Trump Is Not a Leader

And maybe he was tested and is being treated. He doesn't want anyone to worry about him or the country.
You people just totally DENY reality, don't you? That makes it tough to have any kind of rational discussion.
I'm not going to tell you something that I don't know. One thing that made me angry today is that Trump said there would be 1,000.000.000 tests available for Friday. That was wrong and I count it as a lie. I saw one of his team being asked about how many tests there were for tomorrow and the woman evaded the question three different times. It's more like 700.
Obviously she was told to avoid the question instead of saying what the problem was. I am pissed. I figure not everything will go smoothly, but I believe in honesty and we are not getting it.

At the same time he has been a good president and done more than any other. I still believe in him just don't lie!
After 3+ years, don't you know that Trump LIES EVERY FUCKING DAY???
Oh he exaggerates, yes and everything is great and smooth. But you cannot deny what he has done for this country, the people and the economy. We're shaky now because of the virus, but he is putting in mitigating factors as we speak. He's not perfect but show me someone that is running for president who is perfect.
Exaggerates?? Come on! He's a pathological liar! And as far as the economy is concerned, lately a lot of people are saying that we're headed for a recession. The stock market tanked today, in case you didn't notice.
I don't know what is going to happen but it wasn't Trump who made it happen. Thank God he was in charge when the market went up 10,000 points so it could withstand the bear market!
And maybe he was tested and is being treated. He doesn't want anyone to worry about him or the country.
You people just totally DENY reality, don't you? That makes it tough to have any kind of rational discussion.
I'm not going to tell you something that I don't know. One thing that made me angry today is that Trump said there would be 1,000.000.000 tests available for Friday. That was wrong and I count it as a lie. I saw one of his team being asked about how many tests there were for tomorrow and the woman evaded the question three different times. It's more like 700.
Obviously she was told to avoid the question instead of saying what the problem was. I am pissed. I figure not everything will go smoothly, but I believe in honesty and we are not getting it.

At the same time he has been a good president and done more than any other. I still believe in him just don't lie!
After 3+ years, don't you know that Trump LIES EVERY FUCKING DAY???
Oh he exaggerates, yes and everything is great and smooth. But you cannot deny what he has done for this country, the people and the economy. We're shaky now because of the virus, but he is putting in mitigating factors as we speak. He's not perfect but show me someone that is running for president who is perfect.
Exaggerates?? Come on! He's a pathological liar! And as far as the economy is concerned, lately a lot of people are saying that we're headed for a recession. The stock market tanked today, in case you didn't notice.
Looks like it's going down tomorrow, too. The futures were down 2500 points this evening. Friday the 13th...
What do you mean, history says no? Coronavirus IS more lethal than the seasonal flu. That's a fact. It's not as lethal as the 1918 Influenza (sometimes called the Spanish flu), but it's estimated that 50 million people died from that one. And the world population then was about 1.8 billion, compared to 8 billion now. Just because this isn't like the Black Death in the 1300s doesn't mean it's not serious. Maybe you'll sing a different tune if your grandmother dies from it.
That's not true. It's all over the news that this flu is more moderate and is dangerous to only those with compromised physical symptoms.
That's not true. It's also dangerous for people over 60 years of age, and it has even killed people under 20 years. Coronavirus Age, Sex, Demographics (COVID-19) - Worldometer
Bruce this is from your link:

COVID-19 Fatality Rate by AGE:
*Death Rate = (number of deaths / number of cases) = probability of dying if infected by the virus (%). This probability differs depending on the age group. The percentages shown below do not have to add up to 100%, as they do NOT represent share of deaths by age group. Rather, it represents, for a person in a given age group, the risk of dying if infected with COVID-19.

confirmed cases
all cases
80+ years old
70-79 years old

60-69 years old

50-59 years old

40-49 years old

30-39 years old

20-29 years old


The people at risk are the older people with compromises health. F\Even then only a small percentage of those who come down with it die. Not like the normal flu. It is more dangerous.
Yes. I'm not sure what you're saying. A 3 percent death rate means that 97 percent of people who contract the coronavirus survive it. My point was that even though older people are at the greatest risk of death from the virus, some fairly young people have also died.
but it was .2%
It wasn't .2% overall. It's over 3 percent. Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer
You people just totally DENY reality, don't you? That makes it tough to have any kind of rational discussion.
I'm not going to tell you something that I don't know. One thing that made me angry today is that Trump said there would be 1,000.000.000 tests available for Friday. That was wrong and I count it as a lie. I saw one of his team being asked about how many tests there were for tomorrow and the woman evaded the question three different times. It's more like 700.
Obviously she was told to avoid the question instead of saying what the problem was. I am pissed. I figure not everything will go smoothly, but I believe in honesty and we are not getting it.

At the same time he has been a good president and done more than any other. I still believe in him just don't lie!
After 3+ years, don't you know that Trump LIES EVERY FUCKING DAY???
Oh he exaggerates, yes and everything is great and smooth. But you cannot deny what he has done for this country, the people and the economy. We're shaky now because of the virus, but he is putting in mitigating factors as we speak. He's not perfect but show me someone that is running for president who is perfect.
Exaggerates?? Come on! He's a pathological liar! And as far as the economy is concerned, lately a lot of people are saying that we're headed for a recession. The stock market tanked today, in case you didn't notice.
I don't know what is going to happen but it wasn't Trump who made it happen. Thank God he was in charge when the market went up 10,000 points so it could withstand the bear market!
Wasn't Trump in charge when it went down, too? So he gets all the credit but none of the blame? Why is that?
I'm not going to tell you something that I don't know. One thing that made me angry today is that Trump said there would be 1,000.000.000 tests available for Friday. That was wrong and I count it as a lie. I saw one of his team being asked about how many tests there were for tomorrow and the woman evaded the question three different times. It's more like 700.
Obviously she was told to avoid the question instead of saying what the problem was. I am pissed. I figure not everything will go smoothly, but I believe in honesty and we are not getting it.

At the same time he has been a good president and done more than any other. I still believe in him just don't lie!
After 3+ years, don't you know that Trump LIES EVERY FUCKING DAY???
Oh he exaggerates, yes and everything is great and smooth. But you cannot deny what he has done for this country, the people and the economy. We're shaky now because of the virus, but he is putting in mitigating factors as we speak. He's not perfect but show me someone that is running for president who is perfect.
Exaggerates?? Come on! He's a pathological liar! And as far as the economy is concerned, lately a lot of people are saying that we're headed for a recession. The stock market tanked today, in case you didn't notice.
I don't know what is going to happen but it wasn't Trump who made it happen. Thank God he was in charge when the market went up 10,000 points so it could withstand the bear market!
Wasn't Trump in charge when it went down, too? So he gets all the credit but none of the blame? Why is that?
Because a minor thing called Coronus Virus is killing our economy right now. People are staying home, not shopping, going out to events , restaurants, He didn't bring it here! Keep your fingers crossed!
I'm not going to tell you something that I don't know. One thing that made me angry today is that Trump said there would be 1,000.000.000 tests available for Friday. That was wrong and I count it as a lie. I saw one of his team being asked about how many tests there were for tomorrow and the woman evaded the question three different times. It's more like 700.
Obviously she was told to avoid the question instead of saying what the problem was. I am pissed. I figure not everything will go smoothly, but I believe in honesty and we are not getting it.

At the same time he has been a good president and done more than any other. I still believe in him just don't lie!
After 3+ years, don't you know that Trump LIES EVERY FUCKING DAY???
Oh he exaggerates, yes and everything is great and smooth. But you cannot deny what he has done for this country, the people and the economy. We're shaky now because of the virus, but he is putting in mitigating factors as we speak. He's not perfect but show me someone that is running for president who is perfect.
Exaggerates?? Come on! He's a pathological liar! And as far as the economy is concerned, lately a lot of people are saying that we're headed for a recession. The stock market tanked today, in case you didn't notice.
I don't know what is going to happen but it wasn't Trump who made it happen. Thank God he was in charge when the market went up 10,000 points so it could withstand the bear market!
Wasn't Trump in charge when it went down, too? So he gets all the credit but none of the blame? Why is that?
Look, Bruce, I am a realist about Trump. HE doesn't speak eloquently, he exaggerates and belittles people that makes him look small. He has the vocabulary of a 5th grader but he has been a good president and got things done! hE IS WORKING FOR all THE PEOPLE AND I CANNOT REMEMBER WHEN ANYONE DID THAT AS WELL AS HE HAS, sO, HE STILL HAS MY VOTE. bUT IF I COULD I WOULS BREAK HIS FINGERS TO STOP HIM FROM TWEETING!
After 3+ years, don't you know that Trump LIES EVERY FUCKING DAY???
Oh he exaggerates, yes and everything is great and smooth. But you cannot deny what he has done for this country, the people and the economy. We're shaky now because of the virus, but he is putting in mitigating factors as we speak. He's not perfect but show me someone that is running for president who is perfect.
Exaggerates?? Come on! He's a pathological liar! And as far as the economy is concerned, lately a lot of people are saying that we're headed for a recession. The stock market tanked today, in case you didn't notice.
I don't know what is going to happen but it wasn't Trump who made it happen. Thank God he was in charge when the market went up 10,000 points so it could withstand the bear market!
Wasn't Trump in charge when it went down, too? So he gets all the credit but none of the blame? Why is that?
Look, Bruce, I am a realist about Trump. HE doesn't speak eloquently, he exaggerates and belittles people that makes him look small. He has the vocabulary of a 5th grader but he has been a good president and got things done! hE IS WORKING FOR all THE PEOPLE AND I CANNOT REMEMBER WHEN ANYONE DID THAT AS WELL AS HE HAS, sO, HE STILL HAS MY VOTE. bUT IF I COULD I WOULS BREAK HIS FINGERS TO STOP HIM FROM TWEETING!
No, you are NOT a realist about Trump. You claim that "he exaggerates and belittles people." That's simply false. He LIES and INSULTS people. There's a difference. He has NOT been a good President, but I'm probably not going to convince you of that. But think about this: Trump spent his ENTIRE life accumulating money for himself (often at the expense of other people -- contractors he wouldn't pay, etc) so why do you think he gives a damn about YOU now? He's a selfish, self-absorbed narcissist. All you are to him is a vote.
If Trump understood his role as a moral leader, he would be tested for the coronavirus -- modeling appropriate behavior for the public. But of course he won't, because he doesn't know what true leadership is. Why it's important Trump hasn't been tested for coronavirus - CNNPolitics
Says the moron, Brucie. Please try to come up with an intelligent thread. You haven't done it yet.
If this thread isn't intelligent, please analyze why it isn't. Break it down. Tell me where I'm wrong. I'll bet you can't. All you can do is fling insults, like all of your ilk.
If Trump understood his role as a moral leader, he would be tested for the coronavirus -- modeling appropriate behavior for the public. But of course he won't, because he doesn't know what true leadership is. Why it's important Trump hasn't been tested for coronavirus - CNNPolitics
Says the moron, Brucie. Please try to come up with an intelligent thread. You haven't done it yet.
If this thread isn't intelligent, please analyze why it isn't. Break it down. Tell me where I'm wrong. I'll bet you can't. All you can do is fling insults, like all of your ilk.
You ARE an ass, Brucie, with raging TDS. PLEASE do something about this. Thank you.
but I'm probably not going to convince you of that.

Finally, you said something smart.

I knew you could do it.

If Trump understood his role as a moral leader, he would be tested for the coronavirus -- modeling appropriate behavior for the public. But of course he won't, because he doesn't know what true leadership is. Why it's important Trump hasn't been tested for coronavirus - CNNPolitics
Says the moron, Brucie. Please try to come up with an intelligent thread. You haven't done it yet.
If this thread isn't intelligent, please analyze why it isn't. Break it down. Tell me where I'm wrong. I'll bet you can't. All you can do is fling insults, like all of your ilk.
You ARE an ass, Brucie, with raging TDS. PLEASE do something about this. Thank you.
THIS is what passes for analysis in your world? Insults are not cogently articulated positions. You're pathetic.
but I'm probably not going to convince you of that.

Finally, you said something smart.

I knew you could do it.

but I'm probably not going to convince you of that.

Finally, you said something smart.

I knew you could do it.

It's doesn't really take that much brainpower to know that you're not going to convince a closed mind of anything.

Well, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.
but I'm probably not going to convince you of that.

Finally, you said something smart.

I knew you could do it.

but I'm probably not going to convince you of that.

Finally, you said something smart.

I knew you could do it.

It's doesn't really take that much brainpower to know that you're not going to convince a closed mind of anything.

Well, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.
That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me! I'm touched.
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If Trump understood his role as a moral leader, he would be tested for the coronavirus --

As an example for others to follow. I thought that was obvious.
Trump needlessly getting tested would set a horrible example. Why would you want people to follow a bad example?

If President Trump wasn't tested, he would be blamed for not being serious about the doom of mankind.

If President Trump was tested, he would be blamed for taking a test away from some needy widow or orphan.

That's the great thing about this faux outrage. Regardless of what he does, or doesn't do, he'll be blamed.

I get now why President Trump identifies so closely with Israel.
He's your leader ... I voted for him.


You're welcome.
Actually, he's YOUR leader, not mine.

Well, you say that. But, the fact remains, until 2024, he's the skipper of your boat.

That he is and what a good skipper he is. The lefty loons better get used to it. They will have four more years to moan, groan, complain and try to find something, anything they can to pin on Trump.

So far they are batting a big fat 0.

Gotta love Dem stupidity. They sure are a whiny bunch of little shits.