Trump on a protestor "I'd like to punch him in the face."

Wallace’s campaign rallies were characterized by intermittent spasms of violence, including in New York, where several of his supporters notoriously surrounded a group of black protesters and began chanting “kill ’em! Kill ’em!” And Wallace, like Trump, seemed to encourage their bravado, declaring at Madison Square Garden: “We don’t have riots in Alabama. They start a riot down there, first one of ’em to pick up a brick gets a bullet in the brain, that’s all. And then you walk over to the next one and say, ‘All right, pick up a brick. We just want to see you pick up one of them bricks now.”

Donald Trump is the GOP's George Wallace
And Obama incited violence by saying to his supporters at a fundraiser regarding republicans 'If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun' during his 2008 campaign.
One doesn't have to bring a gun if the other party doesn't bring a knife.....
Tell that to Obama, he brought it up.
Trump can't be as bad as slight improvement should he win.

Now Cankles would be a drastic deterioration, should she win.

Obama goes around acting like an idiotic school kid?

To be fair, many people on this site go around insulting each other, so I could understand how they could relate to this, but you sometimes expect your leaders to be better than this.
Big Ears is much worse than an idiotic school kid.

Yes, that's the temperament, cool-headed demeanor and thick-skinned toughness we need leading the greatest nation on earth. That's what we need in a leader.
Yep, par for the course.

Maybe there's a method to the madness, or maybe this is just madness.

i think with him there is always a method to his madness and the ultimate goal is always self promotion.

he understands his audience is emotional and less than brilliant...he's counting on that to fuel him forward.

it cracks me up when i hear someone say he's supposedly incorruptible just because he can afford to finance a campaign.

he's beholden only to his own self interest, and not to our country's long standing diplomatic principles and ideals.

toro is right.. trump is a terrible leader and true conservatives reject this guy...
Yes, that's the temperament, cool-headed demeanor and thick-skinned toughness we need leading the greatest nation on earth. That's what we need in a leader.

It is his temperament I don't trust. Much of his policies he's trying to lay out are nothing but windbag conservative wet dreams that won't happen. However, with his temper and access to the military and our heavy weapon arsenal it would be disastrous.
What a coward you are! His access to the military would be America's finest hour.
As a chickenshit draft dodging dilettante Trump would be the perfect commander in chief to tell American POWs what losers they are.
Yes, that's the temperament, cool-headed demeanor and thick-skinned toughness we need leading the greatest nation on earth. That's what we need in a leader.

It is his temperament I don't trust. Much of his policies he's trying to lay out are nothing but windbag conservative wet dreams that won't happen. However, with his temper and access to the military and our heavy weapon arsenal it would be disastrous.
What a coward you are! His access to the military would be America's finest hour.
As a chickenshit draft dodging dilettante Trump would be the perfect commander in chief to tell American POWs what losers they are.

Get ready to call him Mr. President.
the only thing trump's been leading the way to is a shattering of the Republican party.

and a clear path to a hillary presidency, which is just fine with me...

i'd like to see the GOP electorate give more respect to the rational candidates but alas the righty base has become unhinged.

trump mostly makes me laugh tho i think he'd make a terrible POTUS.

once in a while i actually agree with him. :lol:

Trump in 2008: Hillary Clinton would make a "great" president
Trump in 2008: Hillary Clinton would make a "great" president - CBS News
As a chickenshit draft dodging dilettante Trump would be the perfect commander in chief to tell American POWs what losers they are.

poor trollsock can't get anyone to talk to him unless he says ridonkulous things. :itsok:
Wallace’s campaign rallies were characterized by intermittent spasms of violence, including in New York, where several of his supporters notoriously surrounded a group of black protesters and began chanting “kill ’em! Kill ’em!” And Wallace, like Trump, seemed to encourage their bravado, declaring at Madison Square Garden: “We don’t have riots in Alabama. They start a riot down there, first one of ’em to pick up a brick gets a bullet in the brain, that’s all. And then you walk over to the next one and say, ‘All right, pick up a brick. We just want to see you pick up one of them bricks now.”

Donald Trump is the GOP's George Wallace
And Obama incited violence by saying to his supporters at a fundraiser regarding republicans 'If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun' during his 2008 campaign.
One doesn't have to bring a gun if the other party doesn't bring a knife.....
Tell that to Obama, he brought it up.
Of course he you explain to me why someone would even need to bring a gun.....unless the other side has already brought a knife.....
Yes, that's the temperament, cool-headed demeanor and thick-skinned toughness we need leading the greatest nation on earth. That's what we need in a leader.

It is his temperament I don't trust. Much of his policies he's trying to lay out are nothing but windbag conservative wet dreams that won't happen. However, with his temper and access to the military and our heavy weapon arsenal it would be disastrous.
What a coward you are! His access to the military would be America's finest hour.
As a chickenshit draft dodging dilettante Trump would be the perfect commander in chief to tell American POWs what losers they are.

Get ready to call him Mr. President.
We get the leader we deserve. The RW thinks we deserve a Reality Show Rich Guy from NYC.
Yes, that's the temperament, cool-headed demeanor and thick-skinned toughness we need leading the greatest nation on earth. That's what we need in a leader.

It is his temperament I don't trust. Much of his policies he's trying to lay out are nothing but windbag conservative wet dreams that won't happen. However, with his temper and access to the military and our heavy weapon arsenal it would be disastrous.
What a coward you are! His access to the military would be America's finest hour.
As a chickenshit draft dodging dilettante Trump would be the perfect commander in chief to tell American POWs what losers they are.

Get ready to call him Mr. President.
We get the leader we deserve. The RW thinks we deserve a Reality Show Rich Guy from NYC.

Nah...we think we need someone who isnt a member of the establishment.
Hell,I find myself wanting to punch a liberal in the face on a regular basis.
Why don't you?

Unlike Barry's children I actually have something to lose by going to jail or getting sued.
So..that's the only reason you don't do it? Not because it's the wrong thing to do?

It's exactly the right thing to do in certain cases.
What are those certain cases?

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