Trump: I don't need celebrities at inauguration, just 'the people'

Gotta suck for him; he spent 20 years of his life trying to winnow his way into their world and they are still rejecting him….

They’ll come around eventually…he’s not much but he’s the only president we’ve got and, oh yeah, there are a bunch of TV cameras pointed in his direction.
Yeah Candyass, you go with that. Trump's life really sucks without the validation of the phony lefty entertainers. How many have even had as successful a show? Fact the celebs were behind Hillary, they really helped huh? How about the ones pushing for a electoral vote rebellion? Hillary lost 5, Trump lost 2.

His appeal was not geared towards leftwing elitism. He didn't need them then. He doesn't need them now. I have no idea how or why liberals wrap so much importance around entertainers.

he he he….

Trump is a retired member of the Screen Actors Guild—the UNION that represents the people you DESPISE.

The transition team and his inaugural committee solicited the celebs; not the other way around.
I dispise liars like you. Never said I dispised entertainers. What does the SAG or unions have to do with it? How insane.
Transvestite Chrissy Teigen says he/she is upset by the upcoming joyous occasion. On serious note, apparently the Beach Boys have been invited. Not sure who that entails since the musicians in the Beach Boys were actually The Wrecking Crew studio band in LA in the 60's. A good Beach Boy cover band performing the great harmonies would be nice though.
PEOTUS do not needs liberal lying faggots on his inauguration, he wants just the people. Trump is elected by people, serves the people and is a part of people.

At best he shall not invite MSM presstitutes, only alternative media.

President-elect Donald Trump called out “the so-called ‘A’ list” celebrities he says are looking to attend his inauguration in a tweet on Thursday, suggesting he wouldn't want them there.

"The so-called 'A' list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration,” Trump tweeted. “but look what they did for Hillary, NOTHING. I want the PEOPLE!”

Trump: I don't need celebrities at inauguration, just 'the people'
After the ignorance of these pricks I hope he never associates with these two faced back stabbing assholes ever again.
I bet he learned who his real friend were through this b.s. election.

And the nerve of the scum attacking a little girl who wants to sing at his inauguration. They can't stand a man who is running for President and actually acts like a strong minded, strong man rather than a pussy who wants to wear a dress.
Faggots are not welcome by Trump.


You do know he held that flag because he fends for GAYS TOO. not what you said, Unless of course you were saying like " oh Trump doesn't support gays ( as he holds a flag) lol
These persons will definitively not invited to the Trump inauguration:






fkn idiots are such liars these are the fkn assholes who DID NOT Want to come to on ON THEIR CHOICE just had to make sure I got that in there for the brain deads LOL.haha
You do know he held that flag because he fends for GAYS TOO. not what you said, Unless of course you were saying like " oh Trump doesn't support gays ( as he holds a flag) lol

The latter. lol
Then he shouldn't have tried booking celebs in the first place. He should have invited the"people" from the jump.

Freaking Celine Dion turned down the invitation and she likes everybody. Such BS, he is just mad because no one wanted to go to his party. His ego is bruised.
PEOTUS do not needs liberal lying faggots on his inauguration, he wants just the people. Trump is elected by people, serves the people and is a part of people.

At best he shall not invite MSM presstitutes, only alternative media.

President-elect Donald Trump called out “the so-called ‘A’ list” celebrities he says are looking to attend his inauguration in a tweet on Thursday, suggesting he wouldn't want them there.

"The so-called 'A' list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration,” Trump tweeted. “but look what they did for Hillary, NOTHING. I want the PEOPLE!”

As always Trump trade marks *LYING*. Are you aware that they sent *INVITATION* to several celebrities and A list singers but they all turned down? Not even the high school band that has performed in last 20 years.

He cannot get anybody to perform then he sent this bullshit message. That your messiah.

Trump’s Inauguration Nightmare: All the Musicians Who Have Turned Down Invites
Gotta suck for him; he spent 20 years of his life trying to winnow his way into their world and they are still rejecting him….

They’ll come around eventually…he’s not much but he’s the only president we’ve got and, oh yeah, there are a bunch of TV cameras pointed in his direction.
Yeah Candyass, you go with that. Trump's life really sucks without the validation of the phony lefty entertainers. How many have even had as successful a show? Fact the celebs were behind Hillary, they really helped huh? How about the ones pushing for a electoral vote rebellion? Hillary lost 5, Trump lost 2.

His appeal was not geared towards leftwing elitism. He didn't need them then. He doesn't need them now. I have no idea how or why liberals wrap so much importance around entertainers.

he he he….

Trump is a retired member of the Screen Actors Guild—the UNION that represents the people you DESPISE.

The transition team and his inaugural committee solicited the celebs; not the other way around.
I dispise liars like you. Never said I dispised entertainers. What does the SAG or unions have to do with it? How insane.

Your boy Trump is a member of union. Yep, that’s right. The thing you guys hate most..he’s a member of. Betcha didn’t know that.

And the people you despise most as a profession—actors—he’s desperately trying to be a member of their club. Too bad; so sad.

You should really study up on your messiah better.
If Trump does not want all these celebrities to come, it begs the question of why they were asked to perform at the inauguration (which, of course, they turned down). But, of course, it is not only the celebrities, the last time I looked, not even high school marching bands have accepted invitations. So much for "the people".

I’m surprised there aren’t like a million Nashville types clamoring for the job. That’s their demographic. Anyway. I hope the weather is good and they have a nice inauguration regardless. Say what you want about the man and the policies and what have you; you go through hell running for President. He won. He deserves a nice coronation.
If Trump does not want all these celebrities to come, it begs the question of why they were asked to perform at the inauguration (which, of course, they turned down).

Yeah, I know right? It’s like when he tweets about Alec Baldwin’s portrayal…calling it unwatchable. After he watches it.

These are the paradoxical pronouncements we can come to expect from him for the next 8 years.
If Trump does not want all these celebrities to come, it begs the question of why they were asked to perform at the inauguration (which, of course, they turned down).

Yeah, I know right? It’s like when he tweets about Alec Baldwin’s portrayal…calling it unwatchable. After he watches it.

These are the paradoxical pronouncements we can come to expect from him for the next 8 years.

Kind of like a 3 year old when he doesn't get what he wants, then pouts and declares, "I didn't want it anyway!". Damn, I miss having an adult as president.
If Trump does not want all these celebrities to come, it begs the question of why they were asked to perform at the inauguration (which, of course, they turned down).

Yeah, I know right? It’s like when he tweets about Alec Baldwin’s portrayal…calling it unwatchable. After he watches it.

These are the paradoxical pronouncements we can come to expect from him for the next 8 years.

Kind of like a 3 year old when he doesn't get what he wants, then pouts and declares, "I didn't want it anyway!". Damn, I miss having an adult as president.

Do you think we’ll at some point have one of those Soviet/North Korean style parades with the missiles being towed down the street and marching soldiers and what have you?


Someone should mention to him, “Ya know….putin gets a parade when he wants one.
PEOTUS do not needs liberal lying faggots on his inauguration, he wants just the people. Trump is elected by people, serves the people and is a part of people.

At best he shall not invite MSM presstitutes, only alternative media.

President-elect Donald Trump called out “the so-called ‘A’ list” celebrities he says are looking to attend his inauguration in a tweet on Thursday, suggesting he wouldn't want them there.

"The so-called 'A' list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration,” Trump tweeted. “but look what they did for Hillary, NOTHING. I want the PEOPLE!”

Trump: I don't need celebrities at inauguration, just 'the people'
Andrew Jackson all over again.

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