Trump on a protestor "I'd like to punch him in the face."

Yes, that's the temperament, cool-headed demeanor and thick-skinned toughness we need leading the greatest nation on earth. That's what we need in a leader.

It is his temperament I don't trust. Much of his policies he's trying to lay out are nothing but windbag conservative wet dreams that won't happen. However, with his temper and access to the military and our heavy weapon arsenal it would be disastrous.
Wallace’s campaign rallies were characterized by intermittent spasms of violence, including in New York, where several of his supporters notoriously surrounded a group of black protesters and began chanting “kill ’em! Kill ’em!” And Wallace, like Trump, seemed to encourage their bravado, declaring at Madison Square Garden: “We don’t have riots in Alabama. They start a riot down there, first one of ’em to pick up a brick gets a bullet in the brain, that’s all. And then you walk over to the next one and say, ‘All right, pick up a brick. We just want to see you pick up one of them bricks now.”

Donald Trump is the GOP's George Wallace
And Obama incited violence by saying to his supporters at a fundraiser regarding republicans 'If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun' during his 2008 campaign.
Sort of like how you forgot to bring your brains to this forum. Begs the questions: Are there any intelligent Trump followers? Or are they all as superficial and dim witted as the Trump followers posting here?
Trump can't be as bad as slight improvement should he win.

Now Cankles would be a drastic deterioration, should she win.

Obama goes around acting like an idiotic school kid?

To be fair, many people on this site go around insulting each other, so I could understand how they could relate to this, but you sometimes expect your leaders to be better than this.
He is saying what anyone else would be thinking. He is just honest.
Trump is right AGAIN.
Just when I thought I couldn't like Trump more.

Punch them in the face?

How about kick their fucking teeth out of their fucking skulls? That is the way I feel about it.

Now run along you pieces of ignorant intolerable sensitive unappreciative socialist shit.
punch someone, and risk messing up his hair ? that's rich.
I believe a President should be Presidential. However, I appreciate honesty just as much, if not more. Especially considering how fuckin rare it is. Americans complaining about honesty. Isnt this is Revelations? lol
Yes, that's the temperament, cool-headed demeanor and thick-skinned toughness we need leading the greatest nation on earth. That's what we need in a leader.

Probably not the best thing to say... admit it, who hasn't been there??
Kinda funny, and refreshing at the same time...
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Yes, that's the temperament, cool-headed demeanor and thick-skinned toughness we need leading the greatest nation on earth. That's what we need in a leader.

It is his temperament I don't trust. Much of his policies he's trying to lay out are nothing but windbag conservative wet dreams that won't happen. However, with his temper and access to the military and our heavy weapon arsenal it would be disastrous.
What a coward you are! His access to the military would be America's finest hour.
Yes, that's the temperament, cool-headed demeanor and thick-skinned toughness we need leading the greatest nation on earth. That's what we need in a leader.

It is his temperament I don't trust. Much of his policies he's trying to lay out are nothing but windbag conservative wet dreams that won't happen. However, with his temper and access to the military and our heavy weapon arsenal it would be disastrous.
What a coward you are! His access to the military would be America's finest hour.

Yeah I'm a coward because I don't want numerous wars for others to die in while you jack off watching it on Fox News cause you're too much of a chicken shit to actual fight in the wars YOU want to start. Fuck off you putz.
'Trump on a protestor "I'd like to punch him in the face."'

It's gotten to the point where this sort of thing from Trump comes as no surprise.

And this is the nature of the typical Trump supporter: someone who has as much contempt for sound, responsible governance and the presidency as Trump.
The way he just shouts things out, he might have Tourette's Syndrome.
'Trump on a protestor "I'd like to punch him in the face."'

It's gotten to the point where this sort of thing from Trump comes as no surprise.

And this is the nature of the typical Trump supporter: someone who has as much contempt for sound, responsible governance and the presidency as Trump.
The way he just shouts things out, he might have Tourette's Syndrome.

You know, never thought of that. Maybe he should get that checked out :beer:
'Trump on a protestor "I'd like to punch him in the face."'

It's gotten to the point where this sort of thing from Trump comes as no surprise.

And this is the nature of the typical Trump supporter: someone who has as much contempt for sound, responsible governance and the presidency as Trump.
The way he just shouts things out, he might have Tourette's Syndrome.

You know, never thought of that. Maybe he should get that checked out :beer:
Is America ready for its' first Tourette's President?
The more Trump scares the fence sitters and closet libtards the better! Time to put a nice large split between the democraps and the republicans..they are to close to each other right now Trump's new GOP will FINALLY be something worth voting for.
I don't get that.

Trump has many progressive views. He appears to side with the D party on national healthcare, taxes, abortion, etc...He attacked W for his stupid war as fervently as any radical Democrat. He is fine with America's current welfare warfare policies. He wants to raise taxes on the rich. Yet, many D voters dislike him and R voters like him.

Seems not to make any sense.
Trump can't be as bad as slight improvement should he win.

Now Cankles would be a drastic deterioration, should she win.

Obama goes around acting like an idiotic school kid?

To be fair, many people on this site go around insulting each other, so I could understand how they could relate to this, but you sometimes expect your leaders to be better than this.
Big Ears is much worse than an idiotic school kid.

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