Trump Trade War with Canada and Trashing Trudeau is Backfiring

Trump Trade War with Canada and Trashing Trudeau is Backfiring

Thanks, Donald.

Yeah, I know, America should just lay down and die, stick our asses in the air and tell everyone to just bone us---- take whatever is handed us. The Left: Party of Weakness. Yep. Everything the Donald does keeps backfiring, except that it all keeps working. And yes, you're welcome.

Idiots believe Trump’s trade lies.

Nothing was “won” with the EU. Agreeing to stop escalating tariffs and to start negotiating isn’t a win. It’s a cease fire.

Trump started trade wars on multiple fronts. China, NAFTA, and the EU. So far, the only person who had caved on their demands, is Trump.

Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs are producing 40,000 steel industry jobs. Unfortunately they come at a cost of 500,000 manufacturing jobs. And the good will of you allies who resent being falsely called “national security threats”.

Not to mention the economic uncertainty created by Trumps tariffs are a disincentive to investment. What’s the point of investing in manufacturing when Trump could start a trade war with your target market?

If you had the slightest clue about trade and economics you’d know that far from winning, Trump is destroying US markets and driving your buyers away. Trade deficits aren’t necessarily a bad thing.
Thanks, Donald.

From the Wall Street Journal:

In Canada’s Grocery Carts, a Boycott U.S.A. Movement Starts Rolling

"""The push to buy more Canadian products—and to boycott American ones—gained strength after the U.S. levied 25% tariffs on Canadian steel and 10% on aluminum ......and President Trump called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “Very dishonest & weak”on Twitter """""""""

Fuck 'em.
We can't expect all these other countries to just roll over like the United States has been doing for the past few decades. They are accustomed to fleecing the US at will, so they will cry a bit when they don't get everything they want anymore. We have to be tough and it won't be easy. But, the US holds the upper hand. They need our market. No pain, no gain.
Thanks, Donald.

From the Wall Street Journal:

In Canada’s Grocery Carts, a Boycott U.S.A. Movement Starts Rolling

"""The push to buy more Canadian products—and to boycott American ones—gained strength after the U.S. levied 25% tariffs on Canadian steel and 10% on aluminum ......and President Trump called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “Very dishonest & weak”on Twitter """""""""

Fuck 'em.
Thats the attitude causing the Trump Slump in tourism. Alot of tourists are going to Canada instead of US.
And this is before the tariffs kick in.
Thanks, Donald.

From the Wall Street Journal:

In Canada’s Grocery Carts, a Boycott U.S.A. Movement Starts Rolling

"""The push to buy more Canadian products—and to boycott American ones—gained strength after the U.S. levied 25% tariffs on Canadian steel and 10% on aluminum ......and President Trump called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “Very dishonest & weak”on Twitter """""""""

Great news. Trump is saving the planet by eliminating excessive ff use in shipping produce to people who can buy local .
Thanks, Donald.

From the Wall Street Journal:

In Canada’s Grocery Carts, a Boycott U.S.A. Movement Starts Rolling

"""The push to buy more Canadian products—and to boycott American ones—gained strength after the U.S. levied 25% tariffs on Canadian steel and 10% on aluminum ......and President Trump called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “Very dishonest & weak”on Twitter """""""""


Hey moron, that’s what happens in trade wars. We will win it just like we won the trade war with the EU.

LOL...yeah. Like some Trumpbot minion knows more then the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

Not a chance in hell.
Hey moron, Juncker was fucking with Trump just like Kim Jong Un and Putin did. The agreement is fluff and not binding.

Trump: ""We will not go against the spirit of this agreement unless either party terminates the negotiation," he said. "So, we're starting the negotiation right now but we know very much where it's going."'

Negotiation is not a win.

Bull shit, they blinked, we won it, we got what we wanted.
What specifically did we get?

Tariffs lifted, agreements on soy beans and natural gas, just off the top of my head.
All I have found are articles about "tentative" agreements "future" negotiations, but no real agreements. Was there a real agreement or is this just another huckster trick/lie.

Yes they are agreements. That’s what we wanted. We got it, we won.
Well, why doesn't someone post a link?
Thanks, Donald.

From the Wall Street Journal:

In Canada’s Grocery Carts, a Boycott U.S.A. Movement Starts Rolling

"""The push to buy more Canadian products—and to boycott American ones—gained strength after the U.S. levied 25% tariffs on Canadian steel and 10% on aluminum ......and President Trump called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “Very dishonest & weak”on Twitter """""""""


Hey moron, that’s what happens in trade wars. We will win it just like we won the trade war with the EU.

LOL...yeah. Like some Trumpbot minion knows more then the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

Not a chance in hell.

Yeah like a body that let trade and the economy go to shit is going to tell anyone what is right and wrong? Who gives a fuck. Trump gets results, they never have.
Thanks, Donald.

From the Wall Street Journal:

In Canada’s Grocery Carts, a Boycott U.S.A. Movement Starts Rolling

"""The push to buy more Canadian products—and to boycott American ones—gained strength after the U.S. levied 25% tariffs on Canadian steel and 10% on aluminum ......and President Trump called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “Very dishonest & weak”on Twitter """""""""


Some Canadians like the current system where they charge higher tariffs than we do. Martha, you've struck oil! Amazing!!!

No duh, Holmes
Bull shit, they blinked, we won it, we got what we wanted.
What specifically did we get?

Tariffs lifted, agreements on soy beans and natural gas, just off the top of my head.
All I have found are articles about "tentative" agreements "future" negotiations, but no real agreements. Was there a real agreement or is this just another huckster trick/lie.

Yes they are agreements. That’s what we wanted. We got it, we won.
Well, why doesn't someone post a link?

Here, let me post a link to something that is already common knowledge.

Can Trump and Europe restart relations?
Thanks, Donald.

From the Wall Street Journal:

In Canada’s Grocery Carts, a Boycott U.S.A. Movement Starts Rolling

"""The push to buy more Canadian products—and to boycott American ones—gained strength after the U.S. levied 25% tariffs on Canadian steel and 10% on aluminum ......and President Trump called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “Very dishonest & weak”on Twitter """""""""


Hey moron, that’s what happens in trade wars. We will win it just like we won the trade war with the EU.

LOL...yeah. Like some Trumpbot minion knows more then the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

Not a chance in hell.

So you blindly believe every COC position? That's the only content you posted here
Next thing you know, the Chicago mafia will be smuggling maple syrup across the border.
Canada produces its own maple syrup. In fact, they produce 85% of the worlds maple syrup. When Canadians learned they were importing maple syrup from America they protested, called for a boycott and demanded the importations be halted.

Not exporting maple syrup is going to bring the American economy to it's knees? Wow...and I thought progressives in the US were idiots! It turns out they're MENSA candidates compared to their fellow liberals north of the border!
Surely Canadians are not to stupid to see TRUMP is leaving Canada out of negotiations with Mexico. Canada is going to need to sell a lot of Maple Syrup when TRUMP kills NAFTA.
What specifically did we get?

Tariffs lifted, agreements on soy beans and natural gas, just off the top of my head.
All I have found are articles about "tentative" agreements "future" negotiations, but no real agreements. Was there a real agreement or is this just another huckster trick/lie.

Yes they are agreements. That’s what we wanted. We got it, we won.
Well, why doesn't someone post a link?

Here, let me post a link to something that is already common knowledge.

Can Trump and Europe restart relations?
Your link confirms that no deal was actually made except for a deal for further discussions. Trump lied and his supporters like you fell for the lie and have been promoting the lie as factual information when in fact it is genuine fake news promoted by trump.
Next thing you know, the Chicago mafia will be smuggling maple syrup across the border.
Canada produces its own maple syrup. In fact, they produce 85% of the worlds maple syrup. When Canadians learned they were importing maple syrup from America they protested, called for a boycott and demanded the importations be halted.

Not exporting maple syrup is going to bring the American economy to it's knees? Wow...and I thought progressives in the US were idiots! It turns out they're MENSA candidates compared to their fellow liberals north of the border!
They are not trying to bring America to its knees. You expose your Trumpian way of emitting negativity and hate, arrogance and conceit. Canadians are making stands to protect the economic well being of other Canadians no matter how small the sector may be. America used to do that before Trump brought his hateful divisive strategies as his number one main strategy for maintaining his base of support.

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