trump to repubs: Endorse me or else

Trump is an imbecile.

Trump's 10X smarter than Joe Brandon! Easily!

Thanks for making the inescapable conclusion that Biden isn't qualified to hand out towels in the mens Executive Washroom.

WIN-WIN: If Corn Pop stays in, hey wrecks the country so badly these next two years that the nation has no choice but to elect a Republican. If Bidey steps down or is removed, his successor will be even worse laying pure havoc upon the democrat party.
I fully support Trump in this. If the RINO ptb in DC decide to stop him from the nomination, he needs to campaign on removing the corrupt RINO elements from the GOP. Let the Left win '24 if necessary. Things will get so bad that a revolution may finally take hold. BURN IT DOWN!
Revolutions always sound like fun until you find yourself in the middle of one.
I really think the J6 committee has shown to voters what an evil POS that the man is. He is a danger to our country. But he has begun MAGA...which may be there when he is gone. trumpism is a disease.

MAGA is really an extension of the Tea Party, which is a Koch brother invention. This is something that has been slowly introduced since they failed to get elected as Libertarians in the 1980s.
I fully support Trump in this. If the RINO ptb in DC decide to stop him from the nomination, he needs to campaign on removing the corrupt RINO elements from the GOP.
Trump gets our support for driving the RINOs out of the party.
Trump gets our support for driving the RINOs out of the party.

The guy that was a democrat for decades and became a republican the day he decided he could actually win on an R ticket drove away those 'RINOs' that have been voting and supporting the republican party for decades....

Yup, delusional does not even begin to cover it.

The guy that was a democrat for decades and became a republican the day he decided he could actually win on an R ticket drove away those 'RINOs' that have been voting and supporting the republican party for decades....

Yup, delusional does not even begin to cover it.
Maybe a third of the GOP wants him as the nominee. That ain't good enough.
The point being that the President of the United States is prohibited by law, ethics and sacred tradition from engaging in such behaviors. Now he will pay.
no he want, he behaved far better than the senators that all took a knew in support of arsonists and murderers
Does the dinner with known white supremacist, anti-Semite Nick Fuentes portend a complete break from the Jewish community and a circling of the wagons among the white nationalists Don feels most comfortable with? After all, they are his most natural constituency.
Even if Trump loses the primary and runs 3rd party, and the democrats win in 2024, it would only prove that Trump didn't have the character to be president, and that he only won in 2016 because voters didn't know how fucked-up he is.
You mean it shows that the rank and file Republican voter is seriously incompetent. So much so it will have taken eight years for them to figure out that HRC was correct in her assessment of Trump all along.

We told you dopes so.
You mean it shows that the rank and file Republican voter is seriously incompetent. So much so it will have taken eight years for them to figure out that HRC was correct in her assessment of Trump all along.

We told you dopes so.
Trump is still better than Hillary.
Trump is still better than Biden or Kamala
The fact that Trump pulled his J6 fiasco instead of losing gracefully is his personality flaw.
If the stupid fuck could have "acted" presidential, instead of like he was raised by wolves, he would have won in 2020. His personality again.
He "only" lost by about 43,000 votes, so don't act like Biden or Hillary are "no-brainers".
The rank and file GOP voters have higher IQs than the dems who voted for Hillary or Biden, or Fetterman.

The Political Mafia Boss at work. But after the dismal mid-terms of MAGA...the threat sounds more desperate than dangerous.

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