Trump Trying to Incite another Insurrection/riot?

"God you love to twist peoples words to fit your agenda."
I'll be goshdarned!
It is true that learning English has always been a challenge to me....but....
...but your words seem clear enough.

For example:

When trump gets re-elected,he will then do the world a favor and put a gun to his head.

Sure sounds like some self-offing going on to me. Even with my limited English skills.

As I said, I think it might be sad for the youngest son (Barron?)......but maybe a bit of a relief to all others in the family. I dunno. Just speculatin'.
If you don't mind me asking, poster Yardog --- where did the 100k attendee number come from?

I have seen a number of estimates from a low of 10,000 to a high of a million (D. Trump came up with the million number). So I'm curious about your 100k.

Got it from this News Week article..

Trump is about to be arrested for crimes he committed. Trump has let it be known that he thinks people should "protest" (riot cough cough).

Trump has already incited 1 Insurrection based on total lies, now he is pushing the limits again. Trump commited crimes and he will be arrested for these crimes, the same way other criminals are arrested for crimes.

If Trump tries to incite another riot/Insurrection after what he did on Jan 6th, he should be arrested and charged with yet another crime. If Trump makes increasingly incendiary tweets he should be arrested preemptively before the riot starts.

If you let criminals keep getting away with crime, they will never stop. Trump thinks he is above the law and has lived a life of crime and corruption and has never been held accountable for anything in life (even his numerous bankruptcies). Trump needs to be stopped before we have another Jan 6th (or a lessor Charlotsville that was still terrible).

Trump lied and people died.
and it will happen again.

If any demonstrations are held, true MAGA supporters must keep them peaceful. Don’t allow any Antifa supporters or FBI undercover agents to stir up the crowd. You can bet they will try. No Ray Epps allowed.

The Democrats would absolutely love to see violent riots in support of Trump. Their Jan 6th “insurrection” was basically a flop and no matter how hard they tried most people see it as just a simple riot. However the rioters who damaged the Capitol Building do deserve to be prosecuted. So do the rioters who burned down our cities in the summer of 2020. The law should apply EQUALLY to all.

Peaceful demonstrations are fine but not violent riots. MLK achieved great change through peaceful demonstrations.

Let the Democrats burn, loot and pillage. That’s their thing. They love their crime and corruption, their BLM and Antifa rioters, their street thugs, drug gangs and petty criminals.

Just turn out to vote against any and all Democrats and make sure all your conservative friends also show up or vote by mail.

We can Make America Great Again by simply voting for the right people. We need to re-elect Trump or elect DeSantis. Both will fight for us unlike the Democrat Joe Biden who has sold us out to China.
Trump is about to be arrested for crimes he committed. Trump has let it be known that he thinks people should "protest" (riot cough cough).

Trump has already incited 1 Insurrection based on total lies, now he is pushing the limits again. Trump commited crimes and he will be arrested for these crimes, the same way other criminals are arrested for crimes.

If Trump tries to incite another riot/Insurrection after what he did on Jan 6th, he should be arrested and charged with yet another crime. If Trump makes increasingly incendiary tweets he should be arrested preemptively before the riot starts.

If you let criminals keep getting away with crime, they will never stop. Trump thinks he is above the law and has lived a life of crime and corruption and has never been held accountable for anything in life (even his numerous bankruptcies). Trump needs to be stopped before we have another Jan 6th (or a lessor Charlotsville that was still terrible).

Trump lied and people died.
and it will happen again.

Trump is about to be arrested for crimes he committed. Trump has let it be known that he thinks people should "protest" (riot cough cough).

Trump has already incited 1 Insurrection based on total lies, now he is pushing the limits again. Trump commited crimes and he will be arrested for these crimes, the same way other criminals are arrested for crimes.

If Trump tries to incite another riot/Insurrection after what he did on Jan 6th, he should be arrested and charged with yet another crime. If Trump makes increasingly incendiary tweets he should be arrested preemptively before the riot starts.

If you let criminals keep getting away with crime, they will never stop. Trump thinks he is above the law and has lived a life of crime and corruption and has never been held accountable for anything in life (even his numerous bankruptcies). Trump needs to be stopped before we have another Jan 6th (or a lessor Charlotsville that was still terrible).

Trump lied and people died.
and it will happen again.

Trump Trying to Incite another Insurrection

This destroyed your thread befre you ever posted another word.

Garland, Wray, The J6 Committee - they failed to prove J6 was an 'Insurrection'.

Wray even testified under oath begore the oversight committee that he f id not believe J6 was an 'Insurrection'.

If there was never a 'FIRST' there can't be 'ANOTHER'.
dumbass of the 79 million that voted for trump
][ ][ ][% of aren't fat, are in shape, are law enforcement, are military, vets, well versed in weapon skills, who are fed up with the shit
I see Mac1958 can't understand the numbers.
mac when did you first realize that you hated cops and the military? Or we vets?
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If Trump does get arrested, and if protests are organized, we have to try to anticipate how the Left will respond. Trying to 'think like the enemy' and understand his plans is the first step in defeating him. We have to play Kreigspiel. [ Kriegsspiel - Wikipedia ]

So, if there are protests, how will the (hardcore, serious) Left respond? Of course, the mainstream media can be expected to twist everything, to send their photographers to find the sort of photos they want to run.

So, expect these things, at a minimum:

(1) False Flags: Leftists who turn up, probably masked, carrying swastika signs, or Confederate flags, or anything to discredit us. They should be repelled, with vigor.

(2) Provocateurs. Learn the lessons of 6 January. It would be a Lefty wet dream if violence broke out, which they could pin on us. So they'll try to provoke it, from both the inside and the outside. Be on the alert for the fake 'patriot' who throws a rock at the police, or urges people to rush a police line.

People like the above are the enemy and should be isolated by a team of six or more patriots who surround them and escort them out of the demonstration ... with vigor.

(3) Violent attacks from counter-protestors. These may or may not occur, depending on where you live, but be prepared for them. So you should,

--- (a) Dress for the occasion: gloves, boots or heavy shoes, work trousers and shirt (ideally, cargo pants with large pockets), head gear -- not necessarily a helmet, but some sort of cap or hat ... these can be reinforced with canvas or even folded newspaper inside, and glasses or some sort of face protection (the enemy loves to use bear spray against us).

--- (b) Prepare to deal with injuries: Carry a small First-aid kit: bandages, and above all, burn ointment (AntiFa like to shoot fireworks at people).

At some point, every patriot should go on a serious First-aid course if they haven't already. (These should be organized by us, if possible, with a combat vet showing how to deal with injuries Red Cross courses don't cover, like sucking chest wounds). A litre of water in a rucksack comes in very handy as well for washing wounds.

--- (c) Don't get drawn into arguments with counter-protestors. Don't get isolated.
The enemy will try to get you into an angry confrontation. It's pointless. Give them the silent treatment. A cold smile will drive them crazy.
Above all, stay with your own people. This was Kyle Rittenhouse's mistake -- he got isolated, and then the leftist hyenas went for him (since one, at least, of them was a paedophile, his youth may have been an attraction as well).

--- (d) Think about your arrival and departure. Bring your own food and drink, so that you don't have to go to a restaurant before or afterwards, where you can get ambushed. Fill up your gas tank before you go. Don't have an identifying political stickers on your car. Park where you won't be identified as a patriot. These vermin love to damage the cars of patriots.

--- (e) Have a "I'm in trouble" phone number or phone numbers. There should be someone sitting at a telephone whom you can ring if you get arrested or injured, who in turn can mobilize help. (Suppose you get injured and are in a hospital. Who's going to take car of your car? Or feed the cat?) Ideally, you should have the phone number of a sympathetic lawyer, and enough cash on your person to pay for a taxi.

Finally, much of this is best done by an organized group (in which case, there are several more considerations involving comms, intel, transport and logistics -- things only an organized group with a chain of command structure can carry out). If you're a serious patriot and not yet in an organized local group, you should seriously consider finding, or start, one.

One note: Russian trolls are real. They have a well-financed organization, the "Internet Research Agency" (glavset), which, among other things, tries to stir up violence in the US, using social media. They undoubtedly have 'sleepers' on all the major social media accounts, some of whom may be activated if these protests look like being widespread. They will try to inflame patriots and get them to do something stupid. (And they may be working the other side too.)

A key point: LEAVE YOUR GUNS AT HOME. We're trying to influence middle America, to make them think, "Well, I don't like Trump, but .. this does seem a bit unfair. The Bidens are probably just as much hands-in-the-piggy bank as Trump ever was. And what about Al Sharpton unpaid taxes?"

The last thing we want is pictures of grinning idiots with their AR15s. Legal, peaceful and orderly. Until we can't be. There may come a time -- unfortunately -- when the "weapon of criticism is replaced by the criticism of weapons," as old Karl Marx said, but we're not there yet. (And if we do arrive there, all the "shoot-all-the-commies" hot-air merchants will be nowhere to be seen.)

We've got to fight smart.
The crappy software is forcing me to cut my response into smaller pieces, and then to repost each piece as a separate post -- that is, just shortening it within the original post doesn't work -- the software still thinks the post is the original length..
Mac1958 asks "Fight for what, exactly?"

Yes, a good question.

A quick and easy answer would be: fight to restore the American Republic as it was for over two hundred years, where the great majority of its citizens believed -- with reason -- that they were living in the best country on earth, one which, despite its flaws (which all countries populated by Homo Sap. have), was making steady progress

A country where the individual had unalienable rights, and one where the economic/social system gave everyone a good chance to "live long and prosper".

One where children grew up loving their country, saluting the flag and not burning it.

One where the history they were taught, taught them that this was a good country, not an evil one. (If you want to argue that that history was one-sided, that it left out things that it should have taught children at some point, we can have that argument -- I've read Lies My Teacher Taught Me [ Lies My Teacher Told Me - Wikipedia ] little of which was new to me, and stand ready to discuss this question. Start a thread on it: what should we teach our children?)

The question is, HOW to do this, given that the anti-Amerikkkan Left have great influence, if not total control, over our education system at all levels, our mainstream media, Hollywood (from which, in fact, most Americans learn what they know about the world).

They're now bold enough to openly honor people who spied for the Soviet Union. (Not a single Leftist on this board has condemned this. Silence is their strategy.)

They're bold enough in some places to say that the American flag offends some people, so it shouldn't be flown. That the Pledge of Allegiance shouldn't be recited at meetings or in schools.

So how to restore our dying Republic? Just winning elections is unlikely to change the fundamental source of the problem.

That's really a discussion that needs to held among patriots, without hostile observers/participants. But a bit more follows.
So how to restore our perishing Republic? [Apologies to Robinson Jeffers here: Shine, Perishing Republic - Wikipedia ]

What we can say is this: the Left is hollowing out our police and military, directly. Don't count on them to always be able to protect you from psychotic mobs.

Indirectly, by bringing up new generations to have contempt for their country, they're doing even worse.

We've seen that they are capable of cold-blooded murder of patriots [Aaron Danielson], that they can bring out mobs to overwhelm the police (even when they're not being restrained by liberal politicians).

We've seen that where they are dominant -- as on many college campuses -- they routinely unleash mobs to shut down peaceful conservative meetings. (There are a few, a very few, honorable old-fashioned liberals who have condemned this. But they are rare. Certainly none are posting on this board, and I think we probably have a good random sample of average activist-Leftists here. They don't condemn it because they approve of it.)

Their general attitude towards us is cut from the same cloth as the Nazis' were towards the Jews living among them before the War: extreme hostility, occasional killings (Kristalnacht), but temporary restraint from widespread lethal violence. Probably most Germans who supported Hitler didn't think "We should kill all the Jews" - they just hated them. It took the right sequence of events before the gas chambers were fired up.

Of course America is different. Patriots here are a political tendency, not an ethnic one. We comprise whites, Blacks, straghts, gays, transgenders, men, women. We're over-represented, at the moment, in the military and police. There is a broad middle spectrum of Americans who, while not conscious conservatives, don't share the lethal hatred of the Left for us.

So ... who knows what will happen? No one knows the future. Wars and depresions turn things upside down. Anyone who thinks these are absolutely ruled out for us is ... well, they're certainly well-supplied with Optimism pills.

In any case ... it won't hurt for patriots to prepare, to equip themselves to be able to live through a prolonged breakdown of the economic/legal/social order. Don't think America is charmed, or under Divine Protection. Or if it is, the Protector will protect those who protect themselves.

Get started now. A hundred isolated individuals, each one perfectly prepared, are a thousand times weaker than even a couple of dozen people who have organized themselves, thought out all the 'What do we do if ...' possibilities, taken advantage of the dvision of labor that any group has.

Get started now. The former Oathkeepers in Arizona ( have got the right idea: no posturing, no histrionics, just serious work in preparation. The Houston branch of Texas State Militia -- despite an unnecessarily scary name -- are doing good work to build community support way beyond the ranks of the politically-committed.
( TSM Houston Militia – Houston Militia ).

Patriots, go and do thou likewise. Get started now.
Mac1958 asks "Fight for what, exactly?"

Yes, a good question.

A quick and easy answer would be: fight to restore the American Republic as it was for over two hundred years, where the great majority of its citizens believed -- with reason -- that they were living in the best country on earth, one which, despite its flaws (which all countries populated by Homo Sap. have), was making steady progress

A country where the individual had unalienable rights, and one where the economic/social system gave everyone a good chance to "live long and prosper".

One where children grew up loving their country, saluting the flag and not burning it.

One where the history they were taught, taught them that this was a good country, not an evil one. (If you want to argue that that history was one-sided, that it left out things that it should have taught children at some point, we can have that argument -- I've read Lies My Teacher Taught Me [ Lies My Teacher Told Me - Wikipedia ] little of which was new to me, and stand ready to discuss this question. Start a thread on it: what should we teach our children?)

The question is, HOW to do this, given that the anti-Amerikkkan Left have great influence, if not total control, over our education system at all levels, our mainstream media, Hollywood (from which, in fact, most Americans learn what they know about the world).

They're now bold enough to openly honor people who spied for the Soviet Union. (Not a single Leftist on this board has condemned this. Silence is their strategy.)

They're bold enough in some places to say that the American flag offends some people, so it shouldn't be flown. That the Pledge of Allegiance shouldn't be recited at meetings or in schools.

So how to restore our dying Republic? Just winning elections is unlikely to change the fundamental source of the problem.

That's really a discussion that needs to held among patriots, without hostile observers/participants. But a bit more follows.
So how to restore our perishing Republic? [Apologies to Robinson Jeffers here: Shine, Perishing Republic - Wikipedia ]

What we can say is this: the Left is hollowing out our police and military, directly. Don't count on them to always be able to protect you from psychotic mobs.

Indirectly, by bringing up new generations to have contempt for their country, they're doing even worse.

We've seen that they are capable of cold-blooded murder of patriots [Aaron Danielson], that they can bring out mobs to overwhelm the police (even when they're not being restrained by liberal politicians).

We've seen that where they are dominant -- as on many college campuses -- they routinely unleash mobs to shut down peaceful conservative meetings. (There are a few, a very few, honorable old-fashioned liberals who have condemned this. But they are rare. Certainly none are posting on this board, and I think we probably have a good random sample of average activist-Leftists here. They don't condemn it because they approve of it.)

Their general attitude towards us is cut from the same cloth as the Nazis' were towards the Jews living among them before the War: extreme hostility, occasional killings (Kristalnacht), but temporary restraint from widespread lethal violence. Probably most Germans who supported Hitler didn't think "We should kill all the Jews" - they just hated them. It took the right sequence of events before the gas chambers were fired up.

Of course America is different. Patriots here are a political tendency, not an ethnic one. We comprise whites, Blacks, straghts, gays, transgenders, men, women. We're over-represented, at the moment, in the military and police. There is a broad middle spectrum of Americans who, while not conscious conservatives, don't share the lethal hatred of the Left for us.

So ... who knows what will happen? No one knows the future. Wars and depresions turn things upside down. Anyone who thinks these are absolutely ruled out for us is ... well, they're certainly well-supplied with Optimism pills.

In any case ... it won't hurt for patriots to prepare, to equip themselves to be able to live through a prolonged breakdown of the economic/legal/social order. Don't think America is charmed, or under Divine Protection. Or if it is, the Protector will protect those who protect themselves.

Get started now. A hundred isolated individuals, each one perfectly prepared, are a thousand times weaker than even a couple of dozen people who have organized themselves, thought out all the 'What do we do if ...' possibilities, taken advantage of the dvision of labor that any group has.

Get started now. The former Oathkeepers in Arizona ( have got the right idea: no posturing, no histrionics, just serious work in preparation. The Houston branch of Texas State Militia -- despite an unnecessarily scary name -- are doing good work to build community support way beyond the ranks of the politically-committed.
( TSM Houston Militia – Houston Militia ).

Patriots, go and do thou likewise. Get started now.
Doug you're wasting your time. Mac need to be deprogrammed before common sense can be explained to him
Mac1958 asks "Fight for what, exactly?"

Yes, a good question.
I'd say fight for an America in which people mind their own business and don't constantly rattle off orders about what people "can't say," and try to regulate us all to death. A country in which people don't admonish everyone else non-stop.

A country which can be proud of itself rather than requiring every teacher and everyone else to Hate America in all that they say and do. The negativity is appalling.

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