Trump lifts sanctions on Turkey, says cease-fire permanent


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Trump sold out the Kurds..ceded power in the region to Russia and endorses Endogan's invasion, all in a week's time! Are we safer as a result? Have we traded short term safety for long-term trouble? One thing is certain..about 500 ISIS fighters are happy with his decisions! Assad is happy..and, most of all, Putin is happy--so I guess that makes Trump happy as well.

Trump lifts sanctions on Turkey, says cease-fire permanent

"The U.S. pullout was seen as an abandonment of Kurdish fighters, who have incurred thousands of casualties as they fought with U.S. forces against the Islamic State militants.
The U.S. troops left, but the conflict was not without repercussions.
Trump's critics say he gave up American influence in the region and signaled to future allies that the United States is no longer a reliable partner. More than 176,000 people have been displaced by the Turkish offensive and about 500 IS fighters gained freedom during the conflict."
Trump sold out the Kurds..ceded power in the region to Russia and endorses Endogan's invasion, all in a week's time! Are we safer as a result? Have we traded short term safety for long-term trouble? One thing is certain..about 500 ISIS fighters are happy with his decisions! Assad is happy..and, most of all, Putin is happy--so I guess that makes Trump happy as well.

Trump lifts sanctions on Turkey, says cease-fire permanent

"The U.S. pullout was seen as an abandonment of Kurdish fighters, who have incurred thousands of casualties as they fought with U.S. forces against the Islamic State militants.
The U.S. troops left, but the conflict was not without repercussions.
Trump's critics say he gave up American influence in the region and signaled to future allies that the United States is no longer a reliable partner. More than 176,000 people have been displaced by the Turkish offensive and about 500 IS fighters gained freedom during the conflict."

I'll bet the US soldiers who didn't die and their families are happy too.
Was he supposed to sell out the Turks, our NATO ally?

Where are the Democrat calls to remove Turkey from NATO and form an alliance with the Kurds?

Or are they just bitching like children with no actual plan for the situation?
Was he supposed to sell out the Turks, our NATO ally?

Where are the Democrat calls to remove Turkey from NATO and form an alliance with the Kurds?

Or are they just bitching like children with no actual plan for the situation?
The Dems have no love for the Kurds one really does. I would withdraw from NATO--and form another alliance with Britain and the EU. I would also pull our nukes out of Turkey ASAP. Turkey would not get another dime from the US if i had my way. The sanctions against Syria and Turkey would be total..let Russia take care of their friends..I'm not against our leaving..I'm aghast at the timing and the lack of preparation.

My take is that Trump needed a this was it.
No one was going to try and shut Turkey out of NATO.
I have no doubt the same people that have been hoping for a war (any war) since Trump became president were hoping this would be it.
The crazies keep complaining about the Kurds were abandoned and that will affect our geopolitical standing. Not one of those same crazies cares to talk about the effect of a war with Turkey a NATO ally would have on out geopolitical standing. It as if they don't understand that we have certain obligations or they just want any excuse to go Trump bad.
Was he supposed to sell out the Turks, our NATO ally?

Where are the Democrat calls to remove Turkey from NATO and form an alliance with the Kurds?

Or are they just bitching like children with no actual plan for the situation?
The Dems have no love for the Kurds one really does. I would withdraw from NATO--and form another alliance with Britain and the EU. I would also pull our nukes out of Turkey ASAP. Turkey would not get another dime from the US if i had my way. The sanctions against Syria and Turkey would be total..let Russia take care of their friends..I'm not against our leaving..I'm aghast at the timing and the lack of preparation.

My take is that Trump needed a this was it.

I agree with most of that, we should boot Turkey out of NATO.
The Dems “have no love for the Kurds”? Then why are they screaming about “selling out the Kurds?

You’re “aghast” of the timing? The Turks were about to start bombing the Kurds, the timing was just right for us to get our troops the hell out of there.

If President Trump wanted a “distraction”, he would had gotten us into another unnecessary war like his predecessors did, not got us out of one before is started.
Trump sold out the Kurds..ceded power in the region to Russia and endorses Endogan's invasion, all in a week's time! Are we safer as a result? Have we traded short term safety for long-term trouble? One thing is certain..about 500 ISIS fighters are happy with his decisions! Assad is happy..and, most of all, Putin is happy--so I guess that makes Trump happy as well.

Trump lifts sanctions on Turkey, says cease-fire permanent

"The U.S. pullout was seen as an abandonment of Kurdish fighters, who have incurred thousands of casualties as they fought with U.S. forces against the Islamic State militants.
The U.S. troops left, but the conflict was not without repercussions.
Trump's critics say he gave up American influence in the region and signaled to future allies that the United States is no longer a reliable partner. More than 176,000 people have been displaced by the Turkish offensive and about 500 IS fighters gained freedom during the conflict."

I'll bet the US soldiers who didn't die and their families are happy too.
How about the one's that did die in Syria to have Trump throw it all away.
So Trump & Turkey cut a deal where Trump moves our soldiers out of the way of a Turkish invasion & slaughter of the people that wre fighting along side us the asy before.

Trump then threatens Turket with sactions to destroy their economy if they do something bad.

Turkey does something bad & after a few days of this slaughter, Trump puts on sanctions.

Turkey & Russia & Syria cit a deal cutting out S influence & Trump ends sanctions that never really got started.

Who is Happy?
Trump (another gift for his buddy Vlad)

Who is not happy?
Our fighting companions the Kurds
America - lost any influence in Syria, lost face in the world
So Trump & Turkey cut a deal where Trump moves our soldiers out of the way of a Turkish invasion & slaughter of the people that wre fighting along side us the asy before.

Trump then threatens Turket with sactions to destroy their economy if they do something bad.

Turkey does something bad & after a few days of this slaughter, Trump puts on sanctions.

Turkey & Russia & Syria cit a deal cutting out S influence & Trump ends sanctions that never really got started.

Who is Happy?
Trump (another gift for his buddy Vlad)

Who is not happy?
Our fighting companions the Kurds
America - lost any influence in Syria, lost face in the world

^^ It’s so funny to see progressives take a neocon stance on foreign policy.

Sorry to disappoint, but President Trump isn’t playing your game.
Was he supposed to sell out the Turks, our NATO ally?

Where are the Democrat calls to remove Turkey from NATO and form an alliance with the Kurds?

Or are they just bitching like children with no actual plan for the situation?

Yeah. It isn’t like we kicked Turkey out of the F-35 program or something.
Turkey officially kicked out of F-35 program, costing US half a billion dollars
It's a start..since Turkey would just sell the plans to whoever.
So Trump & Turkey cut a deal where Trump moves our soldiers out of the way of a Turkish invasion & slaughter of the people that wre fighting along side us the asy before.

Trump then threatens Turket with sactions to destroy their economy if they do something bad.

Turkey does something bad & after a few days of this slaughter, Trump puts on sanctions.

Turkey & Russia & Syria cit a deal cutting out S influence & Trump ends sanctions that never really got started.

Who is Happy?
Trump (another gift for his buddy Vlad)

Who is not happy?
Our fighting companions the Kurds
America - lost any influence in Syria, lost face in the world

Was he supposed to sell out the Turks, our NATO ally?

Where are the Democrat calls to remove Turkey from NATO and form an alliance with the Kurds?

Or are they just bitching like children with no actual plan for the situation?
The Dems have no love for the Kurds one really does. I would withdraw from NATO--and form another alliance with Britain and the EU. I would also pull our nukes out of Turkey ASAP. Turkey would not get another dime from the US if i had my way. The sanctions against Syria and Turkey would be total..let Russia take care of their friends..I'm not against our leaving..I'm aghast at the timing and the lack of preparation.

My take is that Trump needed a this was it.

I agree with most of that, we should boot Turkey out of NATO.
The Dems “have no love for the Kurds”? Then why are they screaming about “selling out the Kurds?

You’re “aghast” of the timing? The Turks were about to start bombing the Kurds, the timing was just right for us to get our troops the hell out of there.

If President Trump wanted a “distraction”, he would had gotten us into another unnecessary war like his predecessors did, not got us out of one before is started.

Europeans refuse to spend money on their militaries.
You cannot have a military alliance without a significant military.
NATO is limited to US and Turkish manpower preferably under European rules... so they prefer.
NATO is a joke.
Less than a month into the Libyan conflict, NATO is running short of precision bombs, highlighting the limitations of Britain, France and other European countries in sustaining even a relatively small military action over an extended period of time, according to senior NATO and U.S. officials.

The only reason Turkey is still in NATO is nuclear sharing, which are after all US nuclear bombs with NATO paintings on them.
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Trump sold out the Kurds..ceded power in the region to Russia and endorses Endogan's invasion, all in a week's time! Are we safer as a result? Have we traded short term safety for long-term trouble? One thing is certain..about 500 ISIS fighters are happy with his decisions! Assad is happy..and, most of all, Putin is happy--so I guess that makes Trump happy as well.

Trump lifts sanctions on Turkey, says cease-fire permanent

"The U.S. pullout was seen as an abandonment of Kurdish fighters, who have incurred thousands of casualties as they fought with U.S. forces against the Islamic State militants.
The U.S. troops left, but the conflict was not without repercussions.
Trump's critics say he gave up American influence in the region and signaled to future allies that the United States is no longer a reliable partner. More than 176,000 people have been displaced by the Turkish offensive and about 500 IS fighters gained freedom during the conflict."
Trump was never going to put sanctions on Turkey.

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