Trump Trying to Incite another Insurrection/riot?

yep, jan 6 was a riot, set up and implemented by the FBI, Pelosi, and the dem mayor of DC. Have you heard the term false flag? look it up, that's what Jan 6 was.
And somehow they got a few thousand of you guys to attack cops, interrupt an official proceeding, commit a seditious conspiracy....

So that leads me to this question.

Are you guys that easily lead around by the nose to where you can be made to commit violent misdemeanors and felonies? Is your mind that weak? Are you that pathetic?

The answer has to be yes on all 3 questions.

Now run along little boy.
Good to hear, since you're dishing out responsibility, all of you ass-wipes that wanted to defund the police should take financial responsibility for all the damage done during the protests. Sounds pretty fair.

Actually the right should take responsibility for all of the damage done during the protests. Studies showed that if only leftists protest, the marches are peaceful, but as soon as the right wingers started showing up, things turned violent and the people arrested for the violence were the right wingers.

Actually the right should take responsibility for all of the damage done during the protests. Studies showed that if only leftists protest, the marches are peaceful, but as soon as the right wingers started showing up, things turned violent and the people arrested for the violence were the right wingers.

bullshit, total unadulterated bullshit.
And somehow they got a few thousand of you guys to attack cops, interrupt an official proceeding, commit a seditious conspiracy....

So that leads me to this question.

Are you guys that easily lead around by the nose to where you can be made to commit violent misdemeanors and felonies? Is your mind that weak? Are you that pathetic?

The answer has to be yes on all 3 questions.

Now run along little boy.
Anything that ever goes wrong is the mean old Demmiecrats fault. IF the dems steal their votes and generally just punk them at every turn, you are correct. They should just give up and go home and wait for the Democrats to come to take them to interment camps (remember that one?)
Actually the right should take responsibility for all of the damage done during the protests. Studies showed that if only leftists protest, the marches are peaceful, but as soon as the right wingers started showing up, things turned violent and the people arrested for the violence were the right wingers.

You dumb fuck the insurrections of 2020 were all you leftists
" ass-wipes that wanted to defund..."
"you" ass-wipes?
'wanted to defund'?

Umm, my friend, just what are you talking about?
Your "you" seemingly wishes to include my poor avatar into your 'asswipe' demographic.
Don't do that.
It makes you look foolish and silly.
Not a good look if you are a grown man.....or, for that matter, a grown woman.
Now, if you are just a 14-yr old hammering away on your Mom's laptop....well, son, do your homework. It'll prove to be a better investment.

Trust me.
I'll be goshdarned!
It is true that learning English has always been a challenge to me....but....
...but your words seem clear enough.

For example:


Sure sounds like some self-offing going on to me. Even with my limited English skills.

As I said, I think it might be sad for the youngest son (Barron?)......but maybe a bit of a relief to all others in the family. I dunno. Just speculatin'.


Ha Ha

You got played like a little punk

No the cops killing too many black people did that

Fight for what, exactly?
red howlers.jpg
"you" ass-wipes?
'wanted to defund'?

Umm, my friend, just what are you talking about?
Your "you" seemingly wishes to include my poor avatar into your 'asswipe' demographic.
Don't do that.
It makes you look foolish and silly.
Not a good look if you are a grown man.....or, for that matter, a grown woman.
Now, if you are just a 14-yr old hammering away on your Mom's laptop....well, son, do your homework. It'll prove to be a better investment.

Trust me.
Always the same with you scum. Denial and pretense...
Anything that ever goes wrong is the mean old Demmiecrats fault. IF the dems steal their votes and generally just punk them at every turn, you are correct. They should just give up and go home and wait for the Democrats to come to take them to interment camps (remember that one?)
No idiot but you seem to defend all the bad democrats do
Actually the right should take responsibility for all of the damage done during the protests. Studies showed that if only leftists protest, the marches are peaceful, but as soon as the right wingers started showing up, things turned violent and the people arrested for the violence were the right wingers.

When "the right" protests, it's going to be with guns, and there won't be any looting of businesses, just hanging and shooting of leftist
shitbags and maybe some burning them out. Leftist shitbags will not have ary a safe moment in America until they're all killed off and there will be a certain kind of Theocracy established in
America afterwards. That's where I see all this going. I don't particularly like it; I wanna go back to the 80s when America was America,
But these shitbags are going to have to be dealt with, because the only thing that's going to stop them is bullets or imprisonment
or hanging. Their goal is to enslave all Americans and lie to them constantly. I just don't see that going over well.
I see it working out horribly wrong for them and then freakin' Theocracy to prevent shitbags like that from happening.
Yes, that's too far to the right for my tastes, but that's the railway this train is on.
Always the same with you scum. Denial and pretense...


OK, I get your vexation; however, Mike......

....ain't you the same 'Mike" that alleged there were dozens (hundreds?) of January 6th seditionist-attackers lying in solitary confinement in DC jails without charges or legal representation and no contact with family?
And when asked to vet that disappeared?
Ain't that you, Mike?
Stalinist bullshit???? Who do you think called the press the "enemy of the people"???? Trump has been using the Dictator's Playbook since he came down the escalator. Putin gave him the "Deep State".

Telling his supporters to take to the streets when he's arrested is proof positive of his unfitness for office. A leader is someone who is willing to die for his people. A despot is someone who asks his people to die for him.
He scares the shit out of you. Doesn't he.

You are all worried that he will beat Biden and it freaks you out.

I love watching the meltdown.

You guys are entertainments for me and my wife. For that I thank you.

Now, be a good leftie and go to the streets and scream...have another scream day. Enjoy.
When "the right" protests, it's going to be with guns, and there won't be any looting of businesses, just hanging and shooting of leftist
shitbags and maybe some burning them out. Leftist shitbags will not have ary a safe moment in America until they're all killed off and there will be a certain kind of Theocracy established in
America afterwards. That's where I see all this going. I don't particularly like it; I wanna go back to the 80s when America was America,
But these shitbags are going to have to be dealt with, because the only thing that's going to stop them is bullets or imprisonment
or hanging. Their goal is to enslave all Americans and lie to them constantly. I just don't see that going over well.
I see it working out horribly wrong for them and then freakin' Theocracy to prevent shitbags like that from happening.
Yes, that's too far to the right for my tastes, but that's the railway this train is on.
Yeah, Right Wing Religious Nut Jobs, will be the first ones taken out.
Easily identifiable by their Walmart cammo outfits, two or three AR-15's, their Chinese made MAGA caps and walking around with enough ammo to take on an army.
Shooting at anything that moves...........50 times.
They will be taken out easier than shooting fish in a barrel.
In you last post in your mocking

"mean old Demmiecrats fault." As if the last 6 years democrats are innocent of everything they've done
Did not say anything about democrats being innocent. I did say Right wingers are either wrong and there is really no evidence of the multitude of evils done by the Democrats. Or the RWers are simply to incompetent or impotent to do anything about it.
Stay calm & carry on, nothing is going to happen Tuesday.
I hope it does because I'm tired of these lying leftist shitbag's shit.

I hope they fucking poke the bear like that. They're going to get mauled.

And that's exactly what they deserve.

I'm watching Meet The Press and counting lies that Chuck Todd tells and it's up to 27 thus far.

Not to mention the biased snide shit. This motherfucker is all CommieCrat all the time.

:auiqs.jpg: That time he had David Brody on and he called him a biased piece of shit to his face.

Chuck was flabbergasted. It was glorious!
Okay, that's 29 now.

Aw crap, now it's up to 33.

Why do all these people have a shiteating grin about innocent people getting killed in Ukraine?
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