Trump supporting kids being targeted in schools by teachers


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

A woman who was teaching a seventh-grade class for O'Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
The subject was the debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden — and 12-year-old Jackson Cody said he became a fast target not only of other students, but also the teacher.
"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."

He noted to WBZ that "a few kids were going to raise their hands, but then they heard the teacher say to me, 'Oh Mr. Jackson, I thought I liked you.'"
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
It got worse.
"Then she asked why I support a racist and a pedophile," he noted to WHDH.
Jackson added to the station that "she also said, 'I am ashamed of any woman who voted for Donald Trump,' and I told her my mom and one of my grandmothers voted for Donald Trump."
Other kids in the class smelled blood — and apparently his teacher did, too.
"I was just upset because other kids in the class were ganging up on me, laughing at me, and she was laughing and wouldn't say anything to them," Jackson noted to WHDH.

This is our public education system at work, much like Palestinian children are taught that the Zionist nation are evil and all need to be murdered.
The left calls themselves inclusive and tolerant. Of course they only mean as long as you follow them, recite what they recite, believe exactly what they believe and follow along with them. Once you step outside any part of that box they definitely are not.

A woman who was teaching a seventh-grade class for O'Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
The subject was the debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden — and 12-year-old Jackson Cody said he became a fast target not only of other students, but also the teacher.
"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."

He noted to WBZ that "a few kids were going to raise their hands, but then they heard the teacher say to me, 'Oh Mr. Jackson, I thought I liked you.'"
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
It got worse.
"Then she asked why I support a racist and a pedophile," he noted to WHDH.
Jackson added to the station that "she also said, 'I am ashamed of any woman who voted for Donald Trump,' and I told her my mom and one of my grandmothers voted for Donald Trump."
Other kids in the class smelled blood — and apparently his teacher did, too.
"I was just upset because other kids in the class were ganging up on me, laughing at me, and she was laughing and wouldn't say anything to them," Jackson noted to WHDH.

This is our public education system at work, much like Palestinian children are taught that the Zionist nation are evil and all need to be murdered.

Such travesties are currently happening nationwide. If your child—in any grade of public or private school, really—dares express love of country or for sitting POTUS, he or she will be "stoned" in the public square of the classroom and online, by teachers, other children and parents of other kids. In effect their young lives will be ruined, physically bruised and perhaps beaten to within an inch of their lives. Principals and other school administrators will cheer on your child's demise.

A woman who was teaching a seventh-grade class for O'Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
The subject was the debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden — and 12-year-old Jackson Cody said he became a fast target not only of other students, but also the teacher.
"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."

He noted to WBZ that "a few kids were going to raise their hands, but then they heard the teacher say to me, 'Oh Mr. Jackson, I thought I liked you.'"
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
It got worse.
"Then she asked why I support a racist and a pedophile," he noted to WHDH.
Jackson added to the station that "she also said, 'I am ashamed of any woman who voted for Donald Trump,' and I told her my mom and one of my grandmothers voted for Donald Trump."
Other kids in the class smelled blood — and apparently his teacher did, too.
"I was just upset because other kids in the class were ganging up on me, laughing at me, and she was laughing and wouldn't say anything to them," Jackson noted to WHDH.

This is our public education system at work, much like Palestinian children are taught that the Zionist nation are evil and all need to be murdered.

Such travesties are currently happening nationwide. If your child—in any grade of public or private school, really—dares express love of country or for sitting POTUS, he or she will be "stoned" in the public square of the classroom and online, by teachers, other children and parents of other kids. In effect their young lives will be ruined, physically bruised and perhaps beaten to within an inch of their lives. Principals and other school administrators will cheer on your child's demise.

That's not really accurate. Our children attend private schools and this would never happen or be allowed to happen.

Their curriculum encourages questioning what they are being told, healthy debate is encouraged, a teacher's personal stance is allowed but they have to accept rebuttal without repercussions to any student.

That's winning education. The schools have excellent educators, we're very pleased
I'd be concerned about the kid getting a fair shake from other teachers in the school. Teachers may view him as the kid that ratted out one of their own. .

I tell my kids to not discuss politics with their teachers because leftist teachers frequently discriminate against students with the wrong opinion.

A woman who was teaching a seventh-grade class for O'Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
The subject was the debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden — and 12-year-old Jackson Cody said he became a fast target not only of other students, but also the teacher.
"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."

He noted to WBZ that "a few kids were going to raise their hands, but then they heard the teacher say to me, 'Oh Mr. Jackson, I thought I liked you.'"
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
It got worse.
"Then she asked why I support a racist and a pedophile," he noted to WHDH.
Jackson added to the station that "she also said, 'I am ashamed of any woman who voted for Donald Trump,' and I told her my mom and one of my grandmothers voted for Donald Trump."
Other kids in the class smelled blood — and apparently his teacher did, too.
"I was just upset because other kids in the class were ganging up on me, laughing at me, and she was laughing and wouldn't say anything to them," Jackson noted to WHDH.

This is our public education system at work, much like Palestinian children are taught that the Zionist nation are evil and all need to be murdered.
You can smell their desperation. We are going to see this continue on and on, as The Age of Evil, The Age of Deception gains momentum.

At some point The Bible tells us God turns his back on those Evil people who are rebelling against Him, He gathers up His True Children and He unleashes The AntiChrist Kingdom on The World and these people will finally get what they have wanted all along.

Only they get more than they bargained for. Not only do they endure the Wrath and Tyranny of AntiChrist, but they have to endure the 4 Horseman of The Apocalypse and The Pouring out of The Wrath of God upon The Kingdom of AntiChrist.

And then to their Horror, The Return of Messiah comes to Judge The Earth, and The Wicked, and after they are removed from Earth, establishes His Kingdom of peace upon The Earth for His Children.

I'm not concerned about small little victories of The Left or them intimidating us, or trying to. I will fight them until The End, because I know in The End, Christ Wins.

A woman who was teaching a seventh-grade class for O'Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
The subject was the debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden — and 12-year-old Jackson Cody said he became a fast target not only of other students, but also the teacher.
"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."

He noted to WBZ that "a few kids were going to raise their hands, but then they heard the teacher say to me, 'Oh Mr. Jackson, I thought I liked you.'"
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
It got worse.
"Then she asked why I support a racist and a pedophile," he noted to WHDH.
Jackson added to the station that "she also said, 'I am ashamed of any woman who voted for Donald Trump,' and I told her my mom and one of my grandmothers voted for Donald Trump."
Other kids in the class smelled blood — and apparently his teacher did, too.
"I was just upset because other kids in the class were ganging up on me, laughing at me, and she was laughing and wouldn't say anything to them," Jackson noted to WHDH.

This is our public education system at work, much like Palestinian children are taught that the Zionist nation are evil and all need to be murdered.
yeah well …. being taught to debate like Trump in Jr. High could be physically dangerous for the lad.

A woman who was teaching a seventh-grade class for O'Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
The subject was the debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden — and 12-year-old Jackson Cody said he became a fast target not only of other students, but also the teacher.
"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."

He noted to WBZ that "a few kids were going to raise their hands, but then they heard the teacher say to me, 'Oh Mr. Jackson, I thought I liked you.'"
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
It got worse.
"Then she asked why I support a racist and a pedophile," he noted to WHDH.
Jackson added to the station that "she also said, 'I am ashamed of any woman who voted for Donald Trump,' and I told her my mom and one of my grandmothers voted for Donald Trump."
Other kids in the class smelled blood — and apparently his teacher did, too.
"I was just upset because other kids in the class were ganging up on me, laughing at me, and she was laughing and wouldn't say anything to them," Jackson noted to WHDH.

This is our public education system at work, much like Palestinian children are taught that the Zionist nation are evil and all need to be murdered.
That sIimely half assed excuse for a teacher should be summarily terminated with no pay or benefits. Just outright fired, dumped on their ass and kicked to the curb.

A woman who was teaching a seventh-grade class for O'Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
The subject was the debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden — and 12-year-old Jackson Cody said he became a fast target not only of other students, but also the teacher.
"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."

He noted to WBZ that "a few kids were going to raise their hands, but then they heard the teacher say to me, 'Oh Mr. Jackson, I thought I liked you.'"
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
It got worse.
"Then she asked why I support a racist and a pedophile," he noted to WHDH.
Jackson added to the station that "she also said, 'I am ashamed of any woman who voted for Donald Trump,' and I told her my mom and one of my grandmothers voted for Donald Trump."
Other kids in the class smelled blood — and apparently his teacher did, too.
"I was just upset because other kids in the class were ganging up on me, laughing at me, and she was laughing and wouldn't say anything to them," Jackson noted to WHDH.

This is our public education system at work, much like Palestinian children are taught that the Zionist nation are evil and all need to be murdered.
That sIimely half assed excuse for a teacher should be summarily terminated with no pay or benefits. Just outright fired, dumped on their ass and kicked to the curb.
But we all know that will never happen, right?

Now had he teacher said something racist against a black President instead of Orange one, then she would be fired.

Call me old-fashioned but that dad should take care of business. And show his son how business is taken care of. Whatever it takes to insure that shit-eating rodent does not EVER speak to your son in that manner again. It can be done through channels.... or other ways. Take care of the fucking problem.
oh nothing like an assault conviction on your next job search. LOL

Seriously why do teachers even bring politics in. It's hard enough to keep them out, and the little sods are too easily distracted by hormones as it is.
Call me old-fashioned but that dad should take care of business. And show his son how business is taken care of. Whatever it takes to insure that shit-eating rodent does not EVER speak to your son in that manner again. It can be done through channels.... or other ways. Take care of the fucking problem.
Well in Paris a teacher was beheaded for showing a cartoon of Mohammad

I reckon conservatives are push overs and easy targets in comparison.
oh nothing like an assault conviction on your next job search. LOL

Seriously why do teachers even bring politics in. It's hard enough to keep them out, and the little sods are too easily distracted by hormones as it is.
I can't even go to a concert or a ball game without idiot Leftists throwing their political crap at me.

It's a liberal thingy, some sort of malformation of the brain I think.

A woman who was teaching a seventh-grade class for O'Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
The subject was the debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden — and 12-year-old Jackson Cody said he became a fast target not only of other students, but also the teacher.
"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."

He noted to WBZ that "a few kids were going to raise their hands, but then they heard the teacher say to me, 'Oh Mr. Jackson, I thought I liked you.'"
Image source: WHDH-TV video screenshot
It got worse.
"Then she asked why I support a racist and a pedophile," he noted to WHDH.
Jackson added to the station that "she also said, 'I am ashamed of any woman who voted for Donald Trump,' and I told her my mom and one of my grandmothers voted for Donald Trump."
Other kids in the class smelled blood — and apparently his teacher did, too.
"I was just upset because other kids in the class were ganging up on me, laughing at me, and she was laughing and wouldn't say anything to them," Jackson noted to WHDH.

This is our public education system at work, much like Palestinian children are taught that the Zionist nation are evil and all need to be murdered.

It's just another reason my daughter will never step into one of these septic sewer dumps.

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