Trump Was Right

You need to bone up on your history, we've tried it numerous times. Isolationists believed that World War II was ultimately a dispute between foreign nations and that the United States had no good reason to get involved. The best policy, they claimed, was for the United States to build up its own defenses and avoid antagonizing either side. That worked fine until we were attacked and declared war on.
The US wasn't isolationist between WWI and WWII. We were supplying China with weapons during their war with Japan. We even had American pilots in China preparing to fight against Japan. Had it not been for delays they would have been bombing Japan prior to Pearl Harbor.

Flying Tigers - Wikipedia

So when was the US ever isolationist?
If Germany had not attacked Russia they might still control almost all of Europe.

Well I'm not in Europe so that would effect my natural language. Ironically I'm currently learning German.
If Russia, Germany, and Japan managed to work together, they would only have gotten stronger with time and might have been a serious challenge to us by now.

Russia and Germany couldn't even properly coordinate an invasion of Poland.
The US wasn't isolationist between WWI and WWII. We were supplying China with weapons during their war with Japan. We even had American pilots in China preparing to fight against Japan. Had it not been for delays they would have been bombing Japan prior to Pearl Harbor.

Flying Tigers - Wikipedia

So when was the US ever isolationist?
Upon taking office, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt tended to see a necessity for the United States to participate more actively in international affairs, but his ability to apply his personal outlook to foreign policy was limited by the strength of isolationist sentiment in the U.S. Congress. In 1933, President Roosevelt proposed a Congressional measure that would have granted him the right to consult with other nations to place pressure on aggressors in international conflicts. The bill ran into strong opposition from the leading isolationists in Congress, including progressive politicians such as Senators Hiram Johnson of California, William Borah of Idaho, and Robert La Follette of Wisconsin. In 1935, controversy over U.S. participation in the World Court elicited similar opposition. As tensions rose in Europe over Nazi Germany’s aggressive maneuvers, Congress pushed through a series of Neutrality Acts, which served to prevent American ships and citizens from becoming entangled in outside conflicts.
NATO is not our concern anymore. European nations are not paying what they promised and Americans have been carrying their load for decades. Pull out of NATO. If Europe wants to keep NATO going that’s their business.

Our borders need protection. We have a process for becoming a US citizen and it needs to be used. Millions are flooding into America just to get on welfare. Illegal drugs are flooding into our nation across the border. Build the wall. If you believe solar electricity is the future we can electrify the wall if you like.

The UN is worthless. Pull out of the UN and evict them from New York. Tear down the building and put a nice waterfront park there for New Yorkers. If other nations want a UN they can meet in Sudan or Iran.

Jobs belong in America. We give taxes to thousands of worthless projects for trillions a year. Give tax breaks to companies bringing jobs home.

Education system is in shambles and ruled by America haters. Put the power of education in the hands of parents, not career government employees who look up to Karl Marx.

The Federal government needs to be gutted. I’ve posted the hundreds of departments of the Federal government before. You’ve never heard of 2/3 of them and if the disappeared tomorrow nobody would notice.

I am very far left, but actually I liked every point you made.

NATO is the old colonial imperialists who start wars, not prevent them.
Over half of our taxes goes to the military, to start illegal wars.
A state or local law enforcement officer cannot enforce federal laws unless the officer has been deputized by the federal government to do so. Are there any state laws on espionage?
I'm not sure that's the case. In any case, the federal government can simply deputize all local law enforcement to enforce federal laws. In lieu of that the states can coordinate on standardizing their laws.
The UN is worthless.

Like so many other things, WM, NATO is valuable to all of the tiny nations not paying into it, relying on America to keep carrying the load while neglecting its own issues like our border. Once again, the USA has bought itself into another program which is a losing interest to us (can you see the world rallying coming rushing to our aid if attacked? Do you see any of them lifting one finger over our border invasion? )
Isolationism and extreme nationalism failed before but sure, let's try it again. Maybe Einstein was wrong.

The US was never isolationist.
There were attempts at isolationism, but the greedy war mongers jailed the honest people to keep getting us into illegal wars.
Teabaggers, just like their dear leader, are brain dead.
Had we taken their advice during WII, we would be speaking Japanese or German.

The reality is the US was partly responsible for almost every war.
The Japanese and Germans were not even remotely close to being able to threaten the US.
And that is without including the nukes we developed.
Do you seriously think the US could have been conquered by Germany or Japan? Seriously??? You commies are insane.
If Germany and Japan had been victorious, then the US would have also eventually fallen.
Neither could take out the US directly, but once the world was split between them, the US would have become completely isolated from it's worldwide resources.

Unlike Germany, the United States did not recognize the necessity for a synthetic rubber industry at the time because most of their rubber supply was imported from Southeast Asia.

Stepped up oil exploration in Venezuela from 1937, discovering the Santa Barbara field before U.S. entry into the war. By 1945, this new crude oil source contributed 27,000 barrels daily to U.S. operations, helping offset acute shortages at home.

Between German and Japan, all our strategic parters would be under their control. And their resources no longer available. The US would have to fight a war using only its self sufficient resources, while Germany and Japan would have the resources of the world they conquered.
Like so many other things, WM, NATO is valuable to all of the tiny nations not paying into it, relying on America to keep carrying the load while neglecting its own issues like our border. Once again, the USA has bought itself into another program which is a losing interest to us (can you see the world rallying coming rushing to our aid if attacked? Do you see any of them lifting one finger over our border invasion? )

NATO has never helped anyone but the wealthy elite.
The reality is the US was partly responsible for almost every war.
The Japanese and Germans were not even remotely close to being able to threaten the US.
And that is without including the nukes we developed.
That is not the reality

They were a threat

The US is not responsible for every war dumbass
I am very far left, but actually I liked every point you made.

NATO is the old colonial imperialists who start wars, not prevent them.
Over half of our taxes goes to the military, to start illegal wars.
The military does not start wars moron.

NATO is not colonial and has never starte da war
If Germany and Japan had been victorious, then the US would have also eventually fallen.
Neither could take out the US directly, but once the world was split between them, the US would have become completely isolated from it's worldwide resources.

Unlike Germany, the United States did not recognize the necessity for a synthetic rubber industry at the time because most of their rubber supply was imported from Southeast Asia.

Stepped up oil exploration in Venezuela from 1937, discovering the Santa Barbara field before U.S. entry into the war. By 1945, this new crude oil source contributed 27,000 barrels daily to U.S. operations, helping offset acute shortages at home.

Between German and Japan, all our strategic parters would be under their control. And their resources no longer available. The US would have to fight a war using only its self sufficient resources, while Germany and Japan would have the resources of the world they conquered.

Germany and Japan were way too tiny to ever remotely threaten Europe ang China, much less the whole world.
You are forgetting guerrilla warfare.
You are forgetting Russia defeated Germany actually, even before D-Day.
You are forgetting South America supplied more than we needed, like rubber.

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