Trump is a shoo-in to become the worst President in US history


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Trump is a shoo-in to become the worst President in US history.
The 8 Worst Presidents in U.S. History According to Historians
The above article of the consensus 8 worst Presidents in US history all have negative characteristics similar to Trump.
The biggest factor for the Buchanan and others are they are on the wrong side of racial discrimination. Trump is setting back racial equality more than any President in history.
Another common trait is scandals within their administration. We are only a few months in and we have more scandals than we have seen since Watergate.
And finally, the bad President have had party infighting. Trump has that covered.

No doubt, the worst President in history.
Trump is a shoo-in to be reelected in 2020. By that time, the democrats will have made themselves so despised, that Trump need not even bother campaigning. The democrat riots and destruction will do it for him.
Trump is a shoo-in to become the worst President in US history.
The 8 Worst Presidents in U.S. History According to Historians
The above article of the consensus 8 worst Presidents in US history all have negative characteristics similar to Trump.
The biggest factor for the Buchanan and others are they are on the wrong side of racial discrimination. Trump is setting back racial equality more than any President in history.
Another common trait is scandals within their administration. We are only a few months in and we have more scandals than we have seen since Watergate.
And finally, the bad President have had party infighting. Trump has that covered.

No doubt, the worst President in history.
Neil Gorsuch...

Already a better president than Hussain, by eleventybillion miles!!!
Trump is a shoo-in to become the worst President in US history.
The 8 Worst Presidents in U.S. History According to Historians
The above article of the consensus 8 worst Presidents in US history all have negative characteristics similar to Trump.
The biggest factor for the Buchanan and others are they are on the wrong side of racial discrimination. Trump is setting back racial equality more than any President in history.
Another common trait is scandals within their administration. We are only a few months in and we have more scandals than we have seen since Watergate.
And finally, the bad President have had party infighting. Trump has that covered.

No doubt, the worst President in history.

This thread is a fucking joke to anyone old enough (like me) to remember Jimmy Carter and his "misery index"
He has another 3 years to redeem himself but it is highly unlikely, imho and he will be the worst president in History, or at least in my lifetime.

He is right now, a total embarrassment to humanity and what is and has always been, considered good.... lies are now good, racism is now good, corrupt administration is now good, the swamp is now good, war is now good, using nukes haphazardly is now good, bragging is now good, boasting is now good, divisiveness is now good, arrogance is now good, shooting people on 5th avenue is now good, police mistreating and roughing up suspects is now good, cheating is now good, lawlessness is now good, chronic adultery is now good, giving top secret info to our adversaries is now good, collaborating with an adversary nation is now good, the Russians and Putin tactics are now good, dictators are now an honor and good, .....all according to him and his worshipers!

when will this nonsense, chaos and madness end? (when Christ returns?)
Trump is a shoo-in to become the worst President in US history.
The 8 Worst Presidents in U.S. History According to Historians
The above article of the consensus 8 worst Presidents in US history all have negative characteristics similar to Trump.
The biggest factor for the Buchanan and others are they are on the wrong side of racial discrimination. Trump is setting back racial equality more than any President in history.
Another common trait is scandals within their administration. We are only a few months in and we have more scandals than we have seen since Watergate.
And finally, the bad President have had party infighting. Trump has that covered.

No doubt, the worst President in history.

You're a funny guy!

Trump wants to fix the bad this country has suffered for decades and we have people that think that is bad. How gut wrenchingly stupid is that?
Trump is a shoo-in to become the worst President in US history.
The 8 Worst Presidents in U.S. History According to Historians
The above article of the consensus 8 worst Presidents in US history all have negative characteristics similar to Trump.
The biggest factor for the Buchanan and others are they are on the wrong side of racial discrimination. Trump is setting back racial equality more than any President in history.
Another common trait is scandals within their administration. We are only a few months in and we have more scandals than we have seen since Watergate.
And finally, the bad President have had party infighting. Trump has that covered.

No doubt, the worst President in history.
Neil Gorsuch...

Already a better president than Hussain, by eleventybillion miles!!!
Trump only gets partial credit for that. The Congress set that nomination up for him. Without the Congress stalling the Obama nomination thrump would not have had that choice.
Trump is a shoo-in to become the worst President in US history.
The 8 Worst Presidents in U.S. History According to Historians
The above article of the consensus 8 worst Presidents in US history all have negative characteristics similar to Trump.
The biggest factor for the Buchanan and others are they are on the wrong side of racial discrimination. Trump is setting back racial equality more than any President in history.
Another common trait is scandals within their administration. We are only a few months in and we have more scandals than we have seen since Watergate.
And finally, the bad President have had party infighting. Trump has that covered.

No doubt, the worst President in history.
Not even close.

FDR was obviously the worst US president in history. The motherfucker reinstituted slavery for fuck's sake. And many many thousands of the people he enslaved were literally ripped to fucking shreds!
Trump is a shoo-in to become the worst President in US history.
The 8 Worst Presidents in U.S. History According to Historians
The above article of the consensus 8 worst Presidents in US history all have negative characteristics similar to Trump.
The biggest factor for the Buchanan and others are they are on the wrong side of racial discrimination. Trump is setting back racial equality more than any President in history.
Another common trait is scandals within their administration. We are only a few months in and we have more scandals than we have seen since Watergate.
And finally, the bad President have had party infighting. Trump has that covered.

No doubt, the worst President in history.
Neil Gorsuch...

Already a better president than Hussain, by eleventybillion miles!!!
Trump only gets partial credit for that. The Congress set that nomination up for him. Without the Congress stalling the Obama nomination thrump would not have had that choice.
Not to mention the Gorsuch appointment and confirmation had to be held by way of the 'nuclear option'.
Trump is a shoo-in to become the worst President in US history.
The 8 Worst Presidents in U.S. History According to Historians
The above article of the consensus 8 worst Presidents in US history all have negative characteristics similar to Trump.
The biggest factor for the Buchanan and others are they are on the wrong side of racial discrimination. Trump is setting back racial equality more than any President in history.
Another common trait is scandals within their administration. We are only a few months in and we have more scandals than we have seen since Watergate.
And finally, the bad President have had party infighting. Trump has that covered.

No doubt, the worst President in history.

To left wing aholes I'm sure he is.
Trump is a shoo-in to become the worst President in US history.
The 8 Worst Presidents in U.S. History According to Historians
The above article of the consensus 8 worst Presidents in US history all have negative characteristics similar to Trump.
The biggest factor for the Buchanan and others are they are on the wrong side of racial discrimination. Trump is setting back racial equality more than any President in history.
Another common trait is scandals within their administration. We are only a few months in and we have more scandals than we have seen since Watergate.
And finally, the bad President have had party infighting. Trump has that covered.

No doubt, the worst President in history.

Hard to beat Obama's do nothing destroy America policies..
Trump is a shoo-in to become the worst President in US history.
The 8 Worst Presidents in U.S. History According to Historians
The above article of the consensus 8 worst Presidents in US history all have negative characteristics similar to Trump.
The biggest factor for the Buchanan and others are they are on the wrong side of racial discrimination. Trump is setting back racial equality more than any President in history.
Another common trait is scandals within their administration. We are only a few months in and we have more scandals than we have seen since Watergate.
And finally, the bad President have had party infighting. Trump has that covered.

No doubt, the worst President in history.

Hard to beat Obama's do nothing destroy America policies..
Many of Trump's Lemmings are on this post. Trump is lucky to have 35% approval with the general population. On this web site it appears 70% approve of Trump.
Trump supporters are socially unacceptable, like smoking, so they retreat to their rat holes and post.
Trump is a shoo-in to become the worst President in US history.
The 8 Worst Presidents in U.S. History According to Historians
The above article of the consensus 8 worst Presidents in US history all have negative characteristics similar to Trump.
The biggest factor for the Buchanan and others are they are on the wrong side of racial discrimination. Trump is setting back racial equality more than any President in history.
Another common trait is scandals within their administration. We are only a few months in and we have more scandals than we have seen since Watergate.
And finally, the bad President have had party infighting. Trump has that covered.

No doubt, the worst President in history.

Hard to beat Obama's do nothing destroy America policies..
In all the world, only racist Republicans hate Obama. Well, maybe Russia.
I wonder if the Republican party has a group already working on how to convince the American public, and the historians, that Trump was never a Republican or was a Russian plant? How will they explain Trump, as more truths come out, and they will for some years? I think their best bet is to claim mental problems, and for that, they have plenty of evidence.
I wonder if the Republican party has a group already working on how to convince the American public, and the historians, that Trump was never a Republican or was a Russian plant? How will they explain Trump, as more truths come out, and they will for some years? I think their best bet is to claim mental problems, and for that, they have plenty of evidence.
Donald Trump will be to the Republicans what Millard Fillmore was to the Whig party. Millard Fillmore supported slavery, half the party did not and the party broke up.

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