Trump is courting homosexuals

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008

This is not conservatism. No true conservative would court homosexuals. The evangelicals who support Trump are not true bible thumpers, they are churches who seeking to be involved in government, which is also not conservativism.
Ah so you have found God have you? We dont court homosexuals, when homosexuals are out there telling US that their lifestyle is normal, but do their thing in their bedrooms behind closed doors. We court legal citizens of the US, who are willing to contribute to this great country, not be lazy progs who sit on their asses all day, bitching and moaning about how fucked their lives are. It is you who are the bigots who must use race, sex, sexual choice to divide people, not unite people.
Are you stating gays that believe in the Constitution and what this country was founded on, can’t be conservative? Surely you jest.
NO ONE GIVES A FRUIT FLY'S FUCK about gay people anymore Fakey.


This is not conservatism. No true conservative would court homosexuals. The evangelicals who support Trump are not true bible thumpers, they are churches who seeking to be involved in government, which is also not conservativism.
If you want to be a homosexual be one. Do it till ya bleed but Idon't want to hear about it and I sure don't want to see it. I'm not going to support it and I am not going to celebrate it. A few years ago my mother and 2 young grandson were standing in line at walmart. I was in the back of the store in the auto department. In front of my mother were two fags at it hot and heavy. My mother asked if they would knock their fag stuff off in front of the boys nicely.. This caused them to just take it up a couple levels. By the time I walked up from the back the whole line was sick of watching. I followed them to the parking lot and explained to them to save it for home. When I left they were picking up their items they bought that were now rolling around the parking lot while security watched as they were sicken as much as everybody else. IT'S A MENTAL PROBLEM YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND TOMORROW. Cellbrate it?! Did Hell freeze over?

This is not conservatism. No true conservative would court homosexuals. The evangelicals who support Trump are not true bible thumpers, they are churches who seeking to be involved in government, which is also not conservativism.

This post smacks of the desperation I perceive from all of you Neo-Bolsheviks---from anonymous Dumbasses like you up to well-known political Dumbasses like Senator Chris Coons---whose best answer for why The Donald should not exercise his constitutional right and duty and appoint a new Justice was that Ruth Bator Ginsburg's last wish was that they wait for a new president.

Trump now calls his rallies "Peaceful Protests---Protests Against Stupidity". Dumbasses like you and Coons are why he is right to do so.


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