Trump demands SC judge Ginsberg resign after she attacks him.

Yes, it did.
cite it in the decision.

if the decision hinged on rape why does it apply to all women?
I'm not interested in arguing the case with you, I'm just responding to Bro's comment and stating facts. Feel free to dig up as many articles as you want but I'm not gonna spend the next hour arguing with you. This thread is not about Roe vs Wade.
what you are doing is lying and then dodging when called on it. this thread isnt about roe v wade, but that doesn't mean you should get to lie unchallenged
it's off topic. SJ is responding appropriately.
with lies? if he thought it was off topic the time to complain was before lying about the decision, not after
I didn't lie about the decision. I'm sorry if you have trouble understanding comments above a third grade level. You might fair better in a debate or discussion if you spent less time trying to put words in other people's mouths and concentrated on making your case legitimately. But then again, if you did that, you would lose on substance. Sucks to be in your position.
Actually all cases that Darth Bader has voted on should be re-evaluated. What a creepy, delusional individual Darth Bader who should never have been appointed by Slick Willie. Half her butthurtness is that some jewish lawyer declined to offer her a job when she got out of law school. She claimed it was because of gender, but it was obviously because she is an ugly individual. "Ugly" can be added to the alphabet soup thus, the LGBTU community needs more rights over your freedom of association!
cite it in the decision.

if the decision hinged on rape why does it apply to all women?
I'm not interested in arguing the case with you, I'm just responding to Bro's comment and stating facts. Feel free to dig up as many articles as you want but I'm not gonna spend the next hour arguing with you. This thread is not about Roe vs Wade.
what you are doing is lying and then dodging when called on it. this thread isnt about roe v wade, but that doesn't mean you should get to lie unchallenged
it's off topic. SJ is responding appropriately.
with lies? if he thought it was off topic the time to complain was before lying about the decision, not after
I didn't lie about the decision.
yes, you did
People who have lost relatives to people like Trump can say what they like. That isn't political. It's about survival.
She apologized but the damage is done. Can't put the stink back in the sewer.
Republicans want to change the constitution. They insist Obama is only president for three years and not four.
Yea, deciding the president only gets to serve three out of four years. Oh wait, that was the GOP.

Utter contempt for not only the constitution, but for the will of the majority of the American People. No wonder they let Bin Laden go.

That Obammy spends a quarter of his time golfing is not the fault of the GOP, sploogy.
Republicans want to change the constitution. They insist Obama is only president for three years and not four.

So you're one of the forum's liars. Got it.
What lie? Obama was elected for four years. It's his constitutional duty to nominate someone for a Supreme Court vacancy. Republicans said he's not given the fourth year. That's only for the first three.

That's a constitutional rewrite nitwit. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Republicans want to change the constitution. They insist Obama is only president for three years and not four.

Lying doesn't help you.

When are you going to learn this?


1 President, 1 pansy.
I agree. A pansy will dance and have fun at a solemn funeral. It's called Grave Dancing.

Or laughing and taking selfies at Nelson Mandela's funeral?


He was buried indoors?

Did I say "burial"? No, I said "funeral". Know the difference? Apparently not.
Judges aren't supposed to get into politics. This deserves to be a huge scandal but the press has buried it to help hillary.

'Resign!' Trump Fires Back at Justice Ginsburg - NBC News

july 12 2016 Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump fired back at Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg after she expressed fear over a Trump presidency in interviews.

In a tweet, Trump called Ginsburg's public statements in recent days "dumb" and said "Her mind is shot - resign!"

In interviews with the New York Times and Associated Press, Ginsburg took the unusual step for a justice of weighing in on a candidate in a presidential election year.

"I can't imagine what this place would be — I can't imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president," Ginsburg told the Times in an interview posted online on Sunday.

"For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be — I don't even want to contemplate that," she said, joking that her husband, who died in 2010, would have said, "'Now it's time for us to move to New Zealand.'

but he's insane and she isn't going anywhere.

did alito resign when he called the president a liar?

did scalia and thomas resign when they spoke at a dinner given by citizens united while they wee hearing the case?

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