Trump: I Have Investigators in Hawaii...'They Cannot Believe What They're Finding'

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That almost makes sense and viable, but for the fact of the timeline. obama's BC was filed on aug 8 the two twins BC were filed on Aug 11 of the same year. I could see what you said happening if filing the paperwork happen on the same day.

Depends on when the hospital clerk decided to process his/her paperwork and forward to the government clerk so they could process his/her batch and make a birth certificate.

I doubt if the Hospital employed a messenger so that as soon as a kid is squirted out it could be like relay race to hand off a form from one person to another to get it to the government clerk as soon as possible.

It all depends on when things are sent, in addition to how.

You might have a valid point but for the filedates
obama's was filed Aug 8th the twins were filed Aug 11th

Since you repeated yours, I'll repeat mine...

Depends on when the hospital clerk decided to process his/her paperwork and forward to the government clerk so they could process his/her batch and make a birth certificate.

I doubt if the Hospital employed a messenger so that as soon as a kid is squirted out it could be like relay race to hand off a form from one person to another to get it to the government clerk as soon as possible.

It all depends on when things are sent, in addition to how.

Depends on when the hospital clerk decided to process his/her paperwork and forward to the government clerk so they could process his/her batch and make a birth certificate.

I doubt if the Hospital employed a messenger so that as soon as a kid is squirted out it could be like relay race to hand off a form from one person to another to get it to the government clerk as soon as possible.

It all depends on when things are sent, in addition to how.

You might have a valid point but for the filedates
obama's was filed Aug 8th the twins were filed Aug 11th

Since you repeated yours, I'll repeat mine...

Depends on when the hospital clerk decided to process his/her paperwork and forward to the government clerk so they could process his/her batch and make a birth certificate.

I doubt if the Hospital employed a messenger so that as soon as a kid is squirted out it could be like relay race to hand off a form from one person to another to get it to the government clerk as soon as possible.

It all depends on when things are sent, in addition to how.


If they are filed on a certain date that would mean they were filed with the clerk of courts which would have nothing to do with delivery from the hospital. obama's BC was sitting in vitals three days before the twins.
That almost makes sense and viable, but for the fact of the timeline. obama's BC was filed on aug 8 the two twins BC were filed on Aug 11 of the same year. I could see what you said happening if filing the paperwork happen on the same day.

Depends on when the hospital clerk decided to process his/her paperwork and forward to the government clerk so they could process his/her batch and make a birth certificate.

I doubt if the Hospital employed a messenger so that as soon as a kid is squirted out it could be like relay race to hand off a form from one person to another to get it to the government clerk as soon as possible.

It all depends on when things are sent, in addition to how.

You might have a valid point but for the filedates
obama's was filed Aug 8th the twins were filed Aug 11th
Speaking of the twins, Dump Truck said nobody advertises their children's birth in the papers. So if that is true there shouldn't be a twins' birth announcement in the Hawaiian papers. And if there is, it should be after obama's.

From the Getta Face Lift's phone interview with Dump Truck
Trump: Why Are We Really in Libya? -
TRUMP: Even if you look at the newspaper, the so-called newspaper article in Hawaii -- that was days after he was born! So, that wasn't like when he was born! And if you really think about a couple of things -- whoever took a newspaper advertisement -- now these were poor people. These aren't rich people. Whoever took a newspaper advertisement to announce the birth of your baby? Now, I don't think you know of anybody, and I know of nobody -- and I know poor people and rich people, but I've never heard of taking a newspaper ad to advertise that you have a baby.

Dump Truck is a major league :asshole: and the laughingstock of the world!!


So what do you think Trump is investigating? Beach bimbos for his beauty pageants?

state law does not in fact permit the release of "vital records," including an original "record of live birth" — even to the individual whose birth it records.

"It's a Department of Health record and it can't be released to anybody," he said. Nor do state laws have any provision that authorizes such records to be photocopied, Wisch said. If Obama wanted to personally visit the state health department, he would be permitted to inspect his birth record, Wisch said.

But if he or anybody else wanted a copy of their birth records, they would be told to fill out the appropriate state form and receive back the same computer generated "certification of live birth" form that everybody else gets — which is exactly what Obama did four years ago.

Ex-Hawaii official denounces 'ludicrous' birther claims - Politics - More politics -

Why is this so hard to understand?
You might have a valid point but for the filedates
obama's was filed Aug 8th the twins were filed Aug 11th

Since you repeated yours, I'll repeat mine...

Depends on when the hospital clerk decided to process his/her paperwork and forward to the government clerk so they could process his/her batch and make a birth certificate.

I doubt if the Hospital employed a messenger so that as soon as a kid is squirted out it could be like relay race to hand off a form from one person to another to get it to the government clerk as soon as possible.

It all depends on when things are sent, in addition to how.


If they are filed on a certain date that would mean they were filed with the clerk of courts which would have nothing to do with delivery from the hospital. obama's BC was sitting in vitals three days before the twins.

1. Records don't go to the "clerk of courts", only court cases would go to the judges (or courts) clerk. Birth certificates, death certificates, executed marriage licenses, and divorce degrees (from a court) would go to a clerical person in the Department of Health (sometimes called vital records).

2. Which goes back to my previous post about Human V. Computer and Parallel v. Serial processing.

Since you repeated yours, I'll repeat mine...

Depends on when the hospital clerk decided to process his/her paperwork and forward to the government clerk so they could process his/her batch and make a birth certificate.

I doubt if the Hospital employed a messenger so that as soon as a kid is squirted out it could be like relay race to hand off a form from one person to another to get it to the government clerk as soon as possible.

It all depends on when things are sent, in addition to how.


If they are filed on a certain date that would mean they were filed with the clerk of courts which would have nothing to do with delivery from the hospital. obama's BC was sitting in vitals three days before the twins.

1. Records don't go to the "clerk of courts", only court cases would go to the judges (or courts) clerk. Birth certificates, death certificates, executed marriage licenses, and divorce degrees (from a court) would go to a clerical person in the Department of Health (sometimes called vital records).

2. Which goes back to my previous post about Human V. Computer and Parallel v. Serial processing.


Records don't go to the "clerk of courts", only court cases would go to the judges (or courts) clerk.
Excuse me it's changed here in North Carolina it use to be that if you wanted any kind of records you would go to the clerk of courts.

Birth certificates, death certificates, executed marriage licenses, and divorce degrees (from a court) would go to a clerical person in the Department of Health (sometimes called vital records). 2. Which goes back to my previous post about Human V. Computer and Parallel v. Serial processing.

The twin's BC has a date stamp with signature file with the department of vitals dated aug 11th meaning it was at vitals on that date obama has a date stamped three days beore thiers. Which does not bring you back to your point.
Oh, you mean you need special skillz to see the wildly unusual (to you) "African" and "Date Filed by" - I mean, nearly 75 court cases, and nota one can even get them to consider such obviously flawed information.

Go figger.

How would you know the discrepancies were there unless you had several document to compare them too? Did the courts have more than obama's BC to make the comparisons? And don't assume they did. give some evidence that they did.
You appear to be completely oblious to the 74 court cases brought before the courts, some by the queen bee birther, Oily Titz, and some by Phillip Berg, soem by Jeremy Corsi, and a whole host of characters that make the Flintstones look like serious drama.

All of them thrown out, dismissed or katpuzted. Thousands of pages presented to magistrates. Some of them even had the brainstorm you think you're having.

And still...nota one.

They weren't thrown out. they all made it to the supreme court and the supreme court refused to hear them, not the same as throwing them out.
If they are filed on a certain date that would mean they were filed with the clerk of courts which would have nothing to do with delivery from the hospital. obama's BC was sitting in vitals three days before the twins.

1. Records don't go to the "clerk of courts", only court cases would go to the judges (or courts) clerk. Birth certificates, death certificates, executed marriage licenses, and divorce degrees (from a court) would go to a clerical person in the Department of Health (sometimes called vital records).

2. Which goes back to my previous post about Human V. Computer and Parallel v. Serial processing.


Records don't go to the "clerk of courts", only court cases would go to the judges (or courts) clerk.
Excuse me it's changed here in North Carolina it use to be that if you wanted any kind of records you would go to the clerk of courts.

Birth certificates, death certificates, executed marriage licenses, and divorce degrees (from a court) would go to a clerical person in the Department of Health (sometimes called vital records). 2. Which goes back to my previous post about Human V. Computer and Parallel v. Serial processing.

The twin's BC has a date stamp with signature file with the department of vitals dated aug 11th meaning it was at vitals on that date obama has a date stamped three days beore thiers. Which does not bring you back to your point.

Sure it does. Do you think the clerks are sitting around with nothing to do but want for a birth certificate filing? No, pre-computer processing, clerks worked in batches. It is totally reasonable that birth records were delivered and processed out of order of when they were received. Some records came in, stamped as received and were put in the appropriate box to be processed. The sequence number (which is what this sub-discussion started with) would be determined when the HUMAN clerk processed the paperwork, not the date the paperwork was stamped as received.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree . . . and think 25 to life would be appropriate.
--Jay Leno

America needs Obama-care like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask.
--Jay Leno

Q: Have you heard about McDonald's' new Obama Value Meal?
A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it.
--Conan O'Brien

Q: What does Barack Obama call lunch with a convicted felon?
A: A fund raiser.
--Jay Leno

Q: What's the difference between Obama's cabinet and a penitentiary?
A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers, and threats to society. The other is for housing prisoners.
--David Letterman

Q: If Nancy Pelosi and Obama were on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it started to sink, who would be saved?
A: America !
--Jimmy Fallon

Q: What's the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo?
A: Bo has papers.
--Jimmy Kimmel

Q: What was the most positive result of the "Cash for Clunkers" program?
A: It took 95% of the Obama bumper stickers off the road.
--David Letterman

Telling indeed that you wouldn't post a link to this crap.

Leno never said that.
(Apr. 11, 2010) — A member of the Kenyan Parliament has stated in a meeting of that body on March 25, 2010 that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

The statement, which discussed the concept of “devolution,” or ethnic inclusion, reads: “If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation, how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the President of America?” A screenshot of page 31 of the Minutes where the statement appears is below.

Kenyan Parliament claims Obama born in Kenya | The Post & Email
1. Records don't go to the "clerk of courts", only court cases would go to the judges (or courts) clerk. Birth certificates, death certificates, executed marriage licenses, and divorce degrees (from a court) would go to a clerical person in the Department of Health (sometimes called vital records).

2. Which goes back to my previous post about Human V. Computer and Parallel v. Serial processing.


Excuse me it's changed here in North Carolina it use to be that if you wanted any kind of records you would go to the clerk of courts.

Birth certificates, death certificates, executed marriage licenses, and divorce degrees (from a court) would go to a clerical person in the Department of Health (sometimes called vital records). 2. Which goes back to my previous post about Human V. Computer and Parallel v. Serial processing.

The twin's BC has a date stamp with signature file with the department of vitals dated aug 11th meaning it was at vitals on that date obama has a date stamped three days beore thiers. Which does not bring you back to your point.

Sure it does. Do you think the clerks are sitting around with nothing to do but want for a birth certificate filing? No, pre-computer processing, clerks worked in batches. It is totally reasonable that birth records were delivered and processed out of order of when they were received. Some records came in, stamped as received and were put in the appropriate box to be processed. The sequence number (which is what this sub-discussion started with) would be determined when the HUMAN clerk processed the paperwork, not the date the paperwork was stamped as received.


Three days difference? obamas BC sitting at vital for three days? Hawaii wasn't that populated and children were not being born at a high rate that would make a back log of paper work. Plus let's not forget aboiut that signature stating that the twins BC was on file.

Here is one of the twins BC

You will see tweo date with signatures Aug the 7th was the date it was filed
Aug 11th was the date it was accepted by the Registrar General with his signature
Excuse me it's changed here in North Carolina it use to be that if you wanted any kind of records you would go to the clerk of courts.

The twin's BC has a date stamp with signature file with the department of vitals dated aug 11th meaning it was at vitals on that date obama has a date stamped three days beore thiers. Which does not bring you back to your point.

Sure it does. Do you think the clerks are sitting around with nothing to do but want for a birth certificate filing? No, pre-computer processing, clerks worked in batches. It is totally reasonable that birth records were delivered and processed out of order of when they were received. Some records came in, stamped as received and were put in the appropriate box to be processed. The sequence number (which is what this sub-discussion started with) would be determined when the HUMAN clerk processed the paperwork, not the date the paperwork was stamped as received.


Three days difference? obamas BC sitting at vital for three days? Hawaii wasn't that populated and children were not being born at a high rate that would make a back log of paper work. Plus let's not forget aboiut that signature stating that the twins BC was on file.

Here is one of the twins BC

You will see tweo date with signatures Aug the 7th was the date it was filed
Aug 11th was the date it was accepted by the Registrar General with his signature
You are now just refusing to accept a reasonable argument.
It's entirely plausible that the birth certificates would be processed out of sequence.
It was a human process.
How do you know that the people that processed the certificates were only doing that?
They might have had a backlog of death notices, cleaning invoices, public complaints to deal with as well.
Just as an aside...why was it, when Ronald Reagan was born Feb 6, 1911 his birth certificate wasn't filed until 14 August 1941?


  • $reaganbc.jpg
    136.1 KB · Views: 76
Sure it does. Do you think the clerks are sitting around with nothing to do but want for a birth certificate filing? No, pre-computer processing, clerks worked in batches. It is totally reasonable that birth records were delivered and processed out of order of when they were received. Some records came in, stamped as received and were put in the appropriate box to be processed. The sequence number (which is what this sub-discussion started with) would be determined when the HUMAN clerk processed the paperwork, not the date the paperwork was stamped as received.


Three days difference? obamas BC sitting at vital for three days? Hawaii wasn't that populated and children were not being born at a high rate that would make a back log of paper work. Plus let's not forget aboiut that signature stating that the twins BC was on file.

Here is one of the twins BC

You will see tweo date with signatures Aug the 7th was the date it was filed
Aug 11th was the date it was accepted by the Registrar General with his signature
You are now just refusing to accept a reasonable argument.
It's entirely plausible that the birth certificates would be processed out of sequence.
It was a human process.
How do you know that the people that processed the certificates were only doing that?
They might have had a backlog of death notices, cleaning invoices, public complaints to deal with as well .

You are now just refusing to accept a reasonable argument
It's entirely plausible that the birth certificates would be processed out of sequence.
It was a human process.

Sure it was.

How do you know that the people that processed the certificates were only doing that?
They might have had a backlog of death notices, cleaning invoices, public complaints to deal with as well

Right sure

So what was the date obama's BC was accepted by the registarr? oh thats right it wasn't
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