Trump in Tweets


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

President Obama, do not attack Syria. There is no upside and tremendous downside. Save your "powder" for another (and more important) day!

21:21 - 7 Sep 2013
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

If Obama attacks Syria and innocent civilians are hurt and killed, he and the U.S. will look very bad!
12:26 pm - 30 Aug 2013

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not!

4:02 pm - 30 Aug 2013

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Congratulations to our great military men and women for representing the United States, and the world, so well in the Syria attack.

7:54 am - 8 Apr 2017


Donald J. Trump on Twitter

"@mooovin_on: No Bush, no Clinton, no RINOs, no golfing, no more handouts!! It's got to be @realDonaldTrump. Time for #Trump2016"

2:09 pm - 24 Dec 2014

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Can you believe that,with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.Worse than Carter

5:03 pm - 13 Oct 2014

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Played golf today with Prime Minister Abe of Japan and @TheBig_Easy, Ernie Els, and had a great time. Japan is very well represented!

3:15 pm - 11 Feb 2017


Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Thank you to the LGBT community! I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs.

10:31 am - 14 Jun 2016

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow......

5:55 am - 26 Jul 2017

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

....Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming.....

6:04 am - 26 Jul 2017

The Wall The fence

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Jeb Bush just talked about my border proposal to build a "fence." It's not a fence, Jeb, it's a WALL, and there's a BIG difference!

5:39 am - 25 Aug 2015

Trump: The border wall may be a fence "in certain areas"

"For certain areas I would, but certain areas, a wall is more appropriate," he said. "I'm very good at this, it's called construction."

Laughing stock

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

We need a President who isn't a laughing stock to the entire World. We need a truly great leader, a genius at strategy and winning. Respect!

12:30 am - 9 Aug 2014

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Congratulations to @FoxNews for being number one in inauguration ratings. They were many times higher than FAKE NEWS @CNN - public is smart!

6:16 pm - 24 Jan 2017

I guess I could go on all day, Trump has contradicted himself so much, it's embarrassing.

Plenty of twitter accounts that show the contradictions.

Trump Contradictions (@trumpradictions) | Twitter

This one is giving up

Trump Contradictionsโ€ @trumpradictions Aug 22

Trump Contradictions on Twitter

I will stop posting because, quite frankly, I can't keep up. Follow @DonTrumpsTrump or โ€ฆ (one of my sources) instead.
Wow .. so many Trump haters parasitizing off Trump for attention and profit.. :uhoh3:

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