Trump talking about starting a MAGA party.

On a side note his impeachment trial should be interesting. His supporters in congress are claiming Trump did nothing to spur the insurrection. Odd thing though..the lawyers for all those arrested so far are claiming their clients told them they felt they were merely doing what Trump wanted them to do. Wonder where they got that impression Trumptards?.
Give us a verbatim quote from Trump inciting violence.
Just one.
The DOJ said they were not investigating Trump for incitement.
It's another nothing burger.
Walks like a duck...
Trump is a born failure. But it's not enough for him alone to fail. He's got to take others down with him. In this case, it looks like he won't be happy unless he can take the Republican Party down with him.
Our master plan worked!!!

Before your orange-tinted messiah makes too many bold promises, he should have a long discussion with the remaining Koch Brother.

The Kochs tried their hand at founding a political party, and it attracted the same lunatic element a MAGA Party will.

The Kochs spent tens-of-millions of their own dollars to get their Tea Party up and running, expecting the actual grassroot support would eventually kick in, along with corporate donors.

But, corporate donors wanted little or nothing to do with the nutty Tea Party voters or the wackos they elected.

Before your orange-tinted messiah makes too many bold promises, he should have a long discussion with the remaining Koch Brother.

The Kochs tried their hand at founding a political party, and it attracted the same lunatic element a MAGA Party will.

The Kochs spent tens-of-millions of their own dollars to get their Tea Party up and running, expecting the actual grassroot support would eventually kick in, along with corporate donors.

But, corporate donors wanted little or nothing to do with the nutty Tea Party voters or the wackos they elected.

The Kochs were always part of the GOP effort to undermine the TEA Party and libertarians, fool.

They're globalist/corporatist hacks just like you, comrade.
Before your orange-tinted messiah makes too many bold promises, he should have a long discussion with the remaining Koch Brother.

The Kochs tried their hand at founding a political party, and it attracted the same lunatic element a MAGA Party will.

The Kochs spent tens-of-millions of their own dollars to get their Tea Party up and running, expecting the actual grassroot support would eventually kick in, along with corporate donors.

But, corporate donors wanted little or nothing to do with the nutty Tea Party voters or the wackos they elected.

The Kochs were always part of the GOP effort to undermine the TEA Party and libertarians, fool.

They're globalist/corporatist hacks just like you, comrade.
Another uninformed RWNJ.
No one can undermine the libertarians. Their political philosophy is a non-starter. The conservatives who claim they are libertarians don't factor in human greed.

On a side note his impeachment trial should be interesting. His supporters in congress are claiming Trump did nothing to spur the insurrection. Odd thing though..the lawyers for all those arrested so far are claiming their clients told them they felt they were merely doing what Trump wanted them to do. Wonder where they got that impression Trumptards?.
Give us a verbatim quote from Trump inciting violence.
Just one.
The DOJ said they were not investigating Trump for incitement.
It's another nothing burger.

Yup. All anyone has to do is listen to his rally speech. He told them to peacefully go to the capital peacefully and air their concerns. Nothing seditious or riot starting there at all. Of course Antifa was there and was welcomed in and escorted by the police. Anyone questioning that??

He's down to 17% blind MAGA supporters as of a couple of days ago. And the majority of them seem to be posting in here. I support him starting this "Movement". He can do it from his new throne.


I do my best thinking when crapping... Getting the crap out of where my brains are at sure helps!
Maga Party could kill the GOP and leave the Democrats in power for a very long time...

These idiots believe that the 70+ million that voted for Trump will vote the MAGA Party in when in fact it will split the GOP and MAGA and leave Democrats in power until the GOP and MAGA kiss and make up...

When all the fire started, MAGA (or the Party of the Rump) comprised about 45% of the total GOP. Then after the election in 2016, that figure dropped to 36% and stabilized. After the Jan 6 and the Rump loss, the new figure has dropped to about 17%. MAGA is losing ground fast. But it's so friggin loud that it only appears to be the majority. It's not the majority, it's just LOUD!!!!!!
A man who lost the popular vote twice and whose approval rating while in office was always below 50% and whose disapproval rate was always higher than his approval rate is going to start a new political party. Trump might as well announce plans to reopen his Taj Mahal gambling casino in Atlantic City, but just make it even bigger and better this time around.

Trump is a born failure. But it's not enough for him alone to fail. He's got to take others down with him. In this case, it looks like he won't be happy unless he can take the Republican Party down with him.

Trump has been a loser all his life.

Trump is out to split the Republican Party.. He's not going to run again.. He just wants revenge.
The Republican Party of 1854-2016 has been Trumped, and the lunatic fringe is in ascendancy.

Even the groveling Trump bum kissers in the GOP's leadership are becoming anathema to the full mooners.

Why bother abandoning the desiccated carcass after one has taken possession and is now animating it?


In the latest Economist/YouGov poll, 32 percent of Republican respondents rated Giuliani "very favorable" and a further 34 percent rated the ex-Trump attorney "somewhat favorable." Just 9 percent gave Giuliani a "very unfavorable" rating and 12 percent "somewhat unfavorable."

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Among Republicans, the former mayor of New York City's "very favorable" rating tripled Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's rating and nearly doubled House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy's figure...
Marjorie Taylor Greene? Matt Gaetz? Entertainers, not legislators. Really?

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A chilling new poll by PRRI, the Public Religion Research Institute, found that nearly one in four Republicans (that's tens of millions of people) believe the QAnon mythology that "the government, media, and financial worlds in the US are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles."
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.


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Trump brought new voters to the GOP. McConnell needs to give Trump the respect he deserves.

If Trump starts a new party, millions will follow him there.

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