trump says Denmark response was "nasty."

The gall of the President of the United States sticking up for the United States. That is so offensive I should go beat up children wearing hats.
What we see here is fat donnie and his deplorables fit to be tied because another country REFUSES to sell something to us. I guess Denmark better watch out....the last two times that happened we had the Spanish American War and the War with Mexico.
The gall of the President of the United States sticking up for the United States. That is so offensive I should go beat up children wearing hats.
How is having a temper tantrum because Denmark is not interested in selling Greenland "sticking up for the United States"?

From what I understand, a representative of Denmark was bashing the whole country, not just the president. I personally don't want my leader to think that is fine. Considering Democrats hate America more than anyone, I'm not surprised you condone this behavior. Obama would of course apologize profusely and send them a pallet of cash.


Just like that POS

Just like Johnson thinking he could buy Alaska from Russia!!!!

What an asshole!!! That didn’t work out at all, and lots of dickhead lefties opposed the purchase.

When we meet Saturday at 8am for the MAGA rally, are you just going to wear the hat, or are we wearing MAGA shirts, too?

I just want to make sure we coordinate.

Thanks in advance,

Actually, in the Alaska purchase, Russia offered to sell it to the USA because there were so few Russians that were living there. If Denmark had offered to sell it to us, it would have been a different situation. But, Trump said publicly that he wanted to do it, probably hoping that by announcing it to the world, it would help the deal go through, and when he was told the idea was absurd, he got all butt hurt and started to say bad things about the Denmark PM.
Trump Says Danish Prime Minister Was ‘Nasty’ in Rejecting Greenland Offer Trump Says Danish Prime Minister Was ‘Nasty’ in Rejecting Greenland Offer

This coming from the man who insults and demeans on a daily basis. ..I woulda thought the Asshole in Chief would have known better..
"But I would sell Puerto Rico to anyone"
She's not in a position to give him lessons, you do not need to be very smart to understand that.
Hey OP, might wanna ask a mod for a merge with one of the other threads on this. I'm already in 2 of them.

But, I think that the main reason that Trump is reacting so badly to her comments is because it had been made public by his WH and by him before any real negotiations were started. And then, when the Danish PM heard about it, she called it absurd.

Trump is pissed that he publicly announced a deal he wanted to make happen and was told no on the world stage.

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