Trump boasts that he has much higher TV ratings than Lincoln!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)ā€”In his latest attack on the nationā€™s sixteenth President, Donald Trump boasted on Saturday that his television ratings were ā€œmuch higherā€ than Abraham Lincolnā€™s.​
ā€œIf you put my TV ratings side by side with Lincolnā€™s, thereā€™s no comparison,ā€ Trump told Fox News. ā€œHonest Abe would want me to be honest about it, and, honestly, his ratings were terrible.ā€​
Trump argued that Lincolnā€™s television ratings were especially poor ā€œwhen you consider that he didnā€™t have to compete with Netflix and Amazon, like I have to.ā€​
ā€œAbraham Lincoln had zero competition and he still couldnā€™t get a decent number,ā€ Trump said. ā€œHe might have been O.K. at some other things, but he was a total loser on TV.ā€​
Theorizing about Lincolnā€™s poor ratings performance, Trump mused that ā€œit might have been the beard.ā€​
ā€œPeople donā€™t like to look at people with beards on TV,ā€ he said. ā€œTom Selleck has a mustache, but thatā€™s different. If I was advising Lincoln, I would say, ā€˜Abe, lose the beard. Itā€™s making you look like a joker.ā€™ I wish I had been alive back then. I could have given Lincoln all kinds of good advice. Itā€™s sad how bad he was.ā€​


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)ā€”In his latest attack on the nationā€™s sixteenth President, Donald Trump boasted on Saturday that his television ratings were ā€œmuch higherā€ than Abraham Lincolnā€™s.​
ā€œIf you put my TV ratings side by side with Lincolnā€™s, thereā€™s no comparison,ā€ Trump told Fox News. ā€œHonest Abe would want me to be honest about it, and, honestly, his ratings were terrible.ā€​
Trump argued that Lincolnā€™s television ratings were especially poor ā€œwhen you consider that he didnā€™t have to compete with Netflix and Amazon, like I have to.ā€​
ā€œAbraham Lincoln had zero competition and he still couldnā€™t get a decent number,ā€ Trump said. ā€œHe might have been O.K. at some other things, but he was a total loser on TV.ā€​
Theorizing about Lincolnā€™s poor ratings performance, Trump mused that ā€œit might have been the beard.ā€​
ā€œPeople donā€™t like to look at people with beards on TV,ā€ he said. ā€œTom Selleck has a mustache, but thatā€™s different. If I was advising Lincoln, I would say, ā€˜Abe, lose the beard. Itā€™s making you look like a joker.ā€™ I wish I had been alive back then. I could have given Lincoln all kinds of good advice. Itā€™s sad how bad he was.ā€​

Lunacy at its best.
I love the old black and white TV shows of Lincoln.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)ā€”In his latest attack on the nationā€™s sixteenth President, Donald Trump boasted on Saturday that his television ratings were ā€œmuch higherā€ than Abraham Lincolnā€™s.​
ā€œIf you put my TV ratings side by side with Lincolnā€™s, thereā€™s no comparison,ā€ Trump told Fox News. ā€œHonest Abe would want me to be honest about it, and, honestly, his ratings were terrible.ā€​
Trump argued that Lincolnā€™s television ratings were especially poor ā€œwhen you consider that he didnā€™t have to compete with Netflix and Amazon, like I have to.ā€​
ā€œAbraham Lincoln had zero competition and he still couldnā€™t get a decent number,ā€ Trump said. ā€œHe might have been O.K. at some other things, but he was a total loser on TV.ā€​
Theorizing about Lincolnā€™s poor ratings performance, Trump mused that ā€œit might have been the beard.ā€​
ā€œPeople donā€™t like to look at people with beards on TV,ā€ he said. ā€œTom Selleck has a mustache, but thatā€™s different. If I was advising Lincoln, I would say, ā€˜Abe, lose the beard. Itā€™s making you look like a joker.ā€™ I wish I had been alive back then. I could have given Lincoln all kinds of good advice. Itā€™s sad how bad he was.ā€​

He does, I saw Lincolns numbers and he ain't got zip on Trump.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)ā€”In his latest attack on the nationā€™s sixteenth President, Donald Trump boasted on Saturday that his television ratings were ā€œmuch higherā€ than Abraham Lincolnā€™s.​
ā€œIf you put my TV ratings side by side with Lincolnā€™s, thereā€™s no comparison,ā€ Trump told Fox News. ā€œHonest Abe would want me to be honest about it, and, honestly, his ratings were terrible.ā€​
Trump argued that Lincolnā€™s television ratings were especially poor ā€œwhen you consider that he didnā€™t have to compete with Netflix and Amazon, like I have to.ā€​
ā€œAbraham Lincoln had zero competition and he still couldnā€™t get a decent number,ā€ Trump said. ā€œHe might have been O.K. at some other things, but he was a total loser on TV.ā€​
Theorizing about Lincolnā€™s poor ratings performance, Trump mused that ā€œit might have been the beard.ā€​
ā€œPeople donā€™t like to look at people with beards on TV,ā€ he said. ā€œTom Selleck has a mustache, but thatā€™s different. If I was advising Lincoln, I would say, ā€˜Abe, lose the beard. Itā€™s making you look like a joker.ā€™ I wish I had been alive back then. I could have given Lincoln all kinds of good advice. Itā€™s sad how bad he was.ā€​

I have higher TV ratings than Lincoln....I'm not sure about Washington.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)ā€”In his latest attack on the nationā€™s sixteenth President, Donald Trump boasted on Saturday that his television ratings were ā€œmuch higherā€ than Abraham Lincolnā€™s.​
ā€œIf you put my TV ratings side by side with Lincolnā€™s, thereā€™s no comparison,ā€ Trump told Fox News. ā€œHonest Abe would want me to be honest about it, and, honestly, his ratings were terrible.ā€​
Trump argued that Lincolnā€™s television ratings were especially poor ā€œwhen you consider that he didnā€™t have to compete with Netflix and Amazon, like I have to.ā€​
ā€œAbraham Lincoln had zero competition and he still couldnā€™t get a decent number,ā€ Trump said. ā€œHe might have been O.K. at some other things, but he was a total loser on TV.ā€​
Theorizing about Lincolnā€™s poor ratings performance, Trump mused that ā€œit might have been the beard.ā€​
ā€œPeople donā€™t like to look at people with beards on TV,ā€ he said. ā€œTom Selleck has a mustache, but thatā€™s different. If I was advising Lincoln, I would say, ā€˜Abe, lose the beard. Itā€™s making you look like a joker.ā€™ I wish I had been alive back then. I could have given Lincoln all kinds of good advice. Itā€™s sad how bad he was.ā€​

Ya think, dumbass? :auiqs.jpg:
I'd say so!

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)ā€”In his latest attack on the nationā€™s sixteenth President, Donald Trump boasted on Saturday that his television ratings were ā€œmuch higherā€ than Abraham Lincolnā€™s.​
ā€œIf you put my TV ratings side by side with Lincolnā€™s, thereā€™s no comparison,ā€ Trump told Fox News. ā€œHonest Abe would want me to be honest about it, and, honestly, his ratings were terrible.ā€​
Trump argued that Lincolnā€™s television ratings were especially poor ā€œwhen you consider that he didnā€™t have to compete with Netflix and Amazon, like I have to.ā€​
ā€œAbraham Lincoln had zero competition and he still couldnā€™t get a decent number,ā€ Trump said. ā€œHe might have been O.K. at some other things, but he was a total loser on TV.ā€​
Theorizing about Lincolnā€™s poor ratings performance, Trump mused that ā€œit might have been the beard.ā€​
ā€œPeople donā€™t like to look at people with beards on TV,ā€ he said. ā€œTom Selleck has a mustache, but thatā€™s different. If I was advising Lincoln, I would say, ā€˜Abe, lose the beard. Itā€™s making you look like a joker.ā€™ I wish I had been alive back then. I could have given Lincoln all kinds of good advice. Itā€™s sad how bad he was.ā€​

Lunacy at its best.
I love the old black and white TV shows of Lincoln.
Name one, faggot!
I can.. can you? Well, it's a given it wasn't the real Lincoln.
It was actually this Royal dude.
Trump is right. When half the States leave the union because of your election you can't claim to be very popular.

When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television...

Right, and this was an interview with Katie Couric on his campaign bus way back in September 2008. Biden was losing his facilities a long way back, not a recent thing!

Lunacy at its best.
I love the old black and white TV shows of Lincoln.

You're probably thinking of "Leave it to Lincoln" from the 60's. It featured a bearded 10 year old, his father Ward, mother June and older brother Wally.

One of my favorite characters was their goofy neighbor and antagonist Wilkes Booth Haskell.

Man, some of the antics that guy pulled were epic! :cool-45:

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Lunacy at its best.
I love the old black and white TV shows of Lincoln.

You're probably thinking of "Leave it to Lincoln" from the 60's. It featured a bearded 10 year old, his father Ward, mother June and older brother Wally.

One of my favorite characters was their goofy neighbor and antagonist Wilkes Booth Haskell.

Man, some of the antics that guy pulled were epic! :cool-45:

No, I wasn't thinking of Leave It To Beaver. I was trying to make a dumb joke.

God, Eddie Haskell was the most annoying fuck on black and white TV back in the day.
No, I wasn't thinking of Leave It To Beaver. I was trying to make a dumb joke.

God, Eddie Haskell was the most annoying fuck on black and white TV back in the day.

Your joke wasn't dumb - It was funny.

There was a dude like Eddie Haskell at my middle school. Got his nose punched in almost daily. :)

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