TRUMP in trouble in Texas for November!

That's right, Texas may be a battleground state now based on the average of the latest polls from REAL CLEAR POLITICS:

TRUMP: 45%

BIDEN: 45%

The Dallas Morning News has a poll where BIDEN wins Texas by 5 percentage points.

Fox news has a poll where Biden wins by 1 percentage point.

CBS news has a poll with Trump only winning Texas by 1 percentage point.

Quinnipiac has a poll where Trump wins Texas by 1 percentage point.

No Democratic Presidential Candidate has polled this well in Texas this close to the election since Jimmy Carter who won the State back in 1976.
LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist are so gullible to believe ....

I'm registered Republican and voted straight Republican down the ticket in every election until 2016.
That makes you a dumbass.

He needs some policies and stuff.
Why should some limey asshole care and what business is it of yours anyway? As you limeys like to say, bugger off wanker!

He needs some policies and stuff.
Boy, you ain't never been to Texas. STFU.
Remember The Alamo! :fu:
I like them Texas wimmen. Peroxide, silicone, and all!
Don’t see Texas going to Biden. There is a reason Carter was the last Democrat to get those electoral votes.

There is a reason BIDEN could be the first Democrat to win TEXAS. The growing latin American community of Texas and turning Texas purple and possibly blue. Its the trajectory Texas is on. Hispanic families have more children than non-hispanic white families. Trump's anti-immigrant racist ideas and policies are moving the Hispanic vote further to the Democrats.

THE FUTURE OF TEXAS IS HISPANIC! HISPANICS more and more vote solidly for Democrats because of the Trump's policies and the Tea Party.
Who are Catholic, Catholic, Catholic and opposed to abortion.

He needs some policies and stuff.
Boy, you ain't never been to Texas. STFU.
Remember The Alamo! :fu:
I like them Texas wimmen. Peroxide and all!
Texas is a great state except for Austin.
LMAO Texas voting for Biden??

Some people sure are gullible if they believe that horeshit.
Can you imagine Texas voting for Beto ORourke instead of Conservative Rock Star Ted Cruz?

Yet, Cruz only won by 2.5 percent.

2020 will be a referendum on Trumps leadership. With Texas suffering from COVID outbreaks, someone will take the blame.

I'd bet people put the blame right where it belongs. On China.

Trump tried to stop flights in from China and you Dem idiots called him a racist.

China is to blame for Covid. Not Trump.

Texas will back Trump not Biden. No one I know will be voting for that half wit.

No, Rump did NOT try and stop incoming flights from China. He allowed infected Americans returning from China to infect everyone else. The same thing happened with Europe. There were no 2 week isolation involved, no refusal to allow Americans to deboard. Nothing. And the two epicenters of LA and NYC were born. When dealing with something like Covid 19 or the Spanish Flu, it should NEVER be made political but both sides seem to do that today. Rump should have been run out of Washington DC on a rail after being Tarred and Feathered.

He sure did try to restrict flights.

You have to restrict all flights coming from ANY country to the United States, not just one country China.

He needs some policies and stuff.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

He needs some policies and stuff.

They said this in 2016 too, Texas was going to go to Hillary, on top of her 98% chance of winning.

Ask Hillary what she thinks of polls...

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
I don’t remember seeing poll saying Texas was going to Hillary... do you have a link?
Don’t see Texas going to Biden. There is a reason Carter was the last Democrat to get those electoral votes.

There is a reason BIDEN could be the first Democrat to win TEXAS. The growing latin American community of Texas and turning Texas purple and possibly blue. Its the trajectory Texas is on. Hispanic families have more children than non-hispanic white families. Trump's anti-immigrant racist ideas and policies are moving the Hispanic vote further to the Democrats.

THE FUTURE OF TEXAS IS HISPANIC! HISPANICS more and more vote solidly for Democrats because of the Trump's policies and the Tea Party.
His support among Hispanics is on the high side for a Republican.


He needs some policies and stuff.

They said this in 2016 too, Texas was going to go to Hillary, on top of her 98% chance of winning.

Ask Hillary what she thinks of polls...

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
I don’t remember seeing poll saying Texas was going to Hillary... do you have a link?
I already posted links.

He needs some policies and stuff.

They said this in 2016 too, Texas was going to go to Hillary, on top of her 98% chance of winning.

Ask Hillary what she thinks of polls...

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
That seems to be all you clowns have. Where is the good news for Trump ? He plays golf and pardons criminals whilst Americans die.
Sleazy fucker.
/——/ Obozo played golf and pardoned criminals, so did Clinton. Spare us your fake outrage.

Really? From January 20, 2017 to July 11, 2020 Trump played total of 275 times and counting. Obama played golf 113 times in his first term.
Obama pardoned criminals not associated to foreign Russians interest, or close friends.
Trump pardoned criminals close friends because they lied for him. That’s a big difference.

Trump played golf the other day July 11/20 lied and blamed Obama played more time in playing golf..... Blamed Obama just to give him an excuses of playing golf. Just think and imagine the mentality of your ugly Dude Trump. SICKENING. Is that really necessary to blamed Obama? Then he called CNN fake news for broadcasting his stupidity and lies.

Even while we are in the middle of a major crisis Trump keeps playing golf.

He needs some policies and stuff.

They said this in 2016 too, Texas was going to go to Hillary, on top of her 98% chance of winning.

Ask Hillary what she thinks of polls...

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
That seems to be all you clowns have. Where is the good news for Trump ? He plays golf and pardons criminals whilst Americans die.
Sleazy fucker.
/——/ Obozo played golf and pardoned criminals, so did Clinton. Spare us your fake outrage.

Really? From January 20, 2017 to July 11, 2020 Trump played total of 275 times and counting. Obama played golf 113 times in his first term.
Obama pardoned criminals not associated to foreign Russians interest, or close friends.
Trump pardoned criminals close friends because they lied for him. That’s a big difference.

Trump played golf the other day July 11/20 lied and blamed Obama played more time in playing golf..... Blamed Obama just to give him an excuses of playing golf. Just think and imagine the mentality of your ugly Dude Trump. SICKENING. Is that really necessary to blamed Obama? Then he called CNN fake news for broadcasting his stupidity and lies.

Even while we are in the middle of a major crisis Trump keeps playing golf.
Golf. :iyfyus.jpg:

He needs some policies and stuff.

Tommy Pissant,

Look at the bullshit from 2016 below. Trump creamed Clinton in S.C.

Please stop with the moronic prognostications.


He needs some policies and stuff.

Tommy Pissant,

Look at the bullshit from 2016 below. Trump creamed Clinton in S.C.

Please stop with the moronic prognostications.

I love it he waves papers around......guaranteed hilarity to follow.

He needs some policies and stuff.
Republicans are in trouble everywhere in November.
Might as well get used to it. CNN will come out with new polling data that indicates "Trump is in trouble" every week until the election. The strange thing is that even CNN can't find enough people who say they like old Joe.

He needs some policies and stuff.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Is Hillary running for president again? What am I missing?

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