Trump eyes closing the whole border update Tijuana calls for international aid


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Update: Shortly after Trump’s proposed ultimatum, the mayor of Tijuana officially declared the migrant surge an international humanitarian crisis and called on groups like the United Nations for help. The mayor blamed the poor response of the Mexican federal government as the reason for his decision.
Trump Eyes Closing “The Whole Border” – Update: Tijuana Mayor Calls for International Aid

Oh he must want that because the people coming in are so filled with love, sunshine, and lollipops. They will help fill the American dumbass liberals with even more dreamy lies . Oh but wait the sheep will think it's really true how love is spread by breaking the economic societies placing them upon the people of working class.

Watch the crimes skyrockets, hey antifa assholes why don't you go live down there for while maybe the reality world will wake you morons up. You will see what you beg for is what you see in front of your faces collapse asses.
exactly what needs to be done
again, Trump shows common sense/what needed to be done DECADES ago
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Caravan Migrants Overwhelm Tijuana Shelter
The cost in terms of money and human misery needs to be assessed by competent people skilled in diplomacy. Keep Trump out of it, and we can solve the crisis at our Southern Border.

What is the cost of sending thousands of our active military to the border with Mexico? I suspect this money could be put to better use by working with Mexico and the Central American Governments along with identifiable leaders within the caravan of migrants.

Once again Trump bellicose language, inexperience and lack of empathy has created greater impasses with our neighbors to the south, as he has to our long term allies in Europe and Asia.
The invasion needs to be repelled and the invaders sent back to their homes.

That will solve the problem. Round up the organizers of these caravans, Puebla Sin Fronteras and Angels Without Borders and give them mandatory prison sentences of 20 years. That will solve the problem.
Mexico is getting some Karma for encouraging this..................Tijuana is getting flooded and no one wants to come down there and spend money with this going on..............

Enough talk, do it already.
Beginning to think that Trump is all talk and no action
Enough talk, do it already.
Beginning to think that Trump is all talk and no action
The fact that they are stacking up there and not getting in is a huge change from past Presidents..........but there are limits to what he can legally do given the loop holes in the law.
The cost in terms of money and human misery needs to be assessed by competent people skilled in diplomacy. Keep Trump out of it, and we can solve the crisis at our Southern Border.

What is the cost of sending thousands of our active military to the border with Mexico? I suspect this money could be put to better use by working with Mexico and the Central American Governments along with identifiable leaders within the caravan of migrants.

Once again Trump bellicose language, inexperience and lack of empathy has created greater impasses with our neighbors to the south, as he has to our long term allies in Europe and Asia.
So blame Trump instead of the law breakers that want to cross the boarder illegally? Got it, they deserve nothing.
The cost in terms of money and human misery needs to be assessed by competent people skilled in diplomacy. Keep Trump out of it, and we can solve the crisis at our Southern Border.

What is the cost of sending thousands of our active military to the border with Mexico? I suspect this money could be put to better use by working with Mexico and the Central American Governments along with identifiable leaders within the caravan of migrants.

Once again Trump bellicose language, inexperience and lack of empathy has created greater impasses with our neighbors to the south, as he has to our long term allies in Europe and Asia.

So blame Trump instead of the law breakers that want to cross the boarder illegally? Got it, they deserve nothing.

You have no clue, and post out of ignorance. They want to immigrate to the United States, and the United States has policies on how that should be done. Yet under Trump, the policy has been superseded by Trump's ego and orders to detain those who are seeking asylum, including mothers being separated from their children.

We have immigration laws on the books, we have polices to deal with migrants seeking a save haven. These policies have not been violated by the majority of those waiting at the border, and the issue of aliens entering the United States has been on going issue for decades.

Sadly Trump has made this a campaign issue, and he has done nothing to solve the issue, he has exacerbated the issue with his bellicose rhetoric, separation of parents from their children and recently issued a "policy" to allow for lethal force by our military.
If parents do not want to be separated from their children they can stay home. They have not been invited here.

The invaders have been carefully coached on just what to say. What they really want is money.
The cost in terms of money and human misery needs to be assessed by competent people skilled in diplomacy. Keep Trump out of it, and we can solve the crisis at our Southern Border.

What is the cost of sending thousands of our active military to the border with Mexico? I suspect this money could be put to better use by working with Mexico and the Central American Governments along with identifiable leaders within the caravan of migrants.

Once again Trump bellicose language, inexperience and lack of empathy has created greater impasses with our neighbors to the south, as he has to our long term allies in Europe and Asia.

So blame Trump instead of the law breakers that want to cross the boarder illegally? Got it, they deserve nothing.

You have no clue, and post out of ignorance. They want to immigrate to the United States, and the United States has policies on how that should be done. Yet under Trump, the policy has been superseded by Trump's ego and orders to detain those who are seeking asylum, including mothers being separated from their children.

We have immigration laws on the books, we have polices to deal with migrants seeking a save haven. These policies have not been violated by the majority of those waiting at the border, and the issue of aliens entering the United States has been on going issue for decades.

Sadly Trump has made this a campaign issue, and he has done nothing to solve the issue, he has exacerbated the issue with his bellicose rhetoric, separation of parents from their children and recently issued a "policy" to allow for lethal force by our military.
Used to be seeking aslyum was very difficult, but Obama changed that. He made it easy, and the benefits they get are better than any american gets. But ole Obama lied to you.

You want to call him a racist now? Anyway we should take care of all of our vetrans before we consider letting anyone wanting aslyum.
For the Record: It is necessary for us to secure our borders, but what Trump is all about is not proper.

See: Analysis | President Trump’s claim that Democrats created ‘catch and release’ policies
The Release on bond issue was settled in the Supreme Court. The Supreme court said illegals don't have a right to a bond hearing and can be held indefinitely while awaiting a court date...........

This means they will no longer be released awaiting a court date that too many never show up for anyway. The reason they don't show is that the success rate is very they get in.........don't show up and blend into society..............Only matters then if they get caught.............Children can only be held 20 days..........if no relative can take them in awaiting hearings then they go over to HHS for a place to live...............

The Bond hearing in SCOTUS most definitely overturned what previous administrations did.
Supreme Court backs Donald Trump on illegal immigrant detention

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