Trump releases 6 pages of accomplishments! WOW. Incredible


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2020

I was going through the details of his accomplishments and dropped to my knees in tears, how wonderful it is to be born during this incredible time, of leadership.. I thank god for being alive during this.
Thank you!

I was going through the details of his accomplishments and dropped to my knees in tears, how wonderful it is to be born during this incredible time, of leadership.. I thank god for being alive during this.
Thank you!
Could you be more of a cultist pawn believing this bullshit? None of them are lies or exaggerations huh? That’s what you’re going with.

Let me sum this up for you: Trump has no signature legislation through Congress. Nothing. The tax tax law he signed off on had none of his input whatsoever. The GOP knows he’s too stupid for that.

Everything else that Trump did in terms of policy were EO’s. You know, something chimps could do? Trump can barely read. Also, do you remember when EO’s were fascist when Obama did them? Let’s also not forget that Trump has outpaced Obama each year with EO’s.
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Imagine what could be done if he wasn't surrounded with so many assassins (Pelosi, Shumer, Omar, Clinton, Obama, and dont forget Romney
The GOP had full control of Congress the first two years and even then his dumbass couldn’t fund the wall lol
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I was going through the details of his accomplishments and dropped to my knees in tears, how wonderful it is to be born during this incredible time, of leadership.. I thank god for being alive during this.
Thank you!
Could you be more of a cultist pawn believing this bullshit? None of them are lies or exaggerations huh? That’s what you’re going with.

Let me sum this up for you: Trump has no signature legislation through Congress. Nothing. The tax tax law he signed off on had none of his input whatsoever. The GOP knows he’s too stupid for that.

Everything else that Trump did in terms of policy were EO’s. You know, something chimp could do? Trump can barely read. Also, do you remember when EO’s were fascist when Obama did them? Let’s also not forget that Trump has outpaced Obama each year with EO’s.

I was going through the details of his accomplishments and dropped to my knees in tears, how wonderful it is to be born during this incredible time, of leadership.. I thank god for being alive during this.
Thank you!
Could you be more of a cultist pawn believing this bullshit? None of them are lies or exaggerations huh? That’s what you’re going with.

Let me sum this up for you: Trump has no signature legislation through Congress. Nothing. The tax tax law he signed off on had none of his input whatsoever. The GOP knows he’s too stupid for that.

Everything else that Trump did in terms of policy were EO’s. You know, something chimp could do? Trump can barely read. Also, do you remember when EO’s were fascist when Obama did them? Let’s also not forget that Trump has outpaced Obama each year with EO’s.
I think his biggest success is destroying Obama’s legacy! Tearing the democrat party to shreds, getting 40% of the black vote in 2020. Freeing blacks.. I can go on and on

I was going through the details of his accomplishments and dropped to my knees in tears, how wonderful it is to be born during this incredible time, of leadership.. I thank god for being alive during this.
Thank you!
Could you be more of a cultist pawn believing this bullshit? None of them are lies or exaggerations huh? That’s what you’re going with.

Let me sum this up for you: Trump has no signature legislation through Congress. Nothing. The tax tax law he signed off on had none of his input whatsoever. The GOP knows he’s too stupid for that.

Everything else that Trump did in terms of policy were EO’s. You know, something chimp could do? Trump can barely read. Also, do you remember when EO’s were fascist when Obama did them? Let’s also not forget that Trump has outpaced Obama each year with EO’s.
Yep, you know I’m right.
And remember the following list was statements and policies that Trump WOULD NEVER say or do but the person who told the world...
"this was the day the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
  • " If somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
  • "I prefer higher gas prices". (And how did he go about doing that?)
Federal OIL LEASES under OBAMA in 4 years new leases under Obama 5,109 new leases… an average of 1,277 leases over 4 year. Under Bush from 2006 to 2008 23,569 new leases an average per year of 2,946 leases over 8 years. Oil & Gas Leases on Federal Lands Down 17% Under Obama
  • Oil & Gas Leases on Federal Lands Down 17% Under Obama
  • The most direct impact on increasing Americans' dependence on "oil companies" and foreign oil. “And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers,” said Obama to Brazil.
  • "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
  • Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system"...
  • FLASHBACK: Obama Says “Manufacturing Jobs Aren’t Coming Back”– Then Trump Sets Record of 40,000 Manufacturing Jobs in One Month

Small business tax hikes
The expiration of the Bush tax cuts for individuals making over $200,000, or families making $250,000, will hit many small business owners, an increase that will hit as those same owners are still trying to dig out of the recession. Considering that small businesses are the main creator of jobs in the nation, every dollar taken from them in tax hikes is that many fewer dollars available for expanding employment.

EPA’s burdensome regulations
Regulations promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency put a tremendous burden on businesses, making job creation more difficult. The agency’s rules on air quality standards are curtailing energy produced from coal-fired electrical plants, causing a rise in electricity prices and making scarce a major resource that is abundant in America.

Keystone XL Pipeline postponed
Even Obama’s union supporters expressed outrage over his decision to indefinitely postpone construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, which would transport oil from Alberta, Canada, to the Gulf of Mexico. The president’s decision cost thousands of jobs and lost a possible source of energy from North America, as China was soon knocking on Canada’s door. But at least Obama’s Hollywood environmental backers were placated.

Boeing battle
When Boeing wanted to build a new $750 million assembly plant in South Carolina, creating thousand of jobs in the process, the National Labor Relations board stepped in, saying the move violated federal law because S.C. is a right-to-work state. The board, whose balance tipped toward labor with Obama appointees, finally dropped the case after the union representing Boeing workers withdrew its objections.

Capital-gains ‘fairness’
When he was running for president in 2008, Obama said he would increase the capital gains rate, even if it meant bringing in less tax revenue for the government, out of the notion of “fairness.” He is still on the same quest, as the expiration of the Bush tax cuts would increase the capital gains tax rate by 33 percent. This time “fairness” will likely mean hurting the middle class, as the hike looms in January as part of the so-called taxmaggedon that could tip the economy back into a recession.

I was going through the details of his accomplishments and dropped to my knees in tears, how wonderful it is to be born during this incredible time, of leadership.. I thank god for being alive during this.
Thank you!
Could you be more of a cultist pawn believing this bullshit? None of them are lies or exaggerations huh? That’s what you’re going with.

Let me sum this up for you: Trump has no signature legislation through Congress. Nothing. The tax tax law he signed off on had none of his input whatsoever. The GOP knows he’s too stupid for that.

Everything else that Trump did in terms of policy were EO’s. You know, something chimp could do? Trump can barely read. Also, do you remember when EO’s were fascist when Obama did them? Let’s also not forget that Trump has outpaced Obama each year with EO’s.
I think his biggest success is destroying Obama’s legacy! Tearing the democrat party to shreds, getting 40% of the black vote in 2020. Freeing blacks.. I can go on and on
Yeah so in other words he doesn’t really create anything of value. He just says no to shit. I’m sure his contribution was to his staff “find anything related to Obama and trash it!”

He’s a toddler. That is the best we can get from him.

I was going through the details of his accomplishments and dropped to my knees in tears, how wonderful it is to be born during this incredible time, of leadership.. I thank god for being alive during this.
Thank you!
Could you be more of a cultist pawn believing this bullshit? None of them are lies or exaggerations huh? That’s what you’re going with.

Let me sum this up for you: Trump has no signature legislation through Congress. Nothing. The tax tax law he signed off on had none of his input whatsoever. The GOP knows he’s too stupid for that.

Everything else that Trump did in terms of policy were EO’s. You know, something chimp could do? Trump can barely read. Also, do you remember when EO’s were fascist when Obama did them? Let’s also not forget that Trump has outpaced Obama each year with EO’s.
I think his biggest success is destroying Obama’s legacy! Tearing the democrat party to shreds, getting 40% of the black vote in 2020. Freeing blacks.. I can go on and on
Yeah so in other words he doesn’t really create anything of value. He just says no to shit. I’m sure his contribution was to his staff “find anything related to Obama and trash it!”

He’s a toddler. That is the best we can get from him.
Read the list.. it’s incredible.. when have we had a leader do so much in little time ?

I was going through the details of his accomplishments and dropped to my knees in tears, how wonderful it is to be born during this incredible time, of leadership.. I thank god for being alive during this.
Thank you!
Could you be more of a cultist pawn believing this bullshit? None of them are lies or exaggerations huh? That’s what you’re going with.

Let me sum this up for you: Trump has no signature legislation through Congress. Nothing. The tax tax law he signed off on had none of his input whatsoever. The GOP knows he’s too stupid for that.

Everything else that Trump did in terms of policy were EO’s. You know, something chimp could do? Trump can barely read. Also, do you remember when EO’s were fascist when Obama did them? Let’s also not forget that Trump has outpaced Obama each year with EO’s.
I think his biggest success is destroying Obama’s legacy! Tearing the democrat party to shreds, getting 40% of the black vote in 2020. Freeing blacks.. I can go on and on
Yeah so in other words he doesn’t really create anything of value. He just says no to shit. I’m sure his contribution was to his staff “find anything related to Obama and trash it!”

He’s a toddler. That is the best we can get from him.
Read the list.. it’s incredible.. when have we had a leader do so much in little time ?
You’re just blindly believing this shit. I mean it brought you to tears? My god lol. You’re completely brainwashed. You’re waiting for the mothership to pass by the comet.

I was going through the details of his accomplishments and dropped to my knees in tears, how wonderful it is to be born during this incredible time, of leadership.. I thank god for being alive during this.
Thank you!
Could you be more of a cultist pawn believing this bullshit? None of them are lies or exaggerations huh? That’s what you’re going with.

Let me sum this up for you: Trump has no signature legislation through Congress. Nothing. The tax tax law he signed off on had none of his input whatsoever. The GOP knows he’s too stupid for that.

Everything else that Trump did in terms of policy were EO’s. You know, something chimps could do? Trump can barely read. Also, do you remember when EO’s were fascist when Obama did them? Let’s also not forget that Trump has outpaced Obama each year with EO’s.
Oh brother--- trump has 6 pages of fantasic accomplishments and has saved thousands of lives and you are pretending to be worried about signature legislation.....sad

I am sorry but our chimp Obama certainly could not have and did not accomplish anything near what trump has........

and ps just so I don't get called racist again ---------our chimp bush also did not do as much good for the nation as trump has.

I was going through the details of his accomplishments and dropped to my knees in tears, how wonderful it is to be born during this incredible time, of leadership.. I thank god for being alive during this.
Thank you!
Could you be more of a cultist pawn believing this bullshit? None of them are lies or exaggerations huh? That’s what you’re going with.

Let me sum this up for you: Trump has no signature legislation through Congress. Nothing. The tax tax law he signed off on had none of his input whatsoever. The GOP knows he’s too stupid for that.

Everything else that Trump did in terms of policy were EO’s. You know, something chimp could do? Trump can barely read. Also, do you remember when EO’s were fascist when Obama did them? Let’s also not forget that Trump has outpaced Obama each year with EO’s.
I think his biggest success is destroying Obama’s legacy! Tearing the democrat party to shreds, getting 40% of the black vote in 2020. Freeing blacks.. I can go on and on
Yeah so in other words he doesn’t really create anything of value. He just says no to shit. I’m sure his contribution was to his staff “find anything related to Obama and trash it!”

He’s a toddler. That is the best we can get from him.
Read the list.. it’s incredible.. when have we had a leader do so much in little time ?
You’re just blindly believing this shit. I mean it brought you to tears? My god lol. You’re completely brainwashed. You’re waiting for the mothership to pass by the comet.
Just facts
He did leave out other accomplishments like:
Spending more than Oblama in a shorter amount of time.
Highest unemployment in eighty years.
Loss of markets and the cost of 100 billion in subsidies to farmers.
Cancel culture features against Tik Toc because they mocked him and messed up his tickets to a rally.
His incessant bullying of women.
His golf tee times that have outnumbered Obama in a shorter amount of time.
Eight billion of a wall that is not only unfinished but falling down.
And his greatest achievement of all:

He did leave out other accomplishments like:
Spending more than Oblama in a shorter amount of time.
Highest unemployment in eighty years.
Loss of markets and the cost of 100 billion in subsidies to farmers.
Cancel culture features against Tik Toc because they mocked him and messed up his tickets to a rally.
His incessant bullying of women.
His golf tee times that have outnumbered Obama in a shorter amount of time.
Eight billion of a wall that is not only unfinished but falling down.
And his greatest achievement of all:

Yes he left out fallacies

I was going through the details of his accomplishments and dropped to my knees in tears, how wonderful it is to be born during this incredible time, of leadership.. I thank god for being alive during this.
Thank you!
WOW is correct. Simply incredible. The man keeps on winning and winning and winning, and winning...........................and winning and winning and winning..................

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