Trump: If GOP loses House, don’t blame me

nah the gop will fuck it up.the debt is going up faster now and that will end up devaluing the dollar which will make the tax cuts meaningless.
We disagree. From what I've been reading the dems are on a high note this election cycle. If they can't muster the votes to at least take the House, it's their own doing.
He is right.

If it were Trump versus the Democrats in this election the Democrats wouldn't have a prayer.

Instead you have the "turtle" and an undetermined House leader against hardened lunatics.
ptbw, I think in the minds of most Democrats, this mid-term IS Democrats versus Trump. The interview cited by the OP is incomplete. He said if 'his' side loses, he will not accept the blame, but if they win, all the credit goes to him. Pretty standard stuff from him.

It wont be long now. We will see.
He is helping the Republicans with rallies and his agenda under their banner, but Trump is much more popular than Republicans in Congress.

Democrats aren't going to win regardless though, and after we win it will be the Democrats that are fighting from behind and begging the majority of the country for us to listen to them.

And thousands of former Democrats are going to tell your party to get fucked at the end of this month, so you will never get power ever again.
here's hoping.

the left has driven the hate level to heights I've never dreamt of
"the left has driven the hate level to heights I've never dreamt of" Obviously you've never read any posts from 'the right' on this board. You only think you've seen hate until you see theirs.
All of us are a product of the modern left and its completely unprovoked hate and violence.

Nothing compares to the hate coming from every left wing media outlet today.
I guarantee you that he will take credit for individual races that are won by Republicans.
well duh

would you also like to predict the sun will rise tomorrow?


After that, how’s about a reach around?
He is right.

If it were Trump versus the Democrats in this election the Democrats wouldn't have a prayer.

Instead you have the "turtle" and an undetermined House leader against hardened lunatics.
ptbw, I think in the minds of most Democrats, this mid-term IS Democrats versus Trump. The interview cited by the OP is incomplete. He said if 'his' side loses, he will not accept the blame, but if they win, all the credit goes to him. Pretty standard stuff from him.

It wont be long now. We will see.
He is helping the Republicans with rallies and his agenda under their banner, but Trump is much more popular than Republicans in Congress.

Democrats aren't going to win regardless though, and after we win it will be the Democrats that are fighting from behind and begging the majority of the country for us to listen to them.

And thousands of former Democrats are going to tell your party to get fucked at the end of this month, so you will never get power ever again.
here's hoping.

the left has driven the hate level to heights I've never dreamt of
"the left has driven the hate level to heights I've never dreamt of" Obviously you've never read any posts from 'the right' on this board. You only think you've seen hate until you see theirs.
All of us are a product of the modern left and its completely unprovoked hate and violence.

Nothing compares to the hate coming from every left wing media outlet today.

Yeah. The left is nothing but a proud boy mob!
ptbw, I think in the minds of most Democrats, this mid-term IS Democrats versus Trump. The interview cited by the OP is incomplete. He said if 'his' side loses, he will not accept the blame, but if they win, all the credit goes to him. Pretty standard stuff from him.

It wont be long now. We will see.
He is helping the Republicans with rallies and his agenda under their banner, but Trump is much more popular than Republicans in Congress.

Democrats aren't going to win regardless though, and after we win it will be the Democrats that are fighting from behind and begging the majority of the country for us to listen to them.

And thousands of former Democrats are going to tell your party to get fucked at the end of this month, so you will never get power ever again.
here's hoping.

the left has driven the hate level to heights I've never dreamt of
"the left has driven the hate level to heights I've never dreamt of" Obviously you've never read any posts from 'the right' on this board. You only think you've seen hate until you see theirs.
All of us are a product of the modern left and its completely unprovoked hate and violence.

Nothing compares to the hate coming from every left wing media outlet today.

Yeah. The left is nothing but a proud boy mob!

LL, the left has had the market cornered on incivility since inauguration day....hello???
ptbw, I think in the minds of most Democrats, this mid-term IS Democrats versus Trump. The interview cited by the OP is incomplete. He said if 'his' side loses, he will not accept the blame, but if they win, all the credit goes to him. Pretty standard stuff from him.

It wont be long now. We will see.
He is helping the Republicans with rallies and his agenda under their banner, but Trump is much more popular than Republicans in Congress.

Democrats aren't going to win regardless though, and after we win it will be the Democrats that are fighting from behind and begging the majority of the country for us to listen to them.

And thousands of former Democrats are going to tell your party to get fucked at the end of this month, so you will never get power ever again.
here's hoping.

the left has driven the hate level to heights I've never dreamt of
"the left has driven the hate level to heights I've never dreamt of" Obviously you've never read any posts from 'the right' on this board. You only think you've seen hate until you see theirs.
All of us are a product of the modern left and its completely unprovoked hate and violence.

Nothing compares to the hate coming from every left wing media outlet today.

Yeah. The left is nothing but a proud boy mob!
The Proud Boys are just like myself.

Millennials who hate Antifa and the militant left for getting in our way and attempting to physically beat us down when we get uppity.

I am glad pieces of trash like you fear them. Once Antifa is put in their place there will be nothing stopping the moderate left, centrists and rightists from destroying the far left once and for all.
"President Trump on Tuesday dismissed concerns that Republicans could lose the House in the midterm elections, saying he wouldn’t accept blame for the potential defeat.

Speaking to The Associated Press, the president argued that he is “helping” Republican candidates ahead of the Nov. 6 vote. He has held multiple "Make America Great Again" rallies in recent weeks in an effort to boost GOP candidates and incumbents." - Source
Naw, I wouldn't dream of it. There is no truth to the statements that this coming election is surreptitiously a referendum on tump.
/----/ It's just Trump sending a wake-up call to the GOP base. Dems do the same thing. "If Republicans win they will starve children and poison the water and air."
"President Trump on Tuesday dismissed concerns that Republicans could lose the House in the midterm elections, saying he wouldn’t accept blame for the potential defeat.

Speaking to The Associated Press, the president argued that he is “helping” Republican candidates ahead of the Nov. 6 vote. He has held multiple "Make America Great Again" rallies in recent weeks in an effort to boost GOP candidates and incumbents." - Source
Naw, I wouldn't dream of it. There is no truth to the statements that this coming election is surreptitiously a referendum on tump.
historically speaking, if the dems don't take one of the houses, it will be a massive upset for them
You are right about that, two thumbs. And it is unwise for either side to take anything for granted.
I saw a campaign clip from a state I didn't get the name of where the R candidate mentioned Nancy Pelosi 21 times. I understand why the anti-Nancy vitriol is in super-strength concentrated form too. SHE got stuff done! Those candidates running on Trump give the impression this election is a referendum on him.
I think that was Brat in VA during a debate with Spanberger. She had to remind Brat that he was not running against Nancy P.
/----/ It's just Trump sending a wake-up call to the GOP base. Dems do the same thing. "If Republicans win they will starve children and poison the water and air."
I don't think so. tump has a massive ego which has manifested itself time and time again. It sounds like one of his aides came to him with the lasted polls or something. He's deflecting blame from himself. All I know is none of the republican candidates running in November, in Wisconsin, even mention tump much less ask him to stump for him.
historically speaking, if the dems don't take one of the houses, it will be a massive upset for them
Truism. As bad as this sounds, if they don't, they'll be all washed out, so to speak.

the gop will fuck it up.

the debt is going up faster now and that will end up devaluing the dollar which will make the tax cuts meaningless.
Braun is running as a fiscal conservative in Indiana.

The debt will be an agenda item eventually too.
"President Trump on Tuesday dismissed concerns that Republicans could lose the House in the midterm elections, saying he wouldn’t accept blame for the potential defeat.

Speaking to The Associated Press, the president argued that he is “helping” Republican candidates ahead of the Nov. 6 vote. He has held multiple "Make America Great Again" rallies in recent weeks in an effort to boost GOP candidates and incumbents." - Source
Naw, I wouldn't dream of it. There is no truth to the statements that this coming election is surreptitiously a referendum on tump.

Barrypuppet and the dems lost the House in a MASSIVE voter backlash over the way Barrypuppetcare was shoved down our throats in the first mid-term election after Barrypuppet got in.
Yes but at least President Nimrod took the blame for the "shellacking" his party took in 2010, So did Georgy the Gunslinger in 2006 and Bubba took his medicine like a man in 1994 but apparently Trump doesn't have the stomach to take a personal rebuke from the voters if it occurs next month.

I suspect it's part of his insatiable need to feel like he's the victim and not the culprit.

Say what you will about Trump, but he has done nothing but good things for everyone. Working to secure the border, killing the TPP, reworking bad trade agreements, tax cuts, giving people their God given right to seek alternative medical treatment even if the bought and paid for by big pharma FDA said no. There isn't much to bitch at Trump about outside of the fact that he has pissed off the deep state and their leftard commie minions.
The problem isn't so much what he's doing, it's his mouth, he's become a caricature of everything duplicitous, disingenuous and "do as I say, not as I do" that people dislike about politicians. This "it ain't my fault" proclamation is just another example of it.

The best thing politically that could happen to Trump & Co. is if the Donald were to undergo an emergency personality transplant along with a twitterRectomy.
"President Trump on Tuesday dismissed concerns that Republicans could lose the House in the midterm elections, saying he wouldn’t accept blame for the potential defeat.

Speaking to The Associated Press, the president argued that he is “helping” Republican candidates ahead of the Nov. 6 vote. He has held multiple "Make America Great Again" rallies in recent weeks in an effort to boost GOP candidates and incumbents." - Source
Naw, I wouldn't dream of it. There is no truth to the statements that this coming election is surreptitiously a referendum on tump.

Go ahead, snowflake. Post up the quote. You can't. The hit piece was a complete lie. Now where is this "don't blame me" quote?

See, this is what America has figured out about lying ass libtardos. They just dream up bullshit.
"President Trump on Tuesday dismissed concerns that Republicans could lose the House in the midterm elections, saying he wouldn’t accept blame for the potential defeat.

Speaking to The Associated Press, the president argued that he is “helping” Republican candidates ahead of the Nov. 6 vote. He has held multiple "Make America Great Again" rallies in recent weeks in an effort to boost GOP candidates and incumbents." - Source
Naw, I wouldn't dream of it. There is no truth to the statements that this coming election is surreptitiously a referendum on tump.

Trump never takes blame for anything. None of the bankruptcies were his fault, it is not his fault that not a single business he started on his own survived, hell it was not even his fault that he grabs women by the pussy.
Check out and see how many billions tech firms flush down the toilet on failed projects.
"President Trump on Tuesday dismissed concerns that Republicans could lose the House in the midterm elections, saying he wouldn’t accept blame for the potential defeat.

Speaking to The Associated Press, the president argued that he is “helping” Republican candidates ahead of the Nov. 6 vote. He has held multiple "Make America Great Again" rallies in recent weeks in an effort to boost GOP candidates and incumbents." - Source
Naw, I wouldn't dream of it. There is no truth to the statements that this coming election is surreptitiously a referendum on tump.

Barrypuppet and the dems lost the House in a MASSIVE voter backlash over the way Barrypuppetcare was shoved down our throats in the first mid-term election after Barrypuppet got in.
Yes but at least President Nimrod took the blame for the "shellacking" his party took in 2010, So did Georgy the Gunslinger in 2006 and Bubba took his medicine like a man in 1994 but apparently Trump doesn't have the stomach to take a personal rebuke from the voters if it occurs next month.

I suspect it's part of his insatiable need to feel like he's the victim and not the culprit.

Say what you will about Trump, but he has done nothing but good things for everyone. Working to secure the border, killing the TPP, reworking bad trade agreements, tax cuts, giving people their God given right to seek alternative medical treatment even if the bought and paid for by big pharma FDA said no. There isn't much to bitch at Trump about outside of the fact that he has pissed off the deep state and their leftard commie minions.
The problem isn't so much what he's doing, it's his mouth, he's become a caricature of everything duplicitous, disingenuous and "do as I say, not as I do" that people dislike about politicians. This "it ain't my fault" proclamation is just another example of it.

The best thing politically that could happen to Trump & Co. is if the Donald were to undergo an emergency personality transplant along with a twitterRectomy.
Democrats aren't going to win.

And when Republicans win they will know that Trump is a big part of it.
Go ahead, snowflake. Post up the quote. You can't. The hit piece was a complete lie. Now where is this "don't blame me" quote? See, this is what America has figured out about lying ass libtardos. They just dream up bullshit.
I don't understand what you are asking but the source of that quote came from Fox news. You should actually read links.
He is right.

If it were Trump versus the Democrats in this election the Democrats wouldn't have a prayer.

Instead you have the "turtle" and an undetermined House leader against hardened lunatics.
ptbw, I think in the minds of most Democrats, this mid-term IS Democrats versus Trump. The interview cited by the OP is incomplete. He said if 'his' side loses, he will not accept the blame, but if they win, all the credit goes to him. Pretty standard stuff from him.

It wont be long now. We will see.
He is helping the Republicans with rallies and his agenda under their banner, but Trump is much more popular than Republicans in Congress.

Democrats aren't going to win regardless though, and after we win it will be the Democrats that are fighting from behind and begging the majority of the country for us to listen to them.

And thousands of former Democrats are going to tell your party to get fucked at the end of this month, so you will never get power ever again.
here's hoping.

the left has driven the hate level to heights I've never dreamt of
"the left has driven the hate level to heights I've never dreamt of" Obviously you've never read any posts from 'the right' on this board. You only think you've seen hate until you see theirs.
seriously dood

posts from people on usmb are meaningless.

your political leaders are calling for violence and your media is calling mobs not mobs.

grow up and smell the reality.
Oh, crap! You've taken up the "mob" mantra. Reminds me of back during the GWB Iraq war when the Iraqi WMD argument fell apart and OVERNIGHT all the admin talking points went from Saddam's "WMD" to Saddam's "WMD PROGRAMS", meaning he didn't have them yet, but was working on it.
Now we get the 'mobs are out to get us' talking point, completely ignoring the 'lock her up' mobs led by a smiling POTUS. McConnell, Graham, all Republican candidates running for mid-terms jumped instantaneously onto the bandwagon. Didn't take long to get here either. Start counting now to see how many flunkies refer to 'mobs' in their speeches and their posts.
ptbw, I think in the minds of most Democrats, this mid-term IS Democrats versus Trump. The interview cited by the OP is incomplete. He said if 'his' side loses, he will not accept the blame, but if they win, all the credit goes to him. Pretty standard stuff from him.

It wont be long now. We will see.
He is helping the Republicans with rallies and his agenda under their banner, but Trump is much more popular than Republicans in Congress.

Democrats aren't going to win regardless though, and after we win it will be the Democrats that are fighting from behind and begging the majority of the country for us to listen to them.

And thousands of former Democrats are going to tell your party to get fucked at the end of this month, so you will never get power ever again.
here's hoping.

the left has driven the hate level to heights I've never dreamt of
"the left has driven the hate level to heights I've never dreamt of" Obviously you've never read any posts from 'the right' on this board. You only think you've seen hate until you see theirs.
seriously dood

posts from people on usmb are meaningless.

your political leaders are calling for violence and your media is calling mobs not mobs.

grow up and smell the reality.
Oh, crap! You've taken up the "mob" mantra. Reminds me of back during the GWB Iraq war when the Iraqi WMD argument fell apart and OVERNIGHT all the admin talking points went from Saddam's "WMD" to Saddam's "WMD PROGRAMS", meaning he didn't have them yet, but was working on it.
Now we get the 'mobs are out to get us' talking point, completely ignoring the 'lock her up' mobs led by a smiling POTUS. McConnell, Graham, all Republican candidates running for mid-terms jumped instantaneously onto the bandwagon. Didn't take long to get here either. Start counting now to see how many flunkies refer to 'mobs' in their speeches and their posts.
You have taken up the media mantra.
Go ahead, snowflake. Post up the quote. You can't. The hit piece was a complete lie. Now where is this "don't blame me" quote? See, this is what America has figured out about lying ass libtardos. They just dream up bullshit.
I don't understand what you are asking but the source of that quote came from Fox news. You should actually read links.
He won't. He just rants and raves Hannity BS.
"President Trump on Tuesday dismissed concerns that Republicans could lose the House in the midterm elections, saying he wouldn’t accept blame for the potential defeat.

Speaking to The Associated Press, the president argued that he is “helping” Republican candidates ahead of the Nov. 6 vote. He has held multiple "Make America Great Again" rallies in recent weeks in an effort to boost GOP candidates and incumbents." - Source
Naw, I wouldn't dream of it. There is no truth to the statements that this coming election is surreptitiously a referendum on tump.

Barrypuppet and the dems lost the House in a MASSIVE voter backlash over the way Barrypuppetcare was shoved down our throats in the first mid-term election after Barrypuppet got in.
Yes but at least President Nimrod took the blame for the "shellacking" his party took in 2010, So did Georgy the Gunslinger in 2006 and Bubba took his medicine like a man in 1994 but apparently Trump doesn't have the stomach to take a personal rebuke from the voters if it occurs next month.

I suspect it's part of his insatiable need to feel like he's the victim and not the culprit.

Say what you will about Trump, but he has done nothing but good things for everyone. Working to secure the border, killing the TPP, reworking bad trade agreements, tax cuts, giving people their God given right to seek alternative medical treatment even if the bought and paid for by big pharma FDA said no. There isn't much to bitch at Trump about outside of the fact that he has pissed off the deep state and their leftard commie minions.
The problem isn't so much what he's doing, it's his mouth, he's become a caricature of everything duplicitous, disingenuous and "do as I say, not as I do" that people dislike about politicians. This "it ain't my fault" proclamation is just another example of it.

The best thing politically that could happen to Trump & Co. is if the Donald were to undergo an emergency personality transplant along with a twitterRectomy.
Democrats aren't going to win.

And when Republicans win they will know that Trump is a big part of it.

We'll see, history and statistics suggest a strong probability of the Democrats taking control of the House of Representatives but it's certainly not a sure thing, there is a possibility the Republicans can buck the historical trend and retain control of both Chambers, which would be a disaster for Crime Family-D.

In either case, it doesn't change the fact that Daffy Don's pronouncement that he won't take responsibility if his party looses the HoR was a childish (and completely unnecessary) thing to do, It makes him look like a spoiled infant.

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