Trump Throws Pro-Lifers Under the Bus

Once conception results in division and multiplying there is life. A fetus, whether wanted or unwanted is still a life. It is a life that will most likely develop into a fully formed human being like your granddaughter or mine unless it is killed and if it is killed for convenience, it's probably legal murder.
Another thing is your (and CarsomyrPlusSix ’s) confusion about life, whether human or not. Life is complex and it isn’t one static thing of equal value … from fertilized or dividing egg to human child.

In the real world its “value” changes as it develops, or if it is allowed to develop, and of course it is normatively and correctly most fully valued and protected by law after it is finally born and separated from its mother’s womb as a living breathing human baby.

To talk about the legal “personhood” or natural rights of an embryo is totally ridiculous and totally impractical. That a woman — pregnant or not — has personhood and natural rights, on the other hand, should be clear to all.

For a simple example, today fertility clinics freeze not just women’s unfertilized eggs, but also their already divided multicellular human embryos. This is done to help women or couples have future children. If these embryos are abandoned, or contracts simply expire, they are usually just destroyed, or sometimes donated for medical research. Are you upset about this? Do you think somebody is committing “probable legal murder”?
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Roe vs. Wade was legal and Constitutional and a reasonable compromise decision that recognized limited state interests in regulating abortion in the last trimester of pregnancy.
Not according to the latest interpretation.....even RBG had trepidation's over the fact that RvW should have been legislated at the state level.
You want to be governed by a King, who then decides what you can or can't do with your's left to the people of each state...............
what you mean is no one should cramp a party girl by preventing her from correcting he little “mistakes”
Most people who have abortions already have children.

To the surprise of absolutely no one; you have zero idea what you’re talking about.
Conservatives celebrated the overturning of Roe v Wade with the unrealistic expectation that abortion bans would start popping up in state after state. Several attempts at that have been predictably futile and little to nothing has changed since the ruling was reversed and they've paid that price politically. Apparently, Trump isn't on board either. He specifically cites Florida when talking about the so-called "Heartbeat" legislations passed in states like Florida, Iowa, and Georgia as a "terrible thing."

The past two days, Trump has been unable to answer if a man can become a woman and has criticized pro-life legislation, two high profile issues among his base.

On this, Trump is absolutely right. Those sort of hot-button social issues only play to the far right base of the party. Most Americans don't agree with the stance on those issues, and aren't "values voters" anyway. But he's really not going to alienate too many evangelical voters with his remarks anyway, because they certainly aren't going to go for Biden en masse come election time.
Wow, you’re incredibly dense.

Indeed he is. But I notice also that CarsomyrPlusSix — like many Trump MAGA types — has this crazy habit of using the “Fake News” reply button inappropriately when he should use the “Disagree” button. What is with that?

Even when I write something 100% factually and verifiably true they do this. Or if I write something that is purely my opinion and is clearly not even pretending to be “news,” and so cannot be “fake news,” they still press the “Fake News” button!

And of course when they are really upset and simply cannot accept or understand something — again they label it “Fake News.”

I guess it’s because Trump got them thinking it is an all purpose response, like the epithets and insults they love to toss around.

Hell, if they disagree with something, why can’t they simply press the “Disagree” button? Better yet, why can’t they just say so and at least try to explain themselves … logically?

Some conservative commenters, like Leo123 , actually do try to respond logically or say what they feel, and even if I disagree with him, I can respect him for that.
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The word fetus is the correct biological term for a child at that stage of development.
That’s weird…aren’t you twisted tree hugging Twilight Zoners able to connect the dots and see an eagles egg as an eagle?

Another thing is your (and CarsomyrPlusSix ’s) confusion about life, whether human or not. Life is complex and it isn’t one static thing of equal value … from fertilized or dividing egg to human child.

In the real world its “value” changes as it develops, or if it is allowed to develop, and of course it is normatively and correctly most fully valued and protected by law after it is finally born and separated from its mother’s womb as a living breathing human baby.

To talk about the legal “personhood” or natural rights of an embryo is totally ridiculous and totally impractical. That a woman — pregnant or not — has personhood and natural rights, on the other hand, should be clear to all.

For a simple example, today fertility clinics freeze not just women’s unfertilized eggs, but also their already divided multicellular human embryos. This is done to help women or couples have future children. If these embryos are abandoned, or contracts simply expire, they are usually just destroyed, or sometimes donated for medical research. Are you upset about this? Do you think somebody is committing “probable legal murder”?
Methinks your answer that "life is complex and it isn't one static thing of equal value" doesn't really say much about life. We know virtually nothing about where life came from, what it is, etc. Currently there is no scientific experiment that can reliably create life. Life for a human starts when sperm pierces egg and egg starts dividing. That is life. If it dies before becoming a human being that life is lost forever. Lots of people don't want to face that so they use words like 'personhood' or 'fetus' but all in all it is life. And it is NEW life.
Methinks your answer that "life is complex and it isn't one static thing of equal value" doesn't really say much about life. We know virtually nothing about where life came from, what it is, etc. Currently there is no scientific experiment that can reliably create life. Life for a human starts when sperm pierces egg and egg starts dividing. That is life. If it dies before becoming a human being that life is lost forever. Lots of people don't want to face that so they use words like 'personhood' or 'fetus' but all in all it is life. And it is NEW life.
G-d also imparts the new life with an eternal soul at the point of conception.
A fetus is a developing human being. It's not an inanimate object and, if not dragged out of the uterus and/or have it's brains and skull crushed by forceps, will become a baby then a child then an adult human being.

It will be fun to watch if and when they eventually realize how ignorant they've been.
Conservatives celebrated the overturning of Roe v Wade with the unrealistic expectation that abortion bans would start popping up in state after state. Several attempts at that have been predictably futile and little to nothing has changed since the ruling was reversed and they've paid that price politically. Apparently, Trump isn't on board either. He specifically cites Florida when talking about the so-called "Heartbeat" legislations passed in states like Florida, Iowa, and Georgia as a "terrible thing."

The past two days, Trump has been unable to answer if a man can become a woman and has criticized pro-life legislation, two high profile issues among his base.

Unsurprisingly the thread title is a complete and total lie.

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