Trump Is Not a Leader

If Trump understood his role as a moral leader, he would be tested for the coronavirus --

As an example for others to follow. I thought that was obvious.

Trump unnecessarily getting tested would set a horrible example. Why the hell would you want people to follow a bad example?

TDS makes people fucking stupid.
A coronavirus test is NOT unnecessary if a person has been in contact with someone who has the virus. Trump has had contact with at least one person who has been diagnosed with the virus, as I've already pointed out.
If Trump understood his role as a moral leader, he would be tested for the coronavirus --

As an example for others to follow. I thought that was obvious.

Trump unnecessarily getting tested would set a horrible example. Why the hell would you want people to follow a bad example?

TDS makes people fucking stupid.
A coronavirus test is NOT unnecessary if a person has been in contact with someone who has the virus. Trump has had contact with at least one person who has been diagnosed with the virus, as I've already pointed out.
The experts disagree with your ignorant opinion.
I agree with the CDC, not CNN.
If Trump understood his role as a moral leader, he would be tested for the coronavirus --

As an example for others to follow. I thought that was obvious.

Trump unnecessarily getting tested would set a horrible example. Why the hell would you want people to follow a bad example?

TDS makes people fucking stupid.
A coronavirus test is NOT unnecessary if a person has been in contact with someone who has the virus. Trump has had contact with at least one person who has been diagnosed with the virus, as I've already pointed out.
who is that? link
A corona virus test is completely unnecessary for anyone. Especially for those who are not sick. Trump is not sick.
A corona virus test is completely unnecessary for anyone. Especially for those who are not sick. Trump is not sick.
i think they think the test is a cure. it's all I can come up with. one either feels good or not. like any other flu. feel bad, stay home, feel good go out. They can challenge my logic any time.
Gov. Cuomo is on TV bloviating. Its perma politicians like this who live for this and are morbid. To spend your whole life living off of others misery is a disgrace. And taxing people at 60% or so to get into this position that is not much better at all then what others do, but sounds so informative as throwing the bull is what hacks like this do. You get agida listening to this.
If Trump understood his role as a moral leader, he would be tested for the coronavirus --

As an example for others to follow. I thought that was obvious.

Trump unnecessarily getting tested would set a horrible example. Why the hell would you want people to follow a bad example?

TDS makes people fucking stupid.
A coronavirus test is NOT unnecessary if a person has been in contact with someone who has the virus. Trump has had contact with at least one person who has been diagnosed with the virus, as I've already pointed out.
The experts disagree with your ignorant opinion.
I agree with the CDC, not CNN.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
A corona virus test is completely unnecessary for anyone. Especially for those who are not sick. Trump is not sick.
i think they think the test is a cure. it's all I can come up with. one either feels good or not. like any other flu. feel bad, stay home, feel good go out. They can challenge my logic any time.
You can't stop the spread of the virus if you don't know who has it. It's not like any other flu, as I've already noted. It's about 10 times more lethal than the ordinary flu. No, Coronavirus Isn't 'Just Like The Flu'. Here Are The Very Important Differences
A corona virus test is completely unnecessary for anyone. Especially for those who are not sick. Trump is not sick.
i think they think the test is a cure. it's all I can come up with. one either feels good or not. like any other flu. feel bad, stay home, feel good go out. They can challenge my logic any time.
You can't stop the spread of the virus if you don't know who has it. It's not like any other flu, as I've already noted. It's about 10 times more lethal than the ordinary flu. No, Coronavirus Isn't 'Just Like The Flu'. Here Are The Very Important Differences
you can't stop it without a cure. you got one?
As an example for others to follow. I thought that was obvious.

Trump unnecessarily getting tested would set a horrible example. Why the hell would you want people to follow a bad example?

TDS makes people fucking stupid.
A coronavirus test is NOT unnecessary if a person has been in contact with someone who has the virus. Trump has had contact with at least one person who has been diagnosed with the virus, as I've already pointed out.
The experts disagree with your ignorant opinion.
I agree with the CDC, not CNN.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Relying on a ridiculous op-ed from a known fake news organization like CNN is beyond stupid.

The fact of the matter is that Trump does not meet the CDC's recommended criteria for testing.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Criteria to Guide Evaluation and Laboratory Testing for COVID-19
Clinicians should continue to work with their local and state health departments to coordinate testing through public health laboratories. In addition, COVID-19 diagnostic testing, authorized by the Food and Drug Administration under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), is becoming available in clinical laboratories. This additional testing capacity will allow clinicians to consider COVID-19 testing for a wider group of symptomatic patients.

Clinicians should use their judgment to determine if a patient has signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19 and whether the patient should be tested. Most patients with confirmed COVID-19 have developed fever1 and/or symptoms of acute respiratory illness (e.g., cough, difficulty breathing). Priorities for testing may include:

  1. Hospitalized patients who have signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19 in order to inform decisions related to infection control.
  2. Other symptomatic individuals such as, older adults and individuals with chronic medical conditions and/or an immunocompromised state that may put them at higher risk for poor outcomes (e.g., diabetes, heart disease, receiving immunosuppressive medications, chronic lung disease, chronic kidney disease).
  3. Any persons including healthcare personnel2, who within 14 days of symptom onset had close contact3 with a suspect or laboratory-confirmed4 COVID-19 patient, or who have a history of travel from affected geographic areas5 (see below) within 14 days of their symptom onset.
There are epidemiologic factors that may also help guide decisions about COVID-19 testing. Documented COVID-19 infections in a jurisdiction and known community transmission may contribute to an epidemiologic risk assessment to inform testing decisions. Clinicians are strongly encouraged to test for other causes of respiratory illness (e.g., influenza).

Mildly ill patients should be encouraged to stay home and contact their healthcare provider by phone for guidance about clinical management. Patients who have severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, should seek care immediately. Older patients and individuals who have underlying medical conditions or are immunocompromised should contact their physician early in the course of even mild illness.
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If Trump understood his role as a moral leader, he would be tested for the coronavirus -- modeling appropriate behavior for the public. But of course he won't, because he doesn't know what true leadership is. Why it's important Trump hasn't been tested for coronavirus - CNNPolitics
The lack of morality is clearly on the side of the left.
Antifa and its property destruction.
Spitting on pro-republicans.
Hitting pro-republicans.
Fighting against pro-republicans trying to speak.
Insulting pro-republicans and calling them Nazis and Fascists, which they absolutely are not.
Printing and announcing fake stories (and quietly retracting them later).
From leftist politicians to the leftist people in the street, on and on the low-life behavior continues.
*sigh* REALLY?
First, Antifa doesn't represent everyone on the left, any more than the Tea Party represents everyone on the right.
I don't endorse spitting on anyone, and I'm not aware of "left-wingers" spitting on someone.
Again, I'm not aware of any "left-wingers" hitting pro-republicans, although I have seen video of pro-Trump people punching people.
Fighting against pro-republicans trying to speak. That may have happened, but please offer some specifics.
Insulting pro-republicans and calling them Nazis and Fascists, which they absolutely are not. Actually, some of them absolutely are. But not all of them are.
Printing and announcing fake stories (and quietly retracting them later). You're going to have to give me more info about this one.
Perhaps if you actually watched various leftist protests on video, you might see what you are in denial of.
A corona virus test is completely unnecessary for anyone. Especially for those who are not sick. Trump is not sick.
i think they think the test is a cure. it's all I can come up with. one either feels good or not. like any other flu. feel bad, stay home, feel good go out. They can challenge my logic any time.
From the way these dumbocrats talk they do think that testing is some kind of cure. They think that the words tests positive means they are sick. When someone tests positive for TB nothing is done. Come back with a symptom.

If someone is scared of the words tests positive they should see what lives on their bodies under a microscope.
It's NOT the flu, moron. And the flu kills people too, but at least there's a vaccine for it. And the death rate for the coronavirus is TEN TIMES the rate for the flu. I don't know if Biden's been tested, but I also don't know if he's been in contact with an infected person. Trump HAS been in contact with at least one infected person, as I already told you.

You seem to have forgotten your reliable source and working link supporting your claim. Might you correct that oversight so that we may more carefully evaluate your point?
Hey, go nuts! Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says

Yeah, that's not quite what was actually said.
It's NOT the flu, moron. And the flu kills people too, but at least there's a vaccine for it. And the death rate for the coronavirus is TEN TIMES the rate for the flu. I don't know if Biden's been tested, but I also don't know if he's been in contact with an infected person. Trump HAS been in contact with at least one infected person, as I already told you.

You seem to have forgotten your reliable source and working link supporting your claim. Might you correct that oversight so that we may more carefully evaluate your point?
Hey, go nuts! Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says
Past Pandemics | Pandemic Influenza (Flu) | CDC
History says no, and this virus is a weaker flu virus as compared to the past.
What do you mean, history says no? Coronavirus IS more lethal than the seasonal flu. That's a fact. It's not as lethal as the 1918 Influenza (sometimes called the Spanish flu), but it's estimated that 50 million people died from that one. And the world population then was about 1.8 billion, compared to 8 billion now. Just because this isn't like the Black Death in the 1300s doesn't mean it's not serious. Maybe you'll sing a different tune if your grandmother dies from it.

Are you thinking that his grandmother is elderly?
It's the fucking flu that's all it is. Has Biden been tested?
It's NOT the flu, moron. And the flu kills people too, but at least there's a vaccine for it. And the death rate for the coronavirus is TEN TIMES the rate for the flu. I don't know if Biden's been tested, but I also don't know if he's been in contact with an infected person. Trump HAS been in contact with at least one infected person, as I already told you.
And maybe he was tested and is being treated. He doesn't want anyone to worry about him or the country.
You people just totally DENY reality, don't you? That makes it tough to have any kind of rational discussion.
I'm not going to tell you something that I don't know. One thing that made me angry today is that Trump said there would be 1,000.000.000 tests available for Friday. That was wrong and I count it as a lie. I saw one of his team being asked about how many tests there were for tomorrow and the woman evaded the question three different times. It's more like 700.
Obviously she was told to avoid the question instead of saying what the problem was. I am pissed. I figure not everything will go smoothly, but I believe in honesty and we are not getting it.

At the same time he has been a good president and done more than any other. I still believe in him just don't lie!
After 3+ years, don't you know that Trump LIES EVERY FUCKING DAY???

The illness here lies within you.
What do you mean, history says no? Coronavirus IS more lethal than the seasonal flu. That's a fact. It's not as lethal as the 1918 Influenza (sometimes called the Spanish flu), but it's estimated that 50 million people died from that one. And the world population then was about 1.8 billion, compared to 8 billion now. Just because this isn't like the Black Death in the 1300s doesn't mean it's not serious. Maybe you'll sing a different tune if your grandmother dies from it.
That's not true. It's all over the news that this flu is more moderate and is dangerous to only those with compromised physical symptoms.
That's not true. It's also dangerous for people over 60 years of age, and it has even killed people under 20 years. Coronavirus Age, Sex, Demographics (COVID-19) - Worldometer
If you are so worried about it...go live in a plastic bubble.

He does
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