"trump LOST" billboards popping up in Texas...funded by GOP

My gosh! Is sanity beginning to creep into the repub party....awakening the real GOP? The Big Lie is about to be one year old. Maybe it is time the Big Lie died....
Thanks for admitting you're mentally ill.
The establishment Rs & Ds hate Trump.
I think more and more rank and file Republicans are getting tired of his bullshit by the day, particularly when he goes out there and tells them not to bother voting because of "fraud."
It's a good thing I'm not a Rank & File Republican...whatever that means.

My gosh! Is sanity beginning to creep into the repub party....awakening the real GOP? The Big Lie is about to be one year old. Maybe it is time the Big Lie died....
The Big Lie is asleep at the Global Warming Conference.

My gosh! Is sanity beginning to creep into the repub party....awakening the real GOP? The Big Lie is about to be one year old. Maybe it is time the Big Lie died....
They are so mad that they all SUCKED SO MUCH FUCKING DONKEY ASS that a TV personality beat the fuck out of them in the primaries.


My gosh! Is sanity beginning to creep into the repub party....awakening the real GOP? The Big Lie is about to be one year old. Maybe it is time the Big Lie died....

Hahahahaha! This is even better than the fake "neo-Nazis" the Lincoln Project hired to campaign for Terry McAuliffe.

Wow, you people are SO fucking gullible.
They think that chanting the same lie over and over will somehow make it truth and if they light a city on fire and sing anti-american chants then suddenly their collective Marxist Utopia will rise from the ashes. These folks are really deranged.

As usual, KNOW YOUR ENEMY: the Soviet Russian Alinski made it rather simple in his appropriately named rules for Radicals, Rules #10 and 12. That and rule #5 made possible by the rather lax, naive rule structure here pretty much covers most every post almost every progressive here ever posts.
trump LOST.....That is the TRUTH! Anyone or anything that says trump WON is lying and is a liar. Over 60 court cases, including many judges who were appointed by the Liar in Chief, have confirmed that the multiple suits brought by the JV trump conspiracy theory team were without merit and, in many cases, juvenile. But trump and his Mafia are not finished. Their attempt at toppling the foundation of the democracy that our republic is built goes on to this day. People like you are complicit in those efforts.

Please take your meds and go to bed early. The fetal position suits you well.
That is The Big Lie.My Proof.That the January 6th Insurrections was the real
Big Lie.We are finding out that more each week.That an Agent Provocateur
was behind stirring up thoughts about Storming the Capitol.
This guy was Never Arrested.He was on the FBI 10 most wanted list until
his Identity was written about.The very day after a site mentioned this Prime suspect
in the January 6th Insurrection { a Ray Epps } he was Removed by the FBI Wanted list.
This guy was never Arrested.There is Video of him a day before the 1/6 Capitol
stroming stirring about crowds of anyone who would listen.He did the same
thing on 1/6.Virtually going up to those gathered and wispering in their ears as to
how to Storm the Capitol.Giving advice.He was Video'd and Tucker Carlson interviewed
a Videograper who had permission/permit to video Capitol Events.
No one { over 600 arrested and most all jailed have been charged with
Insurrection }. Just ticky tack charges like tresspassing.
This is all part of a pattern to start { impliment } a New style War.
By repeated use of Lies. A form of mind control.Psychological Warfare.
A Full Spectrum Dominance.All involved must be on board with every
and all Lie{s}.Why would ALL Democrats insist the same thing.,That no mention
of Election 2020 will be allowed if criticizing.Where Democrats sang a completely
different tune in 2016.
When are you idiots gonna understand.? trump is a Serial Liar.
Was the Economy a Lie.Lowest ever recorded Black and Hispanic
Unemployment.Trump received more Hispanic votes than any
Republican President.Almost every President talked big about
moving Israels Embassy to Jerusalem.Trump did it.
Also gave this Country Oil Independence for it's first time.
Increased Middle Class takehome pay by around $5,ooo yearly.
Obama's Economy reduced it by $ 4,500 yearly.
No President in the history of the United States has
been Lied about more,more often,and more intensely than
Donald J. Trump.
Know yer lies.Where they originate is the best weapon for those
who Love America.
Always keeping in mind ... :

TRUTH is Not a Leftwing Value.

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