Trump losing ground


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

If this trend continues, and it probably will, Trump could be looking at the largest defeat in the history of American Presidential elections.

For him, four things have to happen:
1. Russia has to up it's game in support of Trump.
2. The Senate has to get aggressive about investigating the Bidens on Ukraine.
3. Trump has to have some rallies, the more the better. With the country back open, why hasn't he had a bunch already?
4. Trump has to stop throwing rocks at America's beloved Generals. He's a draft dodger; can't do that.

If this trend continues, and it probably will, Trump could be looking at the largest defeat in the history of American Presidential elections.

For him, four things have to happen:
1. Russia has to up it's game in support of Trump.
2. The Senate has to get aggressive about investigating the Bidens on Ukraine.
3. Trump has to have some rallies, the more the better. With the country back open, why hasn't he had a bunch already?
4. Trump has to stop throwing rocks at America's beloved Generals. He's a draft dodger; can't do that.
Polls in June don't mean a whole lot.

It's going to be a tight election decided in a handful of states. Trump won by 77,000 votes in total in PA WI and MI. Had those 77,000 votes flipped the other way, Hillary would be President today.

I imagine November will look similar.
Trump could machine gun down 10,0000 innocent people, and 40% of Americans would still approve of him.

Trump could also cure cancer, COVID-19, and all wars forever on the same day, and 50% of Americans would still disapprove of him.

Trump approval.png


If this trend continues, and it probably will, Trump could be looking at the largest defeat in the history of American Presidential elections.

For him, four things have to happen:
1. Russia has to up it's game in support of Trump.
2. The Senate has to get aggressive about investigating the Bidens on Ukraine.
3. Trump has to have some rallies, the more the better. With the country back open, why hasn't he had a bunch already?
4. Trump has to stop throwing rocks at America's beloved Generals. He's a draft dodger; can't do that.
All that matters = Independent voters in ~seven swing states. Rest is irrelevant. If Trump wins Ohio, PA and Fla, he will be POTUS again.

If this trend continues, and it probably will, Trump could be looking at the largest defeat in the history of American Presidential elections.

For him, four things have to happen:
1. Russia has to up it's game in support of Trump.
2. The Senate has to get aggressive about investigating the Bidens on Ukraine.
3. Trump has to have some rallies, the more the better. With the country back open, why hasn't he had a bunch already?
4. Trump has to stop throwing rocks at America's beloved Generals. He's a draft dodger; can't do that.

You repeating it again and again does not mean it is actually happening.

Idiot leftists thinking that each time they hate on Trump he loses ground, to the contrary the God-Emperor gains ground from your rage.
Trump could machine gun down 10,0000 innocent people, and 40% of Americans would still approve of him.

Trump could also cure cancer, COVID-19, and all wars forever on the same day, and 50% of Americans would still disapprove of him.

View attachment 347458

higher than obozo was at this point, and Bush and Clinton. means nothing.
Let’s take a closer look
View attachment 347461

1259 people out of 330,000,000. right, got it. Now, they are trying to tell us that that 1259 proportionally contains a sample of every demographic present in 330,000,000 people? that is simply bullshit and statistically meaningless.
Particularly at their breakdown. Notice even they admit their Black stats could be off by over 7% which they oversampled. And they under sampled Reps., as usual.

If this trend continues, and it probably will, Trump could be looking at the largest defeat in the history of American Presidential elections.

For him, four things have to happen:
1. Russia has to up it's game in support of Trump.
2. The Senate has to get aggressive about investigating the Bidens on Ukraine.
3. Trump has to have some rallies, the more the better. With the country back open, why hasn't he had a bunch already?
4. Trump has to stop throwing rocks at America's beloved Generals. He's a draft dodger; can't do that.

“CNN told me Trump is losing ground and the Kardashian whores told me Blacks are amazing human beings. So it’s all true.”
You dumbmotherfuckers never realize how stupid you sound to sane folks do you?

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