Trump Throws Pro-Lifers Under the Bus

If they want abortion on a federal level, pass an amendment…Short of that they are bound by SCOTUS….period.
I'm pro-life and I say the same thing.

I personally may want zero abortions...but I also want to keep government regulation at a minimum.

The job of government isn't to enforce morality...but instead to protect rights.

The conundrum here is, when do the rights of the unborn child begin to outweigh the rights of the mother.
The conundrum here is, when do the rights of the unborn child begin to outweigh the rights of the mother.
They never do

The mother has just as much right to life as the unborn child

If giving birth would kill the mother she has a right to abort

Otherwise she must respect the unborn child’s right to life
Conservatives celebrated the overturning of Roe v Wade with the unrealistic expectation that abortion bans would start popping up in state after state. Several attempts at that have been predictably futile and little to nothing has changed since the ruling was reversed and they've paid that price politically. Apparently, Trump isn't on board either. He specifically cites Florida when talking about the so-called "Heartbeat" legislations passed in states like Florida, Iowa, and Georgia as a "terrible thing."

The past two days, Trump has been unable to answer if a man can become a woman and has criticized pro-life legislation, two high profile issues among his base.

This thread would be deleted if you were not a moderator. Just saying.
Pence told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer back in March that he would support legislation restricting abortion to six weeks of pregnancy. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law in his state that banned abortion at six weeks while President Donald Trump has suggested the legislation was “too harsh.”
Each state can put limits on abortion or not. 8 states have no restrictions, which means that "partial birth" abortions are legal. The EU countries generally have a 15-week ban, which seems reasonable.

p.s. your tag line about a president convicted of rape is a lie, but you are okay with a president who showered with his daughter.
How about standing up for the rights of a human not wanting to be murdered?

The zygote has no "wants" because it doesn't have a brain. And abortion isn't murder, because a fetus isn't a "person".

Women are dying and you don't care. Women are now REFUSING to get pregnant - EVER. Young women don't want to risk their lives by having children in a nation where women's lives don't matter.

One in three pregnancies end in miscarriage, and many of those miscarriages are "incomplete", requiring a D&C to clear the tissue from the uterus. D&C's are also surgical abortions, so Republicans have made miscarriage care illegal in banning abortions.

OB/GYN's are leaving no abortion states, and hospitals are refusing to treat pregnant women in crisis, sending them home. Women are choosing not to got school or take jobs in states with no protection for women's reproductive health care.

You gotta love the law of unintended consequences. Virginity pledges that have young Christian women happily taking it up the ass to remain 'virgins", and now abortion bans, which are raising the death rate in pregnancy. Women are chosing sterilization rather than risking their lives in a pregnancy.
Each state can put limits on abortion or not. 8 states have no restrictions, which means that "partial birth" abortions are legal. The EU countries generally have a 15-week ban, which seems reasonable.

p.s. your tag line about a president convicted of rape is a lie, but you are okay with a president who showered with his daughter.

Only a man would think a 15 week ban is 'reasonable'. What happens to the 200,000 women who have complications of pregnancy from 12 - 20 weeks? Why they die of course.

What about the 200,000 women every year who suffer "still birth" or whose babies have genetic abnormalities, which aren't revealed under after 20 weeks. No help for them either.

More and more American women are dying needlessly from treatable complications of pregnancy, and you're debated at what point you're just going to let them die.

Maternal Mortality and Maternity Care in the United States Compared to 10 Other Developed Countries.

The figures above are from 2018. Since 2020, that death rate has climed to 30 deaths per 100,000 live births. As in life expectancy, the USA is going backwards.

Since 2020, that death rate has climbed to 30 deaths per 100,000 live births. As in life expectancy, the USA is going backwards compared to the rest of the first world.

Apparently, Trump isn't on board either. He specifically cites Florida when talking about the so-called "Heartbeat" legislations passed in states like Florida, Iowa, and Georgia as a "terrible thing."

Trump is saying that before the election

If legislation banning abortion nationwide crossed his desk, he would quickly sign it
Conservatives celebrated the overturning of Roe v Wade with the unrealistic expectation that abortion bans would start popping up in state after state. Several attempts at that have been predictably futile and little to nothing has changed since the ruling was reversed and they've paid that price politically. Apparently, Trump isn't on board either. He specifically cites Florida when talking about the so-called "Heartbeat" legislations passed in states like Florida, Iowa, and Georgia as a "terrible thing."

The past two days, Trump has been unable to answer if a man can become a woman and has criticized pro-life legislation, two high profile issues among his base.

Good to know.
America First! David Feldman explains how our leaders and celebrities make this nation the greatest bar none by expertly leveraging their lies and hypocrisy for fame and fortune.

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