Trump Hires Reagan, Ford Delegate Manager to Stave Off Establishment Convention Hopes


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
And he's awesome. Never lost. Check out the resume.

"Trump has hired delegate manager Paul Manafort to lead his GOP convention efforts and shore up enough delegates to ensure he wins the nomination on the first ballot at the GOP presidential convention in Cleveland in July.

Manafort is well known in GOP circles because in 1976, on behalf of then President Gerald Ford—who ascended to the presidency without being elected because of Richard Nixon’s Watergate-driven resignation—Manafort successfully fended off future president Ronald Reagan in a delegate battle that may end up looking a lot like 2016.

Thanks to Manafort’s work for Ford that year, the incumbent president barely held on to the party’s nomination, beating back Reagan’s challenge.

But four years later, when Reagan faced a similar but less complicated delegate battle in 1980, he hired Manafort to lead his successful delegate fight at the convention that year.

Reagan, of course, would go on to win the nomination and then win the White House back for Republicans from the failing Carter.

Manafort also played a leading role in the 1988 GOP convention, which nominated then future President George H.W. Bush, and in the 1996 convention which nominated then Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole as the GOP presidential nominee."

Trump Hires Reagan, Ford Delegate Manager to Stave Off Establishment Convention Hopes - Breitbart

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