Trump to steal $3 billion from the troops .

Correct, "WE" aren't talking about anything. "I" am talking about the lefts pathetic hypocrisy on the subject at hand. The left are ignoring it because they can't refute it

No, you are lying out your ass. At least she pointed out something about the life of a Military Member that you are obviously unaware of or completely tuning it out. The fact remains, take away the housing construction and/or repair and you have just taken money out of the members pocket. That housing and facilities are both considered part of the pay. The lower 3 ranks are paid so little they have to depend on these things to try and make up an difference and then they still don't quite make it. They depend on Food Banks, Community Clothing Drives, Food Stamps, etc.. Add to the fact that base housing is dependent on rank. The higher ranks get the available housing first. The only way for the lower ranks to get on base housing is for them to build more.

You are an unfeeling Son of a Bitch.
The only person lying here is you. Pretending to know what part of the military budget will get cut lol

You are an unfeeling Son of a Bitch. Have a nice day.
I'm having a wonderful day thanks!
Avoid being a tool of the empire don’t enlist/re-enlist

Hey, if it wasn't for my military service, I would have never had the chance to travel to even 10 percent of the places I've been. 26 different countries, and 49 different states, only missing Alaska.

And, that same military service that I did, because I stuck it out for over 20 years, I have a pension and healthcare for the rest of my life.

Nope, I thing being a tool of the empire paid off quite well.
Avoid being a tool of the empire don’t enlist/re-enlist
You are right on that belief. However the time for that was decades ago. After the Soviet Union fell there was a chance. Then we went to war again almost immedietely. And it was over. The military does straighten many men out and gives them a better chance at life as civilians.
I was in the military with substandard housing also, you know what? I manned up and didnt bitch about it, I was just glad I wasn't in some pup tent in the rain or snow, eating K rations all day. are ok with our military getting stiffed in their housing and benefits.
Are you OK with millions of illegals pouring over the border? Why yes you are!
Stop lying, fucking moron, millions are not pouring over the border.
Then where did 30 million illegal aliens come from?
From your hallucinations, fucking moron. We don’t have 30 million illegal aliens here.
Your right we have more....Shut the border do a census and voter ID any legal US citizen and deport any mother fucker who is here illegally. Doesnt matter what color, if not here by law, then get the fuck out...
Wait. Minute the asshole said mexico will pay for it. What happened ?
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
Umm is t he supposed to protect America??

not if America gets in the way of his ego ...

It's not about his ego. It's about making billions for Trump Industries. Always has been.
He’s losing money not making money

Since when. When he has dignetaries, they stay in a Trump facility to the tune of millions. The US Government is paying for his Wifes housing in Trump Tower in NY. The list is pretty long on the millions the Trump Industries have made off the US Federal Government. And while my taxes went up for 2018, Trump Industries makes hundreds of millions in tax breaks that I helped to pay for. Don't try that con on me. Anytime Trump Industries makes a profit, Trump makes a profit. it's just waiting for him at a later date TAX FREE!!!!
If Trump doesn't tell these "dignitaries" where to stay, how are they any different than any of his other customers? Melania Trump is living in the White House, so that accusation is idiotic. Trump industries have actually made very little off the government.

The bottom line is that you're a moron and a douchebag. No one is impressed with your petulant little tirade.

Trump is losing big money by being president. Do you imagine the government should compensate him for that?
Correct, "WE" aren't talking about anything. "I" am talking about the lefts pathetic hypocrisy on the subject at hand. The left are ignoring it because they can't refute it

No, you are lying out your ass. At least she pointed out something about the life of a Military Member that you are obviously unaware of or completely tuning it out. The fact remains, take away the housing construction and/or repair and you have just taken money out of the members pocket. That housing and facilities are both considered part of the pay. The lower 3 ranks are paid so little they have to depend on these things to try and make up an difference and then they still don't quite make it. They depend on Food Banks, Community Clothing Drives, Food Stamps, etc.. Add to the fact that base housing is dependent on rank. The higher ranks get the available housing first. The only way for the lower ranks to get on base housing is for them to build more.

You are an unfeeling Son of a Bitch.

The signed defense Budget for 2019 is 716 Billion in 2017 military spending was 609 Billion and in 2016 spending was 600 Billion. In contrast do you know what Military spending under Obama over his last 4 years was? it dropped from 711 Billion to 596 Billion. Does that mean Obama stole 114 Billion dollars from our troops? Maybe that explains the inadequate housing with rats and families living in tents? Seems this three billion Trump wants to use is a drop in the bucket.
And if anything, you can see under Trump the military budget has gone up.... not down as in Obama's last 4 years. even with 3 billion taken out there is a net gain.
I love how partisans no matter which side they are on suddenly become fiscally responsible when money is being spent on something they don't agree with. For years and years and years when the left wanted to talk about cutting government spending the first place they went to was the military now it's OMG Trump is taking money from the military.
Correct, "WE" aren't talking about anything. "I" am talking about the lefts pathetic hypocrisy on the subject at hand. The left are ignoring it because they can't refute it

No, you are lying out your ass. At least she pointed out something about the life of a Military Member that you are obviously unaware of or completely tuning it out. The fact remains, take away the housing construction and/or repair and you have just taken money out of the members pocket. That housing and facilities are both considered part of the pay. The lower 3 ranks are paid so little they have to depend on these things to try and make up an difference and then they still don't quite make it. They depend on Food Banks, Community Clothing Drives, Food Stamps, etc.. Add to the fact that base housing is dependent on rank. The higher ranks get the available housing first. The only way for the lower ranks to get on base housing is for them to build more.

You are an unfeeling Son of a Bitch.

The signed defense Budget for 2019 is 716 Billion in 2017 military spending was 609 Billion and in 2016 spending was 600 Billion. In contrast do you know what Military spending under Obama over his last 4 years was? it dropped from 711 Billion to 596 Billion. Does that mean Obama stole 114 Billion dollars from our troops? Maybe that explains the inadequate housing with rats and families living in tents? Seems this three billion Trump wants to use is a drop in the bucket.
And if anything, you can see under Trump the military budget has gone up.... not down as in Obama's last 4 years. even with 3 billion taken out there is a net gain.
She doesn't care. She just into.....

Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.

The truth is Trump is sticking the wall up your libtarded asses....:fu:
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
Umm is t he supposed to protect America??

not if America gets in the way of his ego ...

It's not about his ego. It's about making billions for Trump Industries. Always has been.
He’s losing money not making money

Since when. When he has dignetaries, they stay in a Trump facility to the tune of millions. The US Government is paying for his Wifes housing in Trump Tower in NY. The list is pretty long on the millions the Trump Industries have made off the US Federal Government. And while my taxes went up for 2018, Trump Industries makes hundreds of millions in tax breaks that I helped to pay for. Don't try that con on me. Anytime Trump Industries makes a profit, Trump makes a profit. it's just waiting for him at a later date TAX FREE!!!!
You are deranged get help
Interestingly enough, I did not see anyone wearing a sign reading, "I am a criminal and enemy combatant" in the pictures you posted, but I did see a lot of brown faces. Hmmmmm...

Are you saying Hitler's SS wore signs announcing they were the super race here to exterminate the Jews? Signs do not concern us, even those making threats to retake our land, it is actions which speak loudest and no one gives a flying crap what you see.
Umm is t he supposed to protect America??

not if America gets in the way of his ego ...

It's not about his ego. It's about making billions for Trump Industries. Always has been.
He’s losing money not making money

Since when. When he has dignetaries, they stay in a Trump facility to the tune of millions. The US Government is paying for his Wifes housing in Trump Tower in NY. The list is pretty long on the millions the Trump Industries have made off the US Federal Government. And while my taxes went up for 2018, Trump Industries makes hundreds of millions in tax breaks that I helped to pay for. Don't try that con on me. Anytime Trump Industries makes a profit, Trump makes a profit. it's just waiting for him at a later date TAX FREE!!!!
You are deranged get help

I am getting help. More help each day. The best one on my team is Trump and people like you. How can anyone screw up this bad and have so many brain dead follow him blindly. I am no longer calling it Political. It's more a mental disease.
Interestingly enough, I did not see anyone wearing a sign reading, "I am a criminal and enemy combatant" in the pictures you posted, but I did see a lot of brown faces. Hmmmmm...

Are you saying Hitler's SS wore signs announcing they were the super race here to exterminate the Jews? Signs do not concern us, even those making threats to retake our land, it is actions which speak loudest and no one gives a flying crap what you see.

Calm down, Tube. No brown person is going to tie you down, and force feed you tacos and salsa and force you to dance the cucaracha around a sombrero.
Correct, "WE" aren't talking about anything. "I" am talking about the lefts pathetic hypocrisy on the subject at hand. The left are ignoring it because they can't refute it

No, you are lying out your ass. At least she pointed out something about the life of a Military Member that you are obviously unaware of or completely tuning it out. The fact remains, take away the housing construction and/or repair and you have just taken money out of the members pocket. That housing and facilities are both considered part of the pay. The lower 3 ranks are paid so little they have to depend on these things to try and make up an difference and then they still don't quite make it. They depend on Food Banks, Community Clothing Drives, Food Stamps, etc.. Add to the fact that base housing is dependent on rank. The higher ranks get the available housing first. The only way for the lower ranks to get on base housing is for them to build more.

You are an unfeeling Son of a Bitch.

The signed defense Budget for 2019 is 716 Billion in 2017 military spending was 609 Billion and in 2016 spending was 600 Billion. In contrast do you know what Military spending under Obama over his last 4 years was? it dropped from 711 Billion to 596 Billion. Does that mean Obama stole 114 Billion dollars from our troops? Maybe that explains the inadequate housing with rats and families living in tents? Seems this three billion Trump wants to use is a drop in the bucket.
And if anything, you can see under Trump the military budget has gone up.... not down as in Obama's last 4 years. even with 3 billion taken out there is a net gain.

So we have a chance to rebuild the way we should and some crackpot with a fetish takes money meant for that and squanders it? Our Troops need the facilities one hell of a lot more than Trump needs his wall.
Interestingly enough, I did not see anyone wearing a sign reading, "I am a criminal and enemy combatant" in the pictures you posted, but I did see a lot of brown faces. Hmmmmm...

Are you saying Hitler's SS wore signs announcing they were the super race here to exterminate the Jews? Signs do not concern us, even those making threats to retake our land, it is actions which speak loudest and no one gives a flying crap what you see.

Calm down, Tube. No brown person is going to tie you down, and force feed you tacos and salsa and force you to dance the cucaracha around a sombrero.

Sounds like a great night out on the town. Pick Me.

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