Trump Kills Proposed Rule Protecting LGBT Seniors


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
Trump Kills Proposed Rule That Would Have Protected LGBT Seniors

More sickening shit from Trump today. More proof that he is either openly hostile to gay and Lesbian people, callouse and indifferent towards them, or just to fucking stupid to undrsand the impact of what he does and blindly panders to those who want to "dismantle the administrative state"

The administration withdraws a proposed rule on equal treatment of same-sex spouses in long-term care, saying it's not needed.

By Trudy Ring
October 09 2017 7:14 PM EDT

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, part of the Department of Health and Human Services, last week withdrew a proposed rule put forth in December 2014 to assure that same-sex spouses are treated equally to opposite-sex ones in long-term care facilities that receive Medicare and Medicaid funds, which most do.

The rule was proposed after the Supreme Court’s 2013 Windsor v. U.S. decision, which struck down section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, therefore allowing the federal government to recognize same-sex marriages. HHS wanted to assure that long-term care providers did not defer to state law on same-sex marriage, as not all states recognized it at the time. Barack Obama was president when the rule was proposed.

And he offered a bushit reason, as though- if Obergefell did not happen, he woulf not have found some other reason to do this:

According to the current administration, the high court’s 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision, which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, is sufficient to assure equal treatment of all spouses. “We believe that the Obergefell decision has addressed many of the concerns raised in the December 2014 proposed rule,” CMS administrator Seema Verma wrote in withdrawing the measure.

But some LGBT-focused health care groups say it’s still necessary to include detailed antidiscrimination language. “The Supreme Court has previously found that the practice of specifically naming the groups who are protected from discrimination is essential for a nondiscrimination law to have its intended effect,” noted a press release from Boston’s Fenway Health. The release quoted Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority opinion in the 1996 Romer v. Evans decision, overturning Colorado’s antigay Amendment 2:

Enumeration is the essential device used to make the duty not to discriminate concrete and to provide guidance for those who must comply.”

Fenway Health also mentioned the threat to same-sex couples and LGBT people generally from “religious objections” laws, such as the one in Mississippi.
(The release was issued before Friday’s unveiling of the federal government’s “religious freedom” guidance, which allows broad application of such objections nationwide.)
Kudos to Trump!The entirely LGBT shall burn in Hell!
A good mentally hospital can treat any kind of homosexuality with good results.

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Got a link to that rule? I cant go to the link in the OP. Its not safe.
Everybody wants a special seat at the table. If a gay couple married they are entitled to the same rights as a heterosexual couple.

“By rescinding this important guidance, the likelihood has increased that LGBT people and same-sex couples will experience discrimination, neglect and abuse in long-term care, nursing homes, and hospitals.”

Clarification as to how?
Everybody wants a special seat at the table. If a gay couple married they are entitled to the same rights as a heterosexual couple.?

God created Adam and Eve with clear purpose: to produce children.
What children can produce LGBT?
See below.
Therefore no equal rights to LGBT 'marriages', but medical treatment in insane Asylums.'

Progeny of homo 'marriages'.

Kudos to Trump!The entirely LGBT shall burn in Hell!
You may have a rude awakening on judgement day when you discover that God is not a bigot and thinks that you're an asshole.

The Holy Bible is full of condemnation homosexuality, it is prohibited in OT and NT.
The duties of any True- Born--Again- Bible- Reading- Church- Going Christian to preach and to fight with the Word of God against this sin.
RegressiveParasite doesn't want to be told his perversion is an abomination to the Lord. The sick deviant fucker wants to do disgusting shit with no consequences, and make the rest of us accept it as "normal".
Everybody wants a special seat at the table. If a gay couple married they are entitled to the same rights as a heterosexual couple.

“By rescinding this important guidance, the likelihood has increased that LGBT people and same-sex couples will experience discrimination, neglect and abuse in long-term care, nursing homes, and hospitals.”

Clarification as to how?
Try going back and actually reading what I posted. The answer is hiding in plain sight.
Kudos to Trump!The entirely LGBT shall burn in Hell!
You may have a rude awakening on judgement day when you discover that God is not a bigot and thinks that you're an asshole.

The Holy Bible is full of condemnation homosexuality, it is prohibited in OT and NT.
The duties of any True- Born--Again- Bible- Reading- Church- Going Christian to preach and to fight with the Word of God against this sin.
Oh please ! Save the bible thumping bovine excrement excuse for your bigotry. If you want to be able to invoke God in order to condemn homosexuality, move to Uganda
Everybody wants a special seat at the table. If a gay couple married they are entitled to the same rights as a heterosexual couple.?

God created Adam and Eve with clear purpose: to produce children.
What children can produce LGBT?
See below.
Therefore no equal rights to LGBT 'marriages', but medical treatment in insane Asylums.'

Progeny of homo 'marriages'.

Christians are as responsible for gay marriage as the gays. If it were not for Christians allowing there religious union, under god, to become a state controlled contract, complete with all of the state given rights/benefits therein, gays would not be clamoring to get those same benefits.
If the Christians of the past would not have traded their God of the Bible for the God of the state we would not be here.
You have made your stop hogging the covers, Adam and Steve have to work in the morning.
Everybody wants a special seat at the table. If a gay couple married they are entitled to the same rights as a heterosexual couple.

“By rescinding this important guidance, the likelihood has increased that LGBT people and same-sex couples will experience discrimination, neglect and abuse in long-term care, nursing homes, and hospitals.”

Clarification as to how?
Try going back and actually reading what I posted. The answer is hiding in plain sight.
This isn't hide and seek...cite your facts. How are married LGBTYRWEFD% individuals more exposed to discrimination via the rescission of this rule?
Kudos to Trump!The entirely LGBT shall burn in Hell!
A good mentally hospital can treat any kind of homosexuality with good results.


If you want to classify LGBT as mentally ill, then they will fall under the American's with Disabilities Act. And this will give them even MORE protections.
Trump is right, it isn't needed.

As a medical professional I know that hospitals will allow significant others to visit and care. Especially if arrangements have been made ahead of time but even when that is not possible, we have never asked for a marriage license.
Everybody wants a special seat at the table. If a gay couple married they are entitled to the same rights as a heterosexual couple.

“By rescinding this important guidance, the likelihood has increased that LGBT people and same-sex couples will experience discrimination, neglect and abuse in long-term care, nursing homes, and hospitals.”

Clarification as to how?
Try going back and actually reading what I posted. The answer is hiding in plain sight.
This isn't hide and seek...cite your facts. How are married LGBTYRWEFD% individuals more exposed to discrimination via the rescission of this rule?
OK, I'll do your homework for you. Not sure thought if it's that you can't understand, don't want to understand, or are pretending not to understand:

New Guidance from HHS Protects LGBT Elders

Many same-sex couples have experienced discrimination at facilities like nursing homes and hospice facilities, where visitors have been denied access to their loved ones and told that the Hospital Visitation Rule did not protect their rights in these facilities. HHS has issued an official guidance making it clear that same-sex partners and others must be given equal visitation rights at long-term care facilities, regardless of their marital status. This new guidance applies to all long-term care facilities receiving Medicare and Medicaid funding, including nursing homes and hospice facilities.
Kudos to Trump!The entirely LGBT shall burn in Hell!
A good mentally hospital can treat any kind of homosexuality with good results.


If you want to classify LGBT as mentally ill, then they will fall under the American's with Disabilities Act. And this will give them even MORE protections.
Not necessarily.
The definition of disability in the ADA includes people with mental illness who meet one of these three definitions:

  1. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of an individual
  2. A record of such an impairment
  3. Being regarded as having such an impairment

A mental impairment is defined by the ADA as "any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities."

Americans with Disabilities Act and mental illness |

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