Trump threatens to adjourn Congress to push through nominees


Gold Member
Dec 22, 2018
No Mr President you can't do that as it smells like authoritarianism and the founding fathers were wary of it as they navigated the ideal of a government with three equal branches.

The battle continues as Trump complains that Senate Democrats are preventing him from making recess appointments and is now threatening to bypass the Senate and forcible install his nominees without any need for the Senate to vote on the appointments. Apparently someone told him about a way (never before used authority ) to push thru his nominations without the need for a Senate vote. The gullibility factor is amazing but the absolutist in him is running amok with the power of being the President. It's as if he does not understand what a President is but colors it with what a substitute flavor of what got him there. Use lies as it is convenient and take credit because he is the current President.

He justifies it by using the pandemic as an excuse to become the Emperor with no cloths. Trump goes on to say that the Senate's failure to approve his nominees is obstruction that has been going on for awhile. So now we will have a court battle to see if he truly should be wearing cloths. Thus confirming that he has to have someone tell him that he can't do that so get dressed. Imagine someone daring to question the emperor. If you ask Trump he will say that this has never happen before. Yet it happens on the time to most presidents. It called the three equal branches of the government. Even as a CEO the government rules are absolute. They can only be changed by becoming one of them.

He goes on to say "We don't need them". Probably saying out loud what many past Presidents only mused about in their head or told some close associate with a hardy laugh.

So the battle continues as the full senate is not in session and they are having pro forma sessions. The game goes on between the new comer and the old foxes guarding the precious political orientation that must continue at all costs. Does history repeat itself well, when Obama got out of line, Mitch was there with a hammer taunting the judicial branch. Now, I would imagine that there is dead silence on the right part of the room. Yet the nuclear option is alive and well. They hold the key and are the ones who can push the button. So does Trump have to bluster and puff his way into the stone house. No because Mitch is there to let him in.

The bottom line is he can't do it with just authority, unless there is some extreme circumstances. Yes the pandemic is stressful, but we can handle it. No need to claim complete authority.

So go play golf and let the system go thru its paces. All your nomination will get thru as it is just a matter of time. I can understand trying to impress people but in the end, you will just alienate some. Yes, some presidents do not get reelected. The reason vary but mostly it does happen.
That would be a grevious strategic error. I don't think Trump is stupid enough to do that. I know he's getting aggravated but the assholes in congress would make the Pope start hitting the bottle and doing hard drugs. Especially the friggin democommie assholes.
It is possible he can do it, but it is a legal stretch to do it.

The Last Refuge

President Trump Threatens to Adjourn Congress: “They’ve Been Warned and They’re Being Warned Right Now”…

Posted on April 15, 2020 by sundance


The last time the Supreme Court ruled on an issue related to congress not formally adjourning session they left open the door to support Executive Branch invocation of Article II, Section 3, during an “unusual circumstance” or “national catastrophe.”

Today President Trump warned congress he may invoke Article II, sec 3, due to the COVID-19 crisis and his need for administration positions that have been delayed by democrats in the Senate for more than two years.

No Mr President you can't do that as it smells like authoritarianism and the founding fathers were wary of it as they navigated the ideal of a government with three equal branches.

The battle continues as Trump complains that Senate Democrats are preventing him from making recess appointments and is now threatening to bypass the Senate and forcible install his nominees without any need for the Senate to vote on the appointments. Apparently someone told him about a way (never before used authority ) to push thru his nominations without the need for a Senate vote. The gullibility factor is amazing but the absolutist in him is running amok with the power of being the President. It's as if he does not understand what a President is but colors it with what a substitute flavor of what got him there. Use lies as it is convenient and take credit because he is the current President.

He justifies it by using the pandemic as an excuse to become the Emperor with no cloths. Trump goes on to say that the Senate's failure to approve his nominees is obstruction that has been going on for awhile. So now we will have a court battle to see if he truly should be wearing cloths. Thus confirming that he has to have someone tell him that he can't do that so get dressed. Imagine someone daring to question the emperor. If you ask Trump he will say that this has never happen before. Yet it happens on the time to most presidents. It called the three equal branches of the government. Even as a CEO the government rules are absolute. They can only be changed by becoming one of them.

He goes on to say "We don't need them". Probably saying out loud what many past Presidents only mused about in their head or told some close associate with a hardy laugh.

So the battle continues as the full senate is not in session and they are having pro forma sessions. The game goes on between the new comer and the old foxes guarding the precious political orientation that must continue at all costs. Does history repeat itself well, when Obama got out of line, Mitch was there with a hammer taunting the judicial branch. Now, I would imagine that there is dead silence on the right part of the room. Yet the nuclear option is alive and well. They hold the key and are the ones who can push the button. So does Trump have to bluster and puff his way into the stone house. No because Mitch is there to let him in.

The bottom line is he can't do it with just authority, unless there is some extreme circumstances. Yes the pandemic is stressful, but we can handle it. No need to claim complete authority.

So go play golf and let the system go thru its paces. All your nomination will get thru as it is just a matter of time. I can understand trying to impress people but in the end, you will just alienate some. Yes, some presidents do not get reelected. The reason vary but mostly it does happen.

The President is right, actually. The Senate needs to be in session at least, so they can work on confirmations.

Judges need confirmed, and so do a number of underlings.

Libs bitch that President Trump has a lot of "acting" officials. Well, if the libs were actually working at confirmations, there wouldn't be so many "acting".
With the way the left is acting about this pandemic? Strategically, all he has to do is try to open the nation back up.

If the CDC continues coding all pneumonia deaths as if they are all related to Covid-19, if they continue to artificially amplify the Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panels to increase numbers of those testing positive? In order to scare the public into accepting more "lock-downs" and shelter in place orders. . . . .

IOW, authoritarian measures at the State level, and they want to actually, with a straight face, complain that the POTUS might be, somehow, be readjusting the bureaucracy in an "authoritarian" manner?


The POTUS could, hypothetically use a state of national emergency, enabling United States federal government continuity of operations - Wikipedia as the emergency reason to quickly, cleaning, and efficiently get the bureaucracy stacked with bureaucrats of his choosing.

I have had so many disagreements with authoritarian lefties that claim we must just do our duty, and take one for the nation. . .

Well? This is what they are begging for. . .

It is possible he can do it, but it is a legal stretch to do it.

The Last Refuge

President Trump Threatens to Adjourn Congress: “They’ve Been Warned and They’re Being Warned Right Now”…

Posted on April 15, 2020 by sundance


The last time the Supreme Court ruled on an issue related to congress not formally adjourning session they left open the door to support Executive Branch invocation of Article II, Section 3, during an “unusual circumstance” or “national catastrophe.”

Today President Trump warned congress he may invoke Article II, sec 3, due to the COVID-19 crisis and his need for administration positions that have been delayed by democrats in the Senate for more than two years.


Agreed. If they leave for the summer with out the governors opening up the nation for business? They are just asking for it.
Yes, he can.
no he can't. Obama tried it as a work around, of the Senate not confirming his nominees, the senate sued, went all the way to the supreme court, who ruled it was unconstitutional, when used as a work around, of what the constitution required.... advice and consent, of the Senate....

maybe Trump should actually try to hire competent people, for the positions....instead of unqualified ass kissers? :dunno:
No Mr President you can't do that as it smells like authoritarianism and the founding fathers were wary of it as they navigated the ideal of a government with three equal branches.

The battle continues as Trump complains that Senate Democrats are preventing him from making recess appointments and is now threatening to bypass the Senate and forcible install his nominees without any need for the Senate to vote on the appointments. Apparently someone told him about a way (never before used authority ) to push thru his nominations without the need for a Senate vote. The gullibility factor is amazing but the absolutist in him is running amok with the power of being the President. It's as if he does not understand what a President is but colors it with what a substitute flavor of what got him there. Use lies as it is convenient and take credit because he is the current President.

He justifies it by using the pandemic as an excuse to become the Emperor with no cloths. Trump goes on to say that the Senate's failure to approve his nominees is obstruction that has been going on for awhile. So now we will have a court battle to see if he truly should be wearing cloths. Thus confirming that he has to have someone tell him that he can't do that so get dressed. Imagine someone daring to question the emperor. If you ask Trump he will say that this has never happen before. Yet it happens on the time to most presidents. It called the three equal branches of the government. Even as a CEO the government rules are absolute. They can only be changed by becoming one of them.

He goes on to say "We don't need them". Probably saying out loud what many past Presidents only mused about in their head or told some close associate with a hardy laugh.

So the battle continues as the full senate is not in session and they are having pro forma sessions. The game goes on between the new comer and the old foxes guarding the precious political orientation that must continue at all costs. Does history repeat itself well, when Obama got out of line, Mitch was there with a hammer taunting the judicial branch. Now, I would imagine that there is dead silence on the right part of the room. Yet the nuclear option is alive and well. They hold the key and are the ones who can push the button. So does Trump have to bluster and puff his way into the stone house. No because Mitch is there to let him in.

The bottom line is he can't do it with just authority, unless there is some extreme circumstances. Yes the pandemic is stressful, but we can handle it. No need to claim complete authority.

So go play golf and let the system go thru its paces. All your nomination will get thru as it is just a matter of time. I can understand trying to impress people but in the end, you will just alienate some. Yes, some presidents do not get reelected. The reason vary but mostly it does happen.
Well maybe if the Senate would show up and do it’s job. The government isn’t going to stop functioning because they are wimps and are too afraid to show up to work.
No Mr President you can't do that as it smells like authoritarianism and the founding fathers were wary of it as they navigated the ideal of a government with three equal branches.

The battle continues as Trump complains that Senate Democrats are preventing him from making recess appointments and is now threatening to bypass the Senate and forcible install his nominees without any need for the Senate to vote on the appointments. Apparently someone told him about a way (never before used authority ) to push thru his nominations without the need for a Senate vote. The gullibility factor is amazing but the absolutist in him is running amok with the power of being the President. It's as if he does not understand what a President is but colors it with what a substitute flavor of what got him there. Use lies as it is convenient and take credit because he is the current President.

He justifies it by using the pandemic as an excuse to become the Emperor with no cloths. Trump goes on to say that the Senate's failure to approve his nominees is obstruction that has been going on for awhile. So now we will have a court battle to see if he truly should be wearing cloths. Thus confirming that he has to have someone tell him that he can't do that so get dressed. Imagine someone daring to question the emperor. If you ask Trump he will say that this has never happen before. Yet it happens on the time to most presidents. It called the three equal branches of the government. Even as a CEO the government rules are absolute. They can only be changed by becoming one of them.

He goes on to say "We don't need them". Probably saying out loud what many past Presidents only mused about in their head or told some close associate with a hardy laugh.

So the battle continues as the full senate is not in session and they are having pro forma sessions. The game goes on between the new comer and the old foxes guarding the precious political orientation that must continue at all costs. Does history repeat itself well, when Obama got out of line, Mitch was there with a hammer taunting the judicial branch. Now, I would imagine that there is dead silence on the right part of the room. Yet the nuclear option is alive and well. They hold the key and are the ones who can push the button. So does Trump have to bluster and puff his way into the stone house. No because Mitch is there to let him in.

The bottom line is he can't do it with just authority, unless there is some extreme circumstances. Yes the pandemic is stressful, but we can handle it. No need to claim complete authority.

So go play golf and let the system go thru its paces. All your nomination will get thru as it is just a matter of time. I can understand trying to impress people but in the end, you will just alienate some. Yes, some presidents do not get reelected. The reason vary but mostly it does happen.

I kind of hope that he does suspend congress. Charles I of Britain did that, and, well, you know, the result was satisfactory. Just sayin'...
That would be a grevious strategic error. I don't think Trump is stupid enough to do that. I know he's getting aggravated but the assholes in congress would make the Pope start hitting the bottle and doing hard drugs. Especially the friggin democommie assholes.
Trump needs to have the FBI swear out flawed FISA warrants againt Biden, Pelosi and the DNC because it's somewhat likely they could possibly be working or coordinating or in contact with the CCP to undermine our democracy
Already a thread on this. I'll post the same thing here I posted there...

This is Trump's big ask.

Aren't any of you paying attention?

What are you all talking about right now?

Is it recess appointments by any chance?

And the fact that Congress isn't doing it's job?

What brought this conversation about?

Was it Trump controlling the narrative by making a simple declarative sentence?

Has he used any power to do anything? No?

And yet, here we are discussing the do-nothing Congress not getting their job done.

The guy is a genius.
There is a few members of Congress in the Senate building using the pro forma sessions technique to keep it open. Most are on break now so they will be back. This is a power play with only a few members still holding the fort. There is only 8 months left in his presidency. The Homeland security head has been vacant since John Kelly left.

Still Trump has filled vacancies with acting heading as a method of operation in his stint as the acting president. Something to consider as he did this on purpose and now he is using the pandemic as an excuse to push thru appointees.

Mulvaney was acting chief of Staff for over a year, yeah he does not need to be appointed by Congress but show he uses acting heads.

The guy before Barr was an acting head. Home land security current has had 2 acting heads in the last year.

Homeland security has an acting head for over a year

Still it begs the question if he can use acting heads for conceivable 8 months then why is he making threats now to adjourn congress and make appointments without congressional approval. There will be a court challenge and a fight but that that is what Trump wants in an election year.

The senate is scheduled to return in on May 4th.

Still the question is that Congress is only adjourned and even though there is a pandemic, They will return and. as Trump has said,, he wants everyone back to work as soon as he thinks it is okay
Article II, Section 2, Clause 3, commonly known as the Recess Appointment Clause, provides that, The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

It is vague. As the senate may use a filibuster and then when they recess, a president may sneak in some appointments. The senate then decided to leave a few soldiers behind to guard the fort.

Still the interesting thing is the wording "to fill up all vacancies that that may happen during the recess of the congress". which seems to be saying that it has to become vacant during the recess.

The court has also upheld a number of days of at less 10.

So a smart hen would fire people people while Congress was in recess and hire who they want.

then the fox will say we are still open with a few guards.

You really can get a headache from the vagueness of a document two centuries old.

Trump says it doesn't matter

I guess that is why it sounds like a court battle will have to decide this unless someone backs down.

8 months and counting
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