Trump: Stronger Than Ever


All that matters is that there are still so many who believe EVERYTHING their TV tells them to believe.

I'll be glad when it's time to institutionalize them all for deprogramming.

Pity the Poor who do not have access to The Real Anthony Fauci.

In that book, Kennedy points to a place where the media prisoners never got to know. See your personal volume, pp. 166-7:

'Even in that era, the United States mainstream media heavily censored journalistic criticism of Dr. Fauci....On 12 Feb 1992, Channel 4 Television in London broadcast a documentary, "AZT: Cause for Concern."...Millions around the world viewed the documentary, but neither it nor any of the Medical AIDS-critical documentaries have ever been broadcast in the US."

A good reason to bring this precise thing up is that the Baric bat lab at UNC published on rabbit coronaviruses causing heart failure the month before (Jan 1992) the little Jesuit elf was saved from criticism by the US media.
Pity the Poor who do not have access to The Real Anthony Fauci.

In that book, Kennedy points to a place where the media prisoners never got to know. See your personal volume, pp. 166-7:

'Even in that era, the United States mainstream media heavily censored journalistic criticism of Dr. Fauci....On 12 Feb 1992, Channel 4 Television in London broadcast a documentary, "AZT: Cause for Concern."...Millions around the world viewed the documentary, but neither it nor any of the Medical AIDS-critical documentaries have ever been broadcast in the US."

A good reason to bring this precise thing up is that the Baric bat lab at UNC published on rabbit coronaviruses causing heart failure the month before (Jan 1992) the little Jesuit elf was saved from criticism by the US media.

Thanks for the citation. I will look it up.

There was nothing in it that surprised me. Anyone who can look at the Rodent King and not see the filthy corruption is willfully blind.

Have you read "Plague Of Corruption"? I have it on audio but I still haven't gotten around to finishing it. I need to take a longish driving trip and enjoy it all. As soon as the weather clears.

Putin is maybe nothing else than teh same narcissist (=super-ego-centralized person) like Donald Trump. Narcissism is not a joke but a damned deadly sickness - what you can see very well when you take a look at the deeds of Anders Behring Breivick.

Putin declared war on the Ukraine on 02/22/2022. Whatever this means it shows very well that this decision was made in the lost abstracta of a senseless absurde game in his thoughts. It's plausible that he had another date - the date when he will present his victory - also in his way to intepretate the world. I guess this date had been between 02/22/2022 and latest 05/09/2022 ("The day of victory" #77).
I will continue to refrain of interpreting e.g. Putin's psyche - since I never met the man face to face
His "visions" of Russia had become obvious latest during his speech in 2001 at the German parliament - not in favor of communism his worldview was expressed not in Soviet history but clearly in a Imperial/Czarist view of things - meaning it was absolute obvious that he would never accept all the new independent/former Soviet republics as being sovereign states. (unless controlled by Russia)
That certainly included Ukraine and furthermore hardened his stance in regards to never accepting Ukraine to become a NATO member. Since this however became more and more obvious or rather unavoidable - he eventually opted for a military solution.
Probably simply taking into account that is favorable for Russia to fight a war in another country rather then in his own.
His goals IMO haven't changed - the destruction of Western/NATO influence in Ukraine and therefore the destruction towards all Ukrainians who support the West.

His supposed given timeline? I will ask him if I should ever meet him ;)
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Pity the Poor who do not have access to The Real Anthony Fauci.

In that book, Kennedy points to a place where the media prisoners never got to know. See your personal volume, pp. 166-7:

'Even in that era, the United States mainstream media heavily censored journalistic criticism of Dr. Fauci....On 12 Feb 1992, Channel 4 Television in London broadcast a documentary, "AZT: Cause for Concern."...Millions around the world viewed the documentary, but neither it nor any of the Medical AIDS-critical documentaries have ever been broadcast in the US."

A good reason to bring this precise thing up is that the Baric bat lab at UNC published on rabbit coronaviruses causing heart failure the month before (Jan 1992) the little Jesuit elf was saved from criticism by the US media.
Kennedy? The nut job anti-vaxxer?

He’s been singing that sad song for decades
Nonsense. 100-200 years ago a man like Donald Trump and all of this people had been executed because of high treason. Without any doubt Donald Trump lost - but still today many Trump voters believe they had been betrayed from the USA. And worldwide are all democracies - and the whole western world also because of a lack of trust in the USA - under the political stress test which this stupid criminal and/or criminally stupid man had caused. And every autocrat in the world got more power and support because of this stupid criminal - and no one is shy any longer to use his "weapon" - a continuous stream of most absurd lies which are spoken out faster than anyone is able to correct all this lies.
1. The Left leaning media keeps mischaracterizing J6, it was NOT an "insurrection". An insurrection requires guns, lots and lots of guns. J6 had flags, lots and lots of flags.

2. A real insurrection looks like this:

3. Trump actually lost by only a total of 43,000 votes in AZ, WI, and GA. 2020 was a very close election.

4. Agreed that Trump is damaged goods. He will NOT be the Republican nominee in 2024.

5. Here is another look at Trump. You don't seem to have a real picture of what happened in 2016.
Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!
1. The Left leaning media keeps mischaracterizing J6, it was NOT an "insurrection". An insurrection requires guns, lots and lots of guns. J6 had flags, lots and lots of flags.
View attachment 752494

2. A real insurrection looks like this:

3. Trump actually lost by only a total of 43,000 votes in AZ, WI, and GA. 2020 was a very close election.

4. Agreed that Trump is damaged goods. He will NOT be the Republican nominee in 2024.

5. Here is another look at Trump. You don't seem to have a real picture of what happened in 2016.
Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

We all know what we saw. Now run along.
Economy is for me totally unimportant in case of war.

What's wrong. We Germans do not even like to know who this really had done. Otherwise we had to take serious this declaration of war on Germany and/or Europe

You overestimate the USA in the current situation of world politics. We, the western world, will have to find solutions which are also able to work without the USA.

No comment. For sure is the Crimea not any territory of the USA or the EU.

Can we ever trust in the USA again after Donald Trump and his very absurd world politics?
1. Without a good economy there can be no military, no modern weapons, etc.

2. I proved to you that Putin blew-up the NordStream pipelines. Yes it was an act of war by Putin. Yet Germany hesitated to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine until the US promised tanks too.

3. Yes I overestimate the USA. We don't have our troops in the EU protecting the EU from a Russia invasion since 1945. Costing US taxpayers about $25b a year since 1945. You're welcome. bitte

4. We need to propose some peace plan acceptable to Russia and Ukraine, otherwise we keep sending weapons for years and years. I would give Crimes to Russia for peace.

5. You need to give me a few reasons you believe Trump had "absurd" policies.
a. Trump strengthened NATO, he got the lazy EU nations to pay up, so said Stoltenberg. google it
b. Trump was right about NordStream-2. His sanctions stopped it, the EU had to make other plans for energy. Now there is no NordStream, Putin blew it up. bitte Keep warm.
c. Trump gave Ukraine anti-tank weapons after Obama only gave them blankets
d. Trump insisted on "fair-trade" agreements
1. Without a good economy there can be no military, no modern weapons, etc.

2. I proved to you that Putin blew-up the NordStream pipelines. Yes it was an act of war by Putin. Yet Germany hesitated to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine until the US promised tanks too.

3. Yes I overestimate the USA. We don't have our troops in the EU protecting the EU from a Russia invasion since 1945. Costing US taxpayers about $25b a year since 1945. You're welcome. bitte

4. We need to propose some peace plan acceptable to Russia and Ukraine, otherwise we keep sending weapons for years and years. I would give Crimes to Russia for peace.

5. You need to give me a few reasons you believe Trump had "absurd" policies.
a. Trump strengthened NATO, he got the lazy EU nations to pay up, so said Stoltenberg. google it
b. Trump was right about NordStream-2. His sanctions stopped it, the EU had to make other plans for energy. Now there is no NordStream, Putin blew it up. bitte Keep warm.
c. Trump gave Ukraine anti-tank weapons after Obama only gave them blankets
d. Trump insisted on "fair-trade" agreements
Trump extorted Zelensky for a favour, that's a fact and in any normal civilised country he would have been booted out of office.
Trump extorted Zelensky for a favour, that's a fact and in any normal civilized country he would have been booted out of office.
Trump requested an investigation into corruption. Since when is investigating corruption a crime?

Extorted? Biden extorted. Trump did not.

Watch real extortion, fire the prosecutor investigating my cash cow or I withhold $1,000,000,000:

You Brits are clueless about US politics. You only see Leftist tripe. You need a Fox News channel.
Trump requested an investigation into corruption. Since when is investigating corruption a crime?

Extorted? Biden extorted. Trump did not.

Watch real extortion, fire the prosecutor investigating my cash cow or I withhold $1,000,000,000:

You Brits are clueless about US politics. You only see Leftist tripe. You need a Fox News channel.

Bull shit, he wanted dirt on a political opponent he knew would beat him in the election before he would release 400 million in military aid to Ukraine. You Trump cult followers need to stop excusing the treasonous Asshole.
Bull shit, he wanted dirt on a political opponent he knew would beat him in the election before he would release 400 million in military aid to Ukraine. You Trump cult followers need to stop excusing the treasonous Asshole.
I posted a link proving Biden's extortion. Your post is a lie.
Read the transcript
I posted a link proving Biden's extortion. Your post is a lie.
Read the transcript
I don't read Fox conspiracy theory entertainment. Can you quote from a reliable source preferably a liberal one.

Thanks for the citation. I will look it up.

There was nothing in it that surprised me. Anyone who can look at the Rodent King and not see the filthy corruption is willfully blind.

Have you read "Plague Of Corruption"? I have it on audio but I still haven't gotten around to finishing it. I need to take a longish driving trip and enjoy it all. As soon as the weather clears.

Will definitely get Plague of Corruption. Any links in it to retrovirology will be applied to SARS2 origins.

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