Trump sets a "pattern of behavior" with his pardon....

In law, its called a pattern of behavior or a pattern of conduct when someone establishes a recurring event that distinguishes it from an "isolated instance"....

Of course we are here talking about Trump's recent pardon of the sheriff which resembles what Trump tried to accomplish through Comey regarding Mike Flynn.

The rule of law is a foreign concept for Trump......In his business dealings, Trump was used to simply issue a mandate (remember in his businesses he never had a board to curb his actions) and folks either fell in line of were fired..............Unfortunately for Trump, government does NOT work that way.

Rest assured that Trump's recent pardon will not go unnoticed by Mueller's investigators in advising the current grand juries that this guy has established a pattern of behavior that places him above the rule of law.....or, at least, a pattern that he thinks is acceptable.....It is not.

The issue is NOT whether Trump has the authority to grant pardons;the issue is whether a president can circumvent the legal procedures just because he wants to avoid an investigation of his own misdeeds,as he tried to do by getting Flynn "off the hook."

Agree, however at this point did Trump have any other option? He only has his base at this point and they would have been constantly on his ass about it. He is beholden to Breitbart and the alt-right/racists of his party.
Trump actually has more broad support now than he did during the campaign.
Maybe BUT Putin and Russian scum can't vote
In law, its called a pattern of behavior or a pattern of conduct when someone establishes a recurring event that distinguishes it from an "isolated instance"....

Of course we are here talking about Trump's recent pardon of the sheriff which resembles what Trump tried to accomplish through Comey regarding Mike Flynn.

The rule of law is a foreign concept for Trump......In his business dealings, Trump was used to simply issue a mandate (remember in his businesses he never had a board to curb his actions) and folks either fell in line of were fired..............Unfortunately for Trump, government does NOT work that way.

Rest assured that Trump's recent pardon will not go unnoticed by Mueller's investigators in advising the current grand juries that this guy has established a pattern of behavior that places him above the rule of law.....or, at least, a pattern that he thinks is acceptable.....It is not.

The issue is NOT whether Trump has the authority to grant pardons; the issue is whether a president can circumvent the legal procedures just because he wants to avoid an investigation of his own misdeeds,as he tried to do by getting Flynn "off the hook."
Move on, folks. Just more leftist crying.
Predictably, outrage swiftly followed the pardon. Pointing both to the crime for which Arpaio was convicted and the fact that Trump did not make use of the Justice Department’s normal machinery for considering pardons, many have insisted that the president’s action flouts the rule of law. Some have even argued that it’s outright unconstitutional.

But that’s the wrong way to criticize the Arpaio pardon. The Constitution grants the president the “Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.” The power is broad and (except for the impeachment carve-out) unqualified.

So how should we talk about the Arpaio pardon? Substantively. More specifically, we should talk about why, of all the people with criminal records in this country, Trump chose to make Arpaio his first pardonee.

As sheriff, Arpaio was known for a hostility toward undocumented immigrants that was functionally indistinguishable from hostility toward Latinos. He conducted sweeps of Latino neighborhoods and stops of Latino drivers in attempts to find undocumented immigrants. He held inmates in brutal and degrading conditions. He installed publicly accessible webcams so that the public could gawk at inmates, and one of those cameras showed female prisoners using the toilet. And he was a leading proponent of the racist lie that President Barack Obama was not a natural-born American citizen.

Arpaio’s entire claim to national recognition was based on his being a xenophobe, a racist and an officer of the machinery of government who relished wielding that machinery to degrade some of the most powerless members of our society.


The White House statement announcing the pardon claimed that, “Throughout his time as Sheriff, Arpaio continued his life’s work of protecting the public from the scourges of crime and illegal immigration.” In a tweet, Trump called Arpaio an “American patriot” and wrote, “He kept Arizona safe!”

:rolleyes: spoken like a POTUS who doesn't understand our 4th amendment ^

“By pardoning Arpaio, Trump would allow systemic discrimination against Latinos to go unpunished,” said a senior US researcher at Human Rights Watch. “A pardon would tell police in the US that they can mistreat minority groups without penalty by openly supporting the president.”

US: Trump Should Reject Arpaio Pardon

In other words, Trump pardoned Arpaio because of his actions as sheriff, actions that are consistent with the platform on which Trump campaigned and has attempted to govern. Those actions were appalling — and not only is Arpaio unremorseful, but Trump has actually held him up as a model to be emulated.

Let’s focus on that.

Perspective | The problem with Joe Arpaio’s pardon isn’t the process. The problem is Joe Arpaio.
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What in the world did trump illegally do? Why oh why oh why is he trying so hard to end this investigation in any, even illegal, manner possible?

He's acting like he is in deep do do, and not just from working with the Russians for dirt on Hillary for their support or a quid pro quo deal...that's minor compared to this money laundering.... me thinks Trump believes he's gonna end up Locked Up, like he wished for Hillary, if they continue with the investigation and find out all of his illegal doings....

Mueller hiring 16 of the best prosecutors to investigate is making trump's fury and irrational decisions even quote from the bible, "He knows that his time is short."
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Trump is doing very well. Only the fascists on the left are upset.

Another ignorant nitwit DEMANDS the title of being an idiot.......Fascism is a RIGHT WING concept.

If you'e trying to insult, at least read a bit first.......LOL
Presidents have been pardoning people for a long time.

President Donald Trump has the absolute Constitutional power to pardon any of his family, advisers, campaign staff, former and current appointees, and former business associates (including at Trump corporations), regardless of how controversial doing so might be. Issuing a pardon certainly sounds easy, much like waving a magic wand to slam the door shut on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. However, the decision is complicated with real ramifications for all those pardoned, and likely Trump’s Presidency.

President Trump Can Preemptively Pardon His Advisers And Family, But Will He?
'Real Ramifications'?!

File that under 'No Shit'.

How many Americans are dead because of violent illegals Obama and his policies of catch and release - 'pardoning' illegals for their crimes, allowing illegals to walk away from crimes Americans would be punished for?

After Barry treasonously 'pardoned' and released the Taliban 5 - 5 of the worst terrorists and enemy leaders in the war we were / are fighting, one of the 5's forces raided a village the next week, slaughtering every man, woman, and child.

While Barrry protected and aided the Mexican Drug Cartels, violent illegals, MS-13, human traffickers, and criminal Sanctuary Cities that protect illegals who prey on Americans, Arpaio was doing what Obama REFUSED to do - ENFORCE the law and protect Americans.

Yes, Arpaio broke the law...and he was punished by being convicted and sentenced to jail. Clinton and Obama also broke the law but were protected from the same sentence Arpaio received - time in prison. Barry was never even brought to Justice.

Again, Arpaio was found guilty of over-stepping his legal bounds in the enforcement of the law and in protecting Americans.

Cliton pardoned America-hating terrorists who killed Americans, who initially refused the pardon, just so Hillary could be elected Senator. The Clintons betrayed Americans in exchange for assurance Hillary would politically benefit.

Obama betrayed the American people, the soldiers who sacrificed to capture tge Taliban 5, and the villagers who were slaughtered after their release JUST so Barry could complete his treasonous promise of teleasing terrorists back onto the battlefield to kill more innovents and American soldiers.

And now POS partisan snowflakes like you want to pretend none of that happened, re-writing history to protect the DNC terrorist aiding/protecting Presidents while attacking Trump.
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In law, its called a pattern of behavior or a pattern of conduct when someone establishes a recurring event that distinguishes it from an "isolated instance"....

Of course we are here talking about Trump's recent pardon of the sheriff which resembles what Trump tried to accomplish through Comey regarding Mike Flynn.

The rule of law is a foreign concept for Trump......In his business dealings, Trump was used to simply issue a mandate (remember in his businesses he never had a board to curb his actions) and folks either fell in line of were fired..............Unfortunately for Trump, government does NOT work that way.

Rest assured that Trump's recent pardon will not go unnoticed by Mueller's investigators in advising the current grand juries that this guy has established a pattern of behavior that places him above the rule of law.....or, at least, a pattern that he thinks is acceptable.....It is not.

The issue is NOT whether Trump has the authority to grant pardons;the issue is whether a president can circumvent the legal procedures just because he wants to avoid an investigation of his own misdeeds,as he tried to do by getting Flynn "off the hook."

Agree, however at this point did Trump have any other option? He only has his base at this point and they would have been constantly on his ass about it. He is beholden to Breitbart and the alt-right/racists of his party.
Send your check to the terrorist alt left group you support.

Now the ACLU is a terrorist organization? That's rich, moron.
Lol, no the terrorist group threatening violence across the United States that your party is supporting. Your media is too.
Oh yea, how's that Russian thing coming?
it's coming along just fine! 16 of the best of the best criminal investigators newly hired to continue and lead separate investigations and the avenues to possible criminality the prior investigation has given them... a grand jury, 2 of them opened up, plus the Mueller team ain't leaking nothing....this is serious! :eek:
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Trump would beat Hillary again today.

And likely grab a couple more states. In retrospect she has been shown to be even more a lunatic than was previously suspected, and his accomplishments already overshadow his seat-warming predecessor.

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