Iran says Hamas ready to release hostages if Israel stops airstrikes as at least 199 now known taken


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Iran says Hamas ready to release hostages if Israel stops airstrikes as at least 199 now known taken

16 Oct 2023 ~~ By Isabel Keane

Iran tried to pressure Israel into ending its revenge airstrikes on Gaza by claiming Monday that the Hamas terrorists long sponsored by Tehran would be willing to free the 199 hostages now known to have been taken during the slaughter of more than 1,400 people.
Iranian Foreign Ministry Nasser Kanaani claimed that Hamas is “ready” to release the hostages, but doing so would be “impossible” under Israeli airstrikes in the region.
He reckoned that the terror group “stated that they are ready to take necessary measures to release the citizens and civilians held by resistant groups, but their point was that such measures require preparations that are impossible under daily bombardment by the Zionists against various parts of Gaza,” Kanaani said.
Despite this, Hamas has yet to make such an offer publicly.
Israel held firm Monday, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office stating, “There is no ceasefire.”
It came as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Monday confirmed that at least 199 hostages are known to be held in Gaza, a number much greater than previously believed.
Military spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said families have been notified. He did not say how many held captive were foreigners, or who was holding them, though most are believed to be held by Hamas, which rules Gaza.
The terrorists have previously threatened to post footage of hostages being executed in revenge for Israeli counterstrikes.
The Lebanon-based terrorist organization Hezbollah has already waded into the conflict by launching missiles into Israel, a move it insists is a “warning” rather than an entry into the war.
“We heard from the resistance that they have no problem to continue resisting,” Kanaani said, referring to Hamas. “They said the resistance holds military capability to continue resisting in the field for a long time.”
More than 2,600 people in Gaza have died as Israel pounds the region with missiles, the Palestinian health ministry said. Officials in Israel say the ongoing conflict has killed at least 1,400.

Israel has been down this road before. The release of the hostages has to be 100% unconditional, all 199 hostages to be released alive and well. Otherwise it’s simply a stalling tactic to demand more and more concessions.
One of the biggest mistakes made during the Vietnam War were the bombing pauses. Whenever the rationale for the pause was found to be ineffective and bombing resumed, pilots had to face beefed up defenses. Unrelenting pressure is the only way to go.
Hamas was launching missiles/rockets for years before the Hamas attacks of October 6, 2023. Hamas has continued to launch missiles/rockets every day since.
Funny how Iranian involvement went from claiming "not-involved" to “in charge” pretty quickly, didn’t it?
BTW, Isn't it strange that Hamas has not paraded any of the hostages since they were captured, given their propensity for publicity and infamy, you would think that they would display their ‘hostages’ to show them off.
The fact is, most of these ‘hostages’ are likely already dead. The ones that aren’t probably wish that they were dead. The idea that these evil terrorist are actually treating theses poor souls like humans is highly unlikely.
The time may have already come for Iran to assert itself as a world power, with the backing of the Brics.

The equivalent of Nato's article 5 being in Iran's favour isn't yet being expressed, but there's no way we can escape that which is implied.

This then begs the question of the Zionist apartheid regime being able to take military action against Iran directly, being still possible?
This really does confirm who is pulling the strings.
You're assuming that somebody/anybody understands what you're implying. I find it to be completely ambiguous on who you think is pulling the strings.
Lets see Iran has been arming and funding Hamas and Hezbollah for decades but just not this time?????
Yeah Right.....
And Obama and Biden gave them the cash to do it... that says a lot about those two traitors....
Israel should say release them and turn yourselves in or die.....
Are you assuming that Israel still has the power to demand and to follow through on their demands. I find that we may have come to the point at which that can no longer be assumed.

Israel could be a nuclear armed power and now needs to be restrained by that power. As are all nuclear powers subject to restraints.

Thus leaving them with nothing more than being of US lapdog status similar to the Ukraine.

And who can ignore the question on America being able to provide multiple proxies or even fight on two fronts against 'worthy' foes this time/

Iran says Hamas ready to release hostages if Israel stops airstrikes as at least 199 now known taken

16 Oct 2023 ~~ By Isabel Keane

Iran tried to pressure Israel into ending its revenge airstrikes on Gaza by claiming Monday that the Hamas terrorists long sponsored by Tehran would be willing to free the 199 hostages now known to have been taken during the slaughter of more than 1,400 people.
Iranian Foreign Ministry Nasser Kanaani claimed that Hamas is “ready” to release the hostages, but doing so would be “impossible” under Israeli airstrikes in the region.
He reckoned that the terror group “stated that they are ready to take necessary measures to release the citizens and civilians held by resistant groups, but their point was that such measures require preparations that are impossible under daily bombardment by the Zionists against various parts of Gaza,” Kanaani said.
Despite this, Hamas has yet to make such an offer publicly.
Israel held firm Monday, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office stating, “There is no ceasefire.”
It came as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Monday confirmed that at least 199 hostages are known to be held in Gaza, a number much greater than previously believed.
Military spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said families have been notified. He did not say how many held captive were foreigners, or who was holding them, though most are believed to be held by Hamas, which rules Gaza.
The terrorists have previously threatened to post footage of hostages being executed in revenge for Israeli counterstrikes.
The Lebanon-based terrorist organization Hezbollah has already waded into the conflict by launching missiles into Israel, a move it insists is a “warning” rather than an entry into the war.
“We heard from the resistance that they have no problem to continue resisting,” Kanaani said, referring to Hamas. “They said the resistance holds military capability to continue resisting in the field for a long time.”
More than 2,600 people in Gaza have died as Israel pounds the region with missiles, the Palestinian health ministry said. Officials in Israel say the ongoing conflict has killed at least 1,400.

Israel has been down this road before. The release of the hostages has to be 100% unconditional, all 199 hostages to be released alive and well. Otherwise it’s simply a stalling tactic to demand more and more concessions.
One of the biggest mistakes made during the Vietnam War were the bombing pauses. Whenever the rationale for the pause was found to be ineffective and bombing resumed, pilots had to face beefed up defenses. Unrelenting pressure is the only way to go.
Hamas was launching missiles/rockets for years before the Hamas attacks of October 6, 2023. Hamas has continued to launch missiles/rockets every day since.
Funny how Iranian involvement went from claiming "not-involved" to “in charge” pretty quickly, didn’t it?
BTW, Isn't it strange that Hamas has not paraded any of the hostages since they were captured, given their propensity for publicity and infamy, you would think that they would display their ‘hostages’ to show them off.
The fact is, most of these ‘hostages’ are likely already dead. The ones that aren’t probably wish that they were dead. The idea that these evil terrorist are actually treating theses poor souls like humans is highly unlikely.
But, but, but, but Biden pays $1billion per hostage!!
Well if one thing is apparent, Jewish people and Islamic people can't live in the same territory. Yet neither side can relinquish a strip of land. Thus innocent people are the ones being punished. Neither side wants to give up this land and they will never get along. Third party countries pick sides and supposedly provide weapons for defense. Instead they are use offensively. The innocent pay the price for their religious beliefs.

Define Real life irony?

Hamas is not the good guys and Israel is not the good guys.
I wonder if Hamas thought that holding hostages would deter Israel from airstrikes and invasion?
Lets see Iran has been arming and funding Hamas and Hezbollah for decades but just not this time?????
Yeah Right.....
And Obama and Biden gave them the cash to do it... that says a lot about those two traitors....
Iran considers their loyalties against the apartheid regime as honourable, and they're not about to hide it.

America has probably waited too long to be able to attack and destroy Iran.

Iran and allies have the ability to inflict too much damage on the apartheid regime.

Biden understands and is trying to defuse the intentions of the evil Bibi. He sees blowback that will only add to America's big problem of not having any way to deal with Russia.

The rest of the world's countries are not falling into line behind America.
Iran considers their loyalties against the apartheid regime as honourable, and they're not about to hide it.

America has probably waited too long to be able to attack and destroy Iran.

Iran and allies have the ability to inflict too much damage on the apartheid regime.

Biden understands and is trying to defuse the intentions of the evil Bibi. He sees blowback that will only add to America's big problem of not having any way to deal with Russia.

The rest of the world's countries are not falling into line behind America.
Everything Biden has done has made everything worse... not just here but abroad too....
Everything Biden has done has made everything worse... not just here but abroad too....
You could be right if you could provide examples. Instead, it's America that has made everything worse by opposing social changes promoted by China and the Brics.

Now America and the Biden regime finds itself up to it's ass in alligators.

And fwiw, the alligators this time are very worthy opponents with big guns too.

Does America want to find itself sitting alone with an ally that the world now sees as an evil apartheid regime?
You could be right if you could provide examples. Instead, it's America that has made everything worse by opposing social changes promoted by China and the Brics.

Now America and the Biden regime finds itself up to it's ass in alligators.

And fwiw, the alligators this time are very worthy opponents with big guns too.

Does America want to find itself sitting alone with an ally that the world now sees as an evil apartheid regime?
Trump fixed the nation and Biden/Obama quickly put the nation back where it was when they left office... that's why this is all so tragically familiar...
Trump fixed the nation and Biden/Obama quickly put the nation back where it was when they left office... that's why this is all so tragically familiar...
Trump could have produced a better result for America.

It's hard to visualize how it could have been worse since Biden decided it was time to take on Russia.

It's water under the bridge and it's spilt milk that crying over won't fix.

The alligators are out and this time they're not just other easy wars for America to settle quickly.

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