Trump Trying to Incite another Insurrection/riot?

"I resemble that remark" is an old Internet joke --- maybe too old. :)

Yes, I like your definition. I thought it was epistomology at first, how do we know what we know, but I keep going back to ontology, what is real, and how do we know that? I don't know what Leftists are doing with this, but that's my postmodernism. That "fact" is just opinion someone is very, very invested in persuading other people about.
I remember that expression from well before the days of the Internet. It's disturbing how many people today seem to have actually grown up ONLINE and ended up thinking such things. Cyberspace is only a small part of reality and is still relatively young.
Trump crimes:
Inciting an Insurrection at the Capitol
Trying to subvert a fair and free election and steal it for himself
Stormy Daniels Campaign Finance crime
Illegal tax scheme at Trump Organization to illegally pay employees off the books through gifts
Illegally Mishandling Classified documents
Trump and Jared Kushner's $2B Private Equity scam with dirty Saudi Money

Many many more
Thanks for your opinion. But, the opinion of TDS'rs means nothing. Try this on for size, since we are talking about campaign finance law violations.

Got it from this News Week article..

Thank you, YD. Appreciate the link. I have read that authorities struggle with establishing the count of big crowds in DC because of the very tight restrictions on flights over the area....even small drone flights.

Like you push for common sense gun laws but never say what they are fuck off
Well, for one: I'd advocate for 'strict liability'. Meaning, if you are the OOR (Owner-of-Record) of a firearm then any harm it causes you are partially --maybe solely -- liable for it, circumstances will vary.

Meaning, if you leave it under the seat of your truck and it gets stolen when you stop for a shorty at the DewDrop, and then it is used to kill the liquor store clerk....well, the OOR bears some of that liability (lesser, to be sure, than the trigger-puller, but he is on the hook nonetheless).

If you enjoy the benefits a firearm brings to your life, then you own the harm it does. Period.
Somebody they stole a gun from, or an ice pick, or a baseball bat, is not the murderer.
And you are absolutely correct. And our laws support that. The OOR is not a murderer in the case of the dead liquor-store clerk. The trigger-puller is.


The trigger-puller had a trigger to pull because of the negligence, carelessness, obtuseness, of the OOR. Thus....under "strict liability"....the owner-of-record has liability. Either criminally or financially.....let's leave that for the legislation to decide.

But in the end, if you brought this high-lethality tool into society and harm is done with it....then the OOR is on the hook, is not off scott-free. Period.
Trump is about to be arrested for crimes he committed. Trump has let it be known that he thinks people should "protest" (riot cough cough).

Trump has already incited 1 Insurrection based on total lies, now he is pushing the limits again. Trump commited crimes and he will be arrested for these crimes, the same way other criminals are arrested for crimes.

If Trump tries to incite another riot/Insurrection after what he did on Jan 6th, he should be arrested and charged with yet another crime. If Trump makes increasingly incendiary tweets he should be arrested preemptively before the riot starts.

If you let criminals keep getting away with crime, they will never stop. Trump thinks he is above the law and has lived a life of crime and corruption and has never been held accountable for anything in life (even his numerous bankruptcies). Trump needs to be stopped before we have another Jan 6th (or a lessor Charlotsville that was still terrible).

Trump lied and people died.
and it will happen again.

Trump ain't gotta do a damn thing. If the stupid fucks go through with trying total Stalinist bullshit like that in America?

It's time to put the brakes on that with American power! They're going to have to die. All of them.

Fuck that, all our ancestors didn't fight in all those wars for us us to just sit down and accept bullshit like that.

“that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”

Yeah, Lincoln was a tyrant. At least he was an American tyrant. :auiqs.jpg:
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Trump ain't gotta do a damn thing. If the stupid fucks go through with trying total Stalinist bullshit in America?

It's time to put the brakes on that with American power! They're going to have to die.

Fuck that, all our ancestors didn't fight in all those wars for us us to just sit down and accept bullshit like that.
Day drinking keyboard warrior.
He's trying to and there will likely be some skirmishes. But more over it will happen later; not on Tuesday.

I think he's burned that one already...and clearly he doesn't give two shits about those who went up the river for him on 1/6 during the insurrection attempt...

But if it starts looking bad for Mara-Lard-Ass, some of the true believers will figure "what the hell" and decide to go out in a blaze of glory. Hope the cops have the safeties off.
Let that inner Nazi shine ….
Thank you, YD. Appreciate the link. I have read that authorities struggle with establishing the count of big crowds in DC because of the very tight restrictions on flights over the area....even small drone flights.

Well, for one: I'd advocate for 'strict liability'. Meaning, if you are the OOR (Owner-of-Record) of a firearm then any harm it causes you are partially --maybe solely -- liable for it, circumstances will vary.

Meaning, if you leave it under the seat of your truck and it gets stolen when you stop for a shorty at the DewDrop, and then it is used to kill the liquor store clerk....well, the OOR bears some of that liability (lesser, to be sure, than the trigger-puller, but he is on the hook nonetheless).

If you enjoy the benefits a firearm brings to your life, then you own the harm it does. Period.
Dumb fuck jumps in making shit up that wasn't ask of them
So since you show your ignorence
Still can't explain common sense gun laws
And you are absolutely correct. And our laws support that. The OOR is not a murderer in the case of the dead liquor-store clerk. The trigger-puller is.


The trigger-puller had a trigger to pull because of the negligence, carelessness, obtuseness, of the OOR. Thus....under "strict liability"....the owner-of-record has liability. Either criminally or financially.....let's leave that for the legislation to decide.

But in the end, if you brought this high-lethality tool into society and harm is done with it....then the OOR is on the hook, is not off scott-free. Period.
Good to hear, since you're dishing out responsibility, all of you ass-wipes that wanted to defund the police should take financial responsibility for all the damage done during the protests. Sounds pretty fair.
Trump ain't gotta do a damn thing. If the stupid fucks go through with trying total Stalinist bullshit in America? It's time to put the brakes on that with American

power! They're going to have to die. Fuck that, all our ancestors didn't fight in all those wars for us us to just sit down and accept bullshit like that.

Stalinist bullshit???? Who do you think called the press the "enemy of the people"???? Trump has been using the Dictator's Playbook since he came down the escalator. Putin gave him the "Deep State".

Telling his supporters to take to the streets when he's arrested is proof positive of his unfitness for office. A leader is someone who is willing to die for his people. A despot is someone who asks his people to die for him.
Banning AR weapons and high capacity magazines, and background checks on all gun sales is too complicated for your simple mind to comprehend??????
Ban something that is used less than 3% of crimes? There are no high capacity magazines only standard
We already have back ground checks that did nothing to stop several shootings. And criminals don't do back ground checks.
Again you have no common sense if you believe that will achieve the goal of keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

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