Trump Mobilizes His Base But Repels Others Even More


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Trump has brought out more voters to the polls, both for him and against him. But mostly against him.

He's also swung the college educated against the GOP, and those who typically don't vote. That's one reason why the Republicans have done poorly in the last two midterms.

since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, “we’ve discovered that Trump turns out more people on our side than theirs” in the battleground states. Before 2016, Podhorzer told me, it was Democrats who had the math problem. Midterm elections had been dominated by a whiter, more conservative electorate. Trump’s win in 2016, however, added a new tranche of voters to the electorate. Using data from the Catalist voter file, Podhorzer estimates that these “new voters” (defined as those who voted in 2018 and 2020, but had not voted in 2014, or, if they were eligible for the first time, voted in 2020), number almost 40 million. These voters aren’t necessarily Democrats, says Podhorzer, but “they are anti-MAGA.”
As such, Democrats’ political success comes down to a pretty simple equation. When those millions of “new voters” show up, Democrats can win. When they don’t, Democrats fall short. ...
“In 2016, despite losing the popular vote, Trump became president by virtue of his Electoral College victory. That election made clear that the political fulcrum would be the states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.” Trump won all five of those states in 2016. Since then, however, Republicans have steadily lost ground. “In those five states, on the day that Trump was sworn in, only one state had a Democratic governor (Pennsylvania), only four Democrats served in the Senate, and Democrats did not constitute a majority in any of the 10 state legislative chambers.” Today, however, “four of the five governors will be Democrats, 8 of the 10 Senators will be Democrats, and three of the state legislative chambers will have Democratic majorities.” And, of course, Joe Biden carried every one of those states in 2020.​
Plus, as the Pew Research verified voter study found, voters who sat out 2016 but came out in 2018 and 2020 supported Biden by 26 points.

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He's also swung the college educated against the GOP, and those who typically don't vote. That's one reason why the Republicans have done poorly in the last two midterms.
At some point, rage and paranoia no longer sell. If you can't address issues and people like an adult, it wears thin.

The GQP should be learning that now, but whether they are is debatable.
Anti-MAGA = Anti-American.

MAGA is a philosophy for making the U.S.A. a great country again. It has nothing to do with Trump, his personality or his political wants and needs.
It's a call sign for anybody that wants less government, government without corruption, govenment following the laws and punishing those that break it, and government FOR the people. Thats ALL it is. Trump might have started the motto, but he does't control it, the people do. And those people that think making this country clean and safe again is wrong.......then THEY are the enemies!!

It's a war cry for the people who will literally stand up and go outside to MAKE this happen.
As such, Democrats’ political success comes down to a pretty simple equation. When those millions of “new voters” show up, Democrats can win. When they don’t, Democrats fall short.

Democrats have been very successful playing their TRUMP Card

Getting millions in donations and huge voter turnout just out of fear of TRUMP and his followers.

Republicans have obliged them by refusing to cut ties with Trump
Our defective MSM, the education cartel and establishment elitists have done everything they can to poison Trump. The mal educated, monkey see monkey doers, who believe the BS they are being fed, are the reason we have government that doesn't serve the people. It's too bad that those people can't see that Trump was much better for everyone but the elitists.
Trump has brought out more voters to the polls, both for him and against him. But mostly against him.

He's also swung the college educated against the GOP, and those who typically don't vote. That's one reason why the Republicans have done poorly in the last two midterms.

since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, “we’ve discovered that Trump turns out more people on our side than theirs” in the battleground states. Before 2016, Podhorzer told me, it was Democrats who had the math problem. Midterm elections had been dominated by a whiter, more conservative electorate. Trump’s win in 2016, however, added a new tranche of voters to the electorate. Using data from the Catalist voter file, Podhorzer estimates that these “new voters” (defined as those who voted in 2018 and 2020, but had not voted in 2014, or, if they were eligible for the first time, voted in 2020), number almost 40 million. These voters aren’t necessarily Democrats, says Podhorzer, but “they are anti-MAGA.”
As such, Democrats’ political success comes down to a pretty simple equation. When those millions of “new voters” show up, Democrats can win. When they don’t, Democrats fall short. ...
“In 2016, despite losing the popular vote, Trump became president by virtue of his Electoral College victory. That election made clear that the political fulcrum would be the states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.” Trump won all five of those states in 2016. Since then, however, Republicans have steadily lost ground. “In those five states, on the day that Trump was sworn in, only one state had a Democratic governor (Pennsylvania), only four Democrats served in the Senate, and Democrats did not constitute a majority in any of the 10 state legislative chambers.” Today, however, “four of the five governors will be Democrats, 8 of the 10 Senators will be Democrats, and three of the state legislative chambers will have Democratic majorities.” And, of course, Joe Biden carried every one of those states in 2020.​
Plus, as the Pew Research verified voter study found, voters who sat out 2016 but came out in 2018 and 2020 supported Biden by 26 points.

Your globalist-controlled nation has labeled truckers' terrorists, insurrectionists and racists. Destroying many of them for a strike. You arrest preachers now. You are in the incipient stage of euthanasia. See where I am coming from. That is tyranny.
Your globalist-controlled nation has labeled truckers' terrorists, insurrectionists and racists. Destroying many of them for a strike. You arrest preachers now. You are in the incipient stage of euthanasia. See where I am coming from. That is tyranny.

Thanks for demonstrating why so many come out against MAGA. People don't like crazy.
Democrats have been very successful playing their TRUMP Card

Getting millions in donations and huge voter turnout just out of fear of TRUMP and his followers.

Republicans have obliged them by refusing to cut ties with Trump
Which is why you howler monkeys are terrified of your orange god. You eat, drink and sleep trump every moment.
Thanks for demonstrating why so many come out against MAGA. People don't like crazy.
Freedom is vigilance. No perfection y people is possible. Red flags show up in the move towards dystopian dictatorships. Canada, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand are further along than we are. Modern technology with all of the social media and devices we use does not mean freedom. For the same is also a way for the despots to control us. Those truckers in Canada had their lives shit down. Not unlike the mark of the beast. Any transaction for currency, paying bills and the rest stopped.
I suspect the power the right wing just grabbed from the Republican Party and Trumpists in the Speaker fight will slide them further into isolation from mainstream America.

If the democrats could refrain from overtly marketing alternate lifestyles into the faces of conservative mainstream Americans they’d be cleaning up now. Karen just isn’t ready for it.
I suspect the power the right wing just grabbed from the Republican Party and Trumpists in the Speaker fight will slide them further into isolation from mainstream America.

If the democrats could refrain from overtly marketing alternate lifestyles into the faces of conservative mainstream Americans they’d be cleaning up now. Karen just isn’t ready for it.
I've been screaming this for years here. The Dems just can't get it through their heads that their tactics -- not necessarily their ultimate goals, but their tactics -- not only turn off many Americans but anger and motivate their political opponents.

We saw the culmination of this in 2016. It brought us Trumpism. This is the pushback, the backlash, to decades of what the Dems have been pushing.

A pox on both ends of the spectrum.
Democrats have been very successful playing their TRUMP Card

Getting millions in donations and huge voter turnout just out of fear of TRUMP and his followers.

Republicans have obliged them by refusing to cut ties with Trump
you are right..the demafasict are great at promoting fear. That’s all they have
Which is why you howler monkeys are terrified of your orange god. You eat, drink and sleep trump every moment.
Not really

We just make sure that everyone knows Trump is still out there. Nothing rallies the Democratic base like Trump and his followers.

Dems are going to play their TRUMP Card as long as hey can

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