan would be.
In the process of developing a strategy - RUFKM Donald? You're about 6 months too late dude. Should have started that when you were warned in January.

In fact, Joe Biden warned us in a late January op-ed that we were ill-prepared, that it was time to do that THEN, and that you were "THE worst possible leader to deal with a pandemic".

So here we are America .. pushing 150,000 (likely a 20% undercount) dead Americans later and maybe it's time to develop a strategy?
Jesus, what a mess. :icon_rolleyes:

I hope it comes before his promised health care plan, that's been years in the making.
In the process of developing a strategy - RUFKM Donald? You're about 6 months too late dude. Should have started that when you were warned in January.

In fact, Joe Biden warned us in a late January op-ed that we were ill-prepared, that it was time to do that THEN, and that you were "THE worst possible leader to deal with a pandemic".

So here we are America .. pushing 150,000 (likely a 20% undercount) dead Americans later and maybe it's time to develop a strategy?
Jesus, what a mess. :icon_rolleyes:

Trump won't be able to turn it around by wishing it away. But it's not all his fault. Add in all the boneheads that believe that idiocy and refuse to fight it. I blame those who refuse the reality of Covid 19.
In the process of developing a strategy - RUFKM Donald? You're about 6 months too late dude. Should have started that when you were warned in January.

In fact, Joe Biden warned us in a late January op-ed that we were ill-prepared, that it was time to do that THEN, and that you were "THE worst possible leader to deal with a pandemic".

So here we are America .. pushing 150,000 (likely a 20% undercount) dead Americans later and maybe it's time to develop a strategy?
Jesus, what a mess. :icon_rolleyes:

Joe who? LOL Hysterically xenophobic Joe?
You're about 6 months too late dude.

Uh Oh, the GLOVE is off again! Now Trump is SIX months late on something that only started 4 months ago, at fault for developing a strategy to something never seen before, constantly changing, complex, no one agrees on, and with constantly changing expert opinions on the problem and the approach!

You're about 6 months too late dude.

Uh Oh, the GLOVE is off again! Now Trump is SIX months late on something that only started 4 months ago, at fault for developing a strategy to something never seen before, constantly changing, complex, no one agrees on, and with constantly changing expert opinions on the problem and the approach!


It started well before 4 months ago.
In the process of developing a strategy - RUFKM Donald? You're about 6 months too late dude. Should have started that when you were warned in January.

In fact, Joe Biden warned us in a late January op-ed that we were ill-prepared, that it was time to do that THEN, and that you were "THE worst possible leader to deal with a pandemic".

So here we are America .. pushing 150,000 (likely a 20% undercount) dead Americans later and maybe it's time to develop a strategy?
Jesus, what a mess. :icon_rolleyes:

I hope it comes before his promised health care plan, that's been years in the making.

RIGHT? Yeah, we've been waiting on the Republican health care plan for at least a dozen years. Of course Donald said it would be "easy" and that preexisting conditions would always be covered by Republicans (even though he's still in court trying to end them).

When it comes to health care, believe NOTHING a Republican tells you. ;-)
In the process of developing a strategy - RUFKM Donald? You're about 6 months too late dude. Should have started that when you were warned in January.

In fact, Joe Biden warned us in a late January op-ed that we were ill-prepared, that it was time to do that THEN, and that you were "THE worst possible leader to deal with a pandemic".

So here we are America .. pushing 150,000 (likely a 20% undercount) dead Americans later and maybe it's time to develop a strategy?
Jesus, what a mess. :icon_rolleyes:

Trump won't be able to turn it around by wishing it away. But it's not all his fault. Add in all the boneheads that believe that idiocy and refuse to fight it. I blame those who refuse the reality of Covid 19.

True, but he is their leader.
You're about 6 months too late dude.

Uh Oh, the GLOVE is off again! Now Trump is SIX months late on something that only started 4 months ago, at fault for developing a strategy to something never seen before, constantly changing, complex, no one agrees on, and with constantly changing expert opinions on the problem and the approach!


It started well before 4 months ago.
Not as a clearly defined national threat! 6 months ago we were barely out of the impeachment bull and no one was even discussing Covid other than a news item over in China.
You're about 6 months too late dude.

Uh Oh, the GLOVE is off again! Now Trump is SIX months late on something that only started 4 months ago, at fault for developing a strategy to something never seen before, constantly changing, complex, no one agrees on, and with constantly changing expert opinions on the problem and the approach!


It started well before 4 months ago.
Not as a clearly defined national threat! 6 months ago we were barely out of the impeachment bull and no one was even discussing Covid other than a news item over in China.

No but it's the governments job to be ahead of issues like this, not behind like we see here.
In the process of developing a strategy - RUFKM Donald? You're about 6 months too late dude. Should have started that when you were warned in January.

In fact, Joe Biden warned us in a late January op-ed that we were ill-prepared, that it was time to do that THEN, and that you were "THE worst possible leader to deal with a pandemic".

So here we are America .. pushing 150,000 (likely a 20% undercount) dead Americans later and maybe it's time to develop a strategy?
Jesus, what a mess. :icon_rolleyes:

the Great Douche plan.


Great money maker
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In the process of developing a strategy - RUFKM Donald? You're about 6 months too late dude. Should have started that when you were warned in January.

In fact, Joe Biden warned us in a late January op-ed that we were ill-prepared, that it was time to do that THEN, and that you were "THE worst possible leader to deal with a pandemic".

So here we are America .. pushing 150,000 (likely a 20% undercount) dead Americans later and maybe it's time to develop a strategy?
Jesus, what a mess. :icon_rolleyes:

I hope it comes before his promised health care plan, that's been years in the making.

RIGHT? Yeah, we've been waiting on the Republican health care plan for at least a dozen years. Of course Donald said it would be "easy" and that preexisting conditions would always be covered by Republicans (even though he's still in court trying to end them).

When it comes to health care, believe NOTHING a Republican tells you. ;-)
you cant believe a democrat either.....
You're about 6 months too late dude.

Uh Oh, the GLOVE is off again! Now Trump is SIX months late on something that only started 4 months ago, at fault for developing a strategy to something never seen before, constantly changing, complex, no one agrees on, and with constantly changing expert opinions on the problem and the approach!


Yes, it has been six months since Navarro warned Trump and Trump started doing nothing. Apparently he was occupied with flavored vape at the time and didn't wanna hear it. He was also warned multiple times in the PDB's he doesn't read.

As Biden points out in his op-ed, February would have been time time to fully invoke the Defense Production Act forcing companies to start producing PPE, vents, and tests. A national strategy to a national emergency would have been the appropriate response. Instead our inept president dithered, downplayed and engaged in magical thinking.

Finally, everything the Toddler in Chief touches dies and he's been wrong about literally everything. You should know that by now.
In the process of developing a strategy - RUFKM Donald? You're about 6 months too late dude. Should have started that when you were warned in January.

In fact, Joe Biden warned us in a late January op-ed that we were ill-prepared, that it was time to do that THEN, and that you were "THE worst possible leader to deal with a pandemic".

So here we are America .. pushing 150,000 (likely a 20% undercount) dead Americans later and maybe it's time to develop a strategy?
Jesus, what a mess. :icon_rolleyes:

He was talking about the current surge in cases. Full transcript below.

Donald Trump Coronavirus Press Conference Transcript July 21 - Rev
In the process of developing a strategy - RUFKM Donald? You're about 6 months too late dude. Should have started that when you were warned in January.

In fact, Joe Biden warned us in a late January op-ed that we were ill-prepared, that it was time to do that THEN, and that you were "THE worst possible leader to deal with a pandemic".

So here we are America .. pushing 150,000 (likely a 20% undercount) dead Americans later and maybe it's time to develop a strategy?
Jesus, what a mess. :icon_rolleyes:

the Great Douche plan.


Great money maker

Donald will see a great branding opportunity here. He may be looking into a trademark as we speak. He can call the tasty snacks made of COVID victims Trump Soylent Orange:eusa_dance:
it has been six months since Navarro warned Trump and Trump started doing nothing.
ClabberForBrains apparently doesn't know that 6 months ago, Trump already WAS doing stuff, before the virus had even started here, and while at a time when the Democrats were calling him a xenophobe for doing it!

Screen Shot 2020-07-22 at 12.25.38 PM.png

As Biden points out in his op-ed, February would have been time time to fully invoke the Defense Production Act
When did Biden point that out, in his July op-ed with perfect 20/20 hindsight? Why didn't Obama do that when SARS hit then? And if Biden was SO FUCKING SMART, why didn't he say that months ago? Was he hoping to let thousands die so he could tell Trump: Neener Neener?

Finally, everything the Toddler in Chief touches dies and he's been wrong about literally everything.
  • Spanking Hillary.
  • Being spied on by Obama.
  • An attempted Democratic coup.
  • Sedition within the FBI and DOJ.
  • Corruption within the FISA court.
  • Conspiracy by Hillary to throw the election.
  • Fraudulent charges by Mueller.
  • Gorsuch.
  • Kavenaugh.
  • Stopping TPP.
  • Getting out of Paris.
  • Crushing ISIS.
  • Shutting down NK.
  • Trade.
  • The VA.
  • Ukraine.
  • Hunter Biden.
  • Best economy ever.
  • Lowered taxes.
  • Shut down Iran.
  • Pulled out of M.E.
  • Helping Israel.
  • Investigating Obama.
  • Slowing Illegals.
  • Getting more fence built.
  • Building our military.
  • Supporting LE.
  • Spanking Nancy and Adam's grade-school Impeachment ruse.


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