Trump has finished 300 new miles of wall

With zero help from the fake GOP
Bums and the Bolshevik, Stalinist Dems

He must win in 75 days or it will never be finished

300 done
I am not sure what the goal is

The Chinese wall was in total about 8,851.8 kilometer long - that's about 5,496.97 miles. If you like to be as great as China try 5,500 miles. If you like to be greater try more. By the way: What do you think about a Hawking-propulsion system for spaceships? The idea: We could use the virtual particles of the quantum-vacuum and transfer them with a black hole into a real Hawking-radiation. In this way the spaceship has gravity from the black hole and the black hole will evaporate while the space ship will fly. And it's damned easy to reload a black hole. We can throw in something - whatever it is - as long as it is a heavy stuff as for example chairs, sofas, cars, tanks, aeroplanes, Trumps Trump-towers, everything - also a wall between the USA and South-America. That's great, isn't it?

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300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.
Congress declared that some materials couldn't be used in building the wall.
One of them was concrete.
I couldn't find this anywhere. Got a link?
You probably didn't look very hard.
The Dems threatened him with a resolution putting a requirement on $5.7 billion in funding for that wall that concrete could not be used in the wall itself. They wanted to redefine what it was and how it would be built. They wanted to be able to call it a fence instead of a wall. Trump has been using emergency funds to build the wall because the Democrat House wouldn't fund it.
It's no small wonder that this fact has been covered up. Politifact tried to cover it up by claiming it never happened..or that Democrats didn't demand steel..even though the discussion took place and was an attempt by the Democrats to call the wall a fence.

The problem is Politicfact lied...and later admitted in the story that Democrats wanted the wall built only with "Existing Technology" which means they tried to define how it was built and refused to allow a concrete wall.

The claim was that Congress declared that cement could not be used. You are saying that the Democrats in the House threatened a resolution that would say that. (which also wouldn't actually do anything).

So I suppose Congress never declared that cement could not be used.
Look what you did to the cities. What the hell is wrong with you?

I'm not the one ignoring the tens of thousand employers attracting and hiring illegals.

Pulling numbers out of the air again? Tens of thousands?

The employers who do knowingly hire illegals also know the penalties for doing so are very lenient. Now that your people are in charge of writing laws, tell them to change it so the penalties are severe.

The laws are already in place. Trump has the ability to enforce them.

No, because prosecutors do that job--not the President.

There are very serious risks and potential penalties for any employer that knowingly hires undocumented immigrants. The key word in that last sentence, however, is “knowingly.” As an employer, it is your responsibility to put forth a good faith effort to ensure anyone you hire is authorized to work in the US through proper I-9 compliance, but you are not required to be an document expert or special investigator for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). In fact, you could even get into trouble for discriminatory hiring practices if you are overzealous in trying to discover if a potential employee is authorized to work in the US.

If you are found to have knowingly or negligently hired undocumented employees to work for your company, you could face severe civil and criminal penalties. You are also at risk if you discover that an employee is not authorized to work in the US and you continue their employment. First offenders face civil fines ranging from $375 to $3,200 per illegal worker.

Becoming a multiple-offender severely compounds the potential penalties. A second-time offender will be fined between $3,200 and $6,500 per worker, while a third offense will cost you between $4,300 and $16,000 per worker.

So the bottom line for any prosecutor is to prove that the employer knowingly hired an illegal worker. How does one go about doing that?

Trump picks the AG who is over this. They are doing nothing. Absolutely nothing.

What do you want him to do? Again, you need evidence to prove that an employer knowingly hired illegal workers. How does one do that?

We have the evidence. Even if we didn't (which we do) we know for certain that thousands of businesses are hiring illegals. They could be busted left and right but none ever are.

They are busted all the time and always were. Are you new to this country or what? We have a criminal justice system that is founded on innocent until proven guilty.

Let's say I have a business down south. People who are foreign to me apply for a job so I question their status. They show me documentation that they are here legally. That's all I need to legally hire them. Read the link I posted. It says an employer has to make reasonable effort to assure legal status, but not go too far because your company may end up being sued for discrimination.

What you're talking about is prosecuting intent which is nearly impossible to do. They would have to send undercover agents posing as illegals and get hired. Very few if any business people are going to fall for that. They will require minimum documentation even if they know it's not genuine.
300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.
bush and obama, ha, ha, they were a wall opposed to any border security

Obama voted for the wall. Bush signed it.

H.R. 6061 (109th): Secure Fence Act of 2006 -- Senate Vote #262 -- Sep 29, 2006
links dont mean shit

facts are facts, the entire southwest is taken over by illegal aliens. Obama and Bush did nothing.

You mistated your position. According to you facts aren't facts. So those who condemned Michelle Obama for not mentioning her husband also putting kids in cages were wrongly slamming her because Obama did nothing?
Tens of millions of illegal aliens got here how? They got here when? That is right, the answer is under obama, bush, clinton, bush, illegally.
300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.
Congress declared that some materials couldn't be used in building the wall.
One of them was concrete.
I couldn't find this anywhere. Got a link?
You probably didn't look very hard.
The Dems threatened him with a resolution putting a requirement on $5.7 billion in funding for that wall that concrete could not be used in the wall itself. They wanted to redefine what it was and how it would be built. They wanted to be able to call it a fence instead of a wall. Trump has been using emergency funds to build the wall because the Democrat House wouldn't fund it.
It's no small wonder that this fact has been covered up. Politifact tried to cover it up by claiming it never happened..or that Democrats didn't demand steel..even though the discussion took place and was an attempt by the Democrats to call the wall a fence.

The problem is Politicfact lied...and later admitted in the story that Democrats wanted the wall built only with "Existing Technology" which means they tried to define how it was built and refused to allow a concrete wall.

The claim was that Congress declared that cement could not be used. You are saying that the Democrats in the House threatened a resolution that would say that. (which also wouldn't actually do anything).

So I suppose Congress never declared that cement could not be used.
Look what you did to the cities. What the hell is wrong with you?

I'm not the one ignoring the tens of thousand employers attracting and hiring illegals.

Pulling numbers out of the air again? Tens of thousands?

The employers who do knowingly hire illegals also know the penalties for doing so are very lenient. Now that your people are in charge of writing laws, tell them to change it so the penalties are severe.

The laws are already in place. Trump has the ability to enforce them.

No, because prosecutors do that job--not the President.

There are very serious risks and potential penalties for any employer that knowingly hires undocumented immigrants. The key word in that last sentence, however, is “knowingly.” As an employer, it is your responsibility to put forth a good faith effort to ensure anyone you hire is authorized to work in the US through proper I-9 compliance, but you are not required to be an document expert or special investigator for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). In fact, you could even get into trouble for discriminatory hiring practices if you are overzealous in trying to discover if a potential employee is authorized to work in the US.

If you are found to have knowingly or negligently hired undocumented employees to work for your company, you could face severe civil and criminal penalties. You are also at risk if you discover that an employee is not authorized to work in the US and you continue their employment. First offenders face civil fines ranging from $375 to $3,200 per illegal worker.

Becoming a multiple-offender severely compounds the potential penalties. A second-time offender will be fined between $3,200 and $6,500 per worker, while a third offense will cost you between $4,300 and $16,000 per worker.

So the bottom line for any prosecutor is to prove that the employer knowingly hired an illegal worker. How does one go about doing that?

Trump picks the AG who is over this. They are doing nothing. Absolutely nothing.

What do you want him to do? Again, you need evidence to prove that an employer knowingly hired illegal workers. How does one do that?

We have the evidence. Even if we didn't (which we do) we know for certain that thousands of businesses are hiring illegals. They could be busted left and right but none ever are.

They are busted all the time and always were.

No they aren't.
Who paid for it again?

The Wannabe dictator had to declare a pseudo National Emergency so he could divert funds allocated to the Military because he lacks the deal making skills necessary to be the POTUS.

Worst American President ever.
300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.
bush and obama, ha, ha, they were a wall opposed to any border security

Obama voted for the wall. Bush signed it.

H.R. 6061 (109th): Secure Fence Act of 2006 -- Senate Vote #262 -- Sep 29, 2006
links dont mean shit

facts are facts, the entire southwest is taken over by illegal aliens. Obama and Bush did nothing.

You mistated your position. According to you facts aren't facts. So those who condemned Michelle Obama for not mentioning her husband also putting kids in cages were wrongly slamming her because Obama did nothing?
Tens of millions of illegal aliens got here how? They got here when? That is right, the answer is under obama, bush, clinton, bush, illegally.

Not complete.

hey got here when? That is right, the answer is under obama, bush, clinton, bush, and Trump illegally.
By the way: Is someone legally on the territory where today the USA is - except Red Indians from different nations?
300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.

Call it a fence, call it a wall, call it a fricken rail, no one really long as it helps deter your friends and relatives from crossing the border illegally.

That's the funniest part. Most of the undocumented workers come across the border crossings or they fly.
Who paid for it again?

The Wannabe dictator had to declare a pseudo National Emergency so he could divert funds allocated to the Military because he lacks the deal making skills necessary to be the POTUS.

Worst American President ever.

It takes two to Tango. You can't deal with anybody that doesn't want to deal with you. Look at the stimulus bill. The Democrats passed a 3 trillion dollar pork bill, and the Republicans countered with a 1 trillion dollar bill. They wouldn't even talk about it. They packed their bags and went home.
Her music is are others.......

Who else is like her?

PS: Today died out in Africa the virus, which had caused poliomyelitis in Africa. Since three years no one in Africa had polio any longer. That's great, isn't it?
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Who paid for it again?

The Wannabe dictator had to declare a pseudo National Emergency so he could divert funds allocated to the Military because he lacks the deal making skills necessary to be the POTUS.

Worst American President ever.

It takes two to Tango. You can't deal with anybody that doesn't want to deal with you. Look at the stimulus bill. The Democrats passed a 3 trillion dollar pork bill, and the Republicans countered with a 1 trillion dollar bill. They wouldn't even talk about it. They packed their bags and went home.

That use to be the case, when there is a stalemate the legislation is stalled. Now a president just has to declare a National Emergency to access extra Constitutional authority necessary to force his/her agenda over legislative hurtles. Well as long as he has enough votes to block any congressional remedies,
300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.
Congress declared that some materials couldn't be used in building the wall.
One of them was concrete.
I couldn't find this anywhere. Got a link?
You probably didn't look very hard.
The Dems threatened him with a resolution putting a requirement on $5.7 billion in funding for that wall that concrete could not be used in the wall itself. They wanted to redefine what it was and how it would be built. They wanted to be able to call it a fence instead of a wall. Trump has been using emergency funds to build the wall because the Democrat House wouldn't fund it.
It's no small wonder that this fact has been covered up. Politifact tried to cover it up by claiming it never happened..or that Democrats didn't demand steel..even though the discussion took place and was an attempt by the Democrats to call the wall a fence.

The problem is Politicfact lied...and later admitted in the story that Democrats wanted the wall built only with "Existing Technology" which means they tried to define how it was built and refused to allow a concrete wall.

The claim was that Congress declared that cement could not be used. You are saying that the Democrats in the House threatened a resolution that would say that. (which also wouldn't actually do anything).

So I suppose Congress never declared that cement could not be used.
Yes they did...they wouldn't release the funds.
So call it what you want.
They wanted to be able to say it was a fence.
They wouldn't even admit later that they wanted the "Fence" to be made of any solid material.
They just told everyone later that existing technology must be used.
That sounds like they were making demands on what it could be made of.
But most Democrat apologists like yourself can never admit the truth unless your masters say you can say it first.
Nonsense. First off all, Impeached Trump's wall is steel columns filled with concrete. Secondly, Impeached Trump claims he went with bollard fencing because that's what border patrol wanted.
300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.
You're a terribly undignified loser, but I guess that is part-and-parcel of being a sleazebag.
I notice you didn't refute a single word he said.....

Instead, you just threw a tantrum like a bitch
Calling Trump's fence a wall is an open and prime example of his fraud on America. Talk about bait and switch! Only morons and brainwashed fools would view a metal fence as a wall.
It’s a steel and concrete wall , you ignoramus
It's a fence. You are gullible and easy to scam, I am not.
300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.
You're a terribly undignified loser, but I guess that is part-and-parcel of being a sleazebag.
I notice you didn't refute a single word he said.....

Instead, you just threw a tantrum like a bitch
Calling Trump's fence a wall is an open and prime example of his fraud on America. Talk about bait and switch! Only morons and brainwashed fools would view a metal fence as a wall.
It’s a steel and concrete wall , you ignoramus
It's a fence. You are gullible and easy to scam, I am not.
its massive and steel peon
300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.
You're a terribly undignified loser, but I guess that is part-and-parcel of being a sleazebag.
I notice you didn't refute a single word he said.....

Instead, you just threw a tantrum like a bitch
Calling Trump's fence a wall is an open and prime example of his fraud on America. Talk about bait and switch! Only morons and brainwashed fools would view a metal fence as a wall.
It’s a steel and concrete wall , you ignoramus
It's a fence. You are gullible and easy to scam, I am not.
its massive and steel peon
Bridges are massive steel and concrete but we don't call them walls. We call them bridges.
Who paid for it again?

The Wannabe dictator had to declare a pseudo National Emergency so he could divert funds allocated to the Military because he lacks the deal making skills necessary to be the POTUS.

Worst American President ever.

It takes two to Tango. You can't deal with anybody that doesn't want to deal with you. Look at the stimulus bill. The Democrats passed a 3 trillion dollar pork bill, and the Republicans countered with a 1 trillion dollar bill. They wouldn't even talk about it. They packed their bags and went home.

That use to be the case, when there is a stalemate the legislation is stalled. Now a president just has to declare a National Emergency to access extra Constitutional authority necessary to force his/her agenda over legislative hurtles. Well as long as he has enough votes to block any congressional remedies,

His EO would have not been constitutional, and I can't imaging any court that would have ruled in his favor. But this is American politics you know. The MSM is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party.

Can you name one time where a government shutdown was blamed on the Democrats? Of course not. If it's a Republican President with a Democrat Congress,. they blame the Republican President. If it's a Democrat President with a Republican House, they blame the Republican House.

Trump is learning how to play the game. If he allowed the Democrats to walk away no questions asked, the MSM would be blaming Trump for help not getting to the American people. So Trump turned the tables on them. He said if the Democrats don't pass a bill, he'd issue an EO to do it for them, and that's what brought them back to the table because their original plan failed.
300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.
You're a terribly undignified loser, but I guess that is part-and-parcel of being a sleazebag.
I notice you didn't refute a single word he said.....

Instead, you just threw a tantrum like a bitch
Calling Trump's fence a wall is an open and prime example of his fraud on America. Talk about bait and switch! Only morons and brainwashed fools would view a metal fence as a wall.
It’s a steel and concrete wall , you ignoramus
It's a fence. You are gullible and easy to scam, I am not.
its massive and steel peon
Bridges are massive steel and concrete but we don't call them walls. We call them bridges.
Are you that much of a buffoon ??
Many things are made from steel and concrete
Just rotate a bridge - then you have a wall barrier
300 miles of replacement fencing. All the fencing fraudulently being called a "Wall" was originally built by Bush and Obama and replaced. Only a few miles, 6 specifically, are new fencing. None of it is a concrete wall as promised. Trump's wall is a hoax.
You're a terribly undignified loser, but I guess that is part-and-parcel of being a sleazebag.
I notice you didn't refute a single word he said.....

Instead, you just threw a tantrum like a bitch
Calling Trump's fence a wall is an open and prime example of his fraud on America. Talk about bait and switch! Only morons and brainwashed fools would view a metal fence as a wall.
It’s a steel and concrete wall , you ignoramus
It's a fence. You are gullible and easy to scam, I am not.
A sleaze and an idiot is a pretty formidable proposition at any time:

Cambridge Dictionary:

noun [ C ]


/fens/ US


fence noun [C] (STRUCTURE)
a structure that divides two areas of land, similar to a wall but made of wood or wire and supported with posts

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