Trump Campaign Paid Researchers To Prove 2020 Fraud But Kept Findings Secret


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Just one more giant hole in the Big Lie which shows Trump knew he lost the election. Trump paid a research firm to prove he won the election, and they were unable to find a shred of evidence to back up any of his claims.

Trump then chose to hide these facts from the public.

Trump lied, people died. Their blood in on his hands.

The findings from Berkeley were among the many streams of information after the election that showed Trump he lost. According to testimony presented to the Jan. 6 committee, Trump was repeatedly told by advisers that he did not win the election but continued to cast about for others who would entertain his theories and say that he had won. Dozens of judges — including many Trump appointees — rejected his campaign’s attempts to challenge election results in court.

Trump has continued to spread false claims that he won the election, frustrating some of his advisers who wish he would move to a forward-looking message as part of his 2024 bid to reclaim the presidency.
Your source is the now dismantled Jan 6th committee made up of liberals who hate Trump?

Got anything more credible? Like a fresh pile of dog shit?

There is no evidence that you'll accept on anything. We've given you credible and you call it lies, "made up of liberals who hate Trump". Thinking the man is a stupid, dangerous loser isn't "hating" Trump. It's facing reality. Something you would be wise to do.
Pay close attention: There was no fraud.

But the election was stolen.

By focusing on fraud, which probably occurred, but was not provable, the theft has eluded detection of the theft by casual observers. Here is how the election was stolen:

(A) Armies of Leftist lawyers worked in large cities in the Swing States to cook the rules, often in violation of state laws and even, in PA's case, the state Constitution. Using the Pandemic as a justification, they made it possible for flawed, incomplete, and otherwise defective mail-in ballots to be counted at the discretion of poll workers. Thousands of votes that had improper signatures, defective markings on the envelopes, and dubious signatures were counted. And they were immediately mixed with valid votes, so that they could never be traced.

(B) Massive numbers of "volunteers" went out, beat the bushes in ghettoes, homeless encampments, nursing homes, etc., manufacturing votes in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Cleveland, etc. These volunteers were paid for by Leftist billionaires ("Zuckerbucks") , and illegally assigned to work in predominantly Democrat precincts to accumulate as many Democrat votes as possible. Scores of ballot boxes were planted in strategic locations, and these manufactured (though possibly legal) votes were deposited by these operatives (and caught on camera...See "2,000 Mules").

(C) Of course, the Hunter Biden laptop, contained massive evidence of wrongdoing by Candidate Biden's son and brother, and strong evidence of participation by Joe Biden, both while he was VP and after. The FBI, Justice Department, and the entire Leftist Media hid and suppressed this blockbuster story - as they continue to do - which would have changed the results of the election had it been handled ethically by all.

No provable fraud, but the election was nevertheless stolen.

As always, Trump is right and everyone else is wrong. Or lying.
Your source is the now dismantled Jan 6th committee made up of liberals who hate Trump?

One doesn't need 'hating Trump' to recognize the multiple reports that DTrump was told repeatedly by people who worked for him, and were paid by him, that he had lost fair and square.

And, adding nuance to the OP's initial post, is the important 'report' that explained to the guy who paid for it -- Dtrump -- why he lost. And that report didn't come from any "Jan 6th Committee".
It came from DTrump's long time, long relied upon, privately paid.....pollster, Tony Fabrizio.

Fabrizio told Trump that he lost because too many people didn't trust him, and too many people thought he was incompetent.

Neither finding is implausible. Both findings are credible.
Both findings fall in the ..."Well, duh!" category.

But Trump still inflicted upon our America the corrosive mantra of a 'stolen election'.....and that he is a victim of chicanery. He willfully damaged America's trust in it's foundational democratic identity --- a free and fair election.

Don Trump needs to be held accountable for the damage he has done to America.


"Trump pollster's campaign autopsy paints damning picture of defeat
The 27-page report pins Trump's loss on voter perception that he was untrustworthy and disapproval of his pandemic performance."
No provable fraud, but the election was nevertheless stolen. As always, Trump is right and everyone else is wrong. Or lying.

"As always, Trump is right..." ??
OK, you be you; however.......

However there is and has been a huge body of reportage, audits, re-counts, hand-counts......that suggest you and Don Trump ain't "right".

But let's go back to the OP's commentary on that WaPo reportage of the research firm hired by the Trump campaign (to the tune of $600,000) go find evidence of the stolen election. They didn't find Trump and his enablers decided to shelve those findings and not reveal them.

Here's the you can read it yourself.

But if you don't wanna do that...or there is a paywall, well, here is a taster of that resportage:
(my avatar highlighted some sentences with ...'bolding')


"Former president Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign commissioned an outside research firm in a bid to prove electoral-fraud claims but never released the findings because the firm disputed many of his theories and could not offer any proof that he was the rightful winner of the election, according to four people familiar with the matter."

“They looked at everything: change of addresses, illegal immigrants, ballot harvesting, people voting twice, machines being tampered with, ballots that were sent to vacant addresses that were returned and voted,” said a person familiar with the work who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private research and meetings. “Literally anything you could think of. Voter turnout anomalies, date of birth anomalies, whether dead people voted. If there was anything under the sun that could be thought of, they looked at it.”

"The findings were not what the Trump campaign had been hoping for, according to the four people. While the researchers believed there were voting anomalies and unusual data patterns in a few states, along with some instances in which laws may have been skirted,
they did not believe the anomalies were significant enough to make a difference in who won the election."

A person familiar with the findings said there were at least a dozen hypotheses that Trump’s team wanted tested.
“None of these were significant enough,” this person said. “Just like any election, there are always errors, omissions and irregularities.
It was nowhere close enough to what they wanted to prove, and it actually went in both directions.”

A spokesperson for Berkeley Research Group said, “Our experts provide independent and objective factual analysis and as a matter of firm policy, we do not comment on client engagements or on privileged and confidential matters.”

"The findings from Berkeley were among the many streams of information after the election that showed Trump he lost. .........Trump was repeatedly told by advisers that he did not win the election but continued to cast about for others who would entertain his theories and say that he had won. "

(See my commentary in my next post following this one)
From my post above:

"The findings from Berkeley were among the many streams of information after the election that showed Trump he lost. .........Trump was repeatedly told by advisers that he did not win the election but continued to cast about for others who would entertain his theories and say that he had won. "

"Many streams of information".
Some of them actually paid for by the Trump campaign treasury. This Berkeley research for one, ($600,000), the research by Trump's very own long-time pollster, Tony Fabrizio, mentioned earlier, and in the Politico link below, is another.


So, my beef with the continued shrilling and shilling of the 'stolen election' is that Trump and his enablers knew differently. They knew.
They knew...or should have known, given what their own experts revealed.....that the 'stolen election' was a myth. Was a lie.

Yet they continued to shill for it. Promote it. Advance it. Profit from it.

For money? The J6 Committee raised that issue in that Trump raised a couple hundred million with his 'Stolen' messaging.

To salve his fragile ego? There is reportage that that was not a small part of it.

Whatever the reason for promoting this damaged America.
It undercut Americans' ....and many in the in our foundational democratic structure of free and fair elections. the long-term and most corrosive and mendacious aspect of Don Trump's behavior when he was POTUS.
The damage will take years to repair.

Don Trump....and his enablers.....must be held accountable to the American citizenry for the damage they did to our America. And to our governance.

Just one more giant hole in the Big Lie which shows Trump knew he lost the election. Trump paid a research firm to prove he won the election, and they were unable to find a shred of evidence to back up any of his claims.

Trump then chose to hide these facts from the public.

Trump lied, people died. Their blood in on his hands.

The findings from Berkeley were among the many streams of information after the election that showed Trump he lost. According to testimony presented to the Jan. 6 committee, Trump was repeatedly told by advisers that he did not win the election but continued to cast about for others who would entertain his theories and say that he had won. Dozens of judges — including many Trump appointees — rejected his campaign’s attempts to challenge election results in court.

Trump has continued to spread false claims that he won the election, frustrating some of his advisers who wish he would move to a forward-looking message as part of his 2024 bid to reclaim the presidency.
Trump knew. His staff knew. His orbit knew. The politicians knew. The politicos knew. The pundits knew. But the grift of the rubes is all that mattered.

And the rubes STILL fuckin’ believe it.
The Berkeley Research Group's findings were squashed because they did not align with Trump's election lies.

A research firm investigated Donald Trump’s assertion that the presidential election was fraudulent, but its findings were suppressed because they found nothing to support his claims, The Washington Post reported citing four sources familiar with the matter.

The Berkeley Research Group, hired by the former president’s 2020 campaign, gathered a team of around a dozen people to look into alleged voter fraud and irregularities in six states, according to the Post.

The team reportedly briefed Trump, his former chief of staff Mark Meadows and others on a conference call held in the last days of 2020 — before Trump held a rally urging his supporters to march on the Capitol preceding the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection. The call reportedly became contentious.

But the researchers had looked at “everything,” one source told the Post.

Literally anything you could think of. Voter turnout anomalies, date of birth anomalies, whether dead people voted. If there was anything under the sun that could be thought of, they looked at it,” the source said.

Not even a group hired by the Traitor and Cabal Mindless Minions found proof of Election Fraud....
The Berkeley Research Group's findings were squashed because they did not align with Trump's election lies.

A research firm investigated Donald Trump’s assertion that the presidential election was fraudulent, but its findings were suppressed because they found nothing to support his claims, The Washington Post reported citing four sources familiar with the matter.

The Berkeley Research Group, hired by the former president’s 2020 campaign, gathered a team of around a dozen people to look into alleged voter fraud and irregularities in six states, according to the Post.

The team reportedly briefed Trump, his former chief of staff Mark Meadows and others on a conference call held in the last days of 2020 — before Trump held a rally urging his supporters to march on the Capitol preceding the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection. The call reportedly became contentious.

But the researchers had looked at “everything,” one source told the Post.

Literally anything you could think of. Voter turnout anomalies, date of birth anomalies, whether dead people voted. If there was anything under the sun that could be thought of, they looked at it,” the source said.

Not even a group hired by the Traitor and Cabal Mindless Minions found proof of Election Fraud....

Translation: We got him now, for the 512,083rd time!


Proving you'll buy any lie if it reinforces what you already believe.

Unlike Trumps lie…

2020 had the most people vote, most recounts, most audits of procedures, most unfounded legal challenges
ALL proving a well run and honest election

Now, Trumps attempt to hire someone to find dirt, came up with NOTHING
They would not even release the results

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